Source code for tofu.openadas2tofu._requests

# Built-in
import os
import shutil
import requests
import warnings

# Common
import numpy as np

__all__ = [

# Check whether a local .tofu/ repo exists
_URL = ''
_URL_SEARCH = _URL + '/freeform?searchstring='
_URL_SEARCH_WAVL = _URL + '/wavelength?'
_URL_ADF15 = _URL + '/adf15'
_URL_DOWNLOAD = _URL + '/download'
_CUSTOM = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
_CUSTOM = os.path.join(_CUSTOM, 'scripts', '')


    'ITER': {
        'host': '',
        'bund': '/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/',

# #############################################################################
#                           Utility functions
# #############################################################################

def _get_PATH_LOCAL():
    pfe = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.tofu', 'openadas2tofu')
    if os.path.isdir(pfe):
        return pfe
        return None

def _getcharray(ar, col=None, sep='  ', line='-', just='l',
                verb=True, returnas=str):
    """ Format and return char array (for pretty printing) """

    # Trivial case
    c0 = ar is None or len(ar) == 0
    if c0:
        if returnas is str:
            return ''
        elif returnas is np.ndarray:
            return np.array([])
        elif returnas is False:

    # Non-trivial cases
    ar = np.array(ar, dtype='U')

    if ar.ndim == 1:
        ar = ar.reshape((1, ar.size))

    # Get just len
    nn = np.char.str_len(ar).max(axis=0)
    if col is not None:
        if len(col) not in ar.shape:
            msg = ("len(col) should be in np.array(ar, dtype='U').shape:\n"
                   + "\t- len(col) = {}\n".format(len(col))
                   + "\t- ar.shape = {}".format(ar.shape))
            raise Exception(msg)
        if len(col) != ar.shape[1]:
            ar = ar.T
            nn = np.char.str_len(ar).max(axis=0)
        nn = np.fmax(nn, [len(cc) for cc in col])

    # Apply to array
    fjust = np.char.ljust if just == 'l' else np.char.rjust
    out = np.array([sep.join(v) for v in fjust(ar, nn)])

    # Apply to col
    if col is not None:
        arcol = np.array([col, [line*n for n in nn]], dtype='U')
        arcol = np.array([sep.join(v) for v in fjust(arcol, nn)])
        out = np.append(arcol, out)

    if verb is True:

    if returnas is str:
        return '\n'.join(out)
    elif returnas is np.ndarray:
        return ar
    elif returnas is False:

# #############################################################################
#                          online search - utilities
# #############################################################################

class FileAlreayExistsException(Exception):

def _try_request_handle_ITER_SSL_step01(url=None):
        resp = requests.get(url)
    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as err:
        if 'certificate' in str(err):
            lbund = [
                vv['bund'] for kk, vv in _DCERTIFICATES_BUNDLE.items()
                if os.uname()[1].endswith(vv['host'])
            if len(lbund) == 1:
                resp = requests.get(url, verify=lbund[0])
                msg = (
                    + "\n\nLooks like a certificate error occured!\n"
                    + "=> try changing the certificate bundle of requests\n"
                    + "=> ask your admin which certificate bundle to use!"
                raise Exception(msg)
            raise err
    except Exception as err:
        raise err
    return resp

# #############################################################################
#                          online search
# #############################################################################

[docs]def step01_search_online( searchstr=None, returnas=None, include_partial=None, verb=None, ): """ Perform an online freeform search on Pass searchstr to the online freeform search Prints the results (if verb=True) Optionally return the result as: - np.ndarray : a char array - str : a formatted str example ------- >>> import tofu as tf >>> tf.openadas2tofu.step01_search_online('ar+16 ADF15') """ # Check input if returnas is None: returnas = False if verb is None: verb = True if include_partial is None: include_partial = _INCLUDE_PARTIAL if searchstr is None: searchstr = '' searchurl = '+'.join([requests.utils.quote(kk) for kk in searchstr.split(' ')]) total_url = '{}{}&{}'.format(_URL_SEARCH, searchurl, 'searching=1') resp = _try_request_handle_ITER_SSL_step01(url=total_url) # Extract response from html out = resp.text.split('\n') flag0 = '<table summary="Freeform search results">' flag1 = '</table>' ind0 = [ii for ii, vv in enumerate(out) if flag0 in vv] ind1 = [ii for ii, vv in enumerate(out) if flag1 in vv] if len(ind0) != 1 or len(ind1) == 0: msg = ("Format of html response seems to have changed!\n" + "Cannot find flags:\n" + "\t- {}\n".format(flag0) + "\t- {}\n".format(flag1) + "in requests.get({}).text".format(total_url)) raise Exception(msg) ind1 = np.min([ii for ii in ind1 if ii > ind0[0]]) out = out[ind0[0] + 1:ind1-1] nresults = len(out) - 1 # Get columns heads = [str.replace(kk.replace('<tr>', '').replace('<th>', ''), '</th>', '').replace('</tr>', '') for kk in out[0].split('</th><th>')] nhead = len(heads) # Get results lout = [] for ii in range(0, nresults): if 'Partial results are listed below' in out[ii+1]: if include_partial is False: break lout.append(['-', '-', '----- (partial results) -----', '-']) ind = out[ii+1].index('below</th></tr>') + len('below</th></tr>') out[ii+1] = out[ii+1][ind:] lstri = out[ii+1].split('</td><td') assert len(lstri) == nhead elmq = lstri[0].replace('<tr><td>', '') if '<sup>' in elmq: elm = elmq[:elmq.index('<sup>')] charge = elmq[elmq.index('<sup>')+len('<sup>'):] charge = charge.replace('</sup>', '') if charge == '+': charge = '1+' else: charge = '' elm = elmq typ = lstri[2][1:] fil = lstri[3][lstri[3].index('detail')+len('detail'):] fil = fil[:fil.index('.dat')+len('.dat')] lout.append([elm, charge, typ, fil]) # Format output char = np.array(lout) col = ['Element', 'charge', 'type of data', 'full file name'] arr = _getcharray(char, col=col, sep=' ', line='-', just='l', returnas=returnas, verb=verb) return arr
[docs]def step01_search_online_by_wavelengthA( lambmin=None, lambmax=None, element=None, charge=None, resolveby=None, returnas=None, verb=None, ): """ Perform an online search by wavelength on Pass the min / max wavelength (in Angstrom) to the online wavelength search Prints the results (if verb=True) Optionally return the result as: - np.ndarray : a char array - str : a formatted str The result can be resolved by: - 'transition' : by spectral transition - 'file' : by adas file Optionally filter by element and charge example ------- >>> import tofu as tf >>> tf.openadas2tofu.step01_earch_online_by_wavelengthA(3., 4., 'ar') >>> tf.openadas2tofu.step01_earch_online_by_wavelengthA( 3., 4., 'w', resolveby='file', ) """ # ----------- # Check input # general if returnas is None: returnas = False if verb is None: verb = True if lambmin is None: lambmin = '' if lambmax is None: lambmax = '' if resolveby is None: resolveby = 'transition' if resolveby not in ['transition', 'file']: msg = ("Arg resolveby must be:\n" + "\t- 'transition': list all available transitions\n" + "\t- 'file': list all files containing relevant transitions") raise Exception(msg) # element if element is not None: c0 = ( isinstance(element, str) or ( isinstance(element, list) and all([isinstance(ee, str) for ee in element]) ) or ( isinstance(element, tuple) and all([isinstance(ee, str) for ee in element]) ) ) if not c0: msg = ("Arg element must be a str (e.g.: element='ar')\n" + "\t- provided: {}".format(element)) raise Exception(msg) if isinstance(element, str): element = [element] if isinstance(element, list): element = [ee.lower() for ee in element] elif isinstance(element, tuple): element = tuple([ee.lower() for ee in element]) # charge if charge is not None: c0 = ( isinstance(charge, int) or ( isinstance(charge, list) and all([isinstance(cc, int) for cc in charge]) ) or ( isinstance(charge, tuple) and all([isinstance(cc, int) for cc in charge]) ) ) if not c0: msg = ("Arg charge must be a int or list (e.g.: 16 or [0])\n" + "\t- provided: {}".format(charge)) raise Exception(msg) if isinstance(charge, int): charge = [charge] if isinstance(charge, list): charge = ['0' if cc == 0 else '{}+'.format(cc) for cc in charge] elif isinstance(charge, tuple): charge = tuple([ '0' if cc == 0 else '{}+'.format(cc) for cc in charge ]) # --------------- # prepare request searchurl = '&'.join(['wave_min={}'.format(lambmin), 'wave_max={}'.format(lambmax), 'resolveby={}'.format(resolveby)]) total_url = '{}{}&{}'.format(_URL_SEARCH_WAVL, searchurl, 'searching=1') resp = _try_request_handle_ITER_SSL_step01(url=total_url) # Extract response from html out = resp.text.split('\n') flag0 = '<table summary="Search by Wavelength Search Results">' flag1 = '</table></div></div></div>' ind0 = [ii for ii, vv in enumerate(out) if flag0 in vv] ind1 = [ii for ii, vv in enumerate(out) if flag1 in vv] if len(ind0) != 1 or len(ind1) != 1: msg = ("Format of html response seems to have changed!\n" + "Cannot find flags:\n" + "\t- {}\n".format(flag0) + "\t- {}\n".format(flag1) + "in requests.get({}).text".format(total_url)) raise Exception(msg) out = out[ind0[0] + 1].split('</tr><tr><td>') nresults = len(out) - 1 # Get columns col = [kk.replace('<tr><th>', '').replace('</th>', '').strip() for kk in out[0].split('</th><th>')] ncol = len(col) if resolveby == 'transition': dcolex = { 'Wavelength': 0, 'Ion': 1, 'Data Type': 2, 'Transition': 3, 'File Details': 4, } else: dcolex = { 'Ion': 0, 'Data Type': 1, 'Minimum Wavelength': 2, 'Maximum Wavelength': 3, 'File Details': 4, } if col != list(dcolex.keys()): msg = ("Format of table columns in html seems to have changed!\n" + "\t- expected: {}\n".format(colex) + "\t- observed: {}".format(col)) raise Exception(msg) lout = [] if resolveby == 'transition': for ii in range(0, nresults): lstri = out[ii+1].split('</td><td>') assert len(lstri) == ncol elm, charg = ( lstri[dcolex['Ion']].replace('</sup>', '').split('<sup>') ) if charg == '+': charg = '1+' c0 = ( (isinstance(element, list) and elm.lower() not in element) or (isinstance(element, tuple) and elm.lower() in element) ) if c0: continue c0 = ( (isinstance(charge, list) and charg not in charge) or (isinstance(charge, tuple) and charg in charge) ) if c0: continue lamb = lstri[dcolex['Wavelength']].replace('&Aring;', '') typ = ( lstri[dcolex['Data Type']].replace('</span>', '').split('>')[1] ) trans = lstri[dcolex['Transition']].replace('&nbsp;', ' ') trans = trans.replace('<sup>', '^{').replace('</sup>', '}') trans = trans.replace('<sub>', '_{').replace('</sub>', '}') trans = trans.replace('&rarr;', '->') fil = lstri[dcolex['File Details']] fil = fil[fil.index('detail')+len('detail'):] fil = fil[:fil.index('.dat')+len('.dat')] lout.append([lamb, elm, charg, typ, trans, fil]) else: for ii in range(0, nresults): lstri = out[ii+1].split('</td><td>') elm, charg = ( lstri[dcolex['Ion']].replace('</sup>', '').split('<sup>') ) if charg == '+': charg = '1+' c0 = ( (isinstance(element, list) and elm.lower() not in element) or (isinstance(element, tuple) and elm.lower() in element) ) if c0: continue c0 = ( (isinstance(charge, list) and charg not in charge) or (isinstance(charge, tuple) and charg in charge) ) if c0: continue typ = ( lstri[dcolex['Data Type']].replace('</span>', '') ) lambmin = ( lstri[dcolex['Minimum Wavelength']].replace('&Aring;', '') ) lambmax = ( lstri[dcolex['Maximum Wavelength']].replace('&Aring;', '') ) fil = lstri[dcolex['File Details']] fil = fil[fil.index('detail')+len('detail'):] fil = fil[:fil.index('.dat')+len('.dat')] lout.append([fil, lambmin, lambmax, elm, charg, typ]) # Format output char = np.array(lout) if resolveby == 'transition': col = ['Wavelength', 'Element', 'Charge', 'Data Type', 'Transition', 'Full file name'] else: col = ['Full file name', 'Wavelength min', 'Wavelength max', 'Element', 'Charge', 'Data Type'] arr = _getcharray(char, col=col, sep=' ', line='-', just='l', returnas=returnas, verb=verb) return arr
# ############################################################################# # Download - utilities # ############################################################################# def _try_request_handle_ITER_SSL_step02(url=None, pfe=None): try: with requests.get(url, stream=True) as rr: rr.raise_for_status() with open(pfe, 'wb') as ff: for chunk in rr.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): # filter-out keep-alive new chunks if chunk: ff.write(chunk) # ff.flush() except requests.exceptions.SSLError as err: if 'certificate' in str(err): lbund = [ vv['bund'] for kk, vv in _DCERTIFICATES_BUNDLE.items() if os.uname()[1].endswith(vv['host']) ] if len(lbund) == 1: with requests.get(url, stream=True, verify=lbund[0]) as rr: rr.raise_for_status() with open(pfe, 'wb') as ff: for chunk in rr.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): # filter-out keep-alive new chunks if chunk: ff.write(chunk) # ff.flush() else: msg = ( str(err) + "\n\nLooks like a certificate error occured!\n" + "=> try changing the certificate bundle of requests\n" + "=> ask your admin which certificate bundle to use!" ) raise Exception(msg) else: raise err except Exception as err: raise err def _check_exists(filename, update=None, create_custom=None): # In case a small modification becomes necessary later target = filename path_local = _get_PATH_LOCAL() # Check whether the local .tofu repo exists, if not recommend tofu-custom if path_local is None: path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.tofu', 'openadas2tofu') if create_custom is None: create_custom = _CREATE_CUSTOM if create_custom is True: os.system('python ' + _CUSTOM) path_local = _get_PATH_LOCAL() else: msg = ("You do not seem to have a local ./tofu repository\n" + "tofu uses that local repository to store user-specific " + "data and downloads\n" + "In particular, openadas files are downloaded in:\n" + "\t{}\n".format(path) + " => to set-up your local .tofu repo, run in terminal:\n" + "\ttofu custom") raise Exception(msg) # Parse intermediate repos and create if necessary lrep = target.split('/')[1:-1] for ii in range(len(lrep)): repo = os.path.join(path_local, *lrep[:ii+1]) if not os.path.isdir(repo): os.mkdir(repo) # Check if file already exists path = os.path.join(path_local, *lrep) pfe = os.path.join(path, target.split('/')[-1]) if os.path.isfile(pfe): if update is False: msg = ("File already exists in your local repo:\n" + "\t{}\n".format(pfe) + " => if you want to force download, use update=True" + " (local file will be overwritten)") raise FileAlreayExistsException(msg) else: return True, pfe else: return False, pfe # ############################################################################# # Download # #############################################################################
[docs]def step02_download( filename=None, update=None, create_custom=None, verb=None, returnas=None, ): """ Download desired file from All downloaded files are stored in your local tofu directory (~/.tofu/) Automatically runs tofu-custom if create_custom=True example ------- >>> import tofu as tf >>> filename = '/adf15/pec40][ar/pec40][ar_ls][ar16.dat' >>> tf.openadas2tofu.step02_download(filename) """ # --------------------------- # Check if verb is None: verb = True if update is None: update = False if returnas is None: returnas = False c0 = (not isinstance(filename, str) or filename[:4] != '/adf' or filename[-4:] != '.dat') if c0: msg = ("filename must be a str (full file name) of the form:\n" + "\t/adf.../.../....dat\n" + "\nProvided:\n\t{}".format(filename)) raise Exception(msg) url = _URL_DOWNLOAD + filename exists, pfe = _check_exists( filename, update=update, create_custom=create_custom ) if exists is True and verb is True: msg = ("File already exists, will be downloaded and overwritten:\n" + "\t{}".format(pfe)) warnings.warn(msg) # --------------------------- # Download # Note the stream=True parameter below _try_request_handle_ITER_SSL_step02(url=url, pfe=pfe) if verb is True: msg = ("file {} was copied to:\n".format(filename) + "\t{}".format(pfe)) print(msg) if returnas is str: return pfe
[docs]def step02_download_all( files=None, searchstr=None, lambmin=None, lambmax=None, element=None, include_partial=None, update=None, create_custom=None, verb=None, ): """ Download all desired files from The files to download can be provided either as: - a list of full openadas file names (files) - the result of an online freeform search (searchstr fed to search_online) - the input to an online search by wavelength (lambmin, lambmax and element fed to search_online_by_wavelengthA) Automatically runs tofu-custom if create_custom=True All downloaded files are stored in your local tofu directory (~/.tofu/) example ------- >>> import tofu as tf >>> tf.openadas2tofu.step02_download_all( lambmin=3., lambmax=4., element='ar', ) """ # Check if include_partial is None: include_partial = False if update is None: update = False if verb is None: verb = True lc = [files is not None, searchstr is not None, any([ss is not None for ss in [lambmin, lambmax, element]])] if np.sum(lc) != 1: msg = ( "Please either searchstr xor (lambmin, lambmax, element)\n" + "\t- files: list of full file names to be downloaded\n" + "\t- searchstr: uses step01_search_online()\n" + "\t- lambmin, lambmax, element: " + "uses step01_search_online_by_wavelengthA()") raise Exception(msg) # Get list of files if lc[0]: if isinstance(files, str): files = [files] if not (isinstance(files, list) and all([isinstance(ss, str) for ss in files])): msg = "files must be a list of full openadas file names!" raise Exception(msg) elif lc[1]: arr = step01_search_online( searchstr=searchstr, include_partial=include_partial, verb=False, returnas=np.ndarray, ) files = arr[:, -1] elif lc[2]: arr = step01_search_online_by_wavelengthA( lambmin=lambmin, lambmax=lambmax, element=element, verb=False, returnas=np.ndarray, ) files = np.unique(arr[:, -1]) # Download if verb is True: msg = "Downloading from {} into {}:".format(_URL, _get_PATH_LOCAL()) print(msg) for ii in range(len(files)): try: exists, pfe = _check_exists( files[ii], update=update, create_custom=create_custom, ) pfe = step02_download( filename=files[ii], update=update, verb=False, returnas=str, ) if exists is True: msg = "\toverwritten: \t{}".format(files[ii]) else: msg = "\tdownloaded: \t{}".format(files[ii]) except FileAlreayExistsException: msg = "\talready exists: {}".format(files[ii]) except Exception as err: msg = (str(err) + "\n\nCould not download file {}".format(files[ii])) raise err if verb is True: print(msg)
[docs]def clear_downloads(): """ Delete all openadas files downloaded in your ~/.tofu/ directory """ path_local = _get_PATH_LOCAL() if path_local is None: return lf = [ os.path.join(path_local, ff) for ff in os.listdir(path_local) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path_local, ff)) ] ld = [ os.path.join(path_local, ff) for ff in os.listdir(path_local) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path_local, ff)) ] for ff in lf: os.remove(ff) for dd in ld: shutil.rmtree(dd)