Source code for tofu.tests.tests01_geom.test_03_core_data.WEST_PFC_DivLowGC_Notes

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Built-in
import os
import argparse

# Common
import numpy as np

_save = True
_here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
_Exp, _Cls, _name = os.path.split(__file__)[1].split('_')[:3]
assert not any([any([ss in s for ss in ['Notes','.']])
               for s in [_Exp, _Cls, _name]])

[docs]def get_notes(): """ By convention : D is a length of the element, d is a gap """ notes = {'DPhi':{}, 'dPhi':{}} # Toroidal width (mm, inner outer) notes['DPhi']['In'] = 25.508 notes['DPhi']['Out'] = 32.908 # Inter tiles distance (mm, uniform) notes['dl'] = 1.500 # Poloidal/Radial total length (mm) notes['DL'] = 573.995 # Number of tiles radially notes['nb'] = 2 notes['nbPhi'] = 38*12 # Radial length of a tile (mm) notes['Dl'] = np.array([316.495,256.000]) # Vertical height of tiles (mm, uniform) notes['DZ'] = 25.538 # Toroidal space between needles (mm, inner outer) notes['dPhi']['In'] = 0.666 notes['dPhi']['Out'] = 0.666 # (X,Z,Y) polygon of one needle (mm) !!!!!! (X,Z,Y) # 1 mm should be added towards Z>0 in the direction normal to the divertor's upper surface notes['sampleXZY'] = [[-440.221, -606.218, 1854.847], [-440.163, -581.217, 1854.860], [-440.748, -579.362, 1857.546], [-506.714, -694.150, 2133.992], [-506.951, -694.466, 2134.837], [-510.087, -699.924, 2147.977], [-510.336, -702.527, 2149.054], [-508.309, -724.780, 2140.295], [-508.995, -721.633, 2143.101], [-510.684, -703.089, 2150.401], [-511.270, -701.984, 2152.937], [-514.021, -706.772, 2164.465], [-514.742, -708.491, 2167.329], [-565.491, -796.886, 2380.007], [-565.707, -799.489, 2381.092], [-563.726, -821.241, 2372.530]] notes['sampleXZY'] = np.array(notes['sampleXZY']) for kk in notes.keys(): if type(notes[kk]) is dict: notes[kk]['In'] = notes[kk]['In']*1.e-3 notes[kk]['Out'] = notes[kk]['Out']*1.e-3 elif not 'nb' in kk: notes[kk] = notes[kk]*1.e-3 return notes
[docs]def _get_inter(D0,u0,D1,u1): k = -np.cross(D0-D1,u1)/np.cross(u0,u1) return D0 + k*u0
[docs]def make_Poly(save=_save, path=_here): notes = get_notes() R = np.hypot(notes['sampleXZY'][:,0],notes['sampleXZY'][:,2]) Z = notes['sampleXZY'][:,1] d = np.sqrt(np.diff(R)**2+np.diff(Z)**2) indup = np.argmax(d) e1 = np.array([R[indup+1]-R[indup], Z[indup+1]-Z[indup]]) e1 = e1/np.linalg.norm(e1) e2 = np.r_[-e1[1], e1[0]] P0 = (np.array([R[0],Z[0]])-0.01*e2)[:,np.newaxis] PEnd = (np.array([R[-1],Z[-1]])-0.01*e2)[:,np.newaxis] Poly = np.array([R[1:-1],Z[1:-1]]) Poly = np.concatenate((P0,Poly,PEnd),axis=1) Poly0 = Poly[:,[0,2,-3,-1]] # Making Poly1 D0 = Poly0[:,1] u0 = Poly0[:,-2]-D0 k0 = -np.sum((D0-Poly[:,5])*u0)/np.linalg.norm(u0)**2 k1 = -np.sum((D0-Poly[:,10])*u0)/np.linalg.norm(u0)**2 P0 = (D0 + k0*u0)[:,np.newaxis] P1 = (D0 + k1*u0)[:,np.newaxis] D0, D1 = Poly[:,5], Poly[:,10] u0, u1 = Poly[:,6]-D0, Poly[:,9]-D1 PI = _get_inter(D0,u0,D1,u1)[:,np.newaxis] Poly1 = np.concatenate((Poly0[:,:2], P0,PI,P1, Poly0[:,2:]),axis=1) if save: cstr = '%s_%s_%s'%(_Exp,_Cls,_name) pathfilext = os.path.join(path, cstr+'_V0.txt') np.savetxt(pathfilext, Poly0.T) pathfilext = os.path.join(path, cstr+'_V1.txt') np.savetxt(pathfilext, Poly1.T) pathfilext = os.path.join(path, cstr+'_V2.txt') np.savetxt(pathfilext, Poly.T) return Poly0, Poly1, Poly, notes
if __name__=='__main__': # Parse input arguments msg = 'Launch creation of polygons txt from bash' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = msg) parser.add_argument('-save', type=bool, help='save ?', default=_save) parser.add_argument('-path', type=str, help='saving path ?', default=_here) args = parser.parse_args() # Call wrapper function make_Poly(, path=args.path)