==================== What's new in 1.4.5 ==================== tofu 1.4.5 is a minor upgrade from 1.4.4 Main changes: ============= - Better portability #378 - Preparing for conda-forge #388 - Better documentation #384 - New bash command to get tofu version # 390 - More informative error messages - Better PEP8 compliance Detailed changes: ================= Installation / portability: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - default config txt files are now included in sdist #378 - License is now included in sdist (preparing for conda-forge) #388 scripts: ~~~~~~~~ - bash command tofu-version return version of currently installed tofu without loading tofu itself (read tofu/version.py, faster) #390 - More robust tofucalc and tofuplot, with less warnings #393 Geometry: ~~~~~~~~~ - New **DEMO 2019 configuration** available! #391 - New **TOMAS configuration** available! #391 IMAS interfacing: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - imas2tofu now provides tools for inspecting units from the dd_units tool Consequently it checks units when multi.calc_signal() is called to determine if a 4pi factor is necessary. Also, a user-provided corrective coefficient can be used. Also, time limts can be passed and events is usable as ids in tofuplot Also, events can be passed as time limits Also, a function provides a comparison between tofu and IMAS units #380 Documentation: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - More accurate name, version number and copyright in doc #384 Miscellaneous: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Better PEP8 compliance Contributors: ============= Many thanks to all developpers and contributors: - Didier Vezinet (@Didou09) - Laura Mendoza (@lasofivec) - Florian Le Bourdais (@flothesof) - Riccardo Ragona (@rragona) What's next (indicative): ========================= - Migrating from nosetests (ongoing for @lasofivec : issues #95 and #232) - Availability via conda-forge (ongoing for @flothesof: issues ) - Easier binary and source installs from pip and conda for all platforms, including unit tests on all platforms (ongoing for @lasofivec and @flothesof : issue #259) - Solid angles for Volume-Of-Sight and radiative heat loads computation (ongoing for @lasofivec : Issues #71, #72, #73, #74, #75, #76, #77, #78) - Tools and classes to handle 2D Bragg X-Ray crystal spectrometer (ongoing for @Didou09 : Issues #202 and #263) - Generic data class to incorporate plateau-finding, data analysis and 1d Bayesian fitting routines and classes (ongoing for @Didou09 and @jmoralesFusion and @MohammadKozeiha: issues #208, #260 and #262) - More general magnetic field line tracing workflow - Better unit tests coverage - More complete documentation List of PR merged into this release: ==================================== - PR: #378, #380, #384, #388, #390, #391, #393