Source code for tofu.utils

# Built-in
import os
import sys
import collections
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import importlib
import getpass
import subprocess
import itertools as itt
import warnings
import inspect

# Common
import as scpio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation as mplTri
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# tofu-specific
from tofu import __version__

_SAVEPATH = os.getcwd()
_SEP = '.'
_dict_lexcept_key = []

_SAVETYP = '__type__'

_LIDS_CUSTOM = ['magfieldlines', 'events', 'shortcuts', 'config']

#           File searching

[docs]def FileNotFoundMsg(pattern,path,lF, nocc=1, ntab=0): assert type(pattern) in [str,list] assert type(path) is str assert type(lF) is list pat = pattern if type(pattern) is str else str(pattern) tab = " "*ntab msg = ["Wrong number of matches (%i) !"%nocc] msg += [" for : %s"%pat] msg += [" in : %s"%path] msg += [" => %s"%str(lF)] msg = "\n".join([tab+ss for ss in msg]) return msg
[docs]def FindFilePattern(pattern, path, nocc=1, ntab=0): assert type(pattern) in [str,list] assert type(path) is str pat = [pattern] if type(pattern) is str else pattern assert all([type(ss) is str for ss in pat]) lF = os.listdir(path) lF = [ff for ff in lF if all([ss in ff for ss in pat])] assert len(lF)==nocc, FileNotFoundMsg(pat,path,lF, nocc, ntab=ntab) return lF
[docs]def get_pathfileext(path=None, name=None, path_def='./', name_def='dummy', mode='npz'): modeok = ['npz','mat'] modeokstr = "["+", ".join(modeok)+"]" if name is not None: C = type(name) is str and not '.' in name assert C, "name should not include the extension !" assert path is None or type(path) is str, "Arg path must be None or a str !" assert mode in modeok, "Arg mode must be in {0}".format(modeokstr) if path is None: path = path_def path = os.path.abspath(path) if name is None: name = name_def return path, name, mode
############################################# # figure size #############################################
[docs]def get_figuresize(fs, fsdef=(12,6), orient='landscape', method='xrandr'): """ Generic function to return figure size in inches Useful for str-based flags such as: - 'a4' : use orient='portrait' or 'landscape' - 'full': to get screen size use method='xrandr' (recommended), as 'xdpyinfo' tends to be wrong """ assert fs is None or type(fs) in [str,tuple] if fs is None: fs = fsdef elif type(fs) is str: if fs=='a4': fs = (8.27,11.69) if orient=='landscape': fs = (fs[1],fs[0]) elif fs=='full': assert method in ['xrandr','xdpyinfo'] if method=='xrandr': cmd0 = "xrandr" #cmd1 = "grep '*'" out = subprocess.check_output(cmd0.split()) s = [o for o in out.decode('utf-8').split('\n') if 'mm x ' in o] assert len(s)==1 s = [ss for ss in s[0].split(' ') if 'mm' in ss] assert len(s)==2 fsmm = [int(ss.replace('mm','')) for ss in s] else: cmd0 = 'xdpyinfo' out = subprocess.check_output(cmd0.split()) s = [o for o in out.decode('utf-8').split('\n') if 'dimensions' in o] assert len(s)==1 s = s[0][s[0].index('(')+1:s[0].index(' millimeters')] fsmm = [int(ss) for ss in s.split('x')] fs = (fsmm[0]/(10*2.54), fsmm[1]/(10*2.54)) assert type(fs) is tuple and len(fs)==2 return fs
############################################# # todict formatting #############################################
[docs]def flatten_dict(d, parent_key='', sep=None, deep='ref', lexcept_key=_dict_lexcept_key): if sep is None: sep = _SEP items = [] lexcept_key = [] if lexcept_key is None else lexcept_key for k, v in d.items(): if k not in lexcept_key: if issubclass(v.__class__, ToFuObjectBase): if deep=='dict': v = v.to_dict(sep=sep, deep='dict') elif deep=='copy': v = v.copy(deep='copy') new_key = parent_key + sep + k if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, items.extend(flatten_dict(v, new_key, deep=deep, sep=sep).items()) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return dict(items)
[docs]def _reshape_dict(ss, vv, dinit={}, sep=None): if sep is None: sep = _SEP ls = ss.split(sep) k = ss if len(ls)==1 else ls[0] if len(ls) == 2: dk = {ls[1]:vv} if k not in dinit.keys(): dinit[k] = {} assert isinstance(dinit[k],dict) dinit[k].update({ls[1]:vv}) elif len(ls) > 2: if k not in dinit.keys(): dinit[k] = {} _reshape_dict(sep.join(ls[1:]), vv, dinit=dinit[k], sep=sep) else: assert k not in dinit.keys() dinit[k] = vv
[docs]def reshape_dict(d, sep=None, lcls=[]): if sep is None: sep = _SEP # Get all individual keys out = {} for ss, vv in d.items(): _reshape_dict(ss, vv, dinit=out, sep=sep) return out
# Check if deprecated ???
[docs]def get_todictfields(ld, ls): C0 = type(ld) is list and type(ls) is list and len(ld)==len(ls) C1 = type(ld) is dict and type(ls) is dict assert C0 or C1, "Provide two list of dict or two dict !" if C1: ld, ls = [ld], [ls] nd = len(ld) out = {} for ii in range(0,nd): for ss in ld[ii].keys(): ks = '{0}_{1}'.format(ls[ii], ss) out[ks] = ld[ii][ss] return out
############################################# # Special dict subclass for dynamic attributes creation #############################################
[docs]class Dictattr(dict): __getattr__ = dict.__getitem__ def __init__(self, extra, *args, **kwdargs): #super() super(Dictattr, self).__init__(*args, **kwdargs) self._extra = extra def __dir__(self): return [str(k) for k in self.keys()]+self._extra
############################################# # Miscellaneous #############################################
[docs]def _set_arrayorder(obj, arrayorder='C', sep=None): """ Set the memory order of all np.ndarrays in a tofu object """ msg = "Arg arrayorder must be in ['C','F']" assert arrayorder in ['C','F'], msg d = obj.to_dict(strip=-1, sep=sep) account = {'Success':[], 'Failed':[]} for k, v in d.items(): if type(v) is np.array and v.ndim>1: try: if arrayorder=='C': d[k] = np.ascontiguousarray(v) else: d[k] = np.asfortranarray(v) account['Success'].append(k) except Exception as err: warnings.warn(str(err)) account['Failed'].append(k) return d, account
############################################# # save / load #############################################
[docs]def save(obj, path=None, name=None, sep=None, deep=False, mode='npz', strip=None, compressed=False, verb=True, return_pfe=False): """ Save the ToFu object ToFu provides built-in saving and loading functions for ToFu objects. Specifying saving path ad name is optional (defaults recommended) The mode refers to the file format Good practices are: - save all struct objects Parameters ---------- obj : ToFuObject subclass instance The object to be saved path : None / str The folder where to save, if None (recommended), uses obj.Id.SavePath name : None / str The file name, if None (recommended), uses obj.Id.SaveName mode : str Flag specifying the saving mode - 'npz': numpy file - 'mat': matlab file strip: int Flag indicating how stripped the saved object should be See docstring of self.strip() deep: bool Flag, used when the object has other tofu objects as attributes Indicated whether these attribute object should be: - True: converted to dict themselves in order to be saved inside the same file as attributes (-> uses self.to_dict(deep='dict')) - False: not converted, in that the strategy would be to save them separately and store only the reference to the saved files instead of the objects themselves. To do this, you must: 1/ Save all object attributes independently 2/ Store only the reference by doing self.strip(-1) The strip() method will check they have been saved before removing them, and throw an Exception otherwise 3/ compressed : bool Flag indicating whether to compress the file (slower, not recommended) verb : bool Flag indicating whether to print a summary (recommended) """ msg = "Arg obj must be a tofu subclass instance !" assert issubclass(obj.__class__, ToFuObject), msg msg = "Arg path must be None or a str (folder) !" assert path is None or isinstance(path,str), msg msg = "Arg name must be None or a str (file name) !" assert name is None or isinstance(name,str), msg msg = "Arg mode must be in ['npz','mat'] !" assert mode in ['npz','mat'], msg msg = "Arg compressed must be a bool !" assert type(compressed) is bool, msg msg = "Arg verb must be a bool !" assert type(verb) is bool, msg # Check path, name, mode path, name, mode = get_pathfileext(path=path, name=name, path_def=obj.Id.SavePath, name_def=obj.Id.SaveName, mode=mode) # Update self._Id fields obj._Id._SavePath = path if name!=obj.Id.SaveName: obj._Id.set_SaveName(name) # Get stripped dictionnary deep = 'dict' if deep else 'ref' if sep is None: if mode == 'mat': sep = '_' else: sep = _SEP if mode == 'mat' and sep == '.': msg = ("sep='.' cannot be used when mode='mat' (incompatible)\n" + "Matlab would interpret variables as structures") raise Exception(msg) dd = obj.to_dict(strip=strip, sep=sep, deep=deep) pathfileext = os.path.join(path,name+'.'+mode) if mode=='npz': _save_npz(dd, pathfileext, sep=sep, compressed=compressed) elif mode=='mat': _save_mat(dd, pathfileext, sep=sep, compressed=compressed) # print if verb: msg = "Saved in :\n" msg += " "+pathfileext print(msg) if return_pfe: return pathfileext
[docs]def _save_npzmat_dict(dd, sep=None): key = 'dId{0}dall{0}SaveName'.format(sep) msg = "How to deal with:" msg += "\n SaveName : {0}".format(dd[key]) msg += "\n Attributes:" err = False dnpzmat, dt = {}, {} for k in dd.keys(): kt = k + _SAVETYP dt[kt] = np.asarray([type(dd[k]).__name__]) if dd[k] is None: # save only the type, because: # - .mat cannot handle None # - save disk # None will be recreated at load time pass elif (type(dd[k]) in [int,float,bool,str] or issubclass(dd[k].__class__, int) or issubclass(dd[k].__class__, float) or issubclass(dd[k].__class__, np.bool_)): dnpzmat[k] = np.asarray([dd[k]]) elif type(dd[k]) in [tuple,list]: dnpzmat[k] = np.asarray(dd[k]) elif type(dd[k]) is np.ndarray: dnpzmat[k] = dd[k] else: msg += "\n {0} : {1}".format(k,str(type(dd[k]))) err = True if err: raise Exception(msg) dnpzmat.update(**dt) return dnpzmat
[docs]def _save_npz(dd, pathfileext, sep=None, compressed=False): func = np.savez_compressed if compressed else np.savez dsave = _save_npzmat_dict(dd, sep=sep) func(pathfileext, **dsave)
[docs]def _save_mat(dd, pathfileext, sep=None, compressed=False): # Create intermediate dict to make sure to get rid of None values dsave = _save_npzmat_dict(dd, sep=sep) scpio.savemat(pathfileext, dsave, do_compression=compressed, format='5')
################################### # loading routines ###################################
[docs]def _filefind(name, path=None, lmodes=['.npz','.mat']): c0 = isinstance(name,str) c1 = isinstance(name,list) and all([isinstance(ss,str) for ss in name]) if not (c0 or c1): msg = "Arg name must be a str (file name or full path+file)" msg += " or a list of str patterns to be found at pathi\n" msg += " name : %s"%name raise Exception(msg) if path is not None and not isinstance(path,str): msg = "Arg path must be a str !" raise Exception(msg) # Extract folder and file name if isinstance(name,str): p, f = os.path.split(name) name = [f] if p!='': path = p elif path is None: path = './' path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path)) if not os.path.isdir(path): msg = "Specified folder does not exist :" msg += "\n {0}".format(path) raise Exception(msg) # Check unicity of matching file lf = os.listdir(path) lf = [ff for ff in lf if all([ss in ff for ss in name])] if len(lf) != 1: msg = ("No / several matching files found:\n" + " folder: {}\n".format(path) + " looking for: {}\n".format('['+', '.join(name)+']') + " found:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(lf)) raise Exception(msg) nameext = lf[0] # Check file extension indend = [ss==nameext[-4:] for ss in lmodes] indin = [ss in nameext for ss in lmodes] if np.sum(indend) != 1 or np.sum(indin) != 1: msg = "None / too many of the available file extensions !" msg += "\n file: {0}".format(nameext) msg += "\n ext.: {0}:".format('['+', '.format(lmodes)+']') raise Exception(msg) # load and format dict name = nameext[:-4] mode = lmodes[np.argmax(indend)].replace('.','') pfe = os.path.join(path,nameext) return name, mode, pfe
[docs]def get_param_from_file_name(pfe=None, lparams=None, test=True): """ Try to extract desired parameter from file name tofu typically saves files with names formatted as: XXX_Key0param0_Key1param1_Key2param2... Where: - XXX corresponds to the sub-package that created the file - Keyiparami are (key, value) parameter pairs, when possible """ # Check inputs if test is True: # Check inputs c0 = (isinstance(lparams, str) or (isinstance(lparams, list) and all([isinstance(pp, str) for pp in lparams]))) if not c0: msg = ("Arg lparams must be a str of list of str!\n" + "Provided:\n{}".format(lparams)) raise Exception(msg) c0 = os.path.isfile(pfe) if not c0: msg = ("Provided file does not exist!\n" + "{}".format(pfe)) raise Exception(msg) if isinstance(lparams, str): lparams = [lparams] # Get params path, name = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(pfe)) # First, try from file name dout = dict.fromkeys(lparams) lk = name.split("_") nk = len(lk) for pp in lparams: lind = [ii for ii in range(nk) if '_'+pp in '_'+lk[ii]] if len(lind) == 1: dout[pp] = lk[lind[0]].replace(pp, '') if dout[pp].isnumeric(): dout[pp] = int(dout[pp]) elif '.' in dout[pp]: try: dout[pp] = float(dout[pp]) except Exception as err: pass elif len(lind) > 1: msg = ("Several values for key {} found in file:\n" + " file: {}".format(pfe)) warnings.warn(msg) return dout
[docs]def load(name, path=None, strip=None, verb=True, allow_pickle=None): """ Load a tofu object file Can load from .npz or .txt files In future versions, will also load from .mat The file must have been saved with tofu (i.e.: must be tofu-formatted) The associated tofu object will be created and returned Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the file to load from, can include the path path: None / str Path where the file is located (if not provided in name), defaults './' strip: None / int FLag indicating whether to strip the object of some attributes => see the docstring of the class strip() method for details verb: bool Flag indocating whether to print a summary of the loaded file """ lmodes = ['.npz', '.mat', '.txt', '.csv'] name, mode, pfe = _filefind(name=name, path=path, lmodes=lmodes) if mode in ['txt', 'csv']: obj = _load_from_txt(name, pfe) else: if mode == 'npz': dd = _load_npz(pfe, allow_pickle=allow_pickle) elif mode == 'mat': dd = _load_mat(pfe) # Recreate from dict lsep, sep, keyMod = ['_', '.'], None, None for ss in lsep: key = 'dId{0}dall{0}Mod'.format(ss) if key in dd.keys(): sep = ss keyMod = key break else: msg = "No known separator in file keys!\n" msg += " - separators tested: {0}\n".format(lsep) msg += " - keys:\n" msg += str(dd.keys()) raise Exception(msg) mod = importlib.import_module('tofu.{0}'.format(dd[keyMod])) cls = getattr(mod, dd['dId{0}dall{0}Cls'.format(sep)]) obj = cls(fromdict=dd, sep=sep) if strip is not None: obj.strip(strip=strip) # print if verb: msg = "Loaded from:\n" msg += " "+pfe print(msg) return obj
[docs]def _get_load_npzmat_dict(out, pfe, mode='npz', exclude_keys=[]): C = ['dId' in kk for kk in out.keys()] if np.sum(C) < 1: msg = "There does not seem to be a dId in {0}".format(pfe) msg += "\n => Is it really a tofu-generated file ?" raise Exception(msg) lk = [k for k in out.keys() if (k[-_NSAVETYP:] != _SAVETYP and k not in exclude_keys)] lkt = [k for k in out.keys() if k[-_NSAVETYP:] == _SAVETYP] dout = dict.fromkeys(lk) err, msgi = False, "" for kt in lkt: k = kt[:-_NSAVETYP] typ = out[kt][0] if typ=='NoneType': dout[k] = None elif typ in ['int','int64','float','float64', 'bool','bool_','str','str_']: dout[k] = np.ravel(out[k])[0] if typ == 'float': dout[k] = float(dout[k]) elif typ == 'int': dout[k] = int(dout[k]) elif typ == 'bool': dout[k] = bool(dout[k]) elif typ == 'str': dout[k] = str(dout[k]) elif typ in ['list','tuple']: if mode == 'mat': if out[k].ndim == 1: dout[k] = out[k].tolist() else: dout[k] = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(out[k],axis=0)).tolist() if type(dout[k][0]) is str: dout[k] = [kk.strip() for kk in dout[k]] else: dout[k] = out[k].tolist() if typ=='tuple': dout[k] = tuple(dout[k]) elif typ=='ndarray': if mode == 'mat': dout[k] = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(out[k])) if dout[k].shape == (0,0): dout[k] = dout[k].ravel() else: dout[k] = out[k] else: msgi += "\n {0} : {1}".format(k,typ) err = True if err: msg = "How to deal with:" msg += "\n SaveName : {0}".format(out['dId_dall_SaveName'][0]) msg += "\n Attributes:" msg += msgi raise Exception(msg) return dout
[docs]def _load_npz(pfe, allow_pickle=None): if allow_pickle is None: allow_pickle = True try: out = np.load(pfe, mmap_mode=None, allow_pickle=allow_pickle) except UnicodeError: out = np.load(pfe, mmap_mode=None, allow_pickle=allow_pickle, encoding='latin1') except Exception as err: raise err return _get_load_npzmat_dict(out, pfe, mode='npz', exclude_keys=[])
[docs]def _load_mat(pfe): try: out = scpio.loadmat(pfe) except Exception as err: raise err lsmat = ['__header__', '__globals__', '__version__'] return _get_load_npzmat_dict(out, pfe, mode='mat', exclude_keys=lsmat)
############################################### # Getting parameters from txt files ###############################################
[docs]def from_txt_extract_params(pfe=None, lparams=None, comments=None): """ Extract key parameters stored as commented lines at top of file tofu saves some data to txt files with the following formatting: - a series of commented (#) lines, each with format: # key: value - a 1d or 2d np.ndarray This routine extracts the desired parameters from the commented lines """ # Check inputs if comments is None: comments = '#' c0 = os.path.isfile(pfe) if not c0: msg = ("Provided file does not exist!\n" + "{}".format(pfe)) raise Exception(msg) c0 = (isinstance(lparams, str) or (isinstance(lparams, list) and all([isinstance(pp, str) for pp in lparams]))) if not c0: msg = ("Arg lparams must be a str of list of str!\n" + "Provided:\n{}".format(lparams)) raise Exception(msg) if isinstance(lparams, str): lparams = [lparams] # First, try from file name dout = get_param_from_file_name(pfe=pfe, lparams=lparams, test=False) # Then try from file content (overwrite but warn) lout = lparams + [comments, ":", "=", " ", "\n", "\t"] with open(pfe) as fid: for pp in lparams: while True: line = fid.readline() if pp in line: for kk in lout: line = line.replace(kk, "") if line.isnumeric(): line = int(line) elif '.' in line: try: line = float(line) except Exception as err: pass if dout.get(pp) is not None and dout[pp] != line: msg = ("Inconsistency between file name and content\n" + "\t- file: {}\n".format(pfe) + "\t- parameter: {}\n".format(pp) + "\t- from name: {}\n".format(dout[pp]) + "\t- from content: {}\n".format(line)) warnings.warn(msg) dout[pp] = line break elif not line: break return dout
####### # tf.geom.Struct - specific #######
[docs]def _load_from_txt(name, pfe, Name=None, Exp=None): # Extract class lk = name.split('_') lCls = ['PFC','CoilPF','CoilCS','Ves','PlasmaDomain'] lcc = [np.sum([k == cls for k in lk]) == 1 for cls in lCls] if not np.sum(lcc) == 1: msg = "Provided file name does not include any known Struct subclass:\n" msg += " - Provided file name: %s\n"%name msg += " - Valid classes: [%s]"%', '.join(lCls) raise Exception(msg) cls = lCls[np.nonzero(lcc)[0][0]] # Recreate object import tofu.geom as mod obj = getattr(mod, cls).from_txt(pfe, Name=Name, Exp=Exp) return obj
####### # imas ####### _DEF_IMAS_PLASMA_SIG = {'core_profiles':{'plot_sig':['1dTe','1dne'], 'plot_X':['1drhotn'], 'other':['t']}}
[docs]def _get_exception(q, ids, qtype='quantity'): # ------------------- # import imas2tofu try: import imas from tofu.imas2tofu import MultiIDSLoader except Exception as err: msg = str(err) msg += "\n\n module imas2tofu does not seem available\n" msg += " => imas may not be installed ?" raise Exception(msg) msg = MultiIDSLoader._shortcuts(ids=ids, verb=False, return_=True) col = ['ids', 'shortcut', 'long version'] msg = MultiIDSLoader._getcharray(msg, col) msg += "\nArgs quantity and quant_X must be valid shortcuts for ids " msg += " %s" % ids msg += "\n\nAvailable shortcuts are:\n%s" % msg msg += "\n\nProvided:\n - %s: %s\n" % (qtype, str(q)) raise Exception(msg)
[docs]def load_from_imas(shot=None, run=None, user=None, database=None, version=None, ids=None, Name=None, returnas=None, tlim=None, occ=None, indch=None, description_2d=None, equilibrium=None, dsig=None, data=None, X=None, t0=None, dextra=None, plot=True, plot_sig=None, plot_X=None, sharex=False, invertx=None, extra=True, bck=True, indch_auto=True, t=None, config=None, tosoledge3x=None, mag_init_pts=None, mag_sep_dR=None, mag_sep_nbpts=None): # ------------------- # import imas2tofu try: import imas import tofu.imas2tofu as imas2tofu except Exception as err: msg = str(err) msg += "\n\n module imas2tofu does not seem available\n" msg += " => imas may not be installed ?" raise Exception(msg) lok = ['Config', 'Plasma2D', 'Cam', 'Data'] c0 = returnas is None or returnas in lok if not c0: msg = "Arg returnas must be in {}".format(str(lok)) raise Exception(msg) # ------------------- # Prepare ids if type(ids) not in [list, str]: msg = "Please specify an ids to load data from!" raise Exception(msg) if type(ids) is str: ids = [ids] if type(ids) is list: assert all([ids_ is None or type(ids_) is str for ids_ in ids]) # ------------------- # Pre-check ids lidsok = sorted([k for k in dir(imas) if k[0] != '_']) lidscustom = _LIDS_CUSTOM lidsout = [ids_ for ids_ in ids if (ids_ is not None and ids_ not in lidsok + lidscustom)] if len(lidsout) > 0: msg = "ids %s matched no known imas ids !\n"%str(lidsout) msg += " => Available imas ids are:\n" msg += repr(lidsok) raise Exception(msg) nids = len(ids) if nids > 1: assert not any([ids_ in ids for ids_ in lidscustom]) # ------------------- # print shortcuts if relevant if ids == ['shortcuts']: imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader.get_shortcutsc(force=True) return # ------------------- # Prepare shot if shot is not None: shot = np.r_[shot].astype(int) nshot = shot.size # ------------------- # Call magfieldline if relevant if ids == ['magfieldlines']: assert shot.size == 1 import tofu.mag as tfm plot = True if invertx is None: invertx = True multi = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader(shot=shot[0], run=run, user=user, database=database, version=version, ids='equilibrium') equi = multi.to_Plasma2D() if t is None: # Get time in the middle of equilibrium time interval t = equi.ddata['equilibrium.t']['data'][ int(0.5*equi.ddata['equilibrium.t']['data'].size)] t = np.atleast_1d(t).ravel() equi_ind_t = np.abs(t - equi.ddata['equilibrium.t']['data']).argmin() equi_ind_r_ext = np.argmax(equi.ddata['equilibrium.sep']['data'] [equi_ind_t][0]) equi_r_ext = equi.ddata['equilibrium.sep']['data'][ equi_ind_t][0][equi_ind_r_ext] equi_z_r_ext = equi.ddata['equilibrium.sep']['data'][ equi_ind_t][1][equi_ind_r_ext] if mag_sep_nbpts is None: mag_sep_nbpts = 5 if mag_sep_dR is None: mag_sep_dR = 0. r_init = [equi_r_ext + mag_sep_dR]*mag_sep_nbpts phi_init = [ii*2.*np.pi/mag_sep_nbpts for ii in range(mag_sep_nbpts)] z_init = [equi_z_r_ext]*mag_sep_nbpts init_plt = [r_init, phi_init, z_init] if False: multi = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader( shot=shot[0], run=run, user=user, database=database, version=version, ids='wall', ) config = multi.to_Config(plot=False) else: import tofu.geom as tfg config = tfg.utils.create_config('B3') if config.nStruct > 1: config.set_colors_random() trace = tfm.MagFieldLines(int(shot[0])).trace_mline(init_plt, t, direction='FWD', length_line=35, stp=None) trace_rev = tfm.MagFieldLines( int(shot[0])).trace_mline(init_plt, t, direction='REV', length_line=35, stp=None) refpt = np.r_[2.4,0.] dax = config.plot_phithetaproj_dist(refpt, invertx=invertx) if mag_init_pts is not None: trace_init = tfm.MagFieldLines( int(shot[0])).trace_mline(mag_init_pts, t, direction='FWD', length_line=35, stp=None) trace_init_rev = tfm.MagFieldLines( int(shot[0])).trace_mline(mag_init_pts, t, direction='REV', length_line=35, stp=None) trace_init[0] = trace_init[0] + trace_init_rev[0] for kk in range(0, len(trace_init[0])): phi_init = np.arctan2(np.sin(trace_init[0][kk]['p']), np.cos(trace_init[0][kk]['p'])) theta_init = np.arctan2(trace_init[0][kk]['z']-refpt[1], trace_init[0][kk]['r']-refpt[0]) indnan = ((np.abs(np.diff(phi_init)) > np.pi) | (np.abs(np.diff(theta_init)) > np.pi)).nonzero()[0] + 1 dax['dist'][0].plot(np.insert(phi_init, indnan, np.nan), np.insert(theta_init, indnan, np.nan), linewidth=3, color='red') dax['cross'][0].plot(trace_init[0][kk]['r'], trace_init[0][kk]['z'], linewidth=3, color='red') x = trace_init[0][kk]['r']*np.cos(trace_init[0][kk]['p']) y = trace_init[0][kk]['r']*np.sin(trace_init[0][kk]['p']) dax['hor'][0].plot(x, y, linewidth=3, color='red') alpha_mag_lines = 0.7 else: alpha_mag_lines = 1. for ii in range(0,len(trace)): # Concatenate trace lists # trace[ii] = trace[ii] + trace_rev[ii] for jj in range(0, len(trace[ii])): lab = r't = %s s'%str(t[ii]) phi = np.arctan2(np.sin(trace[ii][jj]['p']), np.cos(trace[ii][jj]['p'])) theta = np.arctan2(trace[ii][jj]['z']-refpt[1], trace[ii][jj]['r']-refpt[0]) # insert nans for clean periodicity indnan = ((np.abs(np.diff(phi)) > np.pi) | (np.abs(np.diff(theta)) > np.pi)).nonzero()[0] + 1 l, = dax['dist'][0].plot(np.insert(phi, indnan, np.nan), np.insert(theta, indnan, np.nan), label=lab, alpha=alpha_mag_lines) color = l.get_color() dax['cross'][0].plot(trace[ii][jj]['r'], trace[ii][jj]['z'], label=lab, alpha=alpha_mag_lines, color=color) x = trace[ii][jj]['r']*np.cos(trace[ii][jj]['p']) y = trace[ii][jj]['r']*np.sin(trace[ii][jj]['p']) dax['hor'][0].plot(x, y, label=lab, alpha=alpha_mag_lines, color=color) # rev phi = np.arctan2(np.sin(trace_rev[ii][jj]['p']), np.cos(trace_rev[ii][jj]['p'])) theta = np.arctan2(trace_rev[ii][jj]['z']-refpt[1], trace_rev[ii][jj]['r']-refpt[0]) # insert nans for clean periodicity indnan = ((np.abs(np.diff(phi)) > np.pi) | (np.abs(np.diff(theta)) > np.pi)).nonzero()[0] + 1 dax['dist'][0].plot(np.insert(phi, indnan, np.nan), np.insert(theta, indnan, np.nan), label=lab, alpha=alpha_mag_lines, color=color) dax['cross'][0].plot(trace_rev[ii][jj]['r'], trace_rev[ii][jj]['z'], label=lab, alpha=alpha_mag_lines, color=color) x = trace_rev[ii][jj]['r']*np.cos(trace_rev[ii][jj]['p']) y = trace_rev[ii][jj]['r']*np.sin(trace_rev[ii][jj]['p']) dax['hor'][0].plot(x, y, label=lab, alpha=alpha_mag_lines, color=color) dax['cross'][0].plot(equi.ddata['equilibrium.sep'][ 'data'][equi_ind_t][0], equi.ddata['equilibrium.sep'][ 'data'][equi_ind_t][1], linestyle='-.', color='k', alpha=0.8) s01 = multi.get_data(dsig={'equilibrium': ['strike0', 'strike1']}, return_all=False)['equilibrium'] dax['cross'][0].plot(s01['strike0']['data'][equi_ind_t][0], s01['strike0']['data'][equi_ind_t][1], '+', color='k', markersize=10) dax['cross'][0].plot(s01['strike1']['data'][equi_ind_t][0], s01['strike1']['data'][equi_ind_t][1], '+', color='k', markersize=10) dax['t'][0].figure.suptitle('Shot {0}, t = {1:6.3f} s' .format(shot[0], t[0])) return dax elif ids == ['events']: multi = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader(shot=shot[0], run=run, user=user, database=database, version=version, ids='pulse_schedule', ids_base=False) multi.get_events(verb=True) return elif ids == ['config']: import tofu.geom as tfg if config in [None, False]: tfg.utils.get_available_config() else: conf = tfg.utils.create_config(config) conf.set_colors_random() conf.plot() if tosoledge3x not in [None, False]: conf.to_SOLEDGE3X(path=tosoledge3x) return # ------------------- # Prepare returnas loutok = ['Config', 'Plasma2D', 'Cam', 'Data'] c0 = returnas is None c1 = returnas in loutok c2 = type(returnas) is list and all([oo is None or oo in loutok for oo in returnas]) assert c0 or c1 or c2 if c0: returnas = [None for _ in ids] elif c1: returnas = [str(returnas) for _ in ids] # Temporary caveat if nids > 1: if not all([ids_ in imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader._lidsdiag for ids_ in ids]): msg = "tf.load_from_imas() only handles multipe ids\n" msg += "if all are diagnostics ids !" raise Exception(msg) # ------------------- # Prepare for ii in range(0, nids): # Config if ids[ii] == 'wall': assert returnas[ii] in [None, 'Config'] returnas[ii] = 'Config' if returnas[ii] == 'Config': assert ids[ii] in [None, 'wall'] # Plasma2D lids = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader._lidsplasma if ids[ii] in lids: assert returnas[ii] in [None, 'Plasma2D'] returnas[ii] = 'Plasma2D' if returnas[ii] == 'Plasma2D': assert ids[ii] in lids # Cam or Data lids = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader._lidsdiag if ids[ii] in lids: assert returnas[ii] in [None, 'Cam', 'Data'] if returnas[ii] is None: returnas[ii] = 'Data' if returnas[ii] in ['Cam', 'Data']: assert ids[ii] in lids dout = {shot[jj]: {oo: [] for oo in set(returnas)} for jj in range(0, nshot)} # ------------------- # Prepare plot_ and complement ids lPla = [ii for ii in range(0, nids) if returnas[ii] == 'Plasma2D'] lCam = [ii for ii in range(0, nids) if returnas[ii] == 'Cam'] lDat = [ii for ii in range(0, nids) if returnas[ii] == 'Data'] nPla, nCam, nDat = len(lPla), len(lCam), len(lDat) if nDat > 1: plot_ = False else: plot_ = plot # Check conformity nshot / nDat lc = [nshot > 1, nDat > 1] if plot and all(lc): msg = "Cannot plot several diags for several shots!\n" msg += " => Please select either several diags (plot_combine)\n" msg += " several shots (plot_compare)" raise Exception(msg) lc = [nshot > 1, nPla > 1] if plot and all(lc): msg = "Cannot plot several plasma profles for several shots!\n" msg += " => Please select either several profiles (plot_combine)\n" msg += " several shots (plot_compare)" raise Exception(msg) lc = [nDat >= 1, nPla >= 1, nCam >= 1] if np.sum(lc) > 1: msg = "Can only load Cam xor Data xor Plasma2D !" raise Exception(msg) # Complement ids lids = list(ids) if nDat > 0 or nCam > 0 or nPla > 0: if 'wall' not in lids: lids.append('wall') if (nDat > 0 or nPla > 0) and extra is True: if 'equilibrium' not in lids: lids.append('equilibrium') if 'lh_antennas' not in lids: lids.append('lh_antennas') if 'ic_antennas' not in lids: lids.append('ic_antennas') if t0 not in [None, False] and (nDat > 0 or nPla > 0): if 'pulse_schedule' not in lids: lids.append('pulse_schedule') # ------------------- # If plot and plasma, default dsig, plot_sig, plot_X if plot and nPla > 0: if lids[0] in _DEF_IMAS_PLASMA_SIG.keys(): if plot_sig is None: plot_sig = _DEF_IMAS_PLASMA_SIG[lids[0]]['plot_sig'] if plot_X is None: plot_X = _DEF_IMAS_PLASMA_SIG[lids[0]]['plot_X'] if dsig is None: lsig = (list(plot_sig) + list(plot_X) + _DEF_IMAS_PLASMA_SIG[lids[0]]['other']) dsig = {lids[0]: lsig} if plot_sig is None or plot_X is None: msg = "Trying to plot a plasma profile\n" msg += "Impossible if plot_sig and plot_X not provided!\n" msg += " (resp. quantity and quant_X if calling from tofuplot)" raise Exception(msg) dq = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader._dshort[lids[0]] lk = sorted(dq.keys()) for qq in plot_sig: if qq not in lk: _get_exception(qq, lids[0], qtype='quantity') for qq in plot_X: if qq not in lk: _get_exception(qq, lids[0], qtype='X') # ------------------- # load for ss in shot: multi = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader(shot=ss, run=run, user=user, database=database, version=version, ids=lids) # export to instances for ii in range(0, nids): try: if returnas[ii] == 'Config': dout[ss][returnas[ii]].append(multi.to_Config( Name=Name, occ=occ, description_2d=description_2d, plot=False)) elif returnas[ii] == 'Plasma2D': dout[ss][returnas[ii]].append(multi.to_Plasma2D( Name=Name, occ=occ, tlim=tlim, dsig=dsig, t0=t0, plot=False, plot_sig=plot_sig, dextra=dextra, plot_X=plot_X, config=config, bck=bck)) elif returnas[ii] == 'Cam': dout[ss][returnas[ii]].append(multi.to_Cam( Name=Name, occ=occ, ids=lids[ii], indch=indch, config=config, plot=False)) elif returnas[ii] == "Data": dout[ss][returnas[ii]].append(multi.to_Data( Name=Name, occ=occ, ids=lids[ii], tlim=tlim, dsig=dsig, config=config, data=data, X=X, indch=indch, indch_auto=indch_auto, t0=t0, dextra=dextra, plot=False, bck=bck)) except Exception as err: warnings.warn('{}: {}'.format(lids[ii], str(err))) dout[ss][returnas[ii]].append(None) # ------------------- # plot if relevant if plot == True: # Config & Cam for ss in shot: for k0 in set(['Config', 'Cam']).intersection(returnas): for ii in range(0, len(dout[ss][k0])): if dout[ss][k0][ii] is not None: dout[ss][k0][ii].plot() # Plasma2D if nshot == 1 and nPla == 1: if dout[shot[0]]['Plasma2D'][0] is not None: dout[shot[0]]['Plasma2D'][0].plot(plot_sig, X=plot_X, bck=bck) elif nshot > 1 and nPla == 1: ld = [dout[ss]['Plasma2D'][0].get_Data(plot_sig, X=plot_X, plot=False) for ss in shot if dout[ss]['Plasma2D'][0] is not None] if len(ld) == 1: ld[0].plot(bck=bck) elif len(ld) > 1: ld[0].plot_compare(ld[1:], bck=bck) # Data elif nshot == 1 and nDat == 1: if dout[shot[0]]['Data'][0] is not None: dout[shot[0]]['Data'][0].plot(bck=bck) elif nshot > 1 and nDat == 1: ld = [dout[ss]['Data'][0] for ss in shot if dout[ss]['Data'][0] is not None] if len(ld) > 0: tit = "{} - {}".format(ld[0].Id.Exp, ld[0].Id.Diag) if len(ld) == 1: ld[0].plot(bck=bck, tit=tit) else: ld[0].plot_compare(ld[1:], bck=bck, tit=tit) elif nshot == 1 and nDat > 1: ld = [dd for dd in dout[shot[0]]['Data'] if dd is not None] if len(ld) > 0: tit = multi._dids[ld[0].Id.Diag]['idd'] if len(ld) == 1: ld[0].plot(bck=bck, tit=tit) else: ld[0].plot_combine(ld[1:], sharex=sharex, bck=bck, tit=tit) # return if nshot == 1 and nDat == 1: dout = dout[shot[0]]['Data'][0] elif nshot == 1 and nPla == 1: dout = dout[shot[0]]['Plasma2D'][0] return dout
[docs]def calc_from_imas( shot=None, run=None, user=None, database=None, version=None, shot_eq=None, run_eq=None, user_eq=None, database_eq=None, shot_prof=None, run_prof=None, user_prof=None, database_prof=None, ids=None, Name=None, out=None, tlim=None, config=None, occ=None, indch=None, description_2d=None, equilibrium=None, dsig=None, data=None, X=None, t0=None, dextra=None, Brightness=None, res=None, interp_t=None, extra=None, plot=None, plot_compare=True, sharex=False, input_file=None, output_file=None, coefs=None, bck=True, indch_auto=True, t=None, init=None ): """ Calculate syntehtic signal for a diagnostic Read the geometry from an idd (database, user, shot, run) Read the equilibrium from the same / another idd Read the profile from the same / another idd """ # ------------------- # import imas2tofu try: import imas import tofu.imas2tofu as imas2tofu except Exception as err: msg = str(err) msg += ("\n\n module imas2tofu does not seem available\n" + " => imas may not be installed?") raise Exception(msg) lok = ['Data'] c0 = out is None or out in lok if not c0: msg = "Arg out must be in {}".format(lok) raise Exception(msg) if plot is None: if output_file is not None: plot = False else: plot = True if extra is None: if input_file is not None: extra = False else: extra = True # Equilibrium idd if database_eq is None: database_eq = database if user_eq is None: user_eq = user if shot_eq is None: shot_eq = shot if run_eq is None: run_eq = run # prof idd if database_prof is None: database_prof = database if user_prof is None: user_prof = user if shot_prof is None: shot_prof = shot if run_prof is None: run_prof = run # ------------------- # Prepare ids assert ids is None or type(ids) in [list, str] if type(ids) is str: ids = [ids] if type(ids) is list: assert all([ids_ is None or type(ids_) is str for ids_ in ids]) # ------------------- # Pre-check ids lidsok = sorted([k for k in dir(imas) if k[0] != '_']) lidscustom = [] lidsout = [ids_ for ids_ in ids if (ids_ is not None and ids_ not in lidsok+lidscustom)] if len(lidsout) > 0: msg = "ids {} matched no known imas ids !\n".format(lidsout) msg += " => Available imas ids are:\n" msg += repr(lidsok) raise Exception(msg) nids = len(ids) if nids > 1: assert not any([ids_ in ids for ids_ in lidscustom]) # Check if input_file if input_file is not None: lids_input_file = ['bremsstrahlung_visible'] if nids != 1 or ids[0] not in lids_input_file: msg = ("input_file is only available for a single ids in:\n" + "\t- " + "\n\t- ".join(lids_input_file)) raise Exception(msg) # ------------------- # Prepare shot shot = np.r_[shot].astype(int) nshot = shot.size # Check if input_file if input_file is not None: if nshot != 1: msg = "input_file not available for multiple shots!" raise Exception(msg) # ------------------- # Prepare out loutok = ['Data'] c0 = out is None c1 = out in loutok c2 = type(out) is list and all([oo is None or oo in loutok for oo in out]) assert c0 or c1 or c2 if c0: out = [None for _ in ids] elif c1: out = [str(out) for _ in ids] # Temporary caveat if nids > 1: if not all([ids_ in imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader._lidsdiag for ids_ in ids]): msg = ("tf.load_from_imas() only handles multipe ids " + "if all are diagnostics ids!") raise Exception(msg) # ------------------- # Prepare for ii in range(0, nids): # Cam or Data lids = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader._lidsdiag if ids[ii] in lids: assert out[ii] in [None,'Cam','Data'] if out[ii] is None: out[ii] = 'Data' if out[ii] in ['Cam','Data']: assert ids[ii] in lids dout = {shot[jj]: {oo:[] for oo in set(out)} for jj in range(0,nshot)} # ------------------- # Prepare plot_ and complement ids lPla = [ii for ii in range(0,nids) if out[ii] == 'Plasma2D'] lCam = [ii for ii in range(0,nids) if out[ii] == 'Cam'] lDat = [ii for ii in range(0,nids) if out[ii] == 'Data'] nPla, nCam, nDat = len(lPla), len(lCam), len(lDat) if nDat > 1: plot_ = False else: plot_ = plot # Check conformity nshot / nDat lc = [nshot > 1, nDat > 1] if plot and all(lc): msg = "Cannot plot several diags for several shots!\n" msg += " => Please select either several diags (plot_combine)\n" msg += " several shots (plot_compare)" raise Exception(msg) lc = [nshot > 1, nPla > 1] if plot and all(lc): msg = "Cannot plot several plasma profles for several shots!\n" msg += " => Please select either several profiles (plot_combine)\n" msg += " several shots (plot_compare)" raise Exception(msg) lc = [nDat >= 1, nPla >= 1, nCam >= 1] if np.sum(lc) > 1: msg = "Can only load Cam xor Data xor Plasma2D !" raise Exception(msg) # Complement ids lids = list(ids) if nDat > 0 or nCam > 0 or nPla > 0: if 'wall' not in lids: lids.append('wall') if (nDat > 0 or nPla > 0) and extra is True: if nPla > 0 and 'equilibrium' not in lids: lids.append('equilibrium') if 'lh_antennas' not in lids: lids.append('lh_antennas') if 'ic_antennas' not in lids: lids.append('ic_antennas') if t0 not in [None, False] and (nDat > 0 or nPla > 0): if 'pulse_schedule' not in lids: lids.append('pulse_schedule') # ------------------- # If plot and plasma, default dsig, plot_sig, plot_X if plot and nPla > 0: if lids[0] in _DEF_IMAS_PLASMA_SIG.keys(): if plot_sig is None: plot_sig = _DEF_IMAS_PLASMA_SIG[lids[0]]['plot_sig'] if plot_X is None: plot_X = _DEF_IMAS_PLASMA_SIG[lids[0]]['plot_X'] if dsig is None: lsig = (list(plot_sig) + list(plot_X) + _DEF_IMAS_PLASMA_SIG[lids[0]]['other']) dsig = {lids[0]: lsig} if plot_sig is None or plot_X is None: msg = "Trying to plot a plasma profile\n" msg += "Impossible if plot_sig and plot_X not provided!\n" msg += " (resp. quantity and quant_X if calling from tofuplot)" raise Exception(msg) dq = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader._dshort[lids[0]] lk = sorted(dq.keys()) for qq in plot_sig: if qq not in lk: _get_exception(qq, lids[0], qtype='quantity') for qq in plot_X: if qq not in lk: _get_exception(qq, lids[0], qtype='X') # ------------------- # load lidsdiag = [kk for kk in lids if kk in imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader._lidsdiag] if input_file is None: for ss in shot: multi = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader( shot=ss, run=run, user=user, database=database, version=version, ids=lids, synthdiag=False, get=False, ) lids_synth = multi.get_inputs_for_synthsignal(lidsdiag, returnas=list, verb=False) if 'equilibrium' in lids_synth: multi.add_ids('equilibrium', database=database_eq, user=user_eq, shot=shot_eq, run=run_eq, get=False) lids_synth.remove('equilibrium') if len(lids_synth) > 0: multi.add_ids(lids_synth, database=database_prof, user=user_prof, shot=shot_prof, run=run_prof, get=False) multi.open_get_close() # export to instances for ii in range(0, nids): if out[ii] == "Data": multi.calc_signal(ids=lids[ii], tlim=tlim, dsig=dsig, config=config, t=t, res=res, indch=indch, Brightness=Brightness, interp_t=interp_t, indch_auto=indch_auto, t0=t0, dextra=dextra, coefs=coefs, plot=True, bck=bck, plot_compare=plot_compare) else: multi = imas2tofu.MultiIDSLoader(shot=shot[0], run=run, user=user, database=database, version=version, ids=lids, synthdiag=False, get=False) if 'bremsstrahlung_visible' in lids: multi.add_ids('equilibrium', get=True) plasma = multi.to_Plasma2D() lf = ['t', 'rhotn', 'brem'] lamb = multi.get_data( dsig={'bremsstrahlung_visible': 'lamb'}, return_all=False )['bremsstrahlung_visible']['lamb'] dout = imas2tofu.get_data_from_matids(input_file, return_fields=lf, lamb=lamb[0]) plasma.add_ref(key='core_profiles.t', data=dout['t'], group='time', origin='input_file') nrad = dout['rhotn'].shape[1] plasma.add_ref(key='core_profiles.radius', data=np.arange(0, nrad), group='radius', origin='input_file') plasma.add_quantity(key='core_profiles.1drhotn', data=dout['rhotn'], depend=('core_profiles.t', 'core_profiles.radius'), origin='input_file', quant='rhotn', dim='rho', units='adim.') plasma.add_quantity(key='core_profiles.1dbrem', data=dout['brem'], depend=('core_profiles.t', 'core_profiles.radius'), origin='input_file') cam = multi.to_Cam(plot=False) sig = cam.calc_signal_from_Plasma2D(plasma, quant='core_profiles.1dbrem', ref1d='core_profiles.1drhotn', ref2d='equilibrium.2drhotn', coefs=coefs, bck=bck, Brightness=True, plot=plot)[0] if output_file is not None: try: # Format output dictionnary to be saved dout = {'shot': shot[0], 't': sig.t, 'data':, 'units_t': 's', 'units_data': 'ph / (', 'channels': sig.dchans('names'), 'tofu_version': __version__} # Save to specified path + filename + extension if output_file[-4:] != '.mat': assert len(output_file.split('.')) == 1 output_file += '.mat' scpio.savemat(output_file, dout) msg = ("Successfully saved in:\n" + "\t{}".format(output_file)) print(msg) except Exception as err: msg = str(err) msg += "\nCould not save computed synthetic signal to:\n" msg += "scpio.savemat({0}, dout)".format(output_file) warnings.warn(msg)
############################################# # Generic tofu object #############################################
[docs]def _check_notNone(dd, lk): for k, v in dd.items(): if k in lk: assert v is not None, "{0} should not be None !".format(k)
[docs]def _check_InputsGeneric(ld, tab=0): # Prepare bstr0 = "\n"+" "*tab + "Error on arg %s:" bstr1 = "\n"+" "*(tab+1) + "Expected: " bstr2 = "\n"+" "*(tab+1) + "Provided: " ltypes_f2i = [int, float, np.integer, np.floating] ltypes_i2f = [int, float, np.integer, np.floating] # Check err, msg = False, '' for k in ld.keys(): errk, msgk = False, bstr0%k if 'cls' in ld[k].keys(): if not isinstance(ld[k]['var'],ld[k]['cls']): errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "class {0}".format(ld[k]['cls'].__name__) msgk += bstr2 + "class %s"%ld[k]['var'].__class__.__name__ if 'NoneOrCls' in ld[k].keys(): c = ld[k]['var'] is None or isinstance(ld[k]['var'], ld[k]['NoneOrCls']) if not c: errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "None or class {0}".format( ld[k]['NoneOrCls'].__name__ ) msgk += bstr2 + "class %s"%ld[k]['var'].__class__.__name__ if 'in' in ld[k].keys(): if not ld[k]['var'] in ld[k]['in']: errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "in {0}".format(ld[k]['in']) msgk += bstr2 + "{0}".format(ld[k]['var']) if 'lisfof' in ld[k].keys(): c0 = isinstance(ld[k]['var'], list) c1 = c0 and all([isinstance(s,ld[k]['listof']) for s in ld[k]]) if not c1: errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "list of {0}".format(ld[k]['listof'].__name__) msgk += bstr2 + "{0}".format(ld[k]['var']) if 'iter2array' in ld[k].keys(): c0 = ld[k]['var'] is not None and hasattr(ld[k]['var'],'__iter__') if not c0: errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "iterable of %s"%ld[k]['iter2array'].__name__ msgk += bstr2 + "{0}".format(ld[k]['var']) ld[k]['var'] = np.asarray(ld[k]['var'], dtype=ld[k]['iter2array']) if 'ndim' in ld[k].keys(): c0 = isinstance(ld[k]['var'], np.ndarray) c1 = c0 and ld[k]['var'].ndim == ld[k]['ndim'] if not c1: errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "array of {0} dimensions".format(ld[k]['ndim']) msgk += bstr2 + "shape {0}".format(ld[k]['ndim'].shape) if 'inshape' in ld[k].keys(): c0 = isinstance(ld[k]['var'], np.ndarray) c1 = c0 and ld[k]['inshape'] in ld[k]['var'].shape if not c1: errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "shape including {0}".format(ld[k]['inshape']) msgk += bstr2 + "shape {0}".format(ld[k]['var'].shape) if 'float2int' in ld[k].keys(): lc = [(issubclass(ld[k]['var'].__class__, cc) and int(ld[k]['var'])==ld[k]['var']) for cc in ltypes_f2i] if not any(lc): errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "convertible to int from %s"%str(ltypes_f2i) msgk += bstr2+"{0} ({1})".format(ld[k]['var'], ld[k]['var'].__class__.__name__) ld[k]['var'] = int(ld[k]['var']) if 'int2float' in ld[k].keys(): lc = [issubclass(ld[k]['var'].__class__, cc) for cc in ltypes_i2f] if not any(lc): errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "convertible to float from %s"%str(ltypes_i2f) msgk += bstr2 + "class %s"%ld[k]['var'].__class__.__name__ ld[k]['var'] = float(ld[k]['var']) if 'NoneOrIntPos' in ld[k].keys(): c0 = ld[k]['var'] is None lc = [(issubclass(ld[k]['var'].__class__, cc) and int(ld[k]['var'])==ld[k]['var'] and ld[k]['var']>0) for cc in ltypes_f2i] if not (c0 or any(lc)): errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "convertible to >0 int from %s"%str(ltypes_f2i) msgk += bstr2 + "{0}".format(ld[k]['var']) ld[k]['var'] = None if c0 else int(ld[k]['var']) if 'NoneOrFloatPos' in ld[k].keys(): c0 = ld[k]['var'] is None lc = [(issubclass(ld[k]['var'].__class__, cc) and float(ld[k]['var']) == ld[k]['var'] and ld[k]['var'] > 0) for cc in ltypes_f2i] if not (c0 or any(lc)): errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "convertible to >0 float from {}".format( ltypes_f2i ) msgk += bstr2 + "{0}".format(ld[k]['var']) ld[k]['var'] = None if c0 else float(ld[k]['var']) if '>' in ld[k].keys(): if not np.all(np.greater(ld[k]['var'], ld[k]['>'])): errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "> {0}".format(ld[k]['>']) msgk += bstr2 + "{0}".format(ld[k]['var']) if 'vectnd' in ld[k].keys(): c0 = any([isinstance(ld[k]['var'],tt) for tt in [list,tuple,np.ndarray]]) if ld[k]['vectnd'] is not None: c0 &= np.asarray(ld[k]['var']).size==ld[k]['vectnd'] if not c0: errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "array of size {0}".format(ld[k]['vectnd']) msgk += bstr2 + "{0}".format(ld[k]['var']) ld[k]['var'] = np.asarray(ld[k]['var'],dtype=float).ravel() if 'unitvectnd' in ld[k].keys(): c0 = any([isinstance(ld[k]['var'],tt) for tt in [list,tuple,np.ndarray]]) c1 = c0 and np.asarray(ld[k]['var']).size==ld[k]['unitvectnd'] if not c1: errk = True msgk += bstr1 + "array of size {0}".format(ld[k]['unitvectnd']) msgk += bstr2 + "{0}".format(ld[k]['var']) temp = np.asarray(ld[k]['var'],dtype=float).ravel() ld[k]['var'] = temp/np.linalg.norm(temp) if errk: err = True msg += msgk return ld, err, msg
[docs]def _get_attrdictfromobj(obj, dd): for k in dd.keys(): if dd[k] is None: dd[k] = getattr(obj,k) return dd
[docs]class ToFuObjectBase(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta _dstrip = {'strip':None, 'allowed':None} # Does not exist before Python 3.6 !!! def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwdargs): # super() super(ToFuObjectBase,cls).__init_subclass__(*args, **kwdargs) cls._dstrip = ToFuObjectBase._dstrip.copy() cls._strip_init() def __init__(self, fromdict=None, **kwdargs): self._Done = False self._dstrip = self.__class__._dstrip.copy() if fromdict is not None: self.from_dict(fromdict, sep=kwdargs.get('sep', None)) else: self._reset() self._set_Id(**kwdargs) self._init(**kwdargs) self._Done = True
[docs] @abstractmethod def _reset(self): """ To be overloaded """ pass
[docs] def _set_Id(self, *args, **kwdargs): """ To be overloaded """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def _init(self, **kwdargs): """ To be overloaded """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def _strip_init(cls): """ To be overloaded """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_Id(): largs = ['Id','Name','Type','Deg','Exp','Diag','shot', 'SaveName','SavePath','usr','dUSR','lObj','include'] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _extract_kwdargs(din, largs): dout = {} for k in largs: if k in din.keys(): dout[k] = din[k] return dout
[docs] def _set_arrayorder(self, arrayorder='C', sep=None, verb=True): d, account = _set_arrayorder(self, arrayorder=arrayorder, sep=sep) if len(account['Failed'])>0: msg = "All np.ndarrays were not set to {0} :\n".format(arrayorder) msg += "Success : [{0}]".format(', '.join(account['Success'])) msg += "Failed : [{0}]".format(', '.join(account['Failed'])) raise Exception(msg) else: self.from_dict(d, sep=sep) self._dextra['arrayorder'] = arrayorder
[docs] @staticmethod def _strip_dict(dd, lkeep=[]): for k in dd.keys(): if not k in lkeep: dd[k] = None
[docs] @staticmethod def _test_Rebuild(dd, lkeep=[]): reset = False for k in dd.keys(): if dd[k] is None and k not in lkeep: reset = True break return reset
[docs] @staticmethod def _check_Fields4Rebuild(dd, lkeep=[], dname=''): for kk in lkeep: if kk not in dd.keys() or dd[kk] is None: msg = "Rebuilding {0}:\n".format(dname) msg += "Field '{0}' is missing !".format(kk) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def _check_InputsGeneric(ld, tab=0): return _check_InputsGeneric(ld, tab=tab)
############################# # charray and summary #############################
[docs] @staticmethod def _getcharray(ar, col=None, sep=' ', line='-', just='l', msg=True): c0 = ar is None or len(ar) == 0 if c0: return '' ar = np.array(ar, dtype='U') if ar.ndim == 1: ar = ar.reshape((1,ar.size)) # Get just len nn = np.char.str_len(ar).max(axis=0) if col is not None: if len(col) not in ar.shape: msg = ("len(col) should be in np.array(ar, dtype='U').shape:\n" + "\t- len(col) = {}\n".format(len(col)) + "\t- ar.shape = {}".format(ar.shape)) raise Exception(msg) if len(col) != ar.shape[1]: ar = ar.T nn = np.char.str_len(ar).max(axis=0) nn = np.fmax(nn, [len(cc) for cc in col]) # Apply to array fjust = np.char.ljust if just == 'l' else np.char.rjust out = np.array([sep.join(v) for v in fjust(ar,nn)]) # Apply to col if col is not None: arcol = np.array([col, [line*n for n in nn]], dtype='U') arcol = np.array([sep.join(v) for v in fjust(arcol,nn)]) out = np.append(arcol,out) if msg: out = '\n'.join(out) return out
[docs] @classmethod def _get_summary(cls, lar, lcol, sep=' ', line='-', just='l', table_sep=None, verb=True, return_=False): """ Summary description of the object content as a np.array of str """ if table_sep is None: table_sep = '\n\n' # Out if verb or return_ in [True,'msg']: lmsg = [cls._getcharray(ar, col, sep=sep, line=line, just=just) for ar, col in zip(*[lar,lcol])] if verb: msg = table_sep.join(lmsg) print(msg) if return_ != False: if return_ == True: out = lar, lmsg elif return_ == 'array': out = lar elif return_ == 'msg': out = table_sep.join(lmsg) else: lok = [False, True, 'msg', 'array'] raise Exception("Valid return_ values are: %s"%str(lok)) return out
# def get_summary(self, sep=' ', line='-', just='l', # table_sep=None, verb=True, return_=False): # """ Summary description of the object content as a np.array of str """ # pass def __repr__(self): try: if hasattr(self, 'get_summary'): return self.get_summary(return_='msg', verb=False) else: return object.__repr__(self) except Exception: return self.__class__.__name__ ############################# # strip and to/from dict #############################
[docs] def strip(self, strip=0, **kwdargs): """ Remove non-essential attributes to save memory / disk usage Useful to save a very compressed version of the object The higher strip => the more stripped the object Use strip=0 to recover all atributes See the difference by doing: > self.get_nbytes() > self.strip(-1) > self.get_nbytes() Parameters ---------- strip: int Flag indicating how much to strip from the object 0: Make complete (retrieve all attributes){0} -1: Equivalent to strip={1} """ msg = "Only allowed strip values are:\n" msg += " "+ ", ".join(["{0}".format(ii) for ii in self._dstrip['allowed']]) assert strip in [-1]+self._dstrip['allowed'], msg strip = self._dstrip['allowed'][strip] # -------------------------------- # Call class-specific strip method self._strip(strip, **kwdargs) # -------------------------------- self._dstrip['strip'] = strip
[docs] def to_dict(self, strip=None, sep=None, deep='ref'): """ Return a flat dict view of the object's attributes Useful for: * displaying all attributes * saving to file * exchaning data with non-tofu libraries Parameters ---------- strip : int Flag indicating how stripped the object should be Fed to self.strip() sep : str Separator char used for flattening the dict The output dict is flat (i.e.: no nested dict) Keys are created from the keys of nested dict, separated by sep deep: str Flag indicating how to behave when an attribute is itself a tofu object. The associated field in the exported dict can be: - 'ref' : a simple reference to the object - 'copy': a tofu object itself (i.e.: a copy of the original) - 'dict': the tofu object is itself exported as a dict (using also self.to_dict()) Return ------ dout : dict Flat dict containing all the objects attributes """ if deep not in ['ref','copy','dict']: msg = "Arg deep must be a flag in ['ref','copy','dict'] !" raise Exception(msg) if strip is None: strip = self._dstrip['strip'] if self._dstrip['strip'] != strip: self.strip(strip) # --------------------- # Call class-specific dd = self._to_dict() # --------------------- dd['dId'] = self._get_dId(sep=sep) dd['dstrip'] = {'dict':self._dstrip, 'lexcept':None} dout = {} for k, v in dd.items(): lexcept_key = v.get('lexcept_key', None) if v['dict'] is None: continue try: d = flatten_dict(v['dict'], parent_key='', sep=sep, deep=deep, lexcept_key=lexcept_key) except Exception as err: msg = str(err) msg += "\nIssue flattening dict %s"%k msg += "\n\n\n" + str(v['dict']) raise Exception(msg) dout[k] = d dout = flatten_dict(dout, parent_key='', sep=sep, deep=deep) return dout
[docs] def _get_dId(self, sep=None): """ To be overloaded """ return {'dict':{}}
[docs] def from_dict(self, fd, sep=None, strip=None): """ Populate the instances attributes using an input dict The input dict must be properly formatted In practice it should be the return output of a similar class to_dict() Parameters ---------- fd : dict The properly formatted ditionnary from which to read the attributes sep : str The separator that was used to format fd keys (cf. self.to_dict()) strip : int Flag indicating how stripped the resulting object shouyld be (cf. self.strip()) """ self._reset() dd = reshape_dict(fd, sep=sep) # --------------------- # Call class-specific self._from_dict(dd) # --------------------- self._dstrip.update(**dd['dstrip']) if 'dId' in dd.keys(): self._set_Id(Id=ID(fromdict=dd['dId'], sep=sep)) if strip is None: strip = self._dstrip['strip'] if self._dstrip['strip'] != strip: self.strip(strip, verb=verb)
[docs] def copy(self, strip=None, deep='ref'): """ Return another instance of the object, with the same attributes If deep=True, all attributes themselves are also copies """ dd = self.to_dict(strip=strip, deep=deep) return self.__class__(fromdict=dd)
[docs] def get_nbytes(self): """ Compute and return the object size in bytes (i.e.: octets) A flat dict containing all the objects attributes is first created The size of each attribute is then estimated with np.asarray().nbytes Note : if the attribute is a tofu object, get_nbytes() is recursive Returns ------- total : int The total object estimated size, in bytes dsize : dict A dictionnary giving the size of each attribute """ dd = self.to_dict() dsize = dd.fromkeys(dd.keys(),0) total = 0 for k, v in dd.items(): if issubclass(v.__class__, ToFuObjectBase): dsize[k] = v.get_nbytes()[0] else: dsize[k] = np.asarray(v).nbytes total += dsize[k] return total, dsize
############################# # operator overloading ############################# def __eq__(self, obj, lexcept=[], detail=True, verb=True): msg = "The 2 objects have different " # Check class eq = self.__class__==obj.__class__ if not eq: msg += "classes :\n" msg += str(self.__class__)+"\n" msg += str(obj.__class__) # Check keys if eq: d0 = self.to_dict(strip=None) d1 = obj.to_dict(strip=None) lk0 = sorted(list(d0.keys())) lk1 = sorted(list(d1.keys())) eq = lk0==lk1 if not eq: msg += "dict keys :\n" msg += ' ['+', '.join([k for k in lk0 if k not in lk1])+']\n' msg += ' ['+', '.join([k for k in lk1 if k not in lk0])+']' # Check values if eq: msg += "dict values :\n" lsimple = [str,bool,np.str_,np.bool_, tuple, list] for k in lk0: if any([ss in k for ss in lexcept]): continue eqk = type(d0[k]) == type(d1[k]) if not eqk: eq = False msg += k+" types :\n" msg += " "+str(type(d0[k]))+"\n" msg += " "+str(type(d1[k]))+"\n" if not detail: break if eqk: if d0[k] is None or type(d0[k]) in lsimple: eqk = d0[k]==d1[k] if not eqk: m0 = str(d0[k]) m1 = str(d1[k]) elif type(d0[k]) in [int,float,np.int64,np.float64]: eqk = np.allclose([d0[k]],[d1[k]], equal_nan=True) if not eqk: m0 = str(d0[k]) m1 = str(d1[k]) elif type(d0[k]) is np.ndarray: eqk = d0[k].shape==d1[k].shape if eqk: eqk = d0[k].dtype == d1[k].dtype if eqk: c0 = ( issubclass(d0[k].dtype.type, int) or issubclass(d0[k].dtype.type, float) ) if c0: eqk = np.allclose(d0[k],d1[k], equal_nan=True) else: eqk = np.all(d0[k]==d1[k]) if not eqk: m0 = str(d0[k]) m1 = str(d1[k]) else: m0 = str(d0[k].dtype) m1 = str(d1[k].dtype) else: m0 = "shape {0}".format(d0[k].shape) m1 = "shape {0}".format(d1[k].shape) elif issubclass(d0[k].__class__, ToFuObjectBase): eqk = d0[k]==d1[k] if not eqk: m0 = str(d0[k]) m1 = str(d1[k]) elif isinstance(d0[k], mplTri): eqk = np.allclose(d0[k].x, d1[k].x) if not eqk: m0 = 'x ' + str(d0[k].x) m1 = 'x ' + str(d1[k].x) else: eqk = np.allclose(d0[k].y, d1[k].y) if not eqk: m0 = 'y ' + str(d0[k].y) m1 = 'y ' + str(d1[k].y) else: eqk = np.all(d0[k].triangles == d1[k].triangles) if not eqk: m0 = 'tri ' + str(d0[k].triangles) m1 = 'tri ' + str(d1[k].triangles) elif 'trifind' in k: lpar0 = inspect.signature(d0[k]).parameters lpar1 = inspect.signature(d1[k]).parameters eqk = lpar0.keys() == lpar1.keys() if not eqk: m0 = 'tri ' + lpar0.keys() m1 = 'tri ' + lpar1.keys() else: msg = "How to handle :\n" msg += " {0} is a {1}".format(k,str(type(d0[k]))) raise Exception(msg) if not eqk: eq = False msg += k+" :\n" msg += " "+m0+"\n" msg += " "+m1+"\n" if not detail: break if not eq and verb: print(msg) return eq # Python 3 def __neq__(self, obj, detail=True, verb=True): return not self.__eq__(obj, detail=detail, verb=verb) # Python 2 def __ne__(self, obj, detail=True, verb=True): return not self.__eq__(obj, detail=detail, verb=verb)
[docs]class ToFuObject(ToFuObjectBase): # Does not exist before Python 3.6 !!! def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwdargs): # super() super(ToFuObject,cls).__init_subclass__(*args, **kwdargs)
[docs] def _set_Id(self, Id=None, Name=None, SaveName=None, SavePath=None, Type=None, Deg=None, Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, usr=None, dUSR=None, lObj=None, include=None, **kwdargs): largs = self._get_largs_Id() dId = self._extract_kwdargs(locals(), largs) dId = self._checkformat_inputs_Id(**dId) if Id is None: Id = ID(Cls=self.__class__, **dId) self._Id = Id
@property def Id(self): """ The ID instance of the object The ID class in tofu objects contains all information used for identifying the instance and automatically managing saving / loading In particular, it yields information such as: - Name of the object - Name that would be used for the file in case of saving - Path under which it would be saved - Experiment the object is associated to - Diagnostic the object is associated to - Type of the object - shot the object is associated to - version of tofu used for creating the object - ... """ return self._Id
[docs] def _get_dId(self, sep=None): return {'dict': self.Id.to_dict(sep=sep)}
[docs] def _reset(self): if hasattr(self,'_Id'): self._Id._reset()
[docs] def _set_dlObj(self, lObj, din={}): # Make sure to kill the link to the mutable being provided nObj = len(lObj) lCls, lorder, lerr = [], [], [] for obj in lObj: if not issubclass(obj.__class__, ToFuObject): msg = "The following obj is not a ToFuObject subclass:\n" msg += str(obj) raise Exception(msg) cls = obj.__class__.__name__ name = obj.Id.Name clsname = obj.Id.SaveName_Conv(Cls=cls, Name=name, include=['Cls','Name']) if cls not in lCls: lCls.append(cls) if clsname in lorder: lerr.append(clsname) lorder.append(clsname) if len(lerr)>0: msg = "There is an ambiguity in the names :" msg += "\n - " + "\n - ".join(lerr) msg += "\n => Please clarify (choose unique Cls/Names)" raise Exception(msg) # Initialize dObj is not existing if 'dObj' not in din.keys() or din['dObj'] is None: din['dObj'] = dict([(k,{}) for k in lCls]) # Initisalize for k in lCls: if not k in din['dObj'].keys(): din['dObj'][k] = {} lk = din['dObj'][k].keys() ls = [ss for ss in lObj if ss.Id.Cls == k] for ss in ls: name = ss.Id.Name if not name in lk: din['dObj'][k][name] = ss.copy() if din['dObj'][k][name]._dstrip['strip'] != 0: din['dObj'][k][name].strip(0) din.update({'nObj':nObj, 'lorder':lorder, 'lCls':lCls})
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_ind12r_n12(ind1=None, ind2=None, n1=None, n2=None): c0 = ind1 is None and ind2 is None c1 = n1 is not None and n2 is not None assert c1, "Provide n1 and n2 !" if c0: ind1 = np.tile(np.arange(0,n1), n2) ind2 = np.repeat(np.arange(0,n2), n1) else: ind1 = np.asarray(ind1).ravel().astype(int) ind2 = np.asarray(ind2).ravel().astype(int) assert ind1.size == ind2.size assert np.all(ind1>=0) and np.all(ind1<n1) assert np.all(ind2>=0) and np.all(ind2<n2) indr = np.zeros((n2,n1),dtype=int) for ii in range(0,ind1.size): indr[ind2[ii],ind1[ii]] = ii return ind1, ind2, indr
[docs] @staticmethod def _checkformat_Narray(aa, name='aa', N=3, dim=2, extramsg=''): if aa is not None: assert N in [2, 3] assert dim in [1, 2, 3] aa = np.atleast_1d(aa) if N not in aa.shape: msg = ("Array {}.shape should containg {}\n".format(name, N) + "\t- provided shape: {}".format(aa.shape)) raise Exception(msg) if aa.ndim == 1 and dim == 2: aa = aa[:, None] elif aa.ndim == 2 and dim == 1: aa = aa.ravel() if aa.shape[0] != N and aa.ndim == 2: aa = aa.T if not (aa.ndim == dim and aa.shape[0] == N): msg = ( "Arg {} must be a ({}, ...) np.ndarray\n".format(name, N) + "\t- provided: {}\n".format(aa) + extramsg) raise Exception(msg) return aa
[docs] @staticmethod def _checkformat_scalar(ss, name='ss', extramsg=''): if ss is not None: if type(ss) not in [int, float, np.int_, np.float_]: msg = ("Please provide {} as a float:\n".format(name) + "\t- provided: {} ({})\n".format(ss, type(ss)) + extramsg) raise Exception(msg) return ss
[docs] @classmethod def _rotate_pts_vectors_around_3daxis(cls, pts=None, vect=None, angle=None, axis=None): # angle, pts, vect and axis angle = cls._checkformat_scalar(angle, name='angle') pts = cls._checkformat_Narray(pts, name='pts', N=3, dim=2) vect = cls._checkformat_Narray(vect, name='vect', N=3, dim=2) axis = cls._checkformat_Narray(axis, name='vect', N=2, dim=2) if axis.shape != (2, 3): msg = ("Arg axis must be a tuple of 2 arrays of len()=3\n" + "\t- axis[0] is the (x,y,z) coords of a point\n" + "\t- axis[1] is the (x,y,z) coords of a vector") raise Exception(msg) ax_pt = axis[0, :][:, None] ax_ez = axis[1, :] / np.linalg.norm(axis[1, :]) if np.abs(ax_ez[2]) > 0.999: ax_ex = np.r_[1, 0, 0] else: ax_ex = np.r_[-ax_ez[1], ax_ez[0], 0.] ax_ex = ax_ex - np.sum(ax_ex*ax_ez)*ax_ez ax_ex = ax_ex / np.linalg.norm(ax_ex) ax_ey = np.cross(ax_ez, ax_ex) ax_ex = ax_ex[:, None] ax_ey = ax_ey[:, None] ax_ez = ax_ez[:, None] # Compute pts if pts is not None: ptsv = pts - ax_pt ptsz = np.sum(ptsv*ax_ez, axis=0) ptsr = np.hypot(np.sum(ptsv*ax_ex, axis=0), np.sum(ptsv*ax_ey, axis=0)) ptsang = np.arctan2(np.sum(ptsv*ax_ey, axis=0), np.sum(ptsv*ax_ex, axis=0)) ang2 = ptsang + angle pts2 = (ax_pt + ptsz*ax_ez + ptsr*(np.cos(ang2)*ax_ex + np.sin(ang2)*ax_ey)) if vect is None: return pts2 # Compute vect if vect is not None: vz = np.sum(vect*ax_ez, axis=0) vr = np.hypot(np.sum(vect*ax_ex, axis=0), np.sum(vect*ax_ey, axis=0)) vang = np.arctan2(np.sum(vect*ax_ey, axis=0), np.sum(vect*ax_ex, axis=0)) ang2 = vang + angle vect2 = (vz*ax_ez + vr*(np.cos(ang2)*ax_ex + np.sin(ang2)*ax_ey)) if pts is None: return vect2 return pts2, vect2
[docs] @classmethod def _rotate_pts_vectors_around_torusaxis(cls, pts=None, vect=None, angle=None): return cls._rotate_pts_vectors_around_3daxis(pts, vect, angle=angle, axis=([0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]))
[docs] @classmethod def _rotate_pts_vectors_in_poloidal_plane(cls, pts=None, vect=None, angle=None, phi=None, axis_rz=None): # phi phi = cls._checkformat_scalar(phi, name='phi') axis_rz = cls._checkformat_Narray(axis_rz, name='axis_rz', N=2, dim=1) ax_pt = np.r_[axis_rz[0]*np.cos(phi), axis_rz[0]*np.sin(phi), axis_rz[1]] ax_v = np.r_[np.sin(phi), -np.cos(phi), 0.] return cls._rotate_pts_vectors_around_3daxis(pts, vect, angle=angle, axis=(ax_pt, ax_v))
[docs] @classmethod def _rotate_pts_vectors_in_poloidal_plane_2D(cls, pts_rz=None, vect_rz=None, angle=None, axis_rz=None): # Check format input angle = cls._checkformat_scalar(angle, name='angle') pts_rz = cls._checkformat_Narray(pts_rz, name='pts_rz', N=2, dim=2) vect_rz = cls._checkformat_Narray(vect_rz, name='vect_rz', N=2, dim=2) axis_rz = cls._checkformat_Narray(axis_rz, name='axis_rz', N=2, dim=1) if any([axis_rz is None, angle is None]): msg = "Please provide both axis_rz and angle !" raise Exception(msg) if all([pts_rz is None, vect_rz is None]): msg = "Neither pts_rz nor vect_rz was provided, nothing to rotate" raise Exception(msg) # Compute if pts_rz is not None: rad = np.hypot(pts_rz[1]-axis_rz[1], pts_rz[0]-axis_rz[0]) ang = np.arctan2(pts_rz[1]-axis_rz[1], pts_rz[0]-axis_rz[0]) ptsrz2 = np.array([axis_rz[0] + rad*np.cos(ang+angle), axis_rz[1] + rad*np.sin(ang+angle)]) if vect_rz is None: return ptsrz2 if vect_rz is not None: rad = np.linalg.norm(vect_rz) ang = np.arctan2(vect_rz[1], vect_rz[0]) vectrz2 = np.array([rad*np.cos(ang+angle), rad*np.sin(ang+angle)]) if pts_rz is None: return vectrz2 return ptsrz2, vectrz2
[docs] @classmethod def _translate_pts_3d(cls, pts=None, direction=None, distance=None): pts = cls._checkformat_Narray(pts, name='pts', N=3, dim=2) distance = cls._checkformat_scalar(distance, name='distance') direction = cls._checkformat_Narray(direction, name='direction', N=3, dim=1) direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction) return pts + distance*direction[:, None]
[docs] @classmethod def _translate_pts_poloidal_plane(cls, pts=None, phi=None, direction_rz=None, distance=None): phi = cls._checkformat_scalar(phi, name='phi') direction_rz = cls._checkformat_Narray(direction_rz, name='direction', N=2, dim=1) try: pts = cls._checkformat_Narray(pts, name='pts', N=3, dim=2) except Exception as err: pts = cls._checkformat_Narray(pts, name='pts', N=2, dim=2) if phi is None: msg = "If pts are in (R, Z) coordinates, please provide phi!" raise Exception(msg) pts = np.array([pts[0, :]*np.cos(phi), pts[0, :]*np.sin(phi), pts[1, :]]) direction = np.array([direction_rz[0]*np.cos(phi), direction_rz[0]*np.sin(phi), direction_rz[1]]) return cls._translate_pts_3d(pts, direction, distance)
[docs] @classmethod def _translate_pts_poloidal_plane_2D(cls, pts_rz=None, direction_rz=None, distance=None): direction_rz = cls._checkformat_Narray(direction_rz, name='direction_rz', N=2, dim=1) pts_rz = cls._checkformat_Narray(pts_rz, name='pts_rz', N=2, dim=2) distance = cls._checkformat_scalar(distance, name='distance') return pts_rz + distance*direction_rz[:, None]
[docs] def _checkformat_set_move(cls, move, param, kwdargs): c0 = (isinstance(move, str) and hasattr(cls, move) and any([ss in move for ss in ['rotate', 'translate']])) if not (c0 or move is None): msg = ("move must be a str matching the name of a valid" + " movement method (rotate/translate)\n" + "\t- provided: {}".format(move)) raise Exception(msg) if move is None: return None, None, None func = getattr(cls, move) sig = inspect.signature(func).parameters.keys() if param is None: param = 0. param = cls._checkformat_scalar(param) lc0 = [kk in sig for kk in kwdargs.keys()] lc1 = ['angle' not in kwdargs.keys(), 'distance' not in kwdargs.keys(), 'return_copy' not in kwdargs.keys()] if not (all(lc0) and all(lc1)): msg = ("extra keyword arguments cannot include:\n" + "\t- 'angle'\n" + "\t- 'distance'\n" + "\t- 'return_copy'\n" + " you provided: {}".format(kwdargs.keys())) raise Exception(msg) kwdargs = {kk: np.asarray(vv) if hasattr(vv, '__iter__') else vv for kk, vv in kwdargs.items()} return move, param, kwdargs
[docs] def _move(self, param, dictname=''): if getattr(self, dictname).get('move') is None: msg = ("Default movement not defined\n" + " => use self.set_move()") raise Exception(msg) lk = ['move', 'move_param', 'move_kwdargs'] move, param0, kwdargs = [getattr(self, dictname)[kk] for kk in lk] if kwdargs is None: kwdargs = {} func = getattr(self, move) dparam = param - param0 func(dparam, return_copy=False, **kwdargs) return param
[docs] def save(self, path=None, name=None, strip=None, sep=None, deep=True, mode='npz', compressed=False, verb=True, return_pfe=False): if name is None and self.Id.Name is None: msg = "Please set a unique instance name before saving using:\n" msg += " self.Id.set_Name( name )\n\n" msg += " => (to avoid saving of different instances with no name)" raise Exception(msg) if path is None and self.Id.SavePath is None: msg = "Please specify a saving path (path=...)" raise Exception(msg) return save(self, path=path, name=name, sep=sep, deep=deep, mode=mode, strip=strip, compressed=compressed, return_pfe=return_pfe, verb=verb) = save.__doc__ ############################################# # ID class #############################################
[docs]class ID(ToFuObjectBase): """ A class used by all ToFu objects as an attribute It stores all relevant data for the identification of instances Stored info can be the name of the instance, the experiment and diagnostics it belongs to, or other user-defined info Also provides default names for saving the instances Parameters ---------- Cls : str Class of the object on which info should be stored: Name : str Name of the instance (user-defined) Should be a str without space ' ' or underscore '_' (automatically removed if present) Type : None / str Type of object (i.e.: 'Tor' or 'Lin' for a :class:`~tofu.geom.Ves`) Deg : None / int Degree of the b-splines constituting the :mod:`tofu.mesh` object Exp : None / str Flag specifying the experiment (e.g.: 'WEST', 'AUG', 'ITER', 'JET'...) Diag : None / str Flag indicating the diagnostic (e.g.: 'SXR', 'HXR', 'Bolo'...) shot : None / int A shot number from which the instance is valid (for tracking changes) SaveName : None / str Overrides the default file name for saving (not recommended) SavePath : None / str Absolute path where the instance should be saved dUSR : None / dict A user-defined dictionary containing information about the instance All info considered relevant can be passed here (e.g.: thickness of the diode, date of installation...) lObj : None / dict / list Either: - list: list of other ID instances of objects on which the created object depends (this list will then be sorted by class and formatted into a dictionary storign key attributes) - dict: a ready-made such dictionary """ _dModes = {'geom':'TFG', 'data':'TFD'} _defInclude = ['Mod','Cls','Type','Exp','Deg','Diag','Name','shot'] _dPref = {'Exp':'Exp','Diag':'Dg','shot':'sh','Deg':'Deg', 'version':'Vers','usr':'U'} def __init__(self, Cls=None, Name=None, Type=None, Deg=None, Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, SaveName=None, SavePath=None, usr=None, dUSR=None, lObj=None, fromdict=None, include=None, sep=None): kwdargs = locals() del kwdargs['self'] #super() super(ID, self).__init__(**kwdargs)
[docs] def _reset(self): self._dall = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dall())
########### # Get largs ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dall(): largs = ['Cls', 'Name', 'Type', 'Deg', 'Exp', 'Diag', 'shot', 'SaveName', 'SavePath', 'usr', 'dUSR', 'lObj', 'include'] return largs
########### # Get check and format inputs ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _checkformat_inputs_dall(usr=None, Cls=None, Type=None, SavePath=None, Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, Deg=None, Name=None, SaveName=None, include=None, lObj=None, dUSR=None): # Str args if SavePath is None: SavePath = _SAVEPATH ls = [usr, Type, SavePath, Exp, Diag, SaveName] assert all(ss is None or type(ss) is str for ss in ls) if usr is None: try: usr = getpass.getuser() except: pass lc = [shot is None or (type(shot) is int and shot >= 0), Deg is None or (type(Deg) is int and Deg >= 0), Cls is not None and issubclass(Cls, ToFuObject), include is None or isinstance(include, list)] if not all(lc): msg = "" if not lc[0]: msg += ("\nArg shot should be either:\n" + "\t- None\n" + "\t- int and positive\n" + " You provided: {}".format(shot)) if not lc[1]: msg += ("\nArg Deg should be either:\n" + "\t- None\n" + "\t- int and positive\n" + " You provided: {}".format(Deg)) if not lc[2]: msg += ("\nArg Cls should be a ToFuObject subclass!" + " You provided: {}".format(Cls)) if not lc[3]: msg += ("\nArg include should be either:\n" + "\t- None\n" + "\t- list\n" + " You provided: {}".format(include)) raise Exception(msg) dout = locals() del dout['ls'] return dout
########### # Get keys of dictionnaries ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dall(): lk = ['Mod', 'Cls', 'Type', 'Name', 'SaveName', 'SavePath', 'Exp', 'Diag', 'shot', 'Deg', 'version', 'usr', 'dUSR', 'lObj', 'SaveName-usr'] return lk
########### # _init ###########
[docs] def _init(self, usr=None, Cls=None, Type=None, SavePath=None, Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, Deg=None, Name=None, SaveName=None, include=None, lObj=None, dUSR=None, **kwdargs): largs = self._get_largs_dall() kwd = self._extract_kwdargs(locals(), largs) largs = self._set_dall(**kwd)
########### # set dictionaries ###########
[docs] def _set_dall(self, usr=None, Cls=None, Type=None, SavePath=None, Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, Deg=None, Name=None, SaveName=None, include=None, lObj=None, dUSR=None): dargs = locals() del dargs['self'] dargs = ID._checkformat_inputs_dall(**dargs) self._dall['version'] = __version__ lasis = ['usr','Type','SavePath','Exp','Diag','shot','Deg'] dasis = dict([(k,dargs[k]) for k in lasis]) self._dall.update(dasis) # Set fixed attributes Mod, Cls = ID._extract_ModClsFrom_class(dargs['Cls']) self._dall['Mod'] = Mod self._dall['Cls'] = Cls # Set variable attributes self.set_Name(Name, SaveName=SaveName, include=include) self.set_lObj(lObj) self.set_dUSR(dUSR)
########### # strip dictionaries ###########
[docs] def _strip_dall(self, lkeep=[]): pass
########### # rebuild dictionaries ###########
[docs] def _rebuild_dall(self, lkeep=[]): pass
########### # _strip and get/from dict ###########
[docs] @classmethod def _strip_init(cls): cls._dstrip['allowed'] = [0] nMax = max(cls._dstrip['allowed']) doc = "" doc = ToFuObjectBase.strip.__doc__.format(doc,nMax) cls.strip.__doc__ = doc
[docs] def strip(self, strip=0): #super() super(ID,self).strip(strip=strip)
[docs] def _strip(self, strip=0): pass
[docs] def _to_dict(self): dout = {'dall':{'dict':self.dall, 'lexcept':None}} return dout
[docs] def _from_dict(self, fd): self._dall.update(**fd['dall']) if 'version' in fd.keys() and fd['version']!=__version__: msg = "The object was created with a different tofu version !" msg += "\n object: {0}".format(fd['SaveName']) msg += "\n original : tofu {0}".fd['version'] msg += "\n current : tofu {0}".__version__ warnings.warn(msg)
########### # Properties ########### @property def dall(self): return self._dall @property def Mod(self): return self._dall['Mod'] @property def Cls(self): return self._dall['Cls'] @property def Name(self): return self._dall['Name'] @property def NameLTX(self): return r"$" + self.Name.replace('_', '\_') + r"$" @property def Exp(self): return self._dall['Exp'] @property def Diag(self): return self._dall['Diag'] @property def shot(self): return self._dall['shot'] @property def usr(self): return self._dall['usr'] @property def Type(self): return self._dall['Type'] @property def Deg(self): return self._dall['Deg'] @property def SaveName(self): return self._dall['SaveName'] @property def SavePath(self): return self._dall['SavePath'] @property def lObj(self): return self._dall['lObj'] @property def dUSR(self): return self._dall['dUSR'] @property def version(self): return self._dall['version'] ########### # semi-public methods ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _extract_ModClsFrom_class(Cls): strc = str(Cls) ind0 = strc.index('tofu.')+5 indeol = strc.index("'>") strc = strc[ind0:indeol] indp = strc.index('.') Mod = strc[:indp] strc = strc[indp+1:][::-1] #cls = strc[:strc.index('.')][::-1] return Mod, Cls.__name__
[docs] @staticmethod def SaveName_Conv(Mod=None, Cls=None, Type=None, Name=None, Deg=None, Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, version=None, usr=None, include=None): """ Return a default name for saving the object Includes key info for fast identification of the object from file name Used on object creation by :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` It is recommended to use this default name. """ Modstr = ID._dModes[Mod] if Mod is not None else None include = ID._defInclude if include is None else include if Cls is not None and Type is not None and 'Type' in include: Clsstr = Cls+Type else: Clsstr = Cls Dict = {'Mod':Modstr, 'Cls':Clsstr, 'Name':Name} for ii in include: if not ii in ['Mod','Cls','Type','Name']: Dict[ii] = None if ii=='Deg' and Deg is not None: Dict[ii] = ID._dPref[ii]+'{0:02.0f}'.format(Deg) elif ii=='shot' and shot is not None: Dict[ii] = ID._dPref[ii]+'{0:05.0f}'.format(shot) elif not (ii in ['Mod','Cls','Type','Name'] or eval(ii+' is None')): Dict[ii] = ID._dPref[ii]+eval(ii) if 'Data' in Cls: Order = ['Mod','Cls','Exp','Deg','Diag','shot', 'Name','version','usr'] else: Order = ['Mod','Cls','Exp','Deg','Diag','Name', 'shot','version','usr'] SVN = "" for ii in range(0,len(Order)): if Order[ii] in include and Dict[Order[ii]] is not None: SVN += '_' + Dict[Order[ii]] SVN = SVN.replace('__','_') if SVN[0]=='_': SVN = SVN[1:] return SVN
########### # public methods ###########
[docs] def set_Name(self, Name, SaveName=None, include=None, ForceUpdate=False): """ Set the Name of the instance, automatically updating the SaveName The name should be a str without spaces or underscores (removed) When the name is changed, if SaveName (i.e. the name used for saving) was not user-defined, it is automatically updated Parameters ---------- Name : str Name of the instance, without ' ' or '_' (automatically removed) SaveName : None / str If provided, overrides the default name for saving (not recommended) include: list Controls how te default SaveName is generated Each element of the list is a key str indicating whether an element should be present in the SaveName """ self._dall['Name'] = Name self.set_SaveName(SaveName=SaveName, include=include, ForceUpdate=ForceUpdate)
[docs] def set_SaveName(self,SaveName=None, include=None, ForceUpdate=False): """ Set the name for saving the instance (SaveName) SaveName can be either: - provided by the user (no constraint) - not recommended - automatically generated from Name and key attributes (cf. include) Parameters ---------- SaveName : None / str If provided, overrides the default name for saving (not recommended) include : list Controls how te default SaveName is generated Each element of the list is a key str indicating whether an element should be present in the SaveName ForceUpdate : bool Flag indicating the behaviour when SaveName=None: - True : A new SaveName is generated, overriding the old one - False : The former SaveName is preserved (default) """ if not 'SaveName-usr' in self.dall.keys(): self._dall['SaveName-usr'] = (SaveName is not None) # If SaveName provided by user, override if SaveName is not None: self._dall['SaveName'] = SaveName self._dall['SaveName-usr'] = True else: # Don't update if former is user-defined and ForceUpdate is False # Override if previous was: # automatic or (user-defined but ForceUpdate is True) C0 = self._dall['SaveName-usr'] C1 = self._dall['SaveName-usr'] and ForceUpdate if (not C0) or C1: SN = ID.SaveName_Conv(Mod=self.Mod, Cls=self.Cls, Type=self.Type, Name=self.Name, Deg=self.Deg, Exp=self.Exp, Diag=self.Diag, shot=self.shot, version=self.version, usr=self.usr, include=include) self._dall['SaveName'] = SN self._dall['SaveName-usr'] = False
[docs] def generate_SaveName(self, include=None): SN = self.SaveName_Conv(Mod=self.Mod, Cls=self.Cls, Type=self.Type, Name=self.Name, Deg=self.Deg, Exp=self.Exp, Diag=self.Diag, shot=self.shot, version=self.version, usr=self.usr, include=include) return SN
[docs] def set_lObj(self, lObj=None): """ Set the lObj attribute, storing objects the instance depends on For example: A Detect object depends on a vessel and some apertures That link between should be stored somewhere (for saving/loading). lObj does this: it stores the ID (as dict) of all objects depended on. Parameters ---------- lObj : None / dict / :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` / list of such Provide either: - A dict (derived from :meth:`~tofu.pathfile.ID._todict`) - A :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` instance - A list of dict or :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` instances """ if self.lObj is None and lObj is not None: self._dall['lObj'] = {} if lObj is not None: if type(lObj) is not list: lObj = [lObj] for ii in range(0,len(lObj)): if type(lObj[ii]) is ID: lObj[ii] = lObj[ii].to_dict() ClsU = list(set([oo['Cls'] for oo in lObj])) for c in ClsU: self._dall['lObj'][c] = [oo for oo in lObj if oo['Cls']==c]
[docs] def set_dUSR(self, dUSR={}): """ Set the dUSR, containing user-defined info about the instance Useful for arbitrary info (e.g.: manufacturing date, material...) Parameters ---------- dUSR : dict A user-defined dictionary containing info about the instance """ self._dall['dUSR'] = dUSR
############################################# # Geometry #############################################
[docs]def dict_cmp(d1,d2): msg = "Different types: %s, %s"%(str(type(d1)),str(type(d2))) assert type(d1)==type(d2), msg assert type(d1) in [dict,list,tuple] if type(d1) is dict: l1, l2 = sorted(list(d1.keys())), sorted(list(d2.keys())) out = (l1==l2) else: out = (len(d1)==len(d2)) l1 = range(0,len(d1)) if out: for k in l1: if type(d1[k]) is np.ndarray: out = np.all(d1[k]==d2[k]) elif type(d1[k]) in [dict,list,tuple]: out = dict_cmp(d1[k],d2[k]) else: try: out = (d1[k]==d2[k]) except Exception as err: print(type(d1[k]),type(d2[k])) raise err if out is False: break return out
############################################### # DChans ###############################################
[docs]class DChans(object): """ Base class for handling event on tofu interactive figures """ def __init__(self, dchans, fromdict=None): if fromdict is None: dchans, nch = self._check_inputs(dchans) self._dchans = dchans self._nch = nch else: self._fromdict(fromdict)
[docs] def _check_inputs(self, fd): assert isinstance(fd, dict) size = [] for kk in fd.keys(): fd[kk] = np.asarray(fd[kk]) if fd[kk].ndim == 1: ss = fd[kk].size elif fd[kk].ndim == 2: ss = fd[kk].shape[1] size.append(ss) nch = int(size[0]) assert np.all([ss == nch for ss in size]) return fd, nch
[docs] def _todict(self): return self._dchans
[docs] def _fromdict(self, fd): fd, nch = self._check_inputs(fd) self._dchans = fd self._nch = nch
@property def dchans(self): """ Return the dchans dict """ return self._dchans @property def nch(self): """ Return the dchans dict """ return self._nch
[docs] def select(self, key=None, val=None, log='any', out=bool): """ The the indices of all channels matching the (key,val) pairs """ assert out in [bool, int], "Arg out is not valid (int or bool) !" C0 = key is None or val is None if C0: if out is bool: ind = np.ones((self._nch,), dtype=bool) else: ind = np.arange(0, self._nch) return ind lt0 = [list, tuple, np.ndarray] lt1 = [str, int, float, np.int64, np.float64, bool] C0 = log in ['any', 'all'] C1 = type(log) in lt0 and all([ll in ['any', 'all'] for ll in log]) assert C0 or C1, "Arg out is not valid ('any','all' or an iterable) !" C2 = isinstance(key, str) and key in self._dchans.keys() assert C2, "Arg key not valid: provide key of self.dchans" C4 = type(val) in lt1 C5 = type(val) in lt0 and all([type(vv) in lt1 for vv in val]) assert C4 or C5, "Arg val not valid, should be in %s !"%str(lt1) if C4: val = [val] nv = len(val) ind = np.vstack([self._dchans[key] == vv for vv in val]) if log == 'any': ind = np.any(ind,axis=0) else: ind = np.all(ind,axis=0) # To be finsihed: add operators and str operations + not return ind
############################################### # Plot KeyHandler 2 ###############################################
[docs]def get_indncurind(dind, linds): ind = [dind['lrefid'].index(rid) for rid in linds] return np.asarray(ind,dtype=int)
[docs]def get_indrefind(dind, linds, drefid): ninds = len(linds) ind = np.zeros((ninds,),dtype=int) for ii in range(0,ninds): i0 = dind['lrefid'].index(linds[ii]) ind[ii] = dind['cumsum0'][i0] + drefid[linds[ii]] return ind
[docs]def get_valf(val, lrids, linds): # Python 2 vs 3: # The order of arguments is reversed for lambda functions ! # => use py2 convention, compatible with both, WRONG !!! # Replace *li by li (which is always an array of max 3 elements ninds = len(linds) if type(val) is list: assert ninds == 1 and lrids == linds func = lambda li, val=val: val[li[0]] elif type(val) is tuple: assert ninds == 1 and lrids == linds n1, n2 = val[0].size, val[1].size # Python 2 and 3 syntax def func(li, val=val, n1=n1, n2=n2): i1 = li[0] % n1 i2 = li[0] // n1 return (val[0][i1], val[1][i2]) else: assert type(val) is np.ndarray if val.ndim > len(lrids) and val.ndim > ninds: val = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(val)) ndim = val.ndim c0 = ndim >= len(lrids) and len(lrids) >= ninds and ndim >= ninds if not c0: msg = "Wrong dimension / shape / references!\n" msg += " val.ndim : {}\n".format(ndim) msg += " lrids : {}\n".format(str(lrids)) msg += " len(linds): {}\n".format(ninds) raise Exception(msg) if ndim == ninds: if ndim == 1: func = lambda li, val=val: val[li[0]] elif ndim == 2: func = lambda li, val=val: val[li[0],li[1]] elif ndim == 3: func = lambda li, val=val: val[li[0],li[1],li[2]] else: lord = np.r_[[lrids.index(ii) for ii in linds]].astype(int) if ninds == 1: if ndim == 2: if lord[0] == 0: func = lambda li, val=val: val[li[0],:] elif lord[0] == 1: func = lambda li, val=val: val[:,li[0]] elif ndim == 3: if lord[0] == 0: func = lambda li, val=val: val[li[0],:,:] elif lord[0] == 1: func = lambda li, val=val: val[:,li[0],:] elif lord[0] == 2: func = lambda li, val=val: val[:,:,li[0]] elif ninds == 2: assert ndim == 3 args = np.argsort(lord) if np.all(lord[args] == [0,1]): func = lambda li, val=val: val[li[args[0]], li[args[1]],:] elif np.all(lord[args] == [0,2]): func = lambda li, val=val: val[li[args[0]], :, li[args[1]]] if np.all(lord[args] == [1,2]): func = lambda li, val=val: val[:, li[args[0]], li[args[1]]] return func
[docs]def get_fupdate(obj, typ, n12=None, norm=None, bstr=None): if typ == 'xdata': f = lambda val, obj=obj: obj.set_xdata(val) elif typ == 'ydata': f = lambda val, obj=obj: obj.set_ydata(val) elif typ in ['data']: # Also works for imshow f = lambda val, obj=obj: obj.set_data(val) elif typ in ['data-reshape']: # Also works for imshow f = lambda val, obj=obj, n12=n12: obj.set_data(val.reshape(n12[1],n12[0])) elif typ in ['alpha']: # Also works for imshow f = lambda val, obj=obj, norm=norm: obj.set_alpha(norm(val)) elif typ == 'txt': f = lambda val, obj=obj, bstr=bstr: obj.set_text(bstr.format(val)) return f
[docs]def get_ind_frompos(Type='x', ref=None, ref2=None, otherid=None, indother=None): assert Type in ['x','y','2d'] if Type in ['x','y']: if otherid is None: assert ref.size == np.max(ref.shape) ref = ref.ravel() if np.any(np.isnan(ref)): if Type == 'x': def func(val, ind0=None, ref=ref): return np.nanargmin(np.abs(ref-val[0])) else: def func(val, ind0=None, ref=ref): return np.nanargmin(np.abs(ref-val[1])) else: if ref.size == 1: def func(val, ind0=None): return 0 else: refb = 0.5*(ref[1:]+ref[:-1]) if Type == 'x': def func(val, ind0=None, refb=refb): return np.digitize([val[0]], refb)[0] else: def func(val, ind0=None, refb=refb): return np.digitize([val[1]], refb)[0] elif indother is None: assert ref.ndim == 2 if np.any(np.isnan(ref)): if Type == 'x': def func(val, ind0=None, ref=ref): return np.nanargmin(np.abs(ref[ind0,:]-val[0])) else: def func(val, ind0=None, ref=ref): return np.nanargmin(np.abs(ref[:,ind0]-val[1])) else: if Type == 'x': def func(val, ind0=None, ref=ref): refb = 0.5*(ref[ind0,1:]+ref[ind0,:-1]) return np.digitize([val[0]], refb)[0] else: def func(val, ind0=None, ref=ref): refb = 0.5*(ref[ind0,1:]+ref[ind0,:-1]) return np.digitize([val[1]], refb)[0] else: assert ref.ndim == 2 if np.any(np.isnan(ref)): if Type == 'x': def func(val, ind0=None, ref=ref, indother=indother): return np.nanargmin(np.abs(ref[indother[ind0],:] - val[0])) else: def func(val, ind0=None, ref=ref, indother=indother): return np.nanargmin(np.abs(ref[indother[ind0],:] - val[1])) else: if Type == 'x': def func(val, ind0=None, ref=ref, indother=indother): refb = 0.5*(ref[indother[ind0],1:]+ref[indother[ind0],:-1]) return np.digitize([val[0]], refb)[0] else: def func(val, ind0=None, ref=ref, indother=indother): refb = 0.5*(ref[indother[ind0],1:]+ref[indother[ind0],:-1]) return np.digitize([val[1]], refb)[0] else: assert type(ref2) is tuple and len(ref2) == 2 n1, n2 = ref2[0].size, ref2[1].size if any([np.any(np.isnan(rr)) for rr in ref2]): def func(val, ind0=None, ref2=ref2, n1=n1, n2=n2): i1 = np.nanargmin(np.abs(ref2[0]-val[0])) i2 = np.nanargmin(np.abs(ref2[1]-val[1])) return i2*n1 + i1 else: refb1 = 0.5*(ref2[0][1:]+ref2[0][:-1]) refb2 = 0.5*(ref2[1][1:]+ref2[1][:-1]) def func(val, ind0=None, refb1=refb1, refb2=refb2, n1=n1, n2=n2): i1 = np.digitize([val[0]], refb1)[0] i2 = np.digitize([val[1]], refb2)[0] return i2*n1 + i1 return func
[docs]def get_pos_fromind(ref=None, ref2=None, otherid=None, indother=None): if ref2 is not None: assert type(ref2) is tuple and len(ref2) == 2 n1, n2 = ref2[0].size, ref2[1].size def func(ind, ind0=None, ref2=ref2, n1=n1, n2=n2): i1 = ind % n1 i2 = ind // n1 return (ref2[0][i1], ref2[1][i2]) else: if otherid is None: assert ref.size == np.max(ref.shape) ref = ref.ravel() def func(ind, ind0=None, ref=ref): val = ref[ind] return (val, val) elif indother is None: assert ref.ndim == 2 def func(ind, ind0, ref=ref): val = ref[ind0,ind] return (val, val) else: assert ref.ndim == 2 def func(ind, ind0, ref=ref, indother=indother): val = ref[indother[ind0],ind] return (val, val) return func
[docs]def get_ind_fromkey(dmovkeys={}, nn=[], is2d=False): if is2d: n1, n2 = nn def func(movk, ind, doinc=False, dmovkeys=dmovkeys, n1=n1, n2=n2): i1 = ind % n1 i2 = ind // n1 if movk in ['left','right']: i1 += dmovkeys[movk][doinc] i1 = i1 % n1 else: i2 += dmovkeys[movk][doinc] i2 = i2 % n2 return i2 * n1 + i1 else: nx = nn[0] if len(nn)==1 else nn[1] def func(movk, ind, doinc=False, dmovkeys=dmovkeys, nx=nx): ind += dmovkeys[movk][doinc] ind = ind % nx return ind return func
[docs]class KeyHandler_mpl(object): _msgdobj = """ Arg dobj must be a dict The keys are handles to matplotlib Artist objects (e.g.: lines, imshow...) For each object oo, dobj[oo] is itself a dict with (key,value) pairs: - 'ref' : a 1D flat np.ndarray, used as reference - 'lgroup': list of int, indicating to which groups of indices oo belongs - 'lind' : list of int, indicating the index of oo in each group - 'update': a callable (function), to be called when updating """ _ltypesref = ['x','y','2d'] def __init__(self, can=None, dgroup=None, dref=None, ddata=None, dobj=None, dax=None, lax_fix=[], groupinit='time', follow=True): assert issubclass(can.__class__, mpl.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase) self.can = can out = self._checkformat_dgrouprefaxobj(dgroup, dref, dobj, dax, ddata) dgroup, dref, dax, dobj, dind, ddata = out self.dgroup = dgroup self.dref = dref self.ddata = ddata self.dax = dax self.dind = dind self.dax.update(dict([(ax,{'fix':None, 'lobj':[]}) for ax in lax_fix if ax not in dax.keys()])) self.dobj = dobj self.dcur = self._get_dcur_init(dgroup, dax, groupinit) dkeys = self._get_dkeys() lact = set([v['action'] for v in dkeys.values()]) dkeys_r = dict([(aa, [k for k in dkeys.keys() if dkeys[k]['action']==aa]) for aa in lact]) self.dkeys = dkeys self.dkeys_r = dkeys_r #self.init(dgroup=dgroup, dobj=dobj) self.isinteractive = hasattr(can,'toolbar') and can.toolbar is not None self._follow = follow self._set_dBck(self.dax.keys())
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_dcur_init(dgroup, dax, groupinit='time'): if not groupinit in dgroup.keys(): msg = "Arg groupinit must be a valid key of dgroup !\n" msg += " - Valid keys: %s\n"%str(dgroup.keys()) msg += " - Provided : %s"%groupinit raise Exception(msg) refid = dgroup[groupinit]['defid'] ax = dgroup[groupinit]['defax'] dcur = {'refid':refid, 'group':groupinit, 'ax':ax} return dcur
[docs] def _warn_ifnotInteractive(self): warn = False if not self.isinteractive: msg = "Not interactive backend!:\n" msg += " - backend : %s (prefer Qt5Agg)\n"%plt.get_backend() msg += " - canvas : %s"%self.can.__class__.__name__ warnings.warn(msg) warn = True return warn
[docs] @classmethod def _get_dmovkeys(cls, Type, inc, invert=False): assert Type in cls._ltypesref if Type[0] == 'x': dmovkeys = {'left':{False:-inc[0], True:-inc[1]}, 'right':{False:inc[0], True:inc[1]}} elif Type[0] == 'y': dmovkeys = {'down':{False:-inc[0], True:-inc[1]}, 'up':{False:inc[0], True:inc[1]}} elif Type == '2d': sig = -1 if invert else 1 dmovkeys = {'left':{False:-sig*inc[0], True:-sig*inc[1]}, 'right':{False:sig*inc[0], True:sig*inc[1]}, 'down':{False:-sig*inc[0], True:-sig*inc[1]}, 'up':{False:sig*inc[0], True:sig*inc[1]}} return dmovkeys
[docs] @classmethod def _checkformat_dgrouprefaxobj(cls, dgroup, dref, dobj, dax, ddata): assert all([type(dd) is dict for dd in [dgroup, dref, dobj, dax]]) #--------------- # Preliminary checks ls = ['nMax','key','defax'] for k,v in dgroup.items(): c0 = type(k) is str c1 = type(v) is dict c2 = all([s in v.keys() for s in ls]) if not (c0 and c1 and c2): raise Exception(cls._msgdobj) assert type(v['nMax']) in [int,np.int64] assert type(v['key']) is str assert v['defax'] in dax.keys() lg = sorted(list(dgroup.keys())) assert len(set(lg))==len(lg) ls = ['val','refids'] for k,v in ddata.items(): c0 = type(k) is int c1 = type(v) is dict c2 = all([s in v.keys() for s in ls]) if not (c0 and c1 and c2): raise Exception(cls._msgdobj) assert all([vv in dref.keys() for vv in v['refids']]) ldid = sorted(list(ddata.keys())) assert len(set(ldid))==len(ldid) ls = ['group','val','inc'] for k,v in dref.items(): c0 = type(k) is int c1 = type(v) is dict c2 = all([s in v.keys() for s in ls]) if not (c0 and c1 and c2): raise Exception(cls._msgdobj) assert v['group'] in lg assert type(v['val']) in [np.ndarray,tuple] assert len(v['inc']) == 2 v['inc'] = np.asarray(v['inc'],dtype=int).ravel() lrid = sorted(list(dref.keys())) lr = [dref[rid]['val'] for rid in lrid] assert len(set(lrid))==len(lrid) ls = cls._ltypesref for k,v in dax.items(): c0 = issubclass(k.__class__, mpl.axes.Axes) c1 = type(v) is dict c2 = 'ref' in v.keys() and type(v['ref']) is dict c3 = all([vv in ls for vv in v['ref'].values()]) c4 = all([kk in lrid for kk in v['ref'].keys()]) lc = [c0,c1,c2,c3,c4] assert all(lc), str(lc) if 'defrefid' in v.keys(): assert v['defrefid'] in lrid la = list(dax.keys()) assert len(set(la))==len(la) ls = ['dupdate','drefid'] for k,v in dobj.items(): c0 = issubclass(k.__class__, mpl.artist.Artist) c1 = type(v) is dict c2 = any([s in v.keys() for s in ls]) assert (c0 and c1 and c2) assert all([vv in lrid for vv in v['drefid'].keys()]) dobj[k]['ax'] = k.axes if dobj[k]['ax'] not in dax.keys(): dax[dobj[k]['ax']] = {'fix':None, 'ref':{}} lo = list(dobj.keys()) assert len(set(lo))==len(lo) #--------------- # Complement # dax for ax in dax.keys(): lobj = [obj for obj in dobj.keys() if dobj[obj]['ax'] is ax] dax[ax]['lobj'] = lobj if 'invert' in dax[ax].keys(): assert type(dax[ax]['invert']) is bool assert '2d' in dax[ax]['ref'].values() else: dax[ax]['invert'] = False # Handle cases were several ref are associated to the same typ lrefid = list(dax[ax]['ref'].keys()) ltypu = sorted(set(dax[ax]['ref'].values())) dtypu = dict([(typ,[rid for rid in lrefid if dax[ax]['ref'][rid] == typ]) for typ in ltypu]) # Check unicity of graphical ref if 'graph' not in dax[ax].keys(): assert all([len(vv) == 1 for vv in dtypu.values()]) dax[ax]['graph'] = dax[ax]['ref'] else: for typ in dtypu.keys(): if len(dtypu[typ]) > 1: assert np.sum([rid in dax[ax]['graph'].keys() for rid in dtypu[typ]]) == 1 else: dax[ax]['graph'][dtypu[typ][0]] = typ # func dict dmovkeys = {} for rid in lrefid: dmovkeys[rid] = cls._get_dmovkeys(dax[ax]['ref'][rid], dref[rid]['inc'], invert=dax[ax]['invert']) dax[ax]['dmovkeys'] = dmovkeys # Find default refid for ax (in case of ref from several groups) lrefid = list(dax[ax]['graph'].keys()) if len(lrefid) > 1: assert 'defrefid' in dax[ax].keys() assert dax[ax]['defrefid'] in lrefid # dgroup for g in lg: dgroup[g]['indcur'] = 0 dgroup[g]['ncur'] = 0 dgroup[g]['valind'] = np.full((dgroup[g]['nMax'],2), np.nan) lridg = [rid for rid in lrid if dref[rid]['group']==g] dgroup[g]['lrefid'] = lridg # To catch cross-dependencies: # All axes of all objects with a group dependency lla = [] for o in lo: if any([dref[rid]['group']==g for rid in dobj[o]['drefid'].keys()]): if dobj[o]['ax'] not in lla: lla.append(dobj[o]['ax']) dgroup[g]['lax'] = lla # Set defid ldefid = dax[dgroup[g]['defax']]['graph'].keys() ldefid = [defid for defid in ldefid if dref[defid]['group'] == g] assert len(ldefid) == 1 dgroup[g]['defid'] = ldefid[0] # Get list of obj with their indices, for fast updates lobj = [obj for obj in dobj.keys() if any([dref[rid]['group'] == g for rid in dobj[obj]['drefid'].keys()])] nobj = len(lobj) lind = [] for obj in lobj: ii = [ii for rid, ii in dobj[obj]['drefid'].items() if dref[rid]['group'] == g] assert len(ii) >= 1 if len(ii)>1: # Case when same group refered to via several refs # Only works if consistent indices ! assert all([iii==ii[0] for iii in ii]) ii = [ii[0]] lind += ii lindu = np.unique(lind) assert np.all(lindu >= 0) and np.all(lindu < dgroup[g]['nMax']) d2obj = dict([(ind, [lobj[ii] for ii in range(0,nobj) if lind[ii] == ind]) for ind in lindu]) dgroup[g]['d2obj'] = d2obj dgroup[g]['lobj'] = lobj # dref for rid in lrid: dref[rid]['ind'] = np.zeros((dgroup[dref[rid]['group']]['nMax'],), dtype=int) # Check consistency of otherid and indother c0 = 'indother' not in dref[rid].keys() c1 = not c0 and dref[rid]['indother'] is None if 'otherid' not in dref[rid].keys(): if isinstance(dref[rid]['val'], np.ndarray): assert dref[rid]['val'].size == max(dref[rid]['val'].shape) elif isinstance(dref[rid]['val'], tuple): assert len(dref[rid]['val'])==2 assert c0 or c1 dref[rid]['otherid'] = None if c0: dref[rid]['indother'] = None else: otherid = dref[rid]['otherid'] assert otherid is None or otherid in dref.keys() if otherid is None: assert c0 or c1 if c0: dref[rid]['indother'] = None else: assert dref[rid]['val'].ndim == 2 if c0 or c1: assert dref[rid]['val'].shape[0]==dref[otherid]['val'].size if c0: dref[rid]['indother'] = None else: assert dref[rid]['indother'].ndim == 1 # Get nn val = dref[rid]['val'] # Check if is2d ltypes = [] for ax in dax.keys(): if rid in dax[ax]['ref'].keys(): ltypes.append(dax[ax]['ref'][rid]) ltypes = sorted(set(ltypes)) assert ltypes == ['2d'] or not '2d' in ltypes is2d = '2d' in ltypes dref[rid]['is2d'] = is2d # Get functions otherid = dref[rid]['otherid'] indother = dref[rid]['indother'] df_ind_pos, df_ind_key, df_pos_ind = {}, {}, {} for ax in dax.keys(): if rid in dax[ax]['ref'].keys(): typ = dax[ax]['ref'][rid] if typ == '2d': assert '2d' in dref[rid].keys() val2 = dref[rid]['2d'] is2d = True nn = (val2[0].size, val2[1].size) else: val2 = None is2d = False if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): nn = val.shape elif isinstance(val, list): nn = (len(val),) else: raise Exception("Unknown val type !") df_ind_pos[ax] = get_ind_frompos(typ, val, val2, otherid = otherid, indother = indother) dmovkeys = dax[ax]['dmovkeys'][rid] df_ind_key[ax] = get_ind_fromkey(dmovkeys, is2d = is2d, nn = nn) df_pos_ind[ax] = get_pos_fromind(val, val2, otherid = otherid, indother = indother) dref[rid]['df_ind_pos'] = df_ind_pos dref[rid]['df_ind_key'] = df_ind_key dref[rid]['df_pos_ind'] = df_pos_ind # lobj lobj = [oo for oo in dobj.keys() if rid in dobj[oo]['drefid'].keys()] dref[rid]['lobj'] = lobj # dind lref = list(dref.keys()) nref = len(lref) ancur = np.zeros((2,nref),dtype=int) ancur[1,:] = [dgroup[dref[rid]['group']]['nMax'] for rid in lref] cumsum0 = np.r_[0, np.cumsum(ancur[1,:])] arefind = np.zeros((np.sum(ancur[1,:]),),dtype=int) dind = {'lrefid':lref, 'anMaxcur':ancur, 'arefind':arefind, 'cumsum0':cumsum0} # dobj for oo in dobj.keys(): dobj[oo]['vis'] = False # get functions to update lrefid = list(dobj[oo]['drefid'].keys()) for k, v in dobj[oo]['dupdate'].items(): # Check consistency with ddata if v['id'] not in ddata.keys(): if not v['id'] in dref.keys(): msg = "Missing id in ddata or dref " msg += "(vs dobj[idobj]['dupdate'][k]['id']) !\n" msg += " idobj: %s\n"%oo msg += " k : %s\n"%k msg += " id : %s"%v['id'] raise Exception(msg) ddata[v['id']] = {'val':dref[v['id']]['val']} if dref[v['id']]['otherid'] is None: ddata[v['id']]['refids'] = [v['id']] else: ddata[v['id']]['refids'] = [dref[v['id']]['otherid'],v['id']] # get update tools val = ddata[v['id']]['val'] lrefs = ddata[v['id']]['refids'] linds = v['lrid'] fgetval = get_valf(val, lrefs, linds) lkv = [(kk,vv) for kk,vv in dobj[oo]['dupdate'][k].items() if kk not in ['id','lrid']] fupdate = get_fupdate(oo, k, **dict(lkv)) dobj[oo]['dupdate'][k]['fgetval'] = fgetval dobj[oo]['dupdate'][k]['fupdate'] = fupdate indrefind = get_indrefind(dind, linds, dobj[oo]['drefid']) dobj[oo]['dupdate'][k]['indrefind'] = indrefind # linds not necessarily identical ! dobj[oo]['aindvis'] = np.array([dobj[oo]['drefid'][rid] for rid in lrefid], dtype=int) indncurind = get_indncurind(dind, lrefid) dobj[oo]['indncurind'] = indncurind return dgroup, dref, dax, dobj, dind, ddata
[docs] def _get_dkeys(self): dkeys = {'shift':{'val':False, 'action':'generic'}, 'control':{'val':False, 'action':'generic'}, 'ctrl':{'val':False, 'action':'generic'}, 'alt':{'val':False, 'action':'generic'}, 'left':{'val':False, 'action':'move'}, 'right':{'val':False, 'action':'move'}, 'up':{'val':False, 'action':'move'}, 'down':{'val':False, 'action':'move'}} # 'pageup':{'val':False, 'action':'move'}, # 'pagedown':{'val':False, 'action':'move'}} dkeys.update(dict([(v['key'],{'group':k, 'val':False, 'action':'group'}) for k,v in self.dgroup.items()])) nMax = np.max([v['nMax'] for v in self.dgroup.values()]) dkeys.update(dict([(str(ii),{'ind':ii, 'val':False, 'action':'indices'}) for ii in range(0,nMax)])) return dkeys
[docs] def disconnect_old(self, force=False): if self._warn_ifnotInteractive(): return if force: self.can.mpl_disconnect(self.can.manager.key_press_handler_id) else: lk = [kk for kk in list(plt.rcParams.keys()) if 'keymap' in kk] self.store_rcParams = {} for kd in self.dkeys.keys(): self.store_rcParams[kd] = [] for kk in lk: if kd in plt.rcParams[kk]: self.store_rcParams[kd].append(kk) plt.rcParams[kk].remove(kd) self.can.mpl_disconnect(self.can.button_pick_id)
[docs] def reconnect_old(self): if self._warn_ifnotInteractive(): return if self.store_rcParams is not None: for kd in self.store_rcParams.keys(): for kk in self.store_rcParams[kk]: if kd not in plt.rcParams[kk]: plt.rcParams[kk].append(kd)
[docs] def connect(self): if self._warn_ifnotInteractive(): return keyp = self.can.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.onkeypress) keyr = self.can.mpl_connect('key_release_event', self.onkeypress) butp = self.can.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.mouseclic) res = self.can.mpl_connect('resize_event', self.resize) #butr = self.can.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.mouserelease) #if not plt.get_backend() == "agg": self.can.manager.toolbar.release = self.mouserelease self._cid = {'keyp':keyp, 'keyr':keyr, 'butp':butp, 'res':res}#, 'butr':butr}
[docs] def disconnect(self): if self._warn_ifnotInteractive(): return for kk in self._cid.keys(): self.can.mpl_disconnect(self._cid[kk]) self.can.manager.toolbar.release = lambda event: None
[docs] def resize(self, event): self._set_dBck(self.dax.keys())
[docs] def _set_dBck(self, lax): # Make all invisible for ax in lax: for obj in self.dax[ax]['lobj']: obj.set_visible(False) # Draw and reset Bck self.can.draw() for ax in lax: #ax.draw(self.can.renderer) self.dax[ax]['Bck'] = self.can.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox) # Redraw for ax in lax: for obj in self.dax[ax]['lobj']: obj.set_visible(self.dobj[obj]['vis']) #ax.draw(self.can.renderer) self.can.draw()
[docs] def init(self, dgroup=None, ngroup=None, dobj=None): pass
[docs] def update(self, excluderef=True): self._update_dcur() # 0.4 ms self._update_dref(excluderef=excluderef) # 0.1 ms self._update_dobj() # 0.2 s
[docs] def _update_dcur(self): group = self.dcur['group'] refid = self.dcur['refid'] assert self.dref[refid]['group'] == group assert refid in self.dax[self.dcur['ax']]['graph'].keys() # Update also dind ! an = [self.dgroup[self.dref[rid]['group']]['ncur'] for rid in self.dind['lrefid']] self.dind['anMaxcur'][0,:] = an # Update array ncur for obj in self.dgroup[group]['lobj']: a0 = self.dind['anMaxcur'][0,self.dobj[obj]['indncurind']] a1 = self.dobj[obj]['aindvis'] self.dobj[obj]['vis'] = np.all( a0 >= a1 )
[docs] def _update_dref(self, excluderef=True): group = self.dcur['group'] ind = self.dgroup[group]['indcur'] val = self.dgroup[group]['valind'][ind,:] if excluderef and len(self.dgroup[group]['lrefid'])>1: for rid in self.dgroup[group]['lrefid']: if rid == self.dcur['refid']: continue if self.dref[rid]['otherid'] is None: indother = None else: group2 = self.dref[self.dref[rid]['otherid']]['group'] ind2 = self.dgroup[group2]['indcur'] indother = self.dref[self.dref[rid]['otherid']]['ind'][ind2] lax = list(self.dref[rid]['df_ind_pos'].keys()) if len(lax) == 0: msg = "A ref has no associated ax !\n" msg += " - group: %s\n"%group msg += " - rid : %s"%rid raise Exception(msg) ii = self.dref[rid]['df_ind_pos'][lax[0]](val, indother) if self._follow: self.dref[rid]['ind'][ind:] = ii else: self.dref[rid]['ind'][ind] = ii else: for rid in self.dgroup[group]['lrefid']: if self.dref[rid]['otherid'] is None: indother = None else: group2 = self.dref[self.dref[rid]['otherid']]['group'] ind2 = self.dgroup[group2]['indcur'] indother = self.dref[self.dref[rid]['otherid']]['ind'][ind2] lax = list(self.dref[rid]['df_ind_pos'].keys()) if len(lax) == 0: msg = "A ref has no associated ax !\n" msg += " - group: %s\n"%group msg += " - rid : %s"%rid raise Exception(msg) ii = self.dref[rid]['df_ind_pos'][lax[0]](val, indother) if self._follow: self.dref[rid]['ind'][ind:] = ii else: self.dref[rid]['ind'][ind] = ii # Update dind['arefind'] for ii in range(0,len(self.dind['lrefid'])): rid = self.dind['lrefid'][ii] i0 = self.dind['cumsum0'][ii] i1 = i0 + self.dgroup[self.dref[rid]['group']]['nMax'] self.dind['arefind'][i0:i1] = self.dref[rid]['ind']
[docs] def _update_dobj(self): # --- Prepare ----- 2 us group = self.dcur['group'] refid = self.dcur['refid'] indcur = self.dgroup[group]['indcur'] lax = self.dgroup[group]['lax'] # ---- Restore backgrounds ---- 1 ms for aa in lax: self.can.restore_region(self.dax[aa]['Bck']) # ---- update data of group objects ---- 0.15 s for obj in self.dgroup[group]['d2obj'][indcur]: for k in self.dobj[obj]['dupdate'].keys(): ii = self.dobj[obj]['dupdate'][k]['indrefind'] # 20 us li = self.dind['arefind'][ii] # 50 us val = self.dobj[obj]['dupdate'][k]['fgetval']( li ) # 0.0001 s self.dobj[obj]['dupdate'][k]['fupdate']( val ) # 2 ms # --- Redraw all objects (due to background restore) --- 25 ms for obj in self.dobj.keys(): obj.set_visible(self.dobj[obj]['vis']) self.dobj[obj]['ax'].draw_artist(obj) # ---- blit axes ------ 5 ms for aa in lax: self.can.blit(aa.bbox)
[docs] def mouseclic(self,event): # Check click is relevant C0 = event.inaxes is not None and event.button == 1 if not C0: return self.curax_panzoom = event.inaxes # DB ? # Check axes is relevant and toolbar not active c_activeax = 'fix' not in self.dax[event.inaxes].keys() c_toolbar = self.can.manager.toolbar._active in [None,False] if not all([c_activeax,c_toolbar]): return # Set self.dcur self.dcur['ax'] = event.inaxes lrid = list(self.dax[event.inaxes]['graph'].keys()) if len(lrid)>1: lg = [self.dref[rid]['group'] for rid in lrid] if self.dcur['group'] in lg: rid = lrid[lg.index(self.dcur['group'])] else: rid = self.dax[event.inaxes]['defrefid'] else: rid= lrid[0] self.dcur['refid'] = rid self.dcur['group'] = self.dref[self.dcur['refid']]['group'] group = self.dcur['group'] ax = self.dcur['ax'] refid = self.dcur['refid'] # Check max number of occurences not reached if shift c0 = (self.dkeys['shift']['val'] and self.dgroup[group]['indcur'] == self.dgroup[group]['nMax']-1) if c0: msg = "Max nb. of plots reached ({0}) for group {1}" msg = msg.format(self.dgroup[group]['nMax'], group) print(msg) return # Update indcur ctrl = self.dkeys['control']['val'] or self.dkeys['ctrl']['val'] if ctrl: nn = 0 ii = 0 elif self.dkeys['shift']['val']: nn = int(self.dgroup[group]['ncur'])+1 ii = nn else: nn = int(self.dgroup[group]['ncur']) ii = int(self.dgroup[group]['indcur']) # Update dcur self.dgroup[group]['ncur'] = nn self.dgroup[group]['indcur'] = ii # Update group val val = (event.xdata, event.ydata) if self._follow: self.dgroup[group]['valind'][ii:,:] = val else: self.dgroup[group]['valind'][ii,:] = val self.update(excluderef=False)
[docs] def mouserelease(self, event): msg = "Make sure you release the mouse button on an axes !" msg += "\n Otherwise the background plot cannot be properly updated !" c0 = self.can.manager.toolbar._active == 'PAN' c1 = self.can.manager.toolbar._active == 'ZOOM' if c0 or c1: ax = self.curax_panzoom assert ax is not None, msg lax = ax.get_shared_x_axes().get_siblings(ax) lax += ax.get_shared_y_axes().get_siblings(ax) lax = list(set(lax)) self._set_dBck(lax)
[docs] def onkeypress(self, event): lkey = event.key.split('+') c0 = self.can.manager.toolbar._active is not None c1 = len(lkey) not in [1,2] c2 = [ss not in self.dkeys.keys() for ss in lkey] if c0 or c1 or any(c2): return lgen = [k for k in self.dkeys_r['generic'] if k in lkey] lmov = [k for k in self.dkeys_r['move'] if k in lkey] lgrp = [k for k in self.dkeys_r['group'] if k in lkey] lind = [k for k in self.dkeys_r['indices'] if k in lkey] ngen, nmov, ngrp, nind = len(lgen), len(lmov), len(lgrp), len(lind) ln = np.r_[ngen, nmov, ngrp, nind] if np.any(ln>1) or np.sum(ln)>2: return if np.sum(ln)==2 and (ngrp==1 or nind==1): return genk = None if ngen == 0 else lgen[0] movk = None if nmov == 0 else lmov[0] grpk = None if ngrp == 0 else lgrp[0] indk = None if nind == 0 else lind[0] if == 'key_release_event': if event.key == genk: self.dkeys[genk]['val'] = False return if genk is not None and event.key == genk: self.dkeys[genk]['val'] = True return if grpk is not None: group = self.dkeys[event.key]['group'] self.dcur['group'] = group self.dcur['refid'] = self.dgroup[group]['defid'] self.dcur['ax'] = self.dgroup[group]['defax'] return if indk is not None: group = self.dcur['group'] indmax = self.dgroup[group]['ncur'] ii = int(event.key) if ii > indmax: msg = "Maximum allowed index for group {0} is {1}, set to it" msg = msg.format(group, indmax) print(msg) ii = min(ii,indmax) self.dgroup[group]['indcur'] = ii return if movk is not None: group = self.dcur['group'] refid = self.dcur['refid'] ax = self.dcur['ax'] # # Debug # if refid not in self.dax[ax]['dmovkeys'].keys(): # DB # print(refid, self.dref[refid]['group']) # DB # print(ax, self.dax[ax]['dmovkeys']) # DB if movk not in self.dax[ax]['dmovkeys'][refid].keys(): return # Check max number of occurences not reached if shift c0 = (self.dkeys['shift']['val'] and self.dgroup[group]['indcur'] == self.dgroup[group]['nMax']-1) if c0: msg = "Max nb. of plots reached ({0}) for group {1}" msg = msg.format(self.dgroup[group]['nMax'], group) print(msg) return ctrl = self.dkeys['control']['val'] or self.dkeys['ctrl']['val'] if ctrl: nn = 0 ii = 0 elif self.dkeys['shift']['val']: nn = int(self.dgroup[group]['ncur'])+1 ii = nn else: nn = int(self.dgroup[group]['ncur']) ii = int(self.dgroup[group]['indcur']) # Update dcur self.dgroup[group]['ncur'] = nn self.dgroup[group]['indcur'] = ii # Update refid ind ind = self.dref[refid]['df_ind_key'][ax](movk, self.dref[refid]['ind'][ii], self.dkeys['alt']['val']) if self._follow: self.dref[refid]['ind'][ii:] = ind else: self.dref[refid]['ind'][ii] = ind # Update group val if self.dref[refid]['otherid'] is None: indother = None else: group2 = self.dref[self.dref[refid]['otherid']]['group'] ind2 = self.dgroup[group2]['indcur'] indother = self.dref[self.dref[refid]['otherid']]['ind'][ind2] val = self.dref[refid]['df_pos_ind'][ax]( ind, indother ) if self._follow: self.dgroup[group]['valind'][ii:,:] = val else: self.dgroup[group]['valind'][ii,:] = val # Upadte all self.update(excluderef=True)
################################################################### ################################################################### # Start new abstract Data2DBase with indices for next version ###################################################################
[docs]class Data2DBase(ToFuObjectBase): """ Provide a a dict of sequences depending on 2 indices """ pass