Source code for tofu.tests.tests01_geom.test_03_core_data.WEST_PFC_DivLowITER_Notes

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Built-in
import os
import argparse

# Common
import numpy as np

_save = True
_here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
_Exp, _Cls, _name = os.path.split(__file__)[1].split('_')[:3]
assert not any([any([ss in s for ss in ['Notes','.']])
               for s in [_Exp, _Cls, _name]])

[docs]def get_notes(): """ By convention : D is a length of the element, d is a gap """ notes = {'DPhi':{}, 'dPhi':{}} # Toroidal width (mm, inner outer) notes['DPhi']['In'] = 26.370 notes['DPhi']['Out'] = 31.929 # Inter tiles distance (mm, uniform) notes['dl'] = 0.500 # Poloidal/Radial total length (mm) notes['DL'] = 437.000 # Number of tiles radially notes['nb'] = 35 notes['nbPhi'] = 19*2*12 # Radial length of a tile (mm, uniform) notes['Dl'] = 12.000 # Vertical height of tiles (mm, uniform) notes['DZ'] = 26.000 # Toroidal space between needles (mm, inner outer) notes['dPhi']['In'] = 0.588 notes['dPhi']['Out'] = 0.612 # (X,Z,Y) polygon of one needle (mm) !!!!!! (X,Z,Y) # 1 mm should be added towards Z>0 in the direction normal to the divertor's upper surface notes['sampleXZY'] = [[-759.457, -625.500, -1797.591], # Old start point [-759.603, -624.572, -1797.936], # Only for pattern [-772.277, -620.864, -1794.112], [-761.681, -610.036, -1769.498], # Computed,tube/plane [-761.895, -620.231, -1764.921], [-751.095, -609.687, -1741.154], [-755.613, -580.944, -1751.852], [-766.413, -591.488, -1775.620], # Edge of plane [-763.902, -596.129, -1774.659], # Computed,tube/plane [-774.498, -606.956, -1799.274], # Middle top of tube [-763.246, -601.395, -1806.563], [-767.575, -605.891, -1816.813], [-763.932, -629.068, -1808.186], [-764.112, -629.255, -1808.613], [-767.755, -606.078, -1817.240], [-772.084, -610.573, -1827.490], [-768.441, -633.750, -1818.863], [-768.622, -633.938, -1819.290], [-772.265, -610.760, -1827.917], [-776.594, -615.256, -1838.167], [-772.950, -638.433, -1829.540], [-773.131, -638.620, -1829.967], [-776.774, -615.443, -1838.594], [-781.103, -619.938, -1848.844], [-777.460, -643.115, -1840.217], [-777.640, -643.303, -1840.644], [-781.283, -620.126, -1849.271], [-785.612, -624.621, -1859.520], [-781.969, -647.798, -1850.894], [-782.149, -647.985, -1851.321], [-785.793, -624.808, -1859.948], [-790.122, -629.303, -1870.197], [-786.478, -652.481, -1861.571], [-786.659, -652.668, -1861.998], [-790.302, -629.491, -1870.624], [-794.631, -633.986, -1880.874], [-790.988, -657.163, -1872.248], [-791.168, -657.351, -1872.675], [-794.811, -634.173, -1881.301]] notes['sampleXZY'] = np.array(notes['sampleXZY']) for kk in notes.keys(): if type(notes[kk]) is dict: notes[kk]['In'] = notes[kk]['In']*1.e-3 notes[kk]['Out'] = notes[kk]['Out']*1.e-3 elif not 'nb' in kk: notes[kk] = notes[kk]*1.e-3 return notes
[docs]def make_Poly(save=_save, path=_here): notes = get_notes() R = np.hypot(notes['sampleXZY'][:,0],notes['sampleXZY'][:,2]) Z = notes['sampleXZY'][:,1] d = np.sqrt(np.diff(R)**2+np.diff(Z)**2) indup = (np.abs(d-notes['Dl'])<1.e-6).nonzero()[0] e1 = np.array([R[indup+1]-R[indup], Z[indup+1]-Z[indup]]) e1 = np.mean(e1,axis=1) e1 = e1/np.linalg.norm(e1) e2 = np.r_[-e1[1], e1[0]] nP = 4 P0 = np.array([R[[0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]],Z[[0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]]]) PEnd = P0[:,0:1] + e1[:,np.newaxis]*notes['DL'] El = np.array([R[[1,10,11,12]],Z[[1,10,11,12]]]) k = np.arange(0,notes['nb']) l = np.repeat(k*(notes['Dl']+notes['dl']), nP) Poly = np.tile(El,notes['nb']) + e1[:,np.newaxis]*l[np.newaxis,:] Poly = np.concatenate((P0,Poly[:,1:],PEnd),axis=1) Poly0 = Poly[:,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-3,-1]] # Poly1 indI0 = np.arange(10,Poly.shape[1]-6,4) PI = (Poly[:,indI0] + Poly[:,indI0+3])/2. Poly1 = np.concatenate((Poly0[:,:9],PI,Poly0[:,-3:]),axis=1) if save: cstr = '%s_%s_%s'%(_Exp,_Cls,_name) pathfilext = os.path.join(path, cstr+'_V0.txt') np.savetxt(pathfilext, Poly0.T) pathfilext = os.path.join(path, cstr+'_V1.txt') np.savetxt(pathfilext, Poly1.T) pathfilext = os.path.join(path, cstr+'_V2.txt') np.savetxt(pathfilext, Poly.T) return Poly0, Poly1, Poly, notes
if __name__=='__main__': # Parse input arguments msg = 'Launch creation of polygons txt from bash' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = msg) parser.add_argument('-save', type=bool, help='save ?', default=_save) parser.add_argument('-path', type=str, help='saving path ?', default=_here) args = parser.parse_args() # Call wrapper function make_Poly(, path=args.path)