==================== What's new in 1.4.3 ==================== Main changes: ============= - Python 2 not supported anymore - Several changes to try and make installation cleaner / easier - More robust IMAS interface #280, #317, #319, #336, #343, #350 - Better documentation, more ressources - More informative error messages - Better PEP8 compliance New features: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - New bash commands tofuplot, tofucalc and tofu-custom #345, #352, #353, #360 - New **AUG configuration** available! #333 - More complete CrystalBragg class #320 Detailed changes: ================= Installation / portability: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - travis test matrix #328 - Skipped deployment if package already detected, deploy bdist for Mac #293 - Bug corrected Cython vs cython #274 - pip install working, cleaned up setup.py, requirements.txt included #283 #299 #302 - More general path delimiters, corrected path in update_version #296 #315 - Bug fixed on Mac (due to wrong modulo operation) #323 - Debugged deployment and updating of version number #348 scripts: ~~~~~~~~ - Introduction of bash command line tools: tofuplot (for plotting IMAS data) tofucalc (for calculating synthetic signal) and tofu-custom for user-specific customization of tofu default parameters #345 - tofucalc also handles input_file and output_file in .mat format #352 - tofu-custom allows for cutomization of IMAS shortcuts #353 - tofu-custom allows for cutomization of script parameters #360 Exception / warnings: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - More details exception msg when loading wrong Config #327 - Better warning when a sub-package is not available #269 #270 - Warning added when gcc compiler < 8 used on Mac #268 - Better (more concise) warnings when unable to load data from IMAS #280 - Now warns if IMAS version loaded is not the latest available on the system #289 - Exception raised when poly ill-defined #332 Default configurations: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Asdex Upgrade added (AUG) #333 Geom classes (Struct, Config, CamLOS1D, CamLOS2D...): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Reformatted _GG.Poly_Order by _GG.format_poly #338 - get_summary() routine implemented for Struct and CamLOS2D #305 - Faster synthetic signal cmputation (calc_signal()) using method='sum' #308 #322 Plasma2D: ~~~~~~~~~ - Bug fixed in interpolation routine #279 - Now handles rectangular meshes #280 - Can now save/load Config to/from IMAS and indch_auto propagated #325 2D XRay spectrometer: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CrystalBragg ow has several geometry and data plotting methods useful for geometrical adjustments and spectrum visualization #320 IMAS interfacing: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - More robust MultiIDSLoader vs one-time-step signal #280 - Now loads rectangular meshes #280 - add_ids() now also works with idd handle #317 - It is now possible to add the ids corresponding to the synthetic diagnostics of an ids, and optionally to add them from a diffrent idd #319 - description_2d input argument propagated #336 - Automated selection of valiud channels (indch_auto=True) now more robust #343 - Updated signal for relectometer_profile #350 Documentation: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - New tutorials and link to release notes #273 #297 #300 #330 - Better badges on Github #278 - Better release notes #284 - Documentation page on bash command lines Miscellaneous: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Better PEP8 compliance #285 - Removed useless files #290 #324 - Minutes from meeting on 27.11.2019 added #291 - allow_pickle available to users #358 Contributors: ============= Many thanks to all developpers: - Didier Vezinet (@Didou09) - Laura Mendoza (@lasofivec) - Florian Le Bourdais (@flothesof) - Jack Hare (@harej) What's next (indicative): ========================= - Migrating from nosetests (ongoing for @lasofivec : issues #95 and #232 ) - Easier binary and source installs from pip and conda for all platforms, including unit tests on alla platforms (ongoing for @lasofivec and @flothesof : issue #92 and #259 ) - Solid angles for Volume-Of-Sight and radiative heat loads computation (ongoing for @lasofivec : Issues #71, #72, #73, #74, #75, #76, #77, #78 ) - Tools and classes to handle 2D Bragg X-Ray crystal spectrometer (ongoing for @Didou09 : Issues #202 and #263) - Generic data class to incorporate plateau-finding, data analysis and 1d Bayesian fitting routines and classes (ongoing for @Didou09 and @jmoralesFusion and @MohammadKozeiha: issues #208, #260 and #262) - More general magnetic field line tracing workflow - Better unit tests coverage - More complete documentation List of PR merged into this release: ==================================== - PR: #268, #269, #270, #273, #274, #278, #279, #280, #282, #283, #284, #285, #289, #290, #291, #293, #296, #297, #299, #300, #302, #305, #308, #309, #315, #317, #319, #320, #322, #323, #324, #325, #327, #328, #330, #332, #333, #336, #338, #343, #345, #348, #352, #353, #358, #360