Source code for tofu.geom._plot_optics

# Built-in
import itertools as itt

# Common
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import BSpline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.colors as mplcol
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib.axes._axes import Axes
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

# tofu
from tofu.version import __version__
from . import _def as _def

_GITHUB = ''
_WINTIT = 'tofu-%s        report issues / requests at %s'%(__version__, _GITHUB)

_QUIVERCOLOR =, 1, 3))
_QUIVERCOLOR = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 1.],
                         [0., 1., 0., 1.],
                         [0., 0., 1., 1.]])
_QUIVERCOLOR = mplcol.ListedColormap(_QUIVERCOLOR)

# Generic
[docs]def _check_projdax_mpl( dax=None, proj=None, dmargin=None, fs=None, wintit=None, ): # ---------------------- # Check inputs if proj is None: proj = 'all' assert isinstance(proj, str) proj = proj.lower() lproj = ['cross', 'hor', '3d', 'im'] assert proj in lproj + ['all'] # ---------------------- # Check dax lc = [ dax is None, issubclass(dax.__class__, Axes), isinstance(dax, dict), isinstance(dax, list), ] assert any(lc) if lc[0]: dax = dict.fromkeys(proj) elif lc[1]: assert len(proj) == 1 dax = {proj[0]: dax} elif lc[2]: lcax = [ dax.get(pp) is None or issubclass(dax.get(pp).__class__, Axes) for pp in proj ] if not all(lcax): msg = ( "Wrong key or axes in dax:\n" + " - proj = {}".format(proj) + " - dax = {}".format(dax) ) raise Exception(msg) else: assert len(dax) == 2 assert all( [ax is None or issubclass(ax.__class__, Axes) for ax in dax] ) dax = {'cross': dax[0], 'hor': dax[1]} # Populate with default axes if necessary if proj == 'cross' and dax['cross'] is None: dax['cross'] = _def.Plot_LOSProj_DefAxes( 'cross', fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, ) elif proj == 'hor' and dax['hor'] is None: dax['hor'] = _def.Plot_LOSProj_DefAxes( 'hor', fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, ) elif proj == '3d' and dax['3d'] is None: dax['3d'] = _def.Plot_3D_plt_Tor_DefAxes( fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, ) elif proj == 'im' and dax['im'] is None: dax['im'] = _def.Plot_CrystIm( fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, ) elif proj == 'all' and any([dax.get(k0) is None for k0 in lproj]): dax = _def.Plot_AllCryst( fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, ) for kk in lproj: dax[kk] = dax.get(kk, None) return dax
# ################################################################# # ################################################################# # Generic geometry plot # ################################################################# # #################################################################
[docs]def _CrystalBragg_plot_check( cryst=None, dcryst=None, det=None, ddet=None, res=None, element=None, color=None, pts_summit=None, pts1=None, pts2=None, xi=None, xj=None, rays_color=None, rays_npts=None, dleg=None, draw=True, use_non_parallelism=None, wintit=None, tit=None, ): # plotting assert type(draw) is bool, "Arg draw must be a bool !" assert cryst is None or cryst.__class__.__name__ == 'CrystalBragg' if wintit is None: wintit = _WINTIT if tit is None: tit = False if dleg is None: dleg = _def.TorLegd # rays color if rays_color is None: if pts_summit is None: rays_color = 'k' else: rays_color = 'pts' if pts_summit.shape[2] > 1 else 'lamb' if rays_color in ['pts', 'lamb']: pass else: try: rays_color = mplcol.to_rgba(rays_color) except Exception as err: msg = ( "Arg rays_color must be either:\n" + "\t- 'pts': color by pts of origin\n" + "\t- 'lamb': color by wavelength\n" + "\t- a matplotlib color (e.g.: 'k', (0.1, 0.2, 0.1), ...)\n" ) raise Exception(msg) # rays_npts if rays_npts is None: rays_npts = _RAYS_NPTS assert rays_npts >= 2, "Arg rays_npts must be a int >= 2" # elements lelement = ['s', 'c', 'r', 'o', 'v'] if element is None: element = 'oscrv' c0 = ( isinstance(element, str) and all([ss in lelement for ss in element.lower()]) ) if not c0: msg = ("Arg element must be str contain some of the following:\n" + "\t- 'o': outline\n" + "\t- 'c': center (of curvature sphere)\n" + "\t- 's': summit (geometrical center of crystal piece)\n" + "\t- 'r': rowland circle (along e1 direction)\n" + "\t- 'v': local unit vectors\n" + "You provided:\n{}".format(element)) raise Exception(msg) element = element.lower() # cryst if element != '' and cryst is None: msg = ( "cryst cannot be None if element contains any of:\n" + "\t- {}\n".format(lelement) + "You provided: {}".format(element) ) raise Exception(msg) # vectors and outline if cryst is not None: nout, e1, e2, use_non_parallelism = cryst.get_unit_vectors( use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ) nin = -nout outline = cryst.sample_outline_plot( res=res, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ) # det if det is None: det = False if det is not False and any([ss in element for ss in 'ocv']): c0 = isinstance(det, dict) and 'cent' in det.keys() if c0 and 'o' in element: c0 = c0 and all( [ss in det.keys() for ss in ['outline', 'ei', 'ej']] ) if c0 and 'v' in element: c0 = c0 and all([ss in det.keys() for ss in ['nout', 'ei', 'ej']]) if not c0: msg = ("Arg det must be a dict with keys:\n" + "\t- 'cent': center of the detector\n" + "\t- 'nout': outward unit vector (normal to surface)\n" + "\t- 'ei': first local coordinate unit vector\n" + "\t- 'ej': second coordinate unit vector\n" + "\t- 'outline': 2d local coordinates of outline\n" + "\tAll (except outline) are 3d cartesian coordinates\n" + "You provided:\n{}".format(det)) raise Exception(msg) # pts lc = [pts_summit is not None, pts1 is not None, pts2 is not None] c0 = ( (not any(lc)) or all(lc) ) if not c0: msg = ( "pts_summit and pts1 and pts2 must be:\n" + "\t- all None\n" + "\t- all np.ndarray of same shape, with shape[0] == 3\n" + " You provided:\n" + "\t- pts_summit: {}\n".format(pts_summit) + "\t- pts1: {}".format(pts1) + "\t- pts2: {}".format(pts2) ) raise Exception(msg) if pts_summit is not None: if not (pts_summit.shape == pts1.shape == pts2.shape): msg = ( "Args pts_summit, pts1 and pts2 must have the same shape!\n" + " You provided:\n" + "\t- pts_summit.shape: {}\n".format(pts_summit.shape) + "\t- pts1.shape: {}\n".format(pts1.shape) + "\t- pts2.shape: {}\n".format(pts2.shape) ) raise Exception(msg) if rays_color in ['pts', 'lamb'] and pts_summit is not None: if pts_summit.ndim not in [4, 5]: msg = ( "For pts-wise or lambda-wise coloring, " + "input pts_summit must be 4d np.ndarray of shape " + "(3, nlamb, npts, ndtheta)\n" + " You provided:\n" + "\t- pts_summit.shape = {}".format(pts_summit.shape) ) raise Exception(msg) # rays rays = None if pts_summit is not None: # pts.shape = (3, nlamb, npts, ndtheta) # rays.shape = (3, nlamb, npts, ndtheta, 2, 2*rays_npts) shape = np.r_[pts1.shape, 1] k = np.linspace(0, 1, rays_npts) rays = np.concatenate(( pts1[..., None] + k*(pts_summit-pts1)[..., None], pts_summit[..., None] + k[1:]*(pts2-pts_summit)[..., None], np.full(shape, np.nan), ), axis=-1) nlamb, npts, ndtheta, _, nk = rays.shape[1:] if rays_color in ['pts', 'lamb']: if rays_color == 'lamb': rays = rays.reshape(3, nlamb, npts*ndtheta*nk*2).swapaxes(1, 2) elif rays_color == 'pts': rays = rays.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape( 3, npts, nlamb*ndtheta*nk*2, ).swapaxes(1, 2) else: rays = rays.reshape(3, nlamb*npts*ndtheta*nk*2, order='C') # xi, xj lc = [xi is not None, xj is not None] c0 = ( np.sum(lc) in [0, 2] and ( not any(lc) or (lc[0] and xi.shape == xj.shape == pts1.shape[1:]) ) ) if not c0: msg = ( "Args xi, xj must be either both None of 2 array of same shape!\n" + " Provided:\n\t- xi:\n{}\n\t- xj:\n{}".format(xi, xj) ) raise Exception(msg) if lc[0]: if rays_color in ['pts', 'lamb']: if rays_color == 'lamb': xi = xi.reshape(nlamb, npts*ndtheta*2).T xj = xj.reshape(nlamb, npts*ndtheta*2).T elif rays_color == 'pts': xi = xi.swapaxes(0, 1).reshape(npts, nlamb*ndtheta*2).T xj = xj.swapaxes(0, 1).reshape(npts, nlamb*ndtheta*2).T else: xi = xi.ravel() xj = xj.ravel() # dict for plotting if color is None: color = False lkd = ['outline', 'cent', 'summit', 'rowland', 'vectors'] # Avoid passing default by reference if dcryst is None: dcryst = dict({k0: dict(v0) for k0, v0 in _def._CRYSTAL_PLOT_DDICT.items()}) else: dcryst = dict({k0: dict(v0) for k0, v0 in dcryst.items()}) for k0 in lkd: if dcryst.get(k0) is None: dcryst[k0] = dict(_def._CRYSTAL_PLOT_DDICT[k0]) if dcryst[k0].get('color') is None: if cryst is not None and cryst._dmisc.get('color') is not None: dcryst[k0]['color'] = cryst._dmisc['color'] if color is not False: dcryst[k0]['color'] = color if ddet is None: # Avoid passing default by reference ddet = dict({k0: dict(v0) for k0, v0 in _def._DET_PLOT_DDICT.items()}) else: ddet = dict({k0: dict(v0) for k0, v0 in ddet.items()}) for k0 in lkd: if ddet.get(k0) is None: ddet[k0] = dict(_def._DET_PLOT_DDICT[k0]) if color is not False: ddet[k0]['color'] = color return ( dcryst, det, ddet, nout, nin, e1, e2, xi, xj, outline, element, color, rays, rays_color, rays_npts, dleg, wintit, )
[docs]def CrystalBragg_plot( cryst=None, dcryst=None, det=None, ddet=None, dax=None, proj=None, res=None, element=None, color=None, pts_summit=None, pts1=None, pts2=None, xi=None, xj=None, rays_color=None, rays_npts=None, dleg=None, draw=True, fs=None, dmargin=None, use_non_parallelism=None, wintit=None, tit=None, ): # --------------------- # Check / format inputs ( dcryst, det, ddet, nout, nin, e1, e2, xi, xj, outline, element, color, rays, rays_color, rays_npts, dleg, wintit, ) = _CrystalBragg_plot_check( cryst=cryst, dcryst=dcryst, det=det, ddet=ddet, res=res, element=element, color=color, pts_summit=pts_summit, pts1=pts1, pts2=pts2, xi=xi, xj=xj, rays_color=rays_color, rays_npts=rays_npts, dleg=dleg, draw=draw, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, wintit=wintit, tit=tit, ) # --------------------- # call plotting functions dax = _CrystalBragg_plot( cryst=cryst, dcryst=dcryst, det=det, ddet=ddet, nout=nout, nin=nin, e1=e1, e2=e2, outline=outline, proj=proj, dax=dax, element=element, rays=rays, rays_color=rays_color, rays_npts=rays_npts, xi=xi, xj=xj, draw=draw, dmargin=dmargin, fs=fs, wintit=wintit, ) # recompute the ax.dataLim ax0 = None for kk, vv in dax.items(): if vv is None: continue dax[kk].relim() dax[kk].autoscale_view() if dleg is not False: dax[kk].legend(**dleg) ax0 = vv # set title if tit != False: ax0.figure.suptitle(tit) if draw: ax0.figure.canvas.draw() return dax
[docs]def _CrystalBragg_plot( cryst=None, dcryst=None, det=None, ddet=None, nout=None, nin=None, e1=None, e2=None, outline=None, proj=None, dax=None, element=None, rays=None, rays_color=None, rays_npts=None, xi=None, xj=None, quiver_cmap=None, draw=True, dmargin=None, fs=None, wintit=None, ): # --------------------- # Check / format inputs if 'v' in element and quiver_cmap is None: quiver_cmap = _QUIVERCOLOR # --------------------- # Prepare axe and data dax = _check_projdax_mpl( dax=dax, proj=proj, dmargin=dmargin, fs=fs, wintit=wintit, ) if 's' in element or 'v' in element: summ = cryst._dgeom['summit'] if 'c' in element: cent = cryst._dgeom['center'] if 'r' in element: ang = np.linspace(0, 2.*np.pi, 200) rr = 0.5*cryst._dgeom['rcurve'] row = cryst._dgeom['summit'] + rr*nin row = (row[:, None] + rr*(np.cos(ang)[None, :]*nin[:, None] + np.sin(ang)[None, :]*e1[:, None])) # --------------------- # plot cross = dax.get('cross') is not None hor = dax.get('hor') is not None d3 = dax.get('3d') is not None im = dax.get('im') is not None if 'o' in element: if cross: dax['cross'].plot( np.hypot(outline[0, :], outline[1, :]), outline[2, :], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+' outline', **dcryst['outline'], ) if hor: dax['hor'].plot( outline[0, :], outline[1, :], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+' outline', **dcryst['outline'], ) if d3: dax['3d'].plot( outline[0, :], outline[1, :], outline[2, :], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+' outline', **dcryst['outline'], ) if 's' in element: if cross: dax['cross'].plot( np.hypot(summ[0], summ[1]), summ[2], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+" summit", **dcryst['summit'], ) if hor: dax['hor'].plot( summ[0], summ[1], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+" summit", **dcryst['summit'], ) if d3: dax['3d'].plot( summ[0:1], summ[1:2], summ[2:3], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+" summit", **dcryst['summit'], ) if 'c' in element: if cross: dax['cross'].plot( np.hypot(cent[0], cent[1]), cent[2], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+" center", **dcryst['cent'], ) if hor: dax['hor'].plot( cent[0], cent[1], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+" center", **dcryst['cent'], ) if d3: dax['3d'].plot( cent[0:1], cent[1:2], cent[2:3], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+" center", **dcryst['cent'], ) if 'r' in element: if cross: dax['cross'].plot( np.hypot(row[0, :], row[1, :]), row[2, :], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+' rowland', **dcryst['rowland'], ) if hor: dax['hor'].plot( row[0, :], row[1, :], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+' rowland', **dcryst['rowland'], ) if d3: dax['3d'].plot( row[0, :], row[1, :], row[2, :], label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+' rowland', **dcryst['rowland'], ) if 'v' in element: p0 = np.repeat(summ[:,None], 3, axis=1) v = np.concatenate((nout[:, None], e1[:, None], e2[:, None]), axis=1) if cross: pr = np.hypot(p0[0, :], p0[1, :]) vr = np.hypot(p0[0, :]+v[0, :], p0[1, :]+v[1, :]) - pr dax['cross'].quiver( pr, p0[2, :], vr, v[2, :], np.r_[0., 0.5, 1.], cmap=quiver_cmap, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+" unit vect", **dcryst['vectors'], ) if hor: dax['hor'].quiver( p0[0, :], p0[1, :], v[0, :], v[1, :], np.r_[0., 0.5, 1.], cmap=quiver_cmap, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+" unit vect", **dcryst['vectors'], ) if d3: dax['3d'].quiver( p0[0, :], p0[1, :], p0[2, :], v[0, :], v[1, :], v[2, :], np.r_[0., 0.5, 1.], length=0.1, normalize=True, cmap=quiver_cmap, label=cryst.Id.NameLTX+" unit vect", **dcryst['vectors'], ) # ------------- # Detector if det is not False: if det.get('cent') is not None and 'c' in element: if cross: dax['cross'].plot( np.hypot(det['cent'][0], det['cent'][1]), det['cent'][2], label="det_cent", **ddet['cent'], ) if hor: dax['hor'].plot( det['cent'][0], det['cent'][1], label="det_cent", **ddet['cent'], ) if d3: dax['3d'].plot( det['cent'][0:1], det['cent'][1:2], det['cent'][2:3], label="det_cent", **ddet['cent'], ) if det.get('nout') is not None and 'v' in element: assert det.get('ei') is not None and det.get('ej') is not None p0 = np.repeat(det['cent'][:, None], 3, axis=1) v = np.concatenate((det['nout'][:, None], det['ei'][:, None], det['ej'][:, None]), axis=1) if cross: pr = np.hypot(p0[0, :], p0[1, :]) vr = np.hypot(p0[0, :]+v[0, :], p0[1, :]+v[1, :]) - pr dax['cross'].quiver( pr, p0[2, :], vr, v[2, :], np.r_[0., 0.5, 1.], cmap=quiver_cmap, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', label="det unit vect", **ddet['vectors'], ) if hor: dax['hor'].quiver( p0[0, :], p0[1, :], v[0, :], v[1, :], np.r_[0., 0.5, 1.], cmap=quiver_cmap, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', label="det unit vect", **ddet['vectors'], ) if d3: dax['3d'].quiver( p0[0, :], p0[1, :], p0[2, :], v[0, :], v[1, :], v[2, :], np.r_[0., 0.5, 1.], length=0.1, normalize=True, cmap=quiver_cmap, label="det unit vect", **ddet['vectors'], ) if det.get('outline') is not None and 'o' in element: det_out = ( det['outline'][0:1, :]*det['ei'][:, None] + det['outline'][1:2, :]*det['ej'][:, None] + det['cent'][:, None] ) if cross: dax['cross'].plot( np.hypot(det_out[0, :], det_out[1, :]), det_out[2, :], label='det outline', **ddet['outline'], ) if hor: dax['hor'].plot( det_out[0, :], det_out[1, :], label='det outline', **ddet['outline'], ) if d3: dax['3d'].plot( det_out[0, :], det_out[1, :], det_out[2, :], label='det outline', **ddet['outline'], ) if im: dax['im'].plot( det['outline'][0, :], det['outline'][1, :], label='det outline', **ddet['outline'], ) # ------------- # rays if rays is not None: if rays_color in ['pts', 'lamb']: if cross: dax['cross'].set_prop_cycle(None) dax['cross'].plot( np.hypot(rays[0, :, :], rays[1, :, :]), rays[2, :, :], lw=1., ls='-', ) if hor: dax['hor'].set_prop_cycle(None) dax['hor'].plot( rays[0, :, :], rays[1, :, :], lw=1., ls='-', ) if d3: dax['3d'].set_prop_cycle(None) for ii in range(rays.shape[2]): dax['3d'].plot( rays[0, :, ii], rays[1, :, ii], rays[2, :, ii], lw=1., ls='-', ) if im: dax['3d'].set_prop_cycle(None) dax['im'].plot( xi, xj, ls='None', marker='.', ms=6, ) else: if cross: dax['cross'].set_prop_cycle(None) dax['cross'].plot( np.hypot(rays[0, :], rays[1, :]), rays[2, :], color=rays_color, lw=1., ls='-', ) if hor: dax['hor'].set_prop_cycle(None) dax['hor'].plot( rays[0, :], rays[1, :], color=rays_color, lw=1., ls='-', ) if d3: dax['3d'].set_prop_cycle(None) dax['3d'].plot( rays[0, :], rays[1, :], rays[2, :], color=rays_color, lw=1., ls='-', ) if im: dax['3d'].set_prop_cycle(None) dax['im'].plot( xi, xj, ls='None', marker='.', ms=6, ) return dax
# ################################################################# # ################################################################# # Rocking curve plot # ################################################################# # #################################################################
[docs]def CrystalBragg_plot_rockingcurve( func=None, bragg=None, lamb=None, sigma=None, npts=None, ang_units=None, axtit=None, color=None, legend=None, fs=None, ax=None, ): # Prepare if legend is None: legend = True if color is None: color = 'k' if ang_units is None: ang_units = 'deg' if axtit is None: axtit = 'Rocking curve' if sigma is None: sigma = 0.005*np.pi/180. if npts is None: npts = 1000 angle = bragg + 3.*sigma*np.linspace(-1, 1, npts) curve = func(angle) lab = r"$\lambda = {:9.6} A$".format(lamb*1.e10) if ang_units == 'deg': angle = angle*180/np.pi bragg = bragg*180/np.pi # Plot if ax is None: if fs is None: fs = (8, 6) fig = plt.figure(figsize=fs) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) ax.set_title(axtit, size=12) ax.set_xlabel('angle ({})'.format(ang_units)) ax.set_ylabel('reflectivity (adim.)') ax.plot(angle, curve, ls='-', lw=1., c=color, label=lab) ax.axvline(bragg, ls='--', lw=1, c=color) if legend is not False: ax.legend() return ax
# ################################################################# # ################################################################# # Bragg diffraction plot # ################################################################# # ################################################################# # Deprecated ? re-use ?
[docs]def CrystalBragg_plot_approx_detector_params(Rrow, bragg, d, Z, frame_cent, nn): R = 2.*Rrow L = 2.*R ang = np.linspace(0., 2.*np.pi, 100) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8], aspect='equal') ax.axvline(0, ls='--', c='k') ax.plot(Rrow*np.cos(ang), Rrow + Rrow*np.sin(ang), c='r') ax.plot(R*np.cos(ang), R + R*np.sin(ang), c='b') ax.plot(L*np.cos(bragg)*np.r_[-1,0,1], L*np.sin(bragg)*np.r_[1,0,1], c='k') ax.plot([0, d*np.cos(bragg)], [Rrow, d*np.sin(bragg)], c='r') ax.plot([0, d*np.cos(bragg)], [Z, d*np.sin(bragg)], 'g') ax.plot([0, L/10*nn[1]], [Z, Z+L/10*nn[2]], c='g') ax.plot(frame_cent[1]*np.cos(2*bragg-np.pi), Z + frame_cent[1]*np.sin(2*bragg-np.pi), c='k', marker='o', ms=10) ax.set_xlabel(r'y') ax.set_ylabel(r'z') ax.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.), frameon=False) return ax
[docs]def CrystalBragg_plot_xixj_from_braggangle(bragg=None, xi=None, xj=None, data=None, ax=None): if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8], aspect='equal') for ii in range(len(bragg)): deg ='{0:07.3f}'.format(bragg[ii]*180/np.pi) ax.plot(xi[:,ii], xj[:,ii], '.', label='bragg %s'%deg) ax.set_xlabel(r'xi') ax.set_ylabel(r'yi') ax.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.), frameon=False) return ax
[docs]def CrystalBragg_plot_braggangle_from_xixj(xi=None, xj=None, bragg=None, angle=None, ax=None, plot=None, braggunits='rad', angunits='rad', leg=None, colorbar=None, fs=None, wintit=None, tit=None, **kwdargs): # Check inputs if isinstance(plot, bool): plot = 'contour' if fs is None: fs = (6, 6) if wintit is None: wintit = _WINTIT if tit is None: tit = False if colorbar is None: colorbar = True if leg is None: leg = False if leg is True: leg = {} # Prepare axes if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fs) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], aspect='equal', adjustable='box') dobj = {'phi': {'ax': ax}, 'bragg': {'ax': ax}} dobj['bragg']['kwdargs'] = dict(kwdargs) dobj['phi']['kwdargs'] = dict(kwdargs) dobj['phi']['kwdargs']['cmap'] = # Clear cmap if colors provided if 'colors' in kwdargs.keys(): if 'cmap' in dobj['bragg']['kwdargs'].keys(): del dobj['bragg']['kwdargs']['cmap'] if 'cmap' in dobj['phi']['kwdargs'].keys(): del dobj['phi']['kwdargs']['cmap'] # Plot if plot == 'contour': if 'levels' in kwdargs.keys(): lvls = kwdargs['levels'] del kwdargs['levels'] obj0 = dobj['bragg']['ax'].contour(xi, xj, bragg, lvls, **dobj['bragg']['kwdargs']) obj1 = dobj['phi']['ax'].contour(xi, xj, angle, lvls, **dobj['phi']['kwdargs']) else: obj0 = dobj['bragg']['ax'].contour(xi, xj, bragg, **dobj['bragg']['kwdargs']) obj1 = dobj['phi']['ax'].contour(xi, xj, angle, **dobj['phi']['kwdargs']) elif plot == 'imshow': extent = (xi.min(), xi.max(), xj.min(), xj.max()) obj0 = dobj['bragg']['ax'].imshow(bragg, extent=extent, aspect='equal', adjustable='datalim', **dobj['bragg']['kwdargs']) obj1 = dobj['phi']['ax'].imshow(angle, extent=extent, aspect='equal', adjustable='datalim', **dobj['phi']['kwdargs']) elif plot == 'pcolor': obj0 = dobj['bragg']['ax'].pcolor(xi, xj, bragg, **dobj['bragg']['kwdargs']) obj1 = dobj['phi']['ax'].pcolor(xi, xj, angle, **dobj['phi']['kwdargs']) dobj['bragg']['obj'] = obj0 dobj['phi']['obj'] = obj1 # Post polish for k0 in set(dobj.keys()): dobj[k0]['ax'].set_xlabel(r'xi (m)') dobj[k0]['ax'].set_ylabel(r'xj (m)') if colorbar is True: cax0 = plt.colorbar(dobj['bragg']['obj'], ax=dobj['bragg']['ax']) cax1 = plt.colorbar(dobj['phi']['obj'], ax=dobj['phi']['ax'])'$\theta_{bragg}$' + '\n' + r'($%s$)' % braggunits)'$ang$' + '\n' + r'($%s$)' % angunits) if leg is not False: ax.legend(**leg) if wintit is not False: ax.figure.canvas.set_window_title(wintit) if tit is not False: ax.figure.suptitle(tit, size=10, weight='bold', ha='right') return ax
[docs]def CrystalBragg_plot_line_tracing_on_det( lamb, xi, xj, xi_err, xj_err, det=None, johann=None, rocking=None, ax=None, dleg=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, tit=None, ): # Check inputs # ------------ if dleg is None: dleg = {'loc': 'upper right', 'bbox_to_anchor': (0.93, 0.8)} if fs is None: fs = (6, 8) if dmargin is None: dmargin = {'left': 0.05, 'right': 0.99, 'bottom': 0.06, 'top': 0.92, 'wspace': None, 'hspace': 0.4} if wintit is None: wintit = _WINTIT if tit is None: tit = "line tracing" if johann is True: tit += " - johann error" if rocking is True: tit += " - rocking curve" plot_err = johann is True or rocking is True # Plot # ------------ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fs) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1, **dmargin) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0], aspect='equal', adjustable='datalim') if wintit is not False: fig.canvas.set_window_title(wintit) if tit is not False: fig.suptitle(tit, size=14, weight='bold') if det.get('outline') is not None: ax.plot( det['outline'][0, :], det['outline'][1, :], ls='-', lw=1., c='k', ) for l in range(lamb.size): lab = r'$\lambda$'+' = {:6.3f} A'.format(lamb[l]*1.e10) l0, = ax.plot(xi[l, :], xj[l, :], ls='-', lw=1., label=lab) if plot_err: ax.plot( xi_err[l, ...], xj_err[l, ...], ls='None', lw=1., c=l0.get_color(), ms=4, marker='.', ) if dleg is not False: ax.legend(**dleg) return ax
[docs]def CrystalBragg_plot_johannerror( xi, xj, lamb, phi, err_lamb, err_phi, err_lamb_units=None, err_phi_units=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, tit=None, angunits=None, ): # Check inputs # ------------ if fs is None: fs = (14, 8) if cmap is None: cmap = if dmargin is None: dmargin = {'left': 0.05, 'right': 0.99, 'bottom': 0.06, 'top': 0.92, 'wspace': None, 'hspace': 0.4} if angunits is None: angunits = 'rad' assert angunits in ['deg', 'rad'] if angunits == 'deg': # bragg = bragg*180./np.pi phi = phi*180./np.pi err_phi = err_phi*180./np.pi err_phi_units = angunits if wintit is None: wintit = _WINTIT if tit is None: tit = False # pre-compute # ------------ # extent extent = (xi.min(), xi.max(), xj.min(), xj.max()) # Plot # ------------ fig = plt.figure(figsize=fs) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3, **dmargin) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0], aspect='equal') # adjustable='datalim') ax1 = fig.add_subplot( gs[0, 1], aspect='equal', sharex=ax0, sharey=ax0, ) ax2 = fig.add_subplot( gs[0, 2], aspect='equal', sharex=ax0, sharey=ax0, ) ax0.set_title('Iso-lamb and iso-phi at crystal summit') ax1.set_title(f'Focalization error on lamb ({err_lamb_units})') ax2.set_title(f'Focalization error on phi ({err_phi_units})') ax0.contour(xi, xj, lamb.T, 10, cmap=cmap) ax0.contour(xi, xj, phi.T, 10, cmap=cmap, ls='--') imlamb = ax1.imshow( err_lamb.T, extent=extent, aspect='equal', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ) imphi = ax2.imshow( err_phi.T, extent=extent, aspect='equal', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ) plt.colorbar(imlamb, ax=ax1) plt.colorbar(imphi, ax=ax2) if wintit is not False: fig.canvas.set_window_title(wintit) if tit is not False: fig.suptitle(tit, size=14, weight='bold') return [ax0, ax1, ax2]
[docs]def CrystalBragg_plot_focal_error_summed( cryst=None, dcryst=None, lamb=None, bragg=None, error_lambda=None, ddist=None, di=None, ddist0=None, di0=None, dj0=None, dtheta0=None, dpsi0=None, tilt0=None, angle_nout=None, det_ref=None, units=None, plot_dets=None, nsort=None, tangent_to_rowland=None, use_non_parallelism=None, pts=None, test_lamb_interv=None, contour=None, fs=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, ax=None, ): if cmap is None: # cmap = 'RdYlBu' cmap = if nsort is None: nsort = 5 if contour is None: errmin = np.nanmin(error_lambda) contour = [errmin + (np.nanmax(error_lambda) - errmin)/50.] if fs is None: fs = (6, 8) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=fs) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax.set_title('Mean focalization error\non detector') ax.set_xlabel('ddist (m)') ax.set_ylabel('di (m)') # plot error map function(ddist, di) extent = (ddist.min(), ddist.max(), di.min(), di.max()) errmap = ax.imshow( error_lambda, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower', extent=extent, interpolation='nearest', ) cbar = plt.colorbar( errmap, label=f"error on lambda ({units})", orientation="vertical", ) ax.contour( ddist, di, error_lambda, contour, colors='w', linewstyles='-', linewidths=1., ) ax.contour( ddist, di, test_lamb_interv, contour, colors='yellow', linewstyles='-', linewidths=1., ) # Computing detector with exact position of det_ref if det_ref: dpsi0bis = float(dpsi0) if tangent_to_rowland: dpsi0bis = dpsi0 - angle_nout detector_comp = cryst.get_detector_approx( ddist=ddist0, di=di0, dj=dj0, dtheta=dtheta0, dpsi=dpsi0bis, tilt=tilt0, lamb=lamb, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, tangent_to_rowland=False, ) detector_comp['outline'] = det_ref['outline'] ax.plot( ddist0, di0, marker='x', ls='None', color='w', ) if plot_dets: indsort = np.argsort(np.ravel(error_lambda)) inddist = indsort % ddist.size inddi = indsort // ddist.size # plot nbr of dets on map "mean focalization error = f(ddist, di)" ax.plot( ddist[inddist[:nsort]], di[inddi[:nsort]], marker='x', ls='None', color='r', ) # plot dets geometry with CrystalBragg_plot() if det_ref is not None: dax = cryst.plot( det=det_ref, pts=pts, color='black', ) dax = cryst.plot( det=detector_comp, pts=pts, color='blue', element='ocv', dax=dax, ) msg = ( "Parameters of reference detector:\n" + "Center position in (x, y, z): ({})\n".format( np.round(detector_comp['cent'], decimals=4) ) + "Translations (ddist, di, dj): ({}, {}, {}) [m]\n".format( ddist0, di0, dj0, ) + "Rotations (dtheta, dpsi, tilt): ({}, {}, {}) [rad]\n".format( dtheta0, dpsi0, tilt0, ) ) print(msg) det = {} for ii in range(nsort): det[ii] = cryst.get_detector_approx( ddist=ddist[inddist[ii]], di=di[inddi[ii]], tangent_to_rowland=tangent_to_rowland, ) det[ii]['outline'] = det_ref['outline'] dax = cryst.plot( det=det[ii], pts=pts, color='red', element='oc', dax=dax, ) print( "det: {}\n".format(det[ii]) + "\t ddist: {}\n".format(ddist[inddist[ii]]) + "\t di: {}\n".format(di[inddi[ii]]) ) return ax
# ################################################################# # ################################################################# # Ray tracing plot # ################################################################# # ################################################################# # To be clarified
[docs]def CrystalBragg_plot_raytracing_from_lambpts(xi=None, xj=None, lamb=None, xi_bounds=None, xj_bounds=None, pts=None, ptscryst=None, ptsdet=None, det_cent=None, det_nout=None, det_ei=None, det_ej=None, cryst=None, proj=None, fs=None, ax=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, tit=None, legend=None, draw=None): # Check assert xi.shape == xj.shape and xi.ndim == 3 assert (isinstance(proj, list) and all([pp in ['det', '2d', '3d'] for pp in proj])) if legend is None or legend is True: legend = dict(bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1.), loc='upper left', ncol=1, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., prop={'size': 6}) if wintit is None: wintit = _WINTIT if draw is None: draw = True # Prepare nlamb, npts, ndtheta = xi.shape det = np.array([[xi_bounds[0], xi_bounds[1], xi_bounds[1], xi_bounds[0], xi_bounds[0]], [xj_bounds[0], xj_bounds[0], xj_bounds[1], xj_bounds[1], xj_bounds[0]]]) lcol = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'y', 'c'] lm = ['+', 'o', 'x', 's'] lls = ['-', '--', ':', '-.'] ncol, nm, nls = len(lcol), len(lm), len(lls) if '2d' in proj or '3d' in proj: pts = np.repeat(np.repeat(pts[:, None, :], nlamb, axis=1)[..., None], ndtheta, axis=-1)[..., None] ptsall = np.concatenate( ( pts, ptscryst[..., None], ptsdet[..., None], np.full((3, nlamb, npts, ndtheta, 1), np.nan), ), axis=-1, ).reshape((3, nlamb, npts, ndtheta*4)) del pts, ptscryst, ptsdet if '2d' in proj: R = np.hypot(ptsall[0, ...], ptsall[1, ...]) # -------- # Plot lax = [] if 'det' in proj: # Prepare if ax is None: if fs is None: fsi = (8, 6) else: fsi = fs if dmargin is None: dmargini = {'left': 0.1, 'right': 0.8, 'bottom': 0.1, 'top': 0.9, 'wspace': None, 'hspace': 0.4} else: dmargini = dmargin if tit is None: titi = False else: titi = tit fig = plt.figure(figsize=fsi) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1, **dmargini) axi = fig.add_subplot( gs[0, 0], aspect='equal', adjustable='datalim', ) axi.set_xlabel(r'$x_i$ (m)') axi.set_ylabel(r'$x_j$ (m)') else: axi = ax # plot axi.plot(det[0, :], det[1, :], ls='-', lw=1., c='k') for pp in range(npts): for ll in range(nlamb): lab = ( r'pts {} - '.format(pp) + r'$\lambda$' + ' = {:6.3f} A'.format(lamb[ll]*1.e10) ) axi.plot( xi[ll, pp, :], xj[ll, pp, :], ls='None', marker=lm[ll % nm], c=lcol[pp % ncol], label=lab, ) # decorate if legend is not False: axi.legend(**legend) if wintit is not False: axi.figure.canvas.set_window_title(wintit) if titi is not False: axi.figure.suptitle(titi, size=14, weight='bold') if draw: axi.figure.canvas.draw() lax.append(axi) if '2d' in proj: # Prepare if tit is None: titi = False else: titi = tit # plot dax = cryst.plot(lax=ax, proj='all', det_cent=det_cent, det_nout=det_nout, det_ei=det_ei, det_ej=det_ej, draw=False) for pp in range(npts): for ll in range(nlamb): lab = (r'pts {} - '.format(pp) + r'$\lambda$'+' = {:6.3f} A'.format(lamb[ll]*1.e10)) dax['cross'].plot( R[ll, pp, :], ptsall[2, ll, pp, :], ls=lls[ll % nls], color=lcol[pp % ncol], label=lab, ) dax['hor'].plot( ptsall[0, ll, pp, :], ptsall[1, ll, pp, :], ls=lls[ll % nls], color=lcol[pp % ncol], label=lab, ) # decorate if legend is not False: dax['cross'].legend(**legend) if wintit is not False: dax['cross'].figure.canvas.set_window_title(wintit) if titi is not False: dax['cross'].figure.suptitle(titi, size=14, weight='bold') if draw: dax['cross'].figure.canvas.draw() lax.append(dax['cross']) lax.append(dax['hor']) return lax