# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jul 30 14:37:31 2014
@author: didiervezinet
# Built-in
import os # For accessing cuurent working direcVesy
import subprocess
import getpass
import inspect
import warnings
# Common
import numpy as np
import datetime as dtm
# ToFu specific
from tofu import __version__
__author__ = "Didier Vezinet"
__all__ = ["ID",
dModes = {'geom':'TFG', 'data':'TFD'}
lCls = ['Ves','Struct',
dPref = {'Exp':'Exp','Diag':'Dg','shot':'sh','Deg':'Deg',
defInclude = ['Mod','Cls','Type','Exp','Deg','Diag','Name','shot']
Path Handling
def _set_arrayorder(obj, arrayorder):
assert arrayorder in ['C','F'], "Arg arrayorder must be in ['C','F']"
Lattr = dir(obj)
for aa in Lattr:
bb = getattr(obj,aa)
if type(bb) is np.array and bb.ndim>1:
if arrayorder=='C':
except Exception:
obj._arrayorder = arrayorder
[docs]def convert_units(P, In='cm', Out='m'):
Quickly convert distance units between meters, centimeters and millimeters
c = {'m':{'mm':1000.,'cm':100.,'m':1.},
return c[In][Out]*P
[docs]def get_PolyFromPolyFileObj(PolyFileObj, SavePathInp=None, units='m', comments='#', skiprows=0, shape0=2):
""" Return a polygon as a np.ndarray, extracted from a txt file or from a ToFu object, with appropriate units
Useful for :meth:`tofu.plugins.AUG.Ves._create()`
PolyFileObj : str / :mod:`tofu.geom` object / np.ndarray
The source where the polygon is to be found, either:
- str: the name of a file containing the coorindates of a polygon to be loaded with :meth:`numpy.loadtxt()`
- A :mod:`tofu.geom` object: with attribute 'Poly'
- np.ndarray: an 2-dimensional array containing the 2D cartesian coordinates of a polygon
SavePathInp : str / None
The absolute path where the input file is stored
units : str
Flag indicating in which units the polygon coordinates is expressed in the input file / object / array (will be converted to meters)
comments : str
Parameter to be fed to :meth:`numpy.loadtxt()` if PolyFileObj is a file name
skiprows : int
Parameter to be fed to :meth:`numpy.loadtxt()` if PolyFileObj is a file name
shape0 : int
Specifies whether the loaded array is a (2,N) or (3,N) array (transposed it if necessary)
Poly : np.ndarray
(2,N) np.ndarray containing the 2D cartesian coordinates of the polygon, where N is the number of points
addInfo : dict
Dictionaryb containing information on the origin of the polygon, for the record (e.g.: the name and absolute path of the file from which it was extracted)
assert type(PolyFileObj) in [list,str] or hasattr(PolyFileObj,"Poly") or np.asarray(PolyFileObj).ndim==2, "Arg PolyFileObj must be str (PathFileExt), a ToFu object with attribute Poly or an iterable convertible to 2d np.ndarray !"
# Load PolyFileObj if file and check shape
addInfo = {}
if type(PolyFileObj) in [list,str]:
PathFileExt = get_FileFromInfos(Path=SavePathInp, Name=PolyFileObj)
# Include PathFileExt in ID for tracability
addInfo = {'Input':PathFileExt}
PolyFileObj = np.loadtxt(PathFileExt, dtype=float, comments=comments, delimiter=None, converters=None, skiprows=skiprows, usecols=None, unpack=False, ndmin=2)
elif hasattr(PolyFileObj,"Poly"):
addInfo = {'Input':PolyFileObj.Id.SaveName}
PolyFileObj = PolyFileObj.Poly
Poly = np.asarray(PolyFileObj)
assert Poly.ndim==2 and shape0 in Poly.shape and max(Poly.shape)>=3 and not np.any(np.isnan(Poly)), "Arg np.asarray(PolyFileObj) must be a (2,N) or (N,2) np.ndarray with non NaNs !"
Poly = Poly if Poly.shape[0]==shape0 else Poly.T
Poly = convert_units(Poly, In=units, Out='m')
return Poly, addInfo
Generic input checking and retrieving
# Deprecated ???
def _check_NotNone(Dict):
for aa in Dict.keys():
assert not Dict[aa] is None, "Arg "+aa+" must not be None !"
# Deprecated ???
def _get_FromItself(obj, Dict):
for aa in Dict.keys():
if Dict[aa] is None:
Dict[aa] = getattr(obj,aa)
return Dict
ID Class and naming
# Deprecated ????
[docs]class ID(object):
""" A class used by all ToFu objects as an attribute
It stores all relevant data for the identification of instances
Stored info can be the name of the instance, the experiment and diagnostics
it belongs to, or other user-defined info
Also provides default names for saving the instances
Cls : str
Class of the object on which info should be stored:
Name : str
Name of the instance (user-defined)
Should be a str without space ' ' or underscore '_'
(automatically removed if present)
Type : None / str
Type of object (i.e.: 'Tor' or 'Lin' for a :class:`~tofu.geom.Ves`)
Deg : None / int
Degree of the b-splines constituting the :mod:`tofu.mesh` object
Exp : None / str
Flag specifying the experiment (e.g.: 'WEST', 'AUG', 'ITER', 'JET'...)
Diag : None / str
Flag indicating the diagnostic (e.g.: 'SXR', 'HXR', 'Bolo'...)
shot : None / int
A shot number from which the instance is valid (for tracking changes)
SaveName : None / str
Overrides the default file name for saving (not recommended)
SavePath : None / str
Absolute path where the instance should be saved
USRdict : None / dict
A user-defined dictionary containing information about the instance
All info considered relevant can be passed here
(e.g.: thickness of the diode, date of installation...)
LObj : None / dict / list
- list: list of other ID instances of objects on which the created object depends (this list will then be sorted by class and formatted into a dictionary storign key attributes)
- dict: a ready-made such dictionary
def __init__(self, Cls=None, Name=None, Type=None, Deg=None,
Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, SaveName=None,
USRdict={}, LObj=None, fromdict=None,
if fromdict is None:
assert Cls is not None
assert Name is not None
self._check_inputs(Cls=Cls, Name=Name, Type=Type, Deg=Deg,
Exp=Exp, Diag=Diag, shot=shot, SaveName=SaveName,
SavePath=SavePath, USRdict=USRdict,
# Try to get the user name
self._version = __version__
self._usr = getpass.getuser()
self._usr = None
# Set fixed attributes
self._Mod, self._Cls = _extract_ModClsFrom_class(Cls)
self._Type, self._SavePath = Type, SavePath
self._Exp, self._Diag, self._shot = Exp, Diag, shot
self._Deg = Deg
# Set variable attributes
self.set_Name(Name, SaveName=SaveName, Include=Include)
self._LObj = {}
[docs] def _fromdict(self, fd):
# Set fixed attributes
self._Mod, self._Cls, self._Type = fd['Mod'], fd['Cls'], fd['Type']
self._Exp, self._Diag, self._shot = fd['Exp'], fd['Diag'], fd['shot']
self._Deg, self._SavePath = fd['Deg'], fd['SavePath']
self._version, self._usr = fd['version'], fd['usr']
self._USRdict = fd['USRdict']
self._LObj = fd['LObj']
# Set variable attributes
self._Name, self._SaveName = fd['Name'], fd['SaveName']
# Check the original tofu version against the current version
if not self._version==__version__:
Str = self._Name+" was created from a different ToFu version !\n"
Str += "original : %s\n"%self._version
Str += "current : %s"%__version__
[docs] def _todict(self):
d = {'Mod':self._Mod, 'Cls':self.Cls, 'Type':self.Type,
'Name':self.Name, 'SaveName':self.SaveName,
'SavePath':self.SavePath, 'Exp':self.Exp, 'Diag':self.Diag,
'shot':self.shot, 'Deg':self._Deg, 'version':self._version,
'usr':self._usr, 'USRdict':self.USRdict, 'LObj':self.LObj}
return d
[docs] def set_Name(self, Name, SaveName=None,
""" Set the Name of the instance, automatically updating the SaveName
The name should be a str without spaces or underscores (removed)
When the name is changed, if SaveName (i.e. the name used for saving)
was not user-defined, it is automatically updated
Name : str
Name of the instance, without ' ' or '_' (automatically removed)
SaveName : None / str
If provided, overrides the default name for saving (not recommended)
Include: list
Controls how te default SaveName is generated
Each element of the list is a key str indicating whether an element
should be present in the SaveName
self._check_inputs(Name=Name, SaveName=SaveName, Include=Include)
self._Name = Name
self.set_SaveName(SaveName=SaveName, Include=Include,
[docs] def set_SaveName(self,SaveName=None,
""" Set the name for saving the instance (SaveName)
SaveName can be either:
- provided by the user (no constraint) - not recommended
- automatically generated from Name and key attributes (cf. Include)
SaveName : None / str
If provided, overrides the default name for saving (not recommended)
Include : list
Controls how te default SaveName is generated
Each element of the list is a key str indicating whether an element
should be present in the SaveName
ForceUpdate : bool
Flag indicating the behaviour when SaveName=None:
- True : A new SaveName is generated, overriding the old one
- False : The former SaveName is preserved (default)
self._check_inputs(SaveName=SaveName, Include=Include)
if not hasattr(self,'_SaveName_usr'):
self._SaveName_usr = (SaveName is not None)
# If SaveName provided by user, override
if SaveName is not None:
self._SaveName = SaveName
self._SaveName_usr = True
# Don't update if former is user-defined and ForceUpdate is False
# Override if previous was:
# automatic or (user-defined but ForceUpdate is True)
if (not self._SaveName_usr) or (self._SaveName_usr and ForceUpdate):
SN = SaveName_Conv(Mod=self._Mod, Cls=self.Cls, Type=self.Type,
Name=self.Name, Deg=self._Deg, Exp=self.Exp,
Diag=self.Diag, shot=self.shot,
version=self._version, usr=self._usr,
self._SaveName = SN
self._SaveName_usr = False
[docs] def set_LObj(self,LObj=None):
""" Set the LObj attribute, storing objects the instance depends on
For example:
A Detect object depends on a vessel and some apertures
That link between should be stored somewhere (for saving/loading).
LObj does this: it stores the ID (as dict) of all objects depended on.
LObj : None / dict / :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` / list of such
Provide either:
- A dict (derived from :meth:`~tofu.pathfile.ID._todict`)
- A :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` instance
- A list of dict or :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` instances
self._LObj = {}
if LObj is not None:
if type(LObj) is not list:
LObj = [LObj]
for ii in range(0,len(LObj)):
if type(LObj[ii]) is ID:
LObj[ii] = LObj[ii]._todict()
ClsU = list(set([oo['Cls'] for oo in LObj]))
for c in ClsU:
self._LObj[c] = [oo for oo in LObj if oo['Cls']==c]
[docs] def set_USRdict(self,USRdict={}):
""" Set the USRdict, containing user-defined info about the instance
Useful for arbitrary info (e.g.: manufacturing date, material...)
USRdict : dict
A user-defined dictionary containing info about the instance
self._USRdict = USRdict
def Cls(self):
return self._Cls
def Name(self):
return self._Name
def NameLTX(self):
return r"$" + self.Name.replace('_', '\_') + r"$"
def Exp(self):
return self._Exp
def Diag(self):
return self._Diag
def shot(self):
return self._shot
def Type(self):
return self._Type
def SaveName(self):
return self._SaveName
def SavePath(self):
return self._SavePath
def LObj(self):
return self._LObj
def USRdict(self):
return self._USRdict
# Deprecated ????
def _ID_check_inputs(Mod=None, Cls=None, Name=None, Type=None, Deg=None,
Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, SaveName=None, SavePath=None,
USRdict=None, LObj=None, version=None, usr=None,
fromdict=None, Include=None):
if Mod is not None:
assert type(Mod) is str
assert Mod in dModes.keys()
if Cls is not None:
assert type(Cls) in [str,type]
if type(Cls) is type:
assert 'tofu.' in str(Cls)
assert any([ss in str(Cls) for ss in dModes.keys()])
assert any([ss in str(Cls) for ss in lCls])
assert Cls in lCls
Lstr = [Name,Type,Exp,Diag,SaveName,SavePath,version,usr]
for ss in Lstr:
assert ss is None or type(ss) is str
Lint = [Deg,shot]
for ii in Lint:
assert ii is None or (type(ii) is int and ii>=0)
if USRdict is not None:
assert type(USRdict) is dict
if Include is not None:
IR = ['Mod','Cls','Type','Name']+list(dPref.keys())
assert type(Include) in ['str',list,tuple]
if type(Include) is str:
assert Include in IR
for ss in Include:
assert ss in IR, "%s not in "%ss + str(IR)
if LObj is not None:
assert type(LObj) in [dict,list,ID]
if type(LObj) is list:
assert all([type(oo) in [dict,ID] for oo in LObj])
if fromdict is not None:
assert type(fromdict) is dict
k = ['Cls','Name','SaveName','SavePath','Type','Deg','Exp','Diag',
K = fromdict.keys()
for kk in k:
assert kk in K, "%s missing from provided dict !"%kk
# Deprecated ????
def _extract_ModClsFrom_class(Cls):
strc = str(Cls)
ind0 = strc.index('tofu.')+5
indeol = strc.index("'>")
strc = strc[ind0:indeol]
indp = strc.index('.')
Mod = strc[:indp]
strc = strc[indp+1:][::-1]
cls = strc[:strc.index('.')][::-1]
return Mod, cls
[docs]def SaveName_Conv(Mod=None, Cls=None, Type=None, Name=None, Deg=None,
Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, version=None, usr=None,
""" Return a default name for saving the object
Includes key info for fast identification of the object from file name
Used on object creation by :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID`
It is recommended to use this default name.
Modstr = dModes[Mod] if Mod is not None else None
Include = defInclude if Include is None else Include
if Cls is not None and Type is not None and 'Type' in Include:
Clsstr = Cls+Type
Clsstr = Cls
Dict = {'Mod':Modstr, 'Cls':Clsstr, 'Name':Name}
for ii in Include:
if not ii in ['Mod','Cls','Type','Name']:
Dict[ii] = None
if ii=='Deg' and Deg is not None:
Dict[ii] = dPref[ii]+'{0:02.0f}'.format(Deg)
elif ii=='shot' and shot is not None:
Dict[ii] = dPref[ii]+'{0:05.0f}'.format(shot)
elif not ii in ['Mod','Cls','Type','Name'] and eval(ii+' is not None'):
Dict[ii] = dPref[ii]+eval(ii)
if 'Data' in Cls:
Order = ['Mod','Cls','Exp','Deg','Diag','shot','Name','version','usr']
Order = ['Mod','Cls','Exp','Deg','Diag','Name','shot','version','usr']
SVN = ""
for ii in range(0,len(Order)):
if Order[ii] in Include and Dict[Order[ii]] is not None:
SVN += '_' + Dict[Order[ii]]
SVN = SVN.replace('__','_')
if SVN[0]=='_':
SVN = SVN[1:]
return SVN
[docs]def CheckSameObj(obj0, obj1, LFields=None):
""" Check if two variables are the same instance of a ToFu class
Checks a list of attributes, provided by LFields
obj0 : tofu object
A variable refering to a ToFu object of any class
obj1 : tofu object
A variable refering to a ToFu object of the same class as obj0
LFields : None / str / list
The criteria against which the two objects are evaluated:
- None: True is returned
- str or list: tests whether all listed attributes have the same value
A : bool
True only is LFields is None or a list of attributes that all match
A = True
if LFields is not None and obj0.__class__ == obj1.__class__:
assert type(LFields) in [str,list]
if type(LFields) is str:
LFields = [LFields]
assert all([type(s) is str for s in LFields])
ind = [False for ii in range(0,len(LFields))]
Dir0 = dir(obj0.Id)+dir(obj0)
Dir1 = dir(obj1.Id)+dir(obj1)
for ii in range(0,len(LFields)):
assert LFields[ii] in Dir0, LFields[ii]+" not in "+obj0.Id.Name
assert LFields[ii] in Dir1, LFields[ii]+" not in "+obj1.Id.Name
if hasattr(obj0,LFields[ii]):
ind[ii] = np.all(getattr(obj0,LFields[ii])==getattr(obj1,LFields[ii]))
ind[ii] = getattr(obj0.Id,LFields[ii])==getattr(obj1.Id,LFields[ii])
A = all(ind)
return A
""" Not used ?
def SelectFromIdLObj(IdLObjCls, Val=None, Crit='Name', PreExp=None, PostExp=None, Log='any', InOut='In', Out=bool):
# To do (deprecated ?)
assert type(Crit) is str or (type(Crit) is list and all([type(cc) is str for cc in Crit])), "Arg Crit must be a str or list of str !"
assert all([rr is None or type(rr) is str or (type(rr) is list and all([type(ee) is str for ee in rr])) for rr in [PreExp,PostExp]]), "Args PreExp and PostExp must be a str or list of str !"
assert Log in ['any','all'], "Arg Log must be in ['and','or'] !"
assert InOut in ['In','Out'], "Arg InOut must be in ['In','Out'] !"
NObj = len(IdLObjCls['Name'])
if Val is None and PreExp is None and PostExp is None:
ind = np.ones((1,NObj),dtype=bool)
elif not Val is None:
if type(Val) is str:
N = len(Val)
ind = np.zeros((N,NObj),dtype=bool)
if Crit in dir(ID):
for ii in range(0,N):
ind[ii,:] = np.asarray([idd==Val[ii] for idd in IdLObjCls[Crit]],dtype=bool)
for ii in range(0,N):
ind[ii,:] = np.asarray([idd[Crit]==Val[ii] for idd in IdLObjCls['USRdict']],dtype=bool)
if type(PreExp) is str:
PreExp = [PreExp]
if type(PostExp) is str:
PostExp = [PostExp]
if PreExp is None:
PreExp = ["" for ss in PostExp]
if PostExp is None:
PostExp = ["" for ss in PreExp]
assert len(PreExp)==len(PostExp), "Arg Exp must be a list of same length as Crit !"
N = len(PreExp)
ind = np.zeros((N,NObj),dtype=bool)
if Crit in dir(ID):
for ii in range(0,N):
ind[ii,:] = np.asarray([eval(PreExp[ii]+" idd "+PostExp[ii]) for idd in IdLObjCls[Crit]],dtype=bool)
for ii in range(0,N):
ind[ii,:] = np.asarray([eval(PreExp[ii]+" idd[Crit] "+PostExp[ii]) for idd in IdLObjCls['USRdict']],dtype=bool)
ind = np.any(ind,axis=0) if Log=='any' else np.all(ind,axis=0)
if InOut=='Out':
ind = ~ind
if Out==bool:
return ind
elif Out==int:
return ind.nonzero()[0]
if Out in dir(ID):
return [IdLObjCls[Out][ii] for ii in ind.nonzero()[0]]
return [IdLObjCls['USRdict'][ii][Out] for ii in ind.nonzero()[0]]
[docs]def SelectFromListId(LId, Val=None, Crit='Name',
PreExp=None, PostExp=None, Log='any',
InOut='In', Out=bool):
""" Return the indices or instances of all LOS matching criteria
The selection can be done according to 2 different mechanisms
Mechanism (1): provide the value (Val) a criterion (Crit) should match
The criteria are typically attributes of :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID`
(i.e.: name, or user-defined attributes like the camera head...)
Mechanism (2): (used if Val=None)
Provide a str expression (or a list of such) to be fed to eval()
Used to check on quantitative criteria.
- PreExp: placed before the criterion value (e.g.: 'not ' or '<=')
- PostExp: placed after the criterion value
- you can use both
Other parameters are used to specify logical operators for the selection
(match any or all the criterion...) and the type of output.
Crit : str
Flag indicating which criterion to use for discrimination
Can be set to:
- any attribute of :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID`
(e.g.: 'Name','SaveName','SavePath'...)
- any key of ID.USRdict (e.g.: 'Exp'...)
Val : None / list / str
The value to match for the chosen criterion, can be a list
Used for selection mechanism (1)
PreExp : None / list / str
A str (or list of such) expression to be fed to eval(),
Placed before the criterion value
Used for selection mechanism (2)
PostExp : None / list / str
A str (or list of such) expression to be fed to eval()
Placed after the criterion value
Used for selection mechanism (2)
Log : str
Flag indicating whether the criterion shall match:
- 'all': all provided values
- 'any': at least one of them
InOut : str
Flag indicating whether the returned indices are:
- 'In': the ones matching the criterion
- 'Out': the ones not matching it
Out : type / str
Flag indicating in which form to return the result:
- int: as an array of integer indices
- bool: as an array of boolean indices
- 'Name': as a list of names
- 'LOS': as a list of :class:`~tofu.geom.LOS` instances
ind : list / np.ndarray
The computed output, of nature defined by parameter Out
C0 = type(Crit) is str
C1 = type(Crit) is list and all([type(cc) is str for cc in Crit])
assert C0 or C1, "Arg Crit must be a str or list of str !"
for rr in [PreExp,PostExp]:
if rr is not None:
C0 = type(rr) is str
C1 = type(rr) is list and all([type(ee) is str for ee in rr])
assert C0 or C1, "Args %S must be a str or list of str !"%rr
assert Log in ['any','all'], "Arg Log must be in ['any','all'] !"
assert InOut in ['In','Out'], "Arg InOut must be in ['In','Out'] !"
if Val is None and PreExp is None and PostExp is None:
ind = np.ones((1,len(LId)),dtype=bool)
elif not Val is None:
if type(Val) is str:
N = len(Val)
ind = np.zeros((N,len(LId)),dtype=bool)
if Crit in dir(ID):
for ii in range(0,N):
ind[ii,:] = np.asarray([getattr(iid,Crit)==Val[ii]
for iid in LId],dtype=bool)
for ii in range(0,N):
ind[ii,:] = np.asarray([iid.USRdict[Crit]==Val[ii]
for iid in LId],dtype=bool)
if type(PreExp) is str:
PreExp = [PreExp]
if type(PostExp) is str:
PostExp = [PostExp]
if PreExp is None:
PreExp = ["" for ss in PostExp]
if PostExp is None:
PostExp = ["" for ss in PreExp]
assert len(PreExp)==len(PostExp), "len(PreExp) should be =len(PostExp)"
N = len(PreExp)
ind = np.zeros((N,len(LId)),dtype=bool)
if Crit in dir(ID):
for ii in range(0,N):
List = [eval(PreExp[ii]+" getattr(iid,'%s') "%Crit+PostExp[ii])
for iid in LId]
ind[ii,:] = np.array(List,dtype=bool)
for ii in range(0,N):
List = [eval(PreExp[ii]+" iid.USRdict['%s'] "%Crit+PostExp[ii])
for iid in LId]
ind[ii,:] = np.asarray(List,dtype=bool)
ind = np.any(ind,axis=0) if Log=='any' else np.all(ind,axis=0)
if InOut=='Out':
ind = ~ind
if Out==int:
ind = ind.nonzero()[0]
elif Out is not bool and hasattr(ID,Out):
ind = [getattr(LId[ii],Out) for ii in ind.nonzero()[0]]
elif Out is not bool and Out in LId[0].USRdict.keys():
ind = [LId[ii].USRdict[Out] for ii in ind.nonzero()[0]]
return ind
#def _Id_todict(Id):
# IdTxt = {'version':Id._version, 'Cls':Id.Cls, 'Name':Id.Name, 'SaveName':Id.SaveName, 'SavePath':Id.SavePath, 'Diag':Id.Diag, 'Type':Id.Type, 'shot':Id.shot, 'Exp':Id.Exp}
# Iddtime = {'dtime':Id.dtime, 'dtFormat':Id._dtFormat}
# IdLobjUsr = {'LObj':Id.LObj, 'USRdict':Id.USRdict}
# return [IdTxt,Iddtime,IdLobjUsr]
def _Id_recreateFromdict(IdS):
Id = ID(Cls=IdS[0]['Cls'], Type=IdS[0]['Type'], Exp=IdS[0]['Exp'],
Diag=IdS[0]['Diag'], shot=IdS[0]['shot'], Name=IdS[0]['Name'],
SaveName=IdS[0]['SaveName'], SavePath=IdS[0]['SavePath'],
dtime=IdS[1]['dtime'], dtFormat=IdS[1]['dtFormat'],
LObj=IdS[2]['LObj'], USRdict=IdS[2]['USRdict'],
return Id
Saving and loading ToFu objects with numpy and cPickle
# Identify a Sol2D file
def FindSolFile(shot=0, t=0, Dt=None, Mesh='Rough1', Deg=2, Deriv='D2N2', Sep=True, Pos=True, OutPath='/afs/ipp-garching.mpg.de/home/d/didiv/Python/tofu/src/Outputs_AUG/'):
""" Identify the good Sol2D saved file in a given folder (OutPath), based on key ToFu criteria
When trying to load a Sol2D object (i.e.: solution of a tomographic inversion), it may be handy to provide the key parameters (shot, time, mesh name, degree of basis functions, regularisation functional) instead of copy-pasting the full file name.
This function identifies, within the relevant repository (OutPath), the files matching the provided criteria.
This function only works of the automatically generated default SaveName was preserved for the Sol2D objects.
shot : int
A shot number
t : None / int / float
A time value that must be contained in the time interval of the Sol2D file, must be provided if Dt is None
Dt : None / iterable
A time interval that the Sol2D file has to match, must be provided if t is None
Mesh : str
The name of the mesh that was used to compute the inversion
Deg : int
The of the b-splines (LBF2D object) that were used to discretize the solution
Deriv : str
The flag indicating the regularization functional that was used for the inversion
Sep : bool
The flag value that was used for indicating whether the boundary constraint at the separatrix should be considered
Pos : bool
The flag value that was used for indicating whether the positivity constraint was considered
Outpath : str
The absolute path of the repository where to look
out : None / str
The matching file name, if any
assert None in [t,Dt] and not (t is None and Dt is None), "Arg t or Dt must be None, but not both !"
LF = [ff for ff in os.listdir(OutPath) if 'TFI_Sol2D_AUG_SXR' in ff]
LF = [ff for ff in LF if all([ss in ff for ss in ['_'+str(shot)+'_', '_'+Mesh+'_D'+str(Deg), '_Deriv'+Deriv+'_Sep'+str(Sep)+'_Pos'+str(Pos)]])]
if len(LF)==0:
print("No matching Sol2D file in ", OutPath)
out = None
LDTstr = [ff[ff.index('_Dt')+3:ff.index('s_')] for ff in LF]
LDTstr = [(ss[:7],ss[8:]) for ss in LDTstr]
if t is None:
LF = [LF[ii] for ii in range(0,len(LF)) if LDTstr[ii][0]+'-'+LDTstr[ii][1]=='{0:07.4f}-{1:07.4f}'.format(Dt[0],Dt[1])]
elif Dt is None:
LF = [LF[ii] for ii in range(0,len(LF)) if t>=float(LDTstr[ii][0]) and t<=float(LDTstr[ii][1])]
if len(LF)==0:
print("No matching Sol2D file in ", OutPath)
out = None
elif len(LF)>1:
print("Several matching Sol2D files in ", OutPath)
out = None
out = LF[0]
return out
[docs]def get_InfoFromFileName(PathFileExt):
assert type(PathFileExt) is str, "Arg PathFileExt must be a str !"
# Prepare input (extract file name)
pfe = PathFileExt[::-1]
ind0 = pfe.index('.')
ind1 = pfe.index('/')
f = pfe[ind0:ind1][::-1]
dout = {}
# Extracting Module and Class
mod = []
cls = [cc for cc in lCls if cc in f]
assert len(mod) in [0,1], "Several modules found !"
assert len(cls) in [0,1], "Several classes found !"
if len(mod)==1:
dout['Mod'] = mod[0]
if len(cls)==1:
dout['Cls'] = cls[0]
# Extracting other parameters
for ii in dPref.keys():
if ii in f:
sub = f[f.index(dPref[ii])+len(dPref[ii]):]
if '_' in f:
ind = f.index('_')
ind = f.index('.')
dout[ii] = sub[:ind]
if ii in ['Deg','shot']:
dout[ii] = int(dout[ii])
return dout
# Replaces _get_PathFileExt_FromName()
[docs]def get_FileFromInfos(Path='./', Mod=None, Cls=None, Type=None, Name=None,
Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, Deg=None,
version=None, usr=None):
assert type(Path) is str
ld = os.listdir(Path)
ld = [l for l in ld if '.npz' if l]
lstr = [Mod,Cls,Type,Name]
for ii in range(0,len(lstr)):
if lstr[ii] is not None:
ld = [l for l in ld if lstr[ii] in l]
for k in dPref.keys():
if eval('k is not None'):
v = eval('k')
if k=='shot':
v = '{0:05.0f}'.format(v)
if k=='Deg':
v = '{0:02.0f}'.format(v)
ld = [l for l in ld if v in l]
assert len(ld)==1, "None or several matching files found in %s"%Path
return os.path.join(Path,ld[0])
# Saving
# Deprecated ???
[docs]def Save_Generic(obj, SaveName=None, Path='./',
Mode='npz', compressed=False, Print=True):
""" Save a ToFu object under file name SaveName, in folder Path
ToFu provides built-in saving and loading functions for ToFu objects.
There is now only one saving mode:
- 'npz': saves a dict of key attributes using :meth:`numpy.savez`
Good practices are:
- save :class:`~tofu.geom.Ves` and :class:`~tofu.geom.Struct`
- intermediate optics (:class:`~tofu.geom.Apert` and
:class:`~tofu.geom.Lens`) generally do not need to be saved
Indeed, they will be autoamtically included in larger objects
like Detect or Cam objects
SaveName : str
The file name, if None (recommended) uses obj.Id.SaveName
Path : str
Path where to save the file
Mode : str
Flag specifying the saving mode
- 'npz': Only mode currently available ('pck' deprecated)
compressed : bool
Indicate whether to use np.savez_compressed (slower but smaller files)
assert type(obj.__class__) is type
if SaveName is not None:
C = type(SaveName) is str and not (SaveName[-4]=='.')
assert C, "SaveName should not include the extension !"
assert Path is None or type(Path) is str
assert Mode in ['npz']
assert type(compressed) is bool
assert type(Print) is bool
if Path is None:
Path = obj.Id.SavePath
obj._Id._SavePath = Path
if Mode=='npz':
Ext = '.npz'
if SaveName is None:
SaveName = obj.Id.SaveName
pathfileext = os.path.join(Path,SaveName+Ext)
if Ext=='.npz':
_save_np(obj, pathfileext, compressed=compressed)
if Print:
print("Saved in : "+pathfileext)
def _convert_Detect2Ldict(obj):
# Store LOS data
llos = obj.LOS.keys()
LOSprops = {'Keys':llos, 'Id':[obj.LOS[kk]['LOS'].Id.todict() for kk in llos], 'Du':[(obj.LOS[kk]['LOS'].D,obj.LOS[kk]['LOS'].u) for kk in llos]}
lprops = obj.LOS[kk].keys()
for pp in lprops:
if not pp=='LOS':
LOSprops[pp] = [obj.LOS[kk][pp] for kk in llos]
# Get all attributes
lAttr = dir(obj)
Sino, Span, Cone, SAng, SynthDiag, Res = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
# Store Sino data
for pp in lAttr:
#print( inspect.ismethod(getattr(obj,pp)), type(getattr(obj,pp)), pp
if not inspect.ismethod(getattr(obj,pp)):
if '_Sino' in pp:
Sino[pp] = getattr(obj,pp)
elif '_Span' in pp:
Span[pp] = getattr(obj,pp)
elif '_Cone' in pp:
Cone[pp] = getattr(obj,pp)
elif '_SAng' in pp:
SAng[pp] = getattr(obj,pp)
elif '_SynthDiag' in pp:
SynthDiag[pp] = getattr(obj,pp)
elif '_Res' in pp:
Res[pp] = getattr(obj,pp)
# Store Optics key parameters (for re-creating if not saved independantly)
Optics = []
if len(obj.Optics)>0:
if obj.OpticsType=='Apert':
for aa in obj.Optics:
Optics.append({'Id':aa.Id.todict(), 'Poly':aa.Poly, 'arrayorder':aa._arrayorder, 'Clock':aa._Clock})
elif obj.OpticsType=='Lens':
ln = obj.Optics[0]
Optics.append({'Id':ln.Id.todict(), 'O':ln.O, 'nIn':ln.nIn, 'Rad':ln.Rad, 'F1':ln.F1, 'F2':ln.F2, 'R1':ln.R1, 'R2':ln.R2, 'dd':ln.dd, 'Type':ln.Type, 'arrayorder':ln._arrayorder, 'Clock':ln._Clock})
return LOSprops, Sino, Span, Cone, SAng, SynthDiag, Res, Optics
def _convert_PreData2Ldict(obj):
Init = {'data':obj._dataRef, 't':obj._tRef, 'Chans':obj._ChansRef, 'DtRef':obj._DtRef}
PhysNoiseParam = None if obj._PhysNoise is None else obj._PhysNoise['Param'].update(obj._NoiseModel['Par'])
Update = {'Dt':obj.Dt, 'Resamp_t':obj._Resamp_t, 'Resamp_f':obj._Resamp_f, 'Resamp_Method':obj._Resamp_Method, 'Resamp_interpkind':obj._Resamp_interpkind,
'indOut':obj._indOut, 'indCorr':obj._indCorr, 'interp_lt':obj._interp_lt, 'interp_lNames':obj._interp_lNames, 'Subtract_tsub':obj._Subtract_tsub,
'FFTPar':obj._FFTPar, 'PhysNoiseParam':PhysNoiseParam}
return Init, Update
def _save_np(obj, pathfileext, compressed=False):
func = np.savez_compressed if compressed else np.savez
dId = obj.Id._todict()
# tofu.geom
if obj.Id.Cls=='Ves':
func(pathfileext, Id=dId, arrayorder=obj._arrayorder, Clock=obj._Clock,
Poly=obj.Poly, Lim=obj.Lim, Sino_RefPt=obj.sino['RefPt'],
elif obj.Id.Cls=='Struct':
func(pathfileext, Id=dId, arrayorder=obj._arrayorder, Clock=obj._Clock,
Poly=obj.Poly, Lim=obj.Lim, mobile=obj._mobile)
elif obj.Id.Cls in ['Rays','LOS','LOSCam1D','LOSCam2D']:
func(pathfileext, Id=dId, extra=obj._extra,
geom=obj.geom, sino=obj.sino, dchans=obj.dchans)
elif obj.Id.Cls in ['Data','Data1D','Data2D']:
dsave = obj._todict()
if dsave['geom'] is not None and dsave['geom']['LCam'] is not None:
LCam = []
for cc in dsave['geom']['LCam']:
pathS = cc['Id']['SavePath']
pathN = cc['Id']['SaveName']
dsave['geom'] = LCam
elif dsave['geom'] is not None:
geom = []
if dsave['geom']['Ves'] is not None:
pathS = dsave['geom']['Ves']['Id']['SavePath']
pathN = dsave['geom']['Ves']['Id']['SaveName']
Ves = os.path.join(pathS,pathN+'.npz')
geom += [Ves]
if dsave['geom']['LStruct'] is not None:
for ss in dsave['geom']['LStruct']:
sf = os.path.join(ss['Id']['SavePath'],
geom += [sf]
dsave['geom'] = geom
func(pathfileext, **dsave)
elif obj.Id.Cls=='GLOS':
LIdLOS = [ll.Id.todict() for ll in obj.LLOS]
LDs, Lus = np.array([ll.D for ll in obj.LLOS]).T, np.array([ll.u for ll in obj.LLOS]).T
func(pathfileext, Idsave=Idsave, LIdLOS=LIdLOS, LDs=LDs, Lus=Lus, Sino_RefPt=obj.Sino_RefPt, arrayorder=obj._arrayorder, Clock=obj._Clock)
elif obj.Id.Cls=='Lens':
func(pathfileext, Idsave=Idsave, arrayorder=obj._arrayorder, Clock=obj._Clock, O=obj.O, nIn=obj.nIn, Rad=[obj.Rad], F1=[obj.F1], F2=[obj.F2], R1=[obj.R1], R2=[obj.R2], dd=[obj.dd])
elif obj.Id.Cls=='Apert':
func(pathfileext, Idsave=Idsave, arrayorder=obj._arrayorder, Clock=obj._Clock, Poly=obj.Poly)
elif obj.Id.Cls=='Detect':
LOSprops, Sino, Span, Cone, SAng, SynthDiag, Res, Optics = _convert_Detect2Ldict(obj)
VesCalc = {'SavePath':None} if (not hasattr(obj,'_VesCalc') or obj._VesCalc is None) else {'SavePath':obj._VesCalc.Id.SavePath, 'SaveName':obj._VesCalc.Id.SaveName}
func(pathfileext, Idsave=Idsave, Poly=obj.Poly, Rad=obj.Rad, BaryS=obj.BaryS, nIn=obj.nIn, arrayorder=obj._arrayorder, Clock=obj._Clock, Sino_RefPt=obj.Sino_RefPt, LOSNP=[obj._LOS_NP],
LOSprops=[LOSprops], Sino=[Sino], Span=[Span], Cone=[Cone], SAng=[SAng], SynthDiag=[SynthDiag], Res=[Res], Optics=[Optics], VesCalc=[VesCalc])
elif obj.Id.Cls=='GDetect':
LDetsave, LDetSynthRes = [], []
for ii in range(0,obj.nDetect):
ddIdsave = obj.LDetect[ii].Id.todict()
LOSprops, Sino, Span, Cone, SAng, SynthDiag, Res, Optics = _convert_Detect2Ldict(obj.LDetect[ii])
VesCalc = {'SavePath':None} if (not hasattr(obj.LDetect[ii],'_VesCalc') or obj.LDetect[ii]._VesCalc is None) else {'SavePath':obj.LDetect[ii]._VesCalc.Id.SavePath, 'SaveName':obj.LDetect[ii]._VesCalc.Id.SaveName}
dd = dict(Idsave=ddIdsave, Poly=obj.LDetect[ii].Poly, Rad=obj.LDetect[ii].Rad, BaryS=obj.LDetect[ii].BaryS, nIn=obj.LDetect[ii].nIn, arrayorder=obj._arrayorder, Clock=obj._Clock, Sino_RefPt=obj.Sino_RefPt,
LOSNP=[obj.LDetect[ii]._LOS_NP], LOSprops=[LOSprops], Sino=[Sino], Span=[Span], Cone=[Cone], SAng=[SAng], Optics=[Optics], VesCalc=[VesCalc])
Res, lAttr = {}, dir(obj)
for pp in lAttr:
if not inspect.ismethod(getattr(obj,pp)) and '_Res' in pp:
Res[pp] = getattr(obj,pp)
func(pathfileext, Idsave=Idsave, arrayorder=obj._arrayorder, Clock=obj._Clock, Sino_RefPt=obj.Sino_RefPt, LOSRef=obj._LOSRef, Res=[Res], LDetsave=LDetsave, LDetSynthRes=LDetSynthRes)
# tofu.Eq
elif obj.Id.Cls=='Eq2D':
np.savez(pathfileext, Idsave=Idsave, **obj._Tab)
# tofu.mesh
elif obj.Id.Cls=='Mesh1D':
func(pathfileext, Idsave=Idsave, Knots=obj.Knots)
elif obj.Id.Cls=='Mesh2D':
SubMinds = [{'Name':kk, 'ind':obj._SubMesh[kk]['ind']} for kk in obj._SubMesh.keys()]
func(pathfileext, Idsave=Idsave, Knots=[obj.MeshX1.Knots,obj.MeshX2.Knots], SubMinds=SubMinds, IndBg=obj._get_CentBckg()[1])
elif obj.Id.Cls=='BF2D':
Id = np.array(['BF2D',obj.Id.Name,obj.Id.SaveName,obj.Id.SavePath,obj.Id._dtFormat,obj.Id._Diag,str(obj.Id._shot), [obj.Id.Type], obj.Id.Exp],dtype=str)
IdMesh = np.array(['Mesh2D',obj.Mesh.Id.Name,obj.Mesh.Id.SaveName,obj.Mesh.Id.SavePath,obj.Mesh.Id._dtFormat],dtype=str)
dtime, dtimeMesh = np.array([obj.Id._dtime],dtype=object), np.array([obj.Mesh.Id._dtime],dtype=object)
USR = np.asarray(obj.Id.USRdict)
func(pathfileext, Id=Id, IdMesh=IdMesh, dtime=dtime, IdUSR=USR, dtimeMesh=dtimeMesh, KnotsR=obj.Mesh.MeshR.Knots, KnotsZ=obj.Mesh.MeshZ.Knots, Deg=np.array([obj.Deg],dtype=int), Ind=obj.Mesh._get_CentBckg()[1])
# tofu.matcomp
elif obj.Id.Cls=='GMat2D':
Id = np.array(['GMat2D',obj.Id.Name,obj.Id.SaveName,obj.Id.SavePath,obj.Id._dtFormat,obj.Id._Diag,str(obj.Id._shot), [obj.Id.Type], obj.Id.Exp],dtype=str)
dtime = np.array([obj.Id._dtime],dtype=object)
USR = np.asarray(obj.Id.USRdict)
IdObj, IdObjUSR = save_np_IdObj(obj.Id)
CompParamVal = np.array([obj._Mat_epsrel, obj._Mat_SubP, obj._Mat_SubTheta, obj._indMat_SubP, obj._MatLOS_epsrel, obj._MatLOS_SubP, int(obj._Mat_Fast)])
CompParamStr = np.array([obj._Mat_Mode, obj._Mat_SubMode, obj._Mat_SubThetaMode, obj._MatLOS_Mode, obj._MatLOS_SubMode])
func(pathfileext, Id=Id, dtime=dtime, IdUSR=USR, Ves=IdObj[2], VesUSR=IdObjUSR[2], LDetect=IdObj[1], BF2=IdObj[0], BF2USR=IdObjUSR[0], LDetectUSR=IdObjUSR[1], CompParamVal=CompParamVal,
CompParamStr=CompParamStr, indMat=obj._indMat, Matdata=obj._Mat_csr.data, Matind=obj._Mat_csr.indices, Matindpr=obj._Mat_csr.indptr, Matshape=obj._Mat_csr.shape,
MatLOSdata=obj._MatLOS_csr.data, MatLOSind=obj._MatLOS_csr.indices, MatLOSindpr=obj._MatLOS_csr.indptr, MatLOSshape=obj._MatLOS_csr.shape,
BF2Par=np.array([obj._BF2_Deg,obj._BF2_NFunc,obj._BF2_NCents]), LD_nD=obj._LD_nDetect)
# tofu.treat
elif obj.Id.Cls=='PreData':
Init, Update = _convert_PreData2Ldict(obj)
func(pathfileext, Idsave=Idsave, Init=[Init], Update=[Update])
#Id = np.array(['PreData',obj.Id.Name,obj.Id.SaveName,obj.Id.SavePath,obj.Id._dtFormat,obj.Id._Diag,str(obj.Id._shot), [obj.Id.Type], obj.Id.Exp],dtype=str)
#dtime = np.array([obj.Id._dtime],dtype=object)
#USR = np.asarray(obj.Id.USRdict)
#IdObj, IdObjUSR = save_np_IdObj(obj.Id)
#StrPar = np.asarray([obj._Exp, obj._interpkind])
#func(pathfileext, Id=Id, dtime=dtime, IdUSR=USR, LDetect=IdObj[0], LDetectUSR=IdObjUSR[0],
# DLPar=obj._DLPar, shot=obj._shot, StrPar=StrPar, Dt=obj._Dt, DtMarg=obj._DtMargin, MovMeanfreq=obj._MovMeanfreq, Resamp=obj._Resamp,
# indOut=obj._indOut, indCorr=obj._indCorr, PhysNoise=obj._PhysNoise, NoiseMod=obj._NoiseModel, interp_lt=obj._interp_lt, interp_lN=obj._interp_lNames)
# tofu.inv
elif obj.Id.Cls=='Sol2D':
Id = np.array(['Sol2D',obj.Id.Name,obj.Id.SaveName,obj.Id.SavePath,obj.Id._dtFormat,obj.Id._Diag,str(obj.Id._shot), [obj.Id.Type], obj.Id.Exp],dtype=str)
dtime = np.array([obj.Id._dtime],dtype=object)
USR = np.asarray(obj.Id.USRdict)
IdObj, IdObjUSR = save_np_IdObj(obj.Id)
timing = obj._timing
except Exception:
timing = obj._t2
func(pathfileext, Id=Id, dtime=dtime, IdUSR=USR, PreData=IdObj[2], PreDataUSR=IdObjUSR[2], GMat2D=IdObj[1], GMatUSR=IdObjUSR[1], BF2D=IdObj[0], BF2DUSR=IdObjUSR[0],
InvParam=obj.InvParam, shot=obj.shot, LNames=obj._LNames, Run=obj._run,
LOS=obj._LOS, data=obj._data, t=obj._t, Coefs=obj._Coefs, sigma=obj._sigma, Mu=obj._Mu, Chi2N=obj._Chi2N, R = obj._R, Nit=obj._Nit, Spec=obj._Spec, t2=timing, PostTreat=obj._PostTreat)
def save_np_IdObj(Id):
""" (to do) """
LObj, LObjUSR = [], []
Keys = sorted(Id.LObj.keys())
for ii in range(0,len(Keys)):
kk = sorted(Id.LObj[Keys[ii]].keys())
Larr, LarrUSR = [], []
for jj in range(0,len(kk)):
if kk[jj]=='USRdict':
LObj.append( np.concatenate(tuple(Larr),axis=0) )
LObjUSR.append( np.concatenate(tuple(LarrUSR),axis=0) )
return LObj, LObjUSR
# Opening
[docs]def Open(pathfileext=None,
shot=None, t=None, Dt=None, Mesh=None, Deg=None, Deriv=None,
Sep=True, Pos=True, OutPath=None, ReplacePath=None, Ves=None,
out='full', Verb=False, Print=True):
""" Open a ToFu object saved file
This generic open function identifies the required loading routine by detecting how the object was saved from the file name extension.
Also, it uses :meth:`~tofu.pathfile.FindSolFile()` to identify the relevant file in case key criteria such as shot, Deg... are provided instead of the file name itself.
Finally, once all the relevant data is loaded from the file, a ToFu object is re-created, if necessary by implicitly loading all other objects it may depend on (i.e.: vessel, apertures...)
If pathfileext is not provided (None), then the following keyword arguments are fed to :meth:`~tofu.pathfile.FindSolFile()`: shot, t, Dt, Mesh, Deg, Deriv, Sep, Pos
pathfileext : None / str
If provided, the name of the file to load
OutPath : None / str
If provided, the absolute path where the file is to be found
ReplacePath : str
If provided, ? (to finish)
Ves : None /
If provided, the :class:`tofu.geom.Ves` object that shall be used to reconstruct the object (if not provided, the appropriate vessel will be loaded).
out : str
Flag indicating whether the object should be loaded completely ('full'), in a light dismissing the heaviest attributes ('light') or whether only the Id or a list of Id should be returned ('Id'), valid only for '.npz'
Verb : bool
Flag indicating whether to pring intermediate comments on the loading procedure
obj ToFu object
The loaded and re-created ToFu object
assert None in [pathfileext,shot] and not (pathfileext is None and shot is None), "Arg pathfileext or shot must be None, but not both !"
if pathfileext is None:
File = FindSolFile(shot=shot, t=t, Dt=Dt, Mesh=Mesh, Deg=Deg,
Deriv=Deriv, Sep=Sep, Pos=Pos, OutPath=OutPath)
if File is None:
return File
pathfileext = os.path.join(OutPath,File)
C = any([ss in pathfileext for ss in ['.npz']])
assert C, "Arg pathfileext must contain '.npz' !"
if '.npz' in pathfileext:
obj = _open_np(pathfileext, Ves=Ves, ReplacePath=ReplacePath,
out=out, Verb=Verb, Print=Print)
if Print:
print("Loaded : "+pathfileext)
return obj
def open_np_IdObj(LCls=None,LIdArr=None,LIdUSR=None):
LIdObj = []
if not LIdArr is None:
assert type(LIdArr) is list and type(LCls) is list, "Args LCls and LIdArr must be lists !"
NObj = len(LIdArr)
for ii in range(0,NObj):
no = LIdArr[ii].shape[1]
for jj in range(0,no):
if not LIdUSR is None and not LIdUSR[ii][0][jj] is None:
LIdObj.append(ID(LCls[ii],str(LIdArr[ii][1,jj]),SaveName=str(LIdArr[ii][2,jj]), SavePath=str(LIdArr[ii][3,jj]), Exp=str(LIdArr[ii][0,jj]), dtime=dtm.datetime.strptime(str(LIdArr[ii][5,jj]),str(LIdArr[ii][4,jj])), dtFormat=str(LIdArr[ii][4,jj]), USRdict=LIdUSR[ii][0][jj]))
LIdObj.append(ID(LCls[ii],str(LIdArr[ii][1,jj]),SaveName=str(LIdArr[ii][2,jj]), SavePath=str(LIdArr[ii][3,jj]), Exp=str(LIdArr[ii][0,jj]), dtime=dtm.datetime.strptime(str(LIdArr[ii][5,jj]),str(LIdArr[ii][4,jj])), dtFormat=str(LIdArr[ii][4,jj])))
return LIdObj
def _tryloadVesStruct(Id, VesStruct=None, Print=True):
if hasattr(VesStruct,'__iter__') and VesStruct[0].Id.Cls=='Ves':
return VesStruct[0], VesStruct[1]
Ves, LStruct = None, None
if 'Ves' in Id.LObj.keys():
PathFileExt = os.path.join(Id.LObj['Ves'][0]['SavePath'],
Ves = Open(PathFileExt, Print=Print)
Str = " : associated Ves/Struct could not be loaded from "
warnings.warn(Id.Name + Str + PathFileExt)
if 'Struct' in Id.LObj.keys():
LStruct = []
for ss in Id.LObj['Struct']:
PathFileExt = os.path.join(ss['SavePath'],
LStruct.append(Open(PathFileExt, Print=Print))
Str = " : associated Ves/Struct could not be loaded from "
warnings.warn(Id.Name + Str +PathFileExt)
return Ves, LStruct
def _tryLoadOpticsElseCreate(Id, Opt=None, Ves=None, Verb=False):
import tofu.geom as TFG
if 'Apert' in Id.LObj.keys():
Optics = []
for ii in range(0,len(Id.LObj['Apert']['SaveName'])):
PathFileExt = Id.LObj['Apert']['SavePath'][ii]+Id.LObj['Apert']['SaveName'][ii]+'.npz'
aa = Open(PathFileExt, Ves=Ves)
except Exception:
if not Opt is None:
assert type(Ves) is TFG.Ves, "Arg Ves must be a TFG.Ves instance !"
if Verb:
print(Id.Name +" : no saved Apert => creating the associated Apert object !")
ind = [jj for jj in range(0,len(Opt)) if Opt[jj]['Id'][0]['SaveName']==Id.LObj['Apert']['SaveName'][ii] and Opt[jj]['Id'][0]['SavePath']==Id.LObj['Apert']['SavePath'][ii]]
assert len(ind)==1, "Several possible solutions !"
ind = ind[0]
iid = _Id_recreateFromdict(Opt[ind]['Id'])
aa = TFG.Apert(iid, Opt[ind]['Poly'], Ves=Ves, arrayorder=Opt[ind]['arrayorder'], Clock=Opt[ind]['Clock'])
warnings.warn(Id.Name +" : associated Apert object could not be loaded from "+PathFileExt)
elif 'Lens' in Id.LObj.keys():
PathFileExt = Id.LObj['Lens']['SavePath'][0]+Id.LObj['Lens']['SaveName'][0]+'.npz'
Optics = Open(PathFileExt, Ves=Ves)
except Exception:
if not Opt is None:
assert type(Ves) is TFG.Ves, "Arg Ves must be a TFG.Ves instance !"
if Verb:
print(Id.Name +" : no saved Lens => creating the associated Lens object !")
iid = _Id_recreateFromdict(Opt[0]['Id'])
aa = TFG.Lens(iid, Opt[0]['O'], Opt[0]['nIn'], Opt[0]['Rad'], Opt[0]['F1'], F2=Opt[0]['F2'], R1=Opt[0]['R1'], R2=Opt[0]['R2'], dd=Opt[0]['dd'], Type=Opt[0]['Type'], Ves=Ves,
arrayorder=Opt[0]['arrayorder'], Clock=Opt[0]['Clock'])
Optics = aa
warnings.warn(Id.Name +" : associated Lens object could not be loaded from "+PathFileExt)
return Optics
def _resetDetectAttr(obj, Out):
import tofu.geom as TFG
# Re-creating LOS
LOS = {}
kkeys = Out['LOSprops'].keys()
for ii in range(0,len(Out['LOSprops']['Keys'])):
idlos = _Id_recreateFromdict(Out['LOSprops']['Id'][ii])
los = TFG.LOS(idlos, Out['LOSprops']['Du'][ii], Ves=obj.Ves, Sino_RefPt=obj.Sino_RefPt)
LOS[Out['LOSprops']['Keys'][ii]] = {'LOS':los}
for jj in range(0,len(kkeys)):
if not kkeys[jj] in ['Keys','Id','Du']:
LOS[Out['LOSprops']['Keys'][ii]][kkeys[jj]] = Out['LOSprops'][kkeys[jj]][ii]
obj._LOS = LOS
# Re-assigning tabulated data
fields = ['Sino', 'Span', 'Cone', 'SAng', 'SynthDiag', 'Res']
for ff in fields:
for kk in Out[ff].keys():
return obj
def _get_light_SynthDiag_Res():
SynthDiag = {'_SynthDiag_Done':False, '_SynthDiag_ds':None, '_SynthDiag_dsMode':None, '_SynthDiag_MarginS':None, '_SynthDiag_dX12':None, '_SynthDiag_dX12Mode':None, '_SynthDiag_Colis':None,
'_SynthDiag_Points':None, '_SynthDiag_SAng':None, '_SynthDiag_Vect':None, '_SynthDiag_dV':None}
Res = {'_Res_Mode':None, '_Res_Amp':None, '_Res_Deg':None,
'_Res_Pts':None, '_Res_Res':None, '_Res_CrossMesh':None, '_Res_CrossMeshMode':None,
'_Res_steps':None, '_Res_Thres':None, '_Res_ThresMode':None, '_Res_ThresMin':None,
'_Res_IntResCross':None, '_Res_IntResCrossMode':None, '_Res_IntResLong':None, '_Res_IntResLongMode':None, '_Res_IntNtt':None,
'_Res_EqName': None,
'_Res_Done': False}
return SynthDiag, Res
def _open_np(pathfileext, Ves=None,
ReplacePath=None, out='full', Verb=False, Print=True):
if 'TFG' in pathfileext:
import tofu.geom as tfg
elif 'TFD' in pathfileext:
import tofu.data as tfd
#elif 'TFEq' in pathfileext:
# import tofu.Eq as tfEq
#elif 'TFM' in pathfileext:
# import tofu.mesh as TFM
#elif 'TFMC' in pathfileext:
# import tofu.matcomp as TFMC
#elif 'TFT' in pathfileext:
# import tofu.treat as tft
#elif 'TFI' in pathfileext:
# import tofu.inv as TFI
Out = np.load(pathfileext,mmap_mode=None)
except UnicodeError:
Out = np.load(pathfileext,mmap_mode=None, encoding='latin1')
Id = ID(fromdict=Out['Id'].tolist())
if out=='Id':
return Id
if Id.Cls == 'Ves':
Lim = None if Out['Lim'].tolist() is None else Out['Lim']
obj = tfg.Ves(Id, Out['Poly'], Lim=Lim, Type=Id.Type,
Sino_RefPt=Out['Sino_RefPt'], Sino_NP=int(Out['Sino_NP']))
elif Id.Cls == 'Struct':
Lim = None if Out['Lim'].tolist() is None else Out['Lim']
obj = tfg.Struct(Id, Out['Poly'], Type=Id.Type, Lim=Lim,
elif Id.Cls in ['Rays','LOS','LOSCam1D','LOSCam2D']:
Ves, LStruct = _tryloadVesStruct(Id, Print=Print)
dobj = {'Id':Id._todict(), 'dchans':Out['dchans'].tolist(),
if 'extra' in Out.keys():
dobj['extra'] = Out['extra'].tolist()
if Ves is None:
dobj['Ves'] = None
dobj['Ves'] = Ves._todict()
if LStruct is None:
dobj['LStruct'] = None
dobj['LStruct'] = [ss._todict() for ss in LStruct]
if Id.Cls=='Rays':
obj = tfg.Rays(fromdict=dobj)
elif Id.Cls=='LOSCam1D':
obj = tfg.LOSCam1D(fromdict=dobj)
elif Id.Cls=='LOSCam2D':
obj = tfg.LOSCam2D(fromdict=dobj)
elif Id.Cls in ['Data1D','Data2D']:
dobj = {'Id':Id._todict(), 'Ref':Out['Ref'].tolist(),
'dunits':Out['dunits'].tolist(), 'fft':Out['fft'].tolist(),
'data0':Out['data0'].tolist(), 'CamCls':Out['CamCls'].tolist()}
indt = None if Out['indt'].tolist() is None else Out['indt']
indch = None if Out['indch'].tolist() is None else Out['indch']
if Out['geom'].tolist() is None:
geom = None
if 'Cam' in Out['geom'][0]:
LCam = [Open(ss)._todict() for ss in Out['geom']]
geom = {'LCam':LCam}
Ves = Open(Out['geom'][0])._todict()
if len(Out['geom'])>1:
LStruct = [Open(ss)._todict() for ss in Out['geom'][1:]]
LStruct = None
geom = {'LCam':None, 'Ves':Ves, 'LStruct':LStruct}
dobj['indt'] = indt
dobj['indch'] = indch
dobj['geom'] = geom
if 'dMag' in Out.keys():
dMag = Out['dMag'].tolist()
dMag = None
dobj['dMag'] = dMag
if Id.Cls=='Data1D':
obj = tfd.Data1D(fromdict=dobj)
elif Id.Cls=='Data2D':
obj = tfd.Data2D(fromdict=dobj)
elif Id.Cls == 'GLOS':
Ves = _tryloadVes(Id)
LLOS, IdLOS = [], Id.LObj['LOS']
for ii in range(0,len(IdLOS['Name'])):
Idl = _Id_recreateFromdict(Out['LIdLOS'][ii])
ll = TFG.LOS(Idl, Du=(Out['LDs'][:,ii],Out['Lus'][:,ii]), Ves=Ves, Sino_RefPt=Out['Sino_RefPt'], arrayorder=str(Out['arrayorder']))
obj = TFG.GLOS(Id, LLOS, Ves=Ves, Type=Id.Type, Exp=Id.Exp, Diag=Id.Diag, shot=Id.shot, Sino_RefPt=Out['Sino_RefPt'], SavePath=Id.SavePath, arrayorder=str(Out['arrayorder']), Clock=bool(Out['Clock']),
elif Id.Cls == 'Lens':
Ves = _tryloadVes(Id, Ves=Ves)
obj = TFG.Lens(Id, Out['O'], Out['nIn'], Out['Rad'][0], Out['F1'][0], F2=Out['F2'][0], Type=Id.Type, R1=Out['R1'][0], R2=Out['R2'][0], dd=Out['dd'][0], Ves=Ves,
Exp=Id.Exp, Clock=bool(Out['Clock']), Diag=Id.Diag, shot=Id.shot, arrayorder=str(Out['arrayorder']), SavePath=Id.SavePath, dtime=Id.dtime)
elif Id.Cls == 'Apert':
Ves = _tryloadVes(Id, Ves=Ves)
obj = TFG.Apert(Id, Out['Poly'], Clock=bool(Out['Clock']), arrayorder=str(Out['arrayorder']), Ves=Ves, Exp=Id.Exp, Diag=Id.Diag, shot=Id.shot, dtime=Id.dtime)
elif Id.Cls == 'Detect':
Ves = _tryloadVes(Id, Ves=Ves)
if 'VesCalc'in Out.keys() and Out['VesCalc'][0]['SavePath'] is not None:
VesCalc = Open(Out['VesCalc'][0]['SavePath']+Out['VesCalc'][0]['SaveName']+'.npz')
VesCalc = None
LOSprops, Sino, Span, Cone, SAng, Opt = Out['LOSprops'][0], Out['Sino'][0], Out['Span'][0], Out['Cone'][0], Out['SAng'][0], Out['Optics'][0]
(SynthDiag,Res) = (Out['SynthDiag'][0],Out['Res'][0]) if out=='full' else _get_light_SynthDiag_Res()
Optics = _tryLoadOpticsElseCreate(Id, Opt=Opt, Ves=Ves, Verb=Verb)
Poly = Out['Poly'] if type(Optics) is list else dict(Rad=float(Out['Rad']),O=Out['BaryS'],nIn=Out['nIn'])
obj = TFG.Detect(Id, Poly, Optics=Optics, Ves=Ves, VesCalc=VesCalc, Sino_RefPt=Sino['_Sino_RefPt'], CalcEtend=False, CalcSpanImp=False, CalcCone=False, CalcPreComp=False, Calc=True, Verb=Verb,
arrayorder=str(Out['arrayorder']), Clock=bool(Out['Clock']))
obj = _resetDetectAttr(obj, {'LOSprops':LOSprops, 'Sino':Sino, 'Span':Span, 'Cone':Cone, 'SAng':SAng, 'SynthDiag':SynthDiag, 'Res':Res, 'Optics':Opt})
obj._LOS_NP = Out['LOSNP']
if obj._SynthDiag_Done and obj._SynthDiag_Points is None:
elif Id.Cls == 'GDetect':
LDetsave = list(Out['LDetsave'])
LDet = []
Ves = _tryloadVes(Id, Ves=Ves)
if out=='light':
SynthDiag, Res = _get_light_SynthDiag_Res()
LDetSynthRes = Out['LDetSynthRes']
for ii in range(0,len(LDetsave)):
ddIdsave = _Id_recreateFromdict(LDetsave[ii]['Idsave'])
if 'VesCalc'in LDetsave[ii].keys() and LDetsave[ii]['VesCalc'][0]['SavePath'] is not None:
VesCalc = Open(LDetsave[ii]['VesCalc'][0]['SavePath']+LDetsave[ii]['VesCalc'][0]['SaveName']+'.npz')
VesCalc = None
LOSprops, Sino, Span, Cone, SAng, Opt = LDetsave[ii]['LOSprops'][0], LDetsave[ii]['Sino'][0], LDetsave[ii]['Span'][0], LDetsave[ii]['Cone'][0], LDetsave[ii]['SAng'][0], LDetsave[ii]['Optics'][0]
if out=='full':
SynthDiag, Res = LDetSynthRes[ii]['SynthDiag'][0], LDetSynthRes[ii]['Res'][0]
Optics = _tryLoadOpticsElseCreate(ddIdsave, Opt=Opt, Ves=Ves, Verb=Verb)
Poly = LDetsave[ii]['Poly'] if type(Optics) is list else dict(Rad=float(LDetsave[ii]['Rad']),O=LDetsave[ii]['BaryS'],nIn=LDetsave[ii]['nIn'])
Sino_RefPt = None if Out['Sino_RefPt'].shape==() else Out['Sino_RefPt']
dd = TFG.Detect(ddIdsave, Poly, Optics=Optics, Ves=Ves, VesCalc=VesCalc, Sino_RefPt=Sino_RefPt, CalcEtend=False, CalcSpanImp=False, CalcCone=False, CalcPreComp=False, Calc=True, Verb=Verb,
arrayorder=str(Out['arrayorder']), Clock=bool(Out['Clock']))
dd = _resetDetectAttr(dd, {'LOSprops':LOSprops, 'Sino':Sino, 'Span':Span, 'Cone':Cone, 'SAng':SAng, 'SynthDiag':SynthDiag, 'Res':Res, 'Optics':Opt})
dd._LOS_NP = LDetsave[ii]['LOSNP']
if dd._SynthDiag_Done and dd._SynthDiag_Points is None:
obj = TFG.GDetect(Id, LDet, Type=Id.Type, Exp=Id.Exp, Diag=Id.Diag, shot=Id.shot, dtime=Id.dtime, Sino_RefPt=Out['Sino_RefPt'], LOSRef=str(Out['LOSRef']),
arrayorder=str(Out['arrayorder']), Clock=bool(Out['Clock']), SavePath=Id.SavePath)
Res = Out['Res'][0] if out=='full' else Res
for kk in Res.keys():
elif Id.Cls=='Eq2D':
Sep = [np.array(ss) for ss in Out['Sep'].tolist()]
obj = tfEq.Eq2D(Id, Out['PtsCross'], t=Out['t'], MagAx=Out['MagAx'], Sep=Sep, rho_p=Out['rho_p'].tolist(), rho_t=Out['rho_t'].tolist(), surf=Out['surf'].tolist(), vol=Out['vol'].tolist(),
q=Out['q'].tolist(), jp=Out['jp'].tolist(), pf=Out['pf'].tolist(), tf=Out['tf'].tolist(), theta=Out['theta'].tolist(), thetastar=Out['thetastar'].tolist(),
BTX=Out['BTX'].tolist(), BRY=Out['BRY'].tolist(), BZ=Out['BZ'].tolist(), Ref=str(Out['Ref']))
elif Id.Cls=='Mesh1D':
obj = TFM.Mesh1D(Id, Out['Knots'])
elif Id.Cls=='Mesh2D':
obj = TFM.Mesh2D(Id, [Out['Knots'][0],Out['Knots'][1]])
obj = TFM.Mesh2D(Id, Knots=obj, ind=Out['IndBg'])
for ii in range(0,len(Out['SubMinds'])):
obj.add_SubMesh(Name=Out['SubMinds'][ii]['Name'], ind=Out['SubMinds'][ii]['ind'])
elif Id.Cls=='Metric1D':
obj = TFM.Metric1D(Id)
elif Id.Cls=='Metric2D':
obj = TFM.Metric2D(Id)
elif Id.Cls in 'BF2D':
IdMesh = ID(str(Out['IdMesh'][0]), str(Out['IdMesh'][1]), SaveName=str(Out['IdMesh'][2]), SavePath=str(Out['IdMesh'][3]), dtime=Out['dtimeMesh'][0], dtFormat=str(Out['IdMesh'][4]))
M2 = TFM.Mesh2D(IdMesh, Knots=[Out['KnotsR'],Out['KnotsZ']])
M2bis = TFM.Mesh2D(IdMesh,Knots=M2,Ind=Out['Ind'])
obj = TFM.BF2D(Id, M2bis, int(Out['Deg'][0]))
elif Id.Cls=='GMat2D':
import ToFu_MatComp as TFMC
import scipy.sparse as scpsp
Id.set_LObj(open_np_IdObj(['Ves','BF2D','Detect'], [Out['Ves'],Out['BF2'],Out['LDetect']], [Out['VesUSR'],Out['BF2USR'],Out['LDetectUSR']]))
Mat = scpsp.csr_matrix((Out['Matdata'], Out['Matind'], Out['Matindpr']), shape=Out['Matshape'])
MatLOS = scpsp.csr_matrix((Out['MatLOSdata'], Out['MatLOSind'], Out['MatLOSindpr']), shape=Out['MatLOSshape'])
obj = TFMC.GMat2D(Id, None, None, Mat=None, indMat=None, MatLOS=None, Calcind=False, Calc=False, CalcLOS=False)
obj._init_CompParam(Mode=str(Out['CompParamStr'][0]), epsrel=Out['CompParamVal'][0], SubP=Out['CompParamVal'][1], SubMode=str(Out['CompParamStr'][1]), SubTheta=Out['CompParamVal'][2], SubThetaMode=str(Out['CompParamStr'][2]), Fast=bool(Out['CompParamVal'][-1]), SubPind=Out['CompParamVal'][3], ModeLOS=str(Out['CompParamStr'][3]), epsrelLOS=Out['CompParamVal'][4], SubPLOS=Out['CompParamVal'][5], SubModeLOS=str(Out['CompParamStr'][4]))
obj._BF2 = None
obj._BF2_Deg = int(Out['BF2Par'][0])
obj._BF2_NCents = int(Out['BF2Par'][2])
obj._BF2_NFunc = int(Out['BF2Par'][1])
obj._Ves = None
obj._LD = None
obj._LD_nDetect = int(Out['LD_nD'])
obj._set_indMat(indMat=Out['indMat'], Verb=False)
obj._set_MatLOS(MatLOS=MatLOS, Verb=False)
obj._set_Mat(Mat=Mat, Verb=False)
elif Id.Cls=='PreData':
LIdDet = Id.get_LObjasLId('Detect') if 'Detect' in Id.LObj.keys() else None
Init, Update = Out['Init'][0], Out['Update'][0]
obj = tft.PreData(Init['data'], Id=Id, t=Init['t'], Chans=Init['Chans'], DtRef=Init['DtRef'], LIdDet=LIdDet)
obj.set_Dt(Update['Dt'], Calc=False)
obj.set_Resamp(t=Update['Resamp_t'], f=Update['Resamp_f'], Method=Update['Resamp_Method'], interpkind=Update['Resamp_interpkind'], Calc=False)
obj.Out_add(indOut=Update['indOut'], Calc=False)
obj.Corr_add(indCorr=Update['indCorr'], Calc=False)
obj.interp(lt=Update['interp_lt'], lNames=Update['interp_lNames'], Calc=False)
obj.substract_Dt(tsub=Update['Subtract_tsub'], Calc=False)
obj.set_fft(Calc=True, **Update['FFTPar'])
if not Update['PhysNoiseParam'] is None:
Method = 'svd' if 'Modes' in Update['PhysNoiseParam'].keys() else 'fft'
#Id.set_LObj(open_np_IdObj(['Detect'],[Out['LDetect']], [Out['LDetectUSR']]))
#obj = TFT.PreData(Id=Id, shot=int(Out['shot']), DLPar=Out['DLPar'].item(), Exp=str(Out['StrPar'][0]), Dt=list(Out['Dt']), DtMargin=float(Out['DtMarg']), MovMeanfreq=float(Out['MovMeanfreq']), Resamp=bool(Out['Resamp']),
# interpkind=str(Out['StrPar'][1]), indOut=Out['indOut'], indCorr=Out['indCorr'], lt=Out['interp_lt'], lNames=Out['interp_lN'].tolist(), Test=True)
#if not Out['PhysNoise'].item() is None:
# obj.set_PhysNoise(Deg=int(Out['NoiseMod'].item()['Deg']), Nbin=int(Out['NoiseMod'].item()['Nbin']), LimRatio=float(Out['NoiseMod'].item()['LimRatio']), **Out['PhysNoise'].item()['Param'])
elif Id.Cls=='Sol2D':
Id.set_LObj(open_np_IdObj(['PreData','GMat2D','BF2D'],[Out['PreData'], Out['GMat2D'], Out['BF2D']], [Out['PreDataUSR'],Out['GMatUSR'],Out['BF2DUSR']]))
GMSaveName = Id.LObj['GMat2D']['SaveName'][0]
GMat = Open(Id.LObj['GMat2D']['SavePath'][0]+GMSaveName+'.npz')
except Exception:
GMSaveName = GMSaveName[:GMSaveName.index('All_')+4]+'sh'+GMSaveName[GMSaveName.index('All_')+4:]
GMat = Open(Id.LObj['GMat2D']['SavePath'][0]+GMSaveName+'.npz')
obj = TFI.Sol2D(Id, PreData=None, GMat=GMat, InvParam=Out['InvParam'].item(), SVesePreData=False, SVeseGMat=True, SVeseBF=True)
obj._PreData = None
obj._GMat = obj.GMat.get_SubGMat2D(Val=list(Out['LNames']), Crit='Name',InOut='In')
obj._shot = int(Out['shot'])
obj._LNames = Out['LNames'].tolist()
except Exception:
obj._LNames = obj.PreData.In_list()
obj._run = bool(Out['Run'])
if bool(Out['Run']):
obj._LOS = bool(Out['LOS'])
obj._t, obj._data = Out['t'], Out['data']
obj._Coefs, obj._sigma = Out['Coefs'], Out['sigma']
obj._Mu, obj._Chi2N, obj._R, obj._Nit = Out['Mu'], Out['Chi2N'], Out['R'], Out['Nit']
obj._Spec = list(Out['Spec'])
obj._timing = Out['t2']
obj._PostTreat = list(Out['PostTreat'])
return obj