Source code for tofu.geom._core_optics

This module is the geometrical part of the ToFu general package
It includes all functions and object classes necessary for tomography on Tokamaks

# Built-in
import sys
import os
import warnings
import copy

# Common
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as scpinterp
import scipy.stats as scpstats
import datetime as dtm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

# ToFu-specific
from tofu import __version__ as __version__
import tofu.pathfile as tfpf
import tofu.utils as utils
from . import _def as _def
from . import _GG as _GG
from . import _check_optics
from . import _comp_optics as _comp_optics
from . import _plot_optics as _plot_optics

__all__ = ['CrystalBragg']

_Type = 'Tor'

# rotate / translate instance

                        Ves class and functions

[docs]class CrystalBragg(utils.ToFuObject): """ A class defining crystals for Bragg diffraction A crystal can be of Type flat, cylindrical or spherical It is characterized by its: - geometry (Type, dimensions, curvature radii and position/orientation) - Material and lattice - Bragg parameters (angle vs lambda) Parameters ---------- Id : str / tfpf.ID A name string or a pre-built tfpf.ID class to be used to identify this particular instance, if a string is provided, it is fed to tfpf.ID() dgeom : dict An array (2,N) or (N,2) defining the contour of the vacuum vessel in a cross-section, if not closed, will be closed automatically dspectral: str Flag indicating whether the vessel will be a torus ('Tor') or a linear device ('Lin') SavePath : None / str If provided, forces the default saving path of the object to the provided value """ # Fixed (class-wise) dictionary of default properties _ddef = { 'Id': { 'shot': 0, 'Exp': 'dummy', 'Diag': 'dummy', 'include': [ 'Mod', 'Cls', 'Exp', 'Diag', 'Name', 'shot', 'version', ], }, 'dgeom': {'Type': 'sph', 'Typeoutline': 'rect'}, 'dmat': {}, 'dbragg': {'braggref': np.pi/4.}, 'dmisc': {'color': 'k'}, } _dplot = {'cross':{'Elt':'P', 'dP':{'color':'k','lw':2}, 'dI':{'color':'k','ls':'--','marker':'x','ms':8,'mew':2}, 'dBs':{'color':'b','ls':'--','marker':'x','ms':8,'mew':2}, 'dBv':{'color':'g','ls':'--','marker':'x','ms':8,'mew':2}, 'dVect':{'color':'r','scale':10}}, 'hor':{'Elt':'P', 'dP':{'color':'k','lw':2}, 'dI':{'color':'k','ls':'--'}, 'dBs':{'color':'b','ls':'--'}, 'dBv':{'color':'g','ls':'--'}, 'Nstep':50}, '3d':{}} # _DEFLAMB = 3.971561e-10 # _DEFNPEAKS = 12 # _DREFLECT_DTYPES = {'specular':0, 'diffusive':1, 'ccube':2} # Does not exist beofre Python 3.6 !!! def __init_subclass__(cls, color='k', **kwdargs): # Python 2 super(CrystalBragg,cls).__init_subclass__(**kwdargs) # Python 3 #super().__init_subclass__(**kwdargs) cls._ddef = copy.deepcopy(CrystalBragg._ddef) cls._dplot = copy.deepcopy(CrystalBragg._dplot) cls._set_color_ddef(cls._color)
[docs] @classmethod def _set_color_ddef(cls, color): cls._ddef['dmisc']['color'] = mpl.colors.to_rgba(color)
def __init__(self, dgeom=None, dmat=None, dbragg=None, Id=None, Name=None, Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, fromdict=None, sep=None, SavePath=os.path.abspath('./'), SavePath_Include=tfpf.defInclude, color=None): # To replace __init_subclass__ for Python 2 if sys.version[0]=='2': self._dstrip = utils.ToFuObjectBase._dstrip.copy() self.__class__._strip_init() # Create a dplot at instance level self._dplot = copy.deepcopy(self.__class__._dplot) kwdargs = locals() del kwdargs['self'] # super() super(CrystalBragg,self).__init__(**kwdargs)
[docs] def _reset(self): # super() super(CrystalBragg,self)._reset() self._dgeom = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dgeom()) self._dmat = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dmat()) self._dbragg = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dbragg()) self._dmisc = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dmisc())
#self._dplot = copy.deepcopy(self.__class__._ddef['dplot'])
[docs] @classmethod def _checkformat_inputs_Id(cls, Id=None, Name=None, Exp=None, Diag=None, shot=None, Type=None, include=None, **kwdargs): if Id is not None: assert isinstance(Id,utils.ID) Name, Exp, Type = Id.Name, Id.Exp, Id.Type if Type is None: Type = cls._ddef['dgeom']['Type'] if Exp is None: Exp = cls._ddef['Id']['Exp'] if Diag is None: Diag = cls._ddef['Id']['Diag'] if shot is None: shot = cls._ddef['Id']['shot'] if include is None: include = cls._ddef['Id']['include'] dins = {'Name':{'var':Name, 'cls':str}, 'Exp': {'var':Exp, 'cls':str}, 'Diag': {'var':Diag, 'cls':str}, 'shot': {'var':shot, 'cls':int}, 'Type': {'var':Type, 'in':['sph']}, 'include':{'var':include, 'listof':str}} dins, err, msg = cls._check_InputsGeneric(dins) if err: raise Exception(msg) kwdargs.update({'Name':Name, 'shot':shot, 'Exp':Exp, 'Diag':Diag, 'Type':Type, 'include':include}) return kwdargs
########### # Get largs ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dgeom(sino=True): largs = ['dgeom'] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dmat(): largs = ['dmat'] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dbragg(): largs = ['dbragg'] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dmisc(): largs = ['color'] return largs
########### # Get keys of dictionnaries ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dgeom(): lk = ['Type', 'Typeoutline', 'summit', 'center', 'extenthalf', 'surface', 'nin', 'nout', 'e1', 'e2', 'rcurve', 'move', 'move_param', 'move_kwdargs'] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dmat(): lk = ['formula', 'density', 'symmetry', 'lengths', 'angles', 'cut', 'd', 'alpha', 'beta', 'nin', 'nout', 'e1', 'e2'] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dbragg(): lk = ['rockingcurve', 'lambref', 'braggref'] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dmisc(): lk = ['color'] return lk
########### # _init ###########
[docs] def _init(self, dgeom=None, dmat=None, dbragg=None, color=None, **kwdargs): allkwds = dict(locals(), **kwdargs) largs = self._get_largs_dgeom() kwds = self._extract_kwdargs(allkwds, largs) self.set_dgeom(**kwds) largs = self._get_largs_dmat() kwds = self._extract_kwdargs(allkwds, largs) self.set_dmat(**kwds) largs = self._get_largs_dbragg() kwds = self._extract_kwdargs(allkwds, largs) self.set_dbragg(**kwds) largs = self._get_largs_dmisc() kwds = self._extract_kwdargs(allkwds, largs) self._set_dmisc(**kwds) self._dstrip['strip'] = 0
########### # set dictionaries ###########
[docs] def set_dgeom(self, dgeom=None): self._dgeom = _check_optics._checkformat_dgeom( dgeom=dgeom, ddef=self._ddef['dgeom'], valid_keys=self._get_keys_dgeom(), ) if self._dgeom['move'] is not None: self.set_move( move=self._dgeom['move'], param=self._dgeom['move_param'], **self._dgeom['move_kwdargs'], )
[docs] def set_dmat(self, dmat=None): self._dmat = _check_optics._checkformat_dmat( dmat=dmat, dgeom=self._dgeom, ddef=self._ddef['dmat'], valid_keys=self._get_keys_dmat() )
[docs] def set_dbragg(self, dbragg=None): self._dbragg = _check_optics._checkformat_dbragg( dbragg=dbragg, ddef=self._ddef['dbragg'], valid_keys=self._get_keys_dbragg(), dmat=self._dmat, )
[docs] def _set_color(self, color=None): color = _check_optics._checkformat_inputs_dmisc( color=color, ddef=self._ddef, ) self._dmisc['color'] = color self._dplot['cross']['dP']['color'] = color self._dplot['hor']['dP']['color'] = color
# self._dplot['3d']['dP']['color'] = color
[docs] def _set_dmisc(self, color=None): self._set_color(color)
########### # strip dictionaries ###########
[docs] def _strip_dgeom(self, lkeep=None): lkeep = self._get_keys_dgeom() utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dgeom, lkeep=lkeep)
[docs] def _strip_dmat(self, lkeep=None): lkeep = self._get_keys_dmat() utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dmat, lkeep=lkeep)
[docs] def _strip_dbragg(self, lkeep=None): lkeep = self._get_keys_dbragg() utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dbragg, lkeep=lkeep)
[docs] def _strip_dmisc(self, lkeep=['color']): utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dmisc, lkeep=lkeep)
########### # rebuild dictionaries ###########
[docs] def _rebuild_dgeom(self, lkeep=None): lkeep = self._get_keys_dgeom() reset = utils.ToFuObject._test_Rebuild(self._dgeom, lkeep=lkeep) if reset: utils.ToFuObject._check_Fields4Rebuild(self._dgeom, lkeep=lkeep, dname='dgeom') self._set_dgeom(dgeom=self._dgeom)
[docs] def _rebuild_dmat(self, lkeep=None): lkeep = self._get_keys_dmat() reset = utils.ToFuObject._test_Rebuild(self._dmat, lkeep=lkeep) if reset: utils.ToFuObject._check_Fields4Rebuild(self._dmat, lkeep=lkeep, dname='dmat') self.set_dmat(self._dmat)
[docs] def _rebuild_dbragg(self, lkeep=None): lkeep = self._get_keys_dbragg() reset = utils.ToFuObject._test_Rebuild(self._dbragg, lkeep=lkeep) if reset: utils.ToFuObject._check_Fields4Rebuild(self._dbragg, lkeep=lkeep, dname='dbragg') self.set_dbragg(self._dbragg)
[docs] def _rebuild_dmisc(self, lkeep=['color']): reset = utils.ToFuObject._test_Rebuild(self._dmisc, lkeep=lkeep) if reset: utils.ToFuObject._check_Fields4Rebuild(self._dmisc, lkeep=lkeep, dname='dmisc') self._set_dmisc(color=self.dmisc['color'])
########### # _strip and get/from dict ###########
[docs] @classmethod def _strip_init(cls): cls._dstrip['allowed'] = [0,1] nMax = max(cls._dstrip['allowed']) doc = """ 1: Remove nothing""" doc = utils.ToFuObjectBase.strip.__doc__.format(doc,nMax) if sys.version[0]=='2': cls.strip.__func__.__doc__ = doc else: cls.strip.__doc__ = doc
[docs] def strip(self, strip=0): # super() super(CrystalBragg, self).strip(strip=strip)
[docs] def _strip(self, strip=0): if strip==0: self._rebuild_dgeom() self._rebuild_dmat() self._rebuild_dbragg() self._rebuild_dmisc() else: self._strip_dgeom() self._strip_dmat() self._strip_dbragg() self._strip_dmisc()
[docs] def _to_dict(self): dout = {'dgeom':{'dict':self._dgeom, 'lexcept':None}, 'dmat':{'dict':self._dmat, 'lexcept':None}, 'dbragg':{'dict':self._dbragg, 'lexcept':None}, 'dmisc':{'dict':self._dmisc, 'lexcept':None}, 'dplot':{'dict':self._dplot, 'lexcept':None}} return dout
[docs] def _from_dict(self, fd): self._dgeom.update(**fd.get('dgeom', {})) self._dmat.update(**fd.get('dmat', {})) self._dbragg.update(**fd.get('dbragg', {})) self._dmisc.update(**fd.get('dmisc', {})) self._dplot.update(**fd.get('dplot', {}))
# ----------- # Properties # ----------- @property def Type(self): """Return the type of structure """ return self._Id.Type @property def dgeom(self): return self._dgeom @property def dmat(self): """Return the polygon defining the structure cross-section""" return self._dmat @property def dbragg(self): """Return the polygon defining the structure cross-section""" return self._dbragg @property def dmisc(self): return self._dmisc # @property # def nin(self): # return self._dgeom['nin'] # @property # def nout(self): # return self._dgeom['nout'] # @property # def e1(self): # return self._dgeom['e1'] # @property # def e2(self): # return self._dgeom['e2'] @property def summit(self): return self._dgeom['summit'] @property def center(self): return self._dgeom['center'] @property def ismobile(self): return self._dgeom['move'] not in [None, False] @property def rockingcurve(self): if self._dbragg.get('rockingcurve') is not None: if self._dbragg['rockingcurve'].get('type') is not None: return self._dbragg['rockingcurve'] raise Exception("rockingcurve was not set!") # -------------------------------------- # methods for getting unit vectors basis # --------------------------------------
[docs] def get_unit_vectors(self, use_non_parallelism=None): """ Return the unit vectors (direct orthonormal basis) Depending on: use_non_parallelism: True => return the geometrical basis use_non_parallelism: False => return the mesh basis """ if use_non_parallelism is None: use_non_parallelism = _USE_NON_PARALLELISM if use_non_parallelism is True: nout = self._dmat['nout'] e1 = self._dmat['e1'] e2 = self._dmat['e2'] else: nout = self._dgeom['nout'] e1 = self._dgeom['e1'] e2 = self._dgeom['e2'] return nout, e1, e2, use_non_parallelism
# ----------------- # methods for color # -----------------
[docs] def set_color(self, col): self._set_color(col)
[docs] def get_color(self): return self._dmisc['color']
# ----------------- # methods for printing # -----------------
[docs] def get_summary(self, sep=' ', line='-', just='l', table_sep=None, verb=True, return_=False): """ Summary description of the object content """ # ----------------------- # Build material col0 = [ 'formula', 'symmetry', 'cut', 'density', 'd (A)', 'bragg({:9.6} A) (deg)'.format(self._dbragg['lambref']*1e10), 'Type', 'outline', 'surface (cm²)', 'rcurve', 'rocking curve', ] ar0 = [self._dmat['formula'], self._dmat['symmetry'], str(self._dmat['cut']), str(self._dmat['density']), '{0:5.3f}'.format(self._dmat['d']*1.e10), str(self._dbragg['braggref']*180./np.pi), self._dgeom['Type'], self._dgeom['Typeoutline'], '{0:5.1f}'.format(self._dgeom['surface']*1.e4), '{0:6.3f}'.format(self._dgeom['rcurve'])] try: ar0.append(self.rockingcurve['type']) except Exception as err: ar0.append('None') # ----------------------- # Build geometry col1 = ['half-extent', 'summit', 'center', 'nout', 'e1', 'alpha', 'beta'] ar1 = [ str(np.round(self._dgeom['extenthalf'], decimals=3)), str(np.round(self._dgeom['summit'], decimals=2)), str(np.round(self._dgeom['center'], decimals=2)), str(np.round(self._dmat['nout'], decimals=3)), str(np.round(self._dmat['e1'], decimals=3)), str(np.round(self._dmat['alpha'], decimals=6)), str(np.round(self._dmat['beta'], decimals=6)), ] if self._dgeom.get('move') not in [None, False]: col1 += ['move', 'param'] ar1 += [self._dgeom['move'], str(np.round(self._dgeom['move_param'], decimals=5))] if self._dmisc.get('color') is not None: col1.append('color') ar1.append(str(self._dmisc['color'])) lcol = [col0, col1] lar = [ar0, ar1] return self._get_summary(lar, lcol, sep=sep, line=line, table_sep=table_sep, verb=verb, return_=return_)
# ----------------- # methods for moving # -----------------
[docs] def _update_or_copy(self, dgeom, pinhole=None, return_copy=None, name=None, diag=None, shot=None): if return_copy is None: return_copy = _RETURN_COPY for kk, vv in self._dgeom.items(): if kk not in dgeom.keys(): dgeom[kk] = vv if return_copy is True: if name is None: name = self.Id.Name + 'copy' if diag is None: diag = self.Id.Diag if shot is None: diag = self.Id.shot return self.__class__(dgeom=dgeom, dbragg=self._dbragg, dmat=self._dmat, color=self._dmisc['color'], Exp=self.Id.Exp, Diag=diag, Name=name, shot=shot, SavePath=self.Id.SavePath) else: dgeom0 = self.dgeom try: self.set_dgeom(dgeom=dgeom) except Exception as err: # Make sure instance does not move self.set_dgeom(dgeom=dgeom0) msg = (str(err) + "\nAn exception occured during updating\n" + " => instance unmoved") raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def _rotate_or_translate(self, func, **kwdargs): pts = np.array([self._dgeom['summit'], self._dgeom['center']]).T if 'rotate' in func.__name__: vect = np.array([self._dgeom['nout'], self._dgeom['e1'], self._dgeom['e2']]).T pts, vect = func(pts=pts, vect=vect, **kwdargs) return {'summit': pts[:, 0], 'center': pts[:, 1], 'nout': vect[:, 0], 'nin': -vect[:, 0], 'e1': vect[:, 1], 'e2': vect[:, 2]} else: pts = func(pts=pts, **kwdargs) return {'summit': pts[:, 0], 'center': pts[:, 1]}
[docs] def translate_in_cross_section(self, distance=None, direction_rz=None, phi=None, return_copy=None, diag=None, name=None, shot=None): """ Translate the instance in the cross-section """ if phi is None: phi = np.arctan2(*self.summit[1::-1]) msg = ("Poloidal plane was not explicitely specified\n" + " => phi set to self.summit's phi ({})".format(phi)) warnings.warn(msg) dgeom = self._rotate_or_translate( self._translate_pts_poloidal_plane, phi=phi, direction_rz=direction_rz, distance=distance) return self._update_or_copy(dgeom, return_copy=return_copy, diag=diag, name=name, shot=shot)
[docs] def translate_3d(self, distance=None, direction=None, return_copy=None, diag=None, name=None, shot=None): """ Translate the instance in provided direction """ dgeom = self._rotate_or_translate( self._translate_pts_3d, direction=direction, distance=distance) return self._update_or_copy(dgeom, return_copy=return_copy, diag=diag, name=name, shot=shot)
[docs] def rotate_in_cross_section(self, angle=None, axis_rz=None, phi=None, return_copy=None, diag=None, name=None, shot=None): """ Rotate the instance in the cross-section """ if phi is None: phi = np.arctan2(*self.summit[1::-1]) msg = ("Poloidal plane was not explicitely specified\n" + " => phi set to self.summit's phi ({})".format(phi)) warnings.warn(msg) dgeom = self._rotate_or_translate( self._rotate_pts_vectors_in_poloidal_plane, axis_rz=axis_rz, angle=angle, phi=phi) return self._update_or_copy(dgeom, return_copy=return_copy, diag=diag, name=name, shot=shot)
[docs] def rotate_around_torusaxis(self, angle=None, return_copy=None, diag=None, name=None, shot=None): """ Rotate the instance around the torus axis """ dgeom = self._rotate_or_translate( self._rotate_pts_vectors_around_torusaxis, angle=angle) return self._update_or_copy(dgeom, return_copy=return_copy, diag=diag, name=name, shot=shot)
[docs] def rotate_around_3daxis(self, angle=None, axis=None, return_copy=None, diag=None, name=None, shot=None): """ Rotate the instance around the provided 3d axis """ dgeom = self._rotate_or_translate( self._rotate_pts_vectors_around_3daxis, axis=axis, angle=angle) return self._update_or_copy(dgeom, return_copy=return_copy, diag=diag, name=name, shot=shot)
[docs] def set_move(self, move=None, param=None, **kwdargs): """ Set the default movement parameters A default movement can be set for the instance, it can be any of the pre-implemented movement (rotations or translations) This default movement is the one that will be called when using self.move() Specify the type of movement via the name of the method (passed as a str to move) Specify, for the geometry of the instance at the time of defining this default movement, the current value of the associated movement parameter (angle / distance). This is used to set an arbitrary difference for user who want to use absolute position values The desired incremental movement to be performed when calling self.move will be deduced by substracting the stored param value to the provided param value. Just set the current param value to 0 if you don't care about a custom absolute reference. kwdargs must be a parameters relevant to the chosen method (axis, direction...) e.g.: self.set_move(move='rotate_around_3daxis', param=0., axis=([0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.])) self.set_move(move='translate_3d', param=0., direction=[0.,1.,0.]) """ move, param, kwdargs = self._checkformat_set_move(move, param, kwdargs) self._dgeom['move'] = move self._dgeom['move_param'] = param if isinstance(kwdargs, dict) and len(kwdargs) == 0: kwdargs = None self._dgeom['move_kwdargs'] = kwdargs
[docs] def move(self, param): """ Set new position to desired param according to default movement Can only be used if default movement was set before See self.set_move() """ param = self._move(param, dictname='_dgeom') self._dgeom['move_param'] = param
# ----------------- # methods for rocking curve # -----------------
[docs] def get_rockingcurve_func(self, lamb=None, n=None): """ Return the rocking curve function Also return the wavelength (lamb) (in meters) for which it was computed and the associated reference bragg angle (in rad) """ drock = self.rockingcurve if drock['type'] == 'tabulated-1d': if lamb is not None and lamb != drock['lamb']: msg = ("rocking curve was tabulated only for:\n" + "\tlamb = {} m\n".format(lamb) + " => Please let lamb=None") raise Exception(msg) lamb = drock['lamb'] bragg = self._checkformat_bragglamb(lamb=lamb, n=n) func = scpinterp.interp1d(drock['dangle'] + bragg, drock['value'], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, assume_sorted=True) elif drock['type'] == 'tabulated-2d': lmin, lmax = drock['lamb'].min(), drock['lamb'].max() if lamb is None: lamb = drock['lamb'] if lamb < lmin or lamb > lmax: msg = ("rocking curve was tabulated only in interval:\n" + "\tlamb in [{}; {}] m\n".format(lmin, lmax) + " => Please set lamb accordingly") raise Exception(msg) bragg = self._checkformat_bragglamb(lamb=lamb, n=n) def func(angle, lamb=lamb, bragg=bragg, drock=drock): return scpinterp.interp2d(drock['dangle']+bragg, drock['lamb'], drock['value'], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, assume_sorted=True)(angle, lamb) else: # TBC raise NotImplementedError def func(angle, d=d, delta_bragg=delta_bragg, Rmax=drock['Rmax'], sigma=drock['sigma']): core = sigma**2/((angle - (bragg+delta_bragg))**2 + sigma**2) if Rmax is None: return core/(sigma*np.pi) else: return Rmax*core return func, lamb, bragg
[docs] def plot_rockingcurve(self, lamb=None, n=None, sigma=None, npts=None, color=None, ang_units=None, dmargin=None, fs=None, ax=None, legend=None): drock = self.rockingcurve func, lamb, bragg = self.get_rockingcurve_func(lamb=lamb, n=n) axtit = 'Rocking curve for ' + self.Id.Name return _plot_optics.CrystalBragg_plot_rockingcurve( func=func, bragg=bragg, lamb=lamb, sigma=sigma, npts=npts, ang_units=ang_units, axtit=axtit, color=color, fs=fs, ax=ax, legend=legend)
# ----------------- # methods for surface and contour sampling # -----------------
[docs] def sample_outline_plot(self, use_non_parallelism=None, res=None): if self._dgeom['Type'] == 'sph': if self._dgeom['Typeoutline'] == 'rect': nout, e1, e2, use_non_parallelism = self.get_unit_vectors( use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ) outline = _comp_optics.CrystBragg_sample_outline_plot_sphrect( self._dgeom['summit'] - nout*self._dgeom['rcurve'], nout, e1, e2, self._dgeom['rcurve'], self._dgeom['extenthalf'], res, ) else: raise NotImplementedError else: raise NotImplementedError return outline
# ----------------- # methods for surface and contour sampling # -----------------
[docs] def _checkformat_bragglamb(self, bragg=None, lamb=None, n=None): lc = [lamb is not None, bragg is not None] if not any(lc): lamb = self._dbragg['lambref'] lc[0] = True assert np.sum(lc) == 1, "Provide lamb xor bragg!" if lc[0]: bragg = self.get_bragg_from_lamb( np.atleast_1d(lamb), n=n, ) else: bragg = np.atleast_1d(bragg) return bragg
[docs] def _checkformat_get_Rays_from(self, phi=None, bragg=None): assert phi is not None assert bragg is not None bragg = np.atleast_1d(bragg) phi = np.atleast_1d(phi) nrays = max(phi.size, bragg.size) if not phi.shape == bragg.shape: if phi.size == 1: phi = np.full(bragg.shape, phi[0]) elif bragg.size == 1: bragg = np.full(phi.shape, bragg[0]) else: msg = "phi and bragg/lamb must have the same shape!\n" msg += " phi.shape: %s\n"%str(phi.shape) msg += " bragg/lamb.shape: %s\n"%str(bragg.shape) raise Exception(msg) return phi, bragg
[docs] def _get_rays_from_cryst( self, phi=None, bragg=None, lamb=None, n=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, ntheta=None, npsi=None, use_non_parallelism=None, include_summit=None, grid=None, ): # Get phi, bragg bragg = self._checkformat_bragglamb(bragg=bragg, lamb=lamb) phi, bragg = self._checkformat_get_Rays_from(phi=phi, bragg=bragg) # assert phi.ndim == 1 # Get local summits, nout, e1, e2 pts_start, nout, e1, e2 = self.get_local_noute1e2( dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ntheta=ntheta, npsi=npsi, include_summit=include_summit, ) nin = -nout # reshape for broadcast if grid is True: nin = nin[..., None] e1 = e1[..., None] e2 = e2[..., None] else: assert bragg.shape == nin.shape[1:] # Compute start point (D) and unit vectors (us) vect = ( np.sin(bragg)*nin + np.cos(bragg)*(np.cos(phi)*e1 + np.sin(phi)*e2) ) return pts_start, vect
[docs] def get_rays_from_cryst( self, phi=None, bragg=None, lamb=None, n=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, use_non_parallelism=None, ntheta=None, npsi=None, include_summit=None, det=None, config=None, length=None, returnas=None, return_xixj=None, grid=None, ): # ----------- # Check input if returnas is None: returnas = 'pts' if return_xixj is None: return_xixj = False lret = ['(pts, vect, length)', '(pts, vect)', 'pts'] # , object] if returnas not in lret: msg = ( "Arg returnas must be in:\n" + "\t- '(pts, vect, length)': starting points, unit vector," + " length\n" + "\t- 'pts': starting and ending points\n" # + "\t- object: CamLOS1D instance\n" ) raise Exception(msg) det = self._checkformat_det(det) if det is False: msg = "det is required in get_Rays_from_summit_to_det()!" raise Exception(msg) if length is None: length = 7. if grid is None: try: grid = bragg.shape != dtheta.shape except Exception as err: grid = True # ----------- # Get starting point and vectors pts_start, vect = self._get_rays_from_cryst( phi=phi, bragg=bragg, lamb=lamb, n=n, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ntheta=ntheta, npsi=npsi, include_summit=include_summit, grid=grid, ) if returnas == '(pts, vect)': return pts_start, vect # ----------- # Get length (minimum between conf, det, length) dk = { k0: np.full(vect.shape[1:], np.nan) for k0 in ['config', 'det', 'length'] } xi, xj = None, None if config is not None: dk['config'] = None if det is not None: shape = tuple([3] + [1 for ii in range(vect.ndim-1)]) cent = det['cent'].reshape(shape) nout = det['nout'].reshape(shape) if grid is True: k = ( np.sum((cent-pts_start[..., None])*nout, axis=0) / np.sum(vect*nout, axis=0) ) else: k = ( np.sum((cent-pts_start)*nout, axis=0) / np.sum(vect*nout, axis=0) ) dk['det'][k >= 0.] = k[k >= 0.] if return_xixj is True: if grid: pts_end = pts_start[..., None] + dk['det'][None, ...]*vect else: pts_end = pts_start + dk['det'][None, ...]*vect ei = det['ei'].reshape(shape) ej = det['ej'].reshape(shape) xi = np.sum((pts_end - cent)*ei, axis=0) xj = np.sum((pts_end - cent)*ej, axis=0) if length is not None: dk['length'][:] = length k = np.nanmin([vv for vv in dk.values() if vv is not None], axis=0) # ----------- # return if returnas == 'pts': if grid: pts_end = pts_start[..., None] + k[None, ...]*vect if return_xixj: return pts_start, pts_end, xi, xj else: return pts_start, pts_end else: pts_end = pts_start + k[None, ...]*vect if return_xixj: return pts_start, pts_end, xi, xj else: return pts_start, pts_end elif returnas == '(pts, vect, length)': if return_xixj: return pts_start, vect, k, xi, xj else: return pts_start, vect, k
# ----------------- # methods for crystal splitting # -----------------
[docs] def split(self, direction=None, nb=None): # ------------ # check inputs if direction is None: direction = 'e1' if direction not in ['e1', 'e2']: msg = ( "Arg direction must be either:\n" "\t- 'e1': split along vector 'e1' (~horizontally)\n" "\t- 'e2': split along vector 'e2' (~vertically)\n" f"You provided: {direction}" ) raise Exception(msg) if nb is None: nb = 2 if not (isinstance(nb, int) and nb > 1): msg = ( "Arg nb must be a int > 1 !\n" "It specifies the number of equal parts desired\n" f"You provided: {nb}" ) raise Exception(msg) # --------------- # split edges = np.linspace(-1, 1, nb+1) mid = 0.5*(edges[1:] + edges[:-1])[None, :] if direction == 'e2': dtheta = mid*self._dgeom['extenthalf'][1] psi = np.zeros((1, nb), dtype=float) extenthalf = [ self._dgeom['extenthalf'][0], self._dgeom['extenthalf'][1]/nb, ] else: dtheta = np.zeros((1, nb), dtype=float) psi = mid*self._dgeom['extenthalf'][0] extenthalf = [ self._dgeom['extenthalf'][0]/nb, self._dgeom['extenthalf'][1], ] nouts = ( np.cos(dtheta)*( self._dgeom['nout'][:, None]*np.cos(psi) + self._dgeom['e1'][:, None]*np.sin(psi) ) + np.sin(dtheta)*self._dgeom['e2'][:, None] ) e1s = ( -self._dgeom['nout'][:, None]*np.sin(psi) + self._dgeom['e1'][:, None]*np.cos(psi) ) e2s = np.array([ nouts[1, :]*e1s[2, :] - nouts[2, :]*e1s[1, :], nouts[2, :]*e1s[0, :] - nouts[0, :]*e1s[2, :], nouts[0, :]*e1s[1, :] - nouts[1, :]*e1s[0, :], ]) # ----------- # Construct list of instances lobj = [ self.__class__( dgeom={ 'rcurve': self._dgeom['rcurve'], 'center': self._dgeom['center'], 'nout': nouts[:, ii], 'e1': e1s[:, ii], 'e2': e2s[:, ii], 'extenthalf': extenthalf, }, dmat={ k0: v0 for k0, v0 in self._dmat.items() if k0 not in ['nin', 'nout', 'e1', 'e2'] }, dbragg=dict(self._dbragg), Name=f"{self.Id.Name}{ii}", Exp=self.Id.Exp, ) for ii in range(nb) ] return lobj
# ----------------- # methods for general plotting # -----------------
[docs] def plot( self, dcryst=None, phi=None, bragg=None, lamb=None, pts=None, n=None, config=None, det=None, length=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, ntheta=None, npsi=None, include_summit=None, dax=None, proj=None, res=None, element=None, color=None, ddet=None, dleg=None, draw=True, dmargin=None, use_non_parallelism=None, grid=None, rays_npts=None, rays_color=None, fs=None, wintit=None, tit=None, ): """ Plot the crystal in desired projeection The projection is 3d, cross-section or horizontal Optionaly add rays reflected on cryst at: - lamb / phi: desired wavelength and incidence angle and either: - psi, dtheta : desired pts on the crystal surface - pts: emitted from desired pts (e.g.: in the plasma) (need to be refresh with get_rays_from_cryst method if new pts are wanted) Parameters ---------- dax: None / dict dict of axes to be used, with keys: - 'cross': axe where to plot cross-section view - 'hor': axe where to plot horizontal (from top) view - '3d': axe where to plot 3d view if None, a new figure and axes are created proj: None / str key indicating which plot to make: - 'cross': cross-section projection - 'hor': horizontal projection - 'all': cross-section + horizontal view - '3d': 3d view element: None / str char string where each letter indicates an element to plot - 'o': outline (edges of crystal) - 's': summit (geometrical center of the crystal) - 'c': center (of the sphere of curvature) - 'r': rowland circle (plotted in e1 direction) - 'v': local unit vectors e1, e2, nout If None, default to 'oscvr' res: None / float Resolution for the discretization of the outline dcryst: None / dict dict of dict for plotting the various elements of the crystal: - 'outline': dict of properties fed to plot() - 'cent': dict of properties fed to plot() - 'summit': dict of properties fed to plot() - 'rowland': dict of properties fed to plot() - 'vectors': dict of properties fed to quiver() ddet: None / dict dict of dict for plotting the various elements of the det: - 'outline': dict of properties fed to plot() - 'cent': dict of properties fed to plot() - 'vectors': dict of properties fed to quiver() color: None / str / tuple color to be used for plotting Overwrites all colors in dcryst and ddet det: None / dict Optionnal associated detector to be plotted, as a dict with keys: - 'cent': 1d array of cartesian coordinates of the center - 'nout': 1d array of cartesian coordinates of unit vector oriented towards the crystal - 'ei': 1d array of cartesian coordinates of unit vector - 'ej': 1d array of cartesian coordinates of unit vector - 'outline': 2d array of outline coordinates in (ei, ej) dleg: None / dict dict of properties to be passed to plt.legend() if False legend is not plotted use_non_parallelism: None / str Return the unit vectors (direct orthonormal basis) Depending on: - use_non_parallelism: True => return the geometrical basis - use_non_parallelism: False => return the mesh basis """ if det is None: det = False det = self._checkformat_det(det) lc = [ dtheta is not None or psi is not None or phi is not None, pts is not None ] if np.sum(lc) == 2: msg = ( "For ray tracing, please provide either:\n" + "\t- dtheta, psi, phi, lamb/bragg\n" + "\t- pts, lamb/bragg\n" ) raise Exception(msg) # Add rays? if lc[0]: # Get one way # pts.shape = (3, nlamb, npts, ndtheta) pts_summit, pts1 = self.get_rays_from_cryst( phi=phi, lamb=lamb, bragg=bragg, n=n, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, ntheta=ntheta, npsi=npsi, include_summit=include_summit, config=config, det=det, returnas='pts', return_xixj=False, grid=grid, ) # Get the other way pts2, xi, xj = self.get_rays_from_cryst( phi=phi+np.pi, lamb=lamb, bragg=bragg, n=n, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, ntheta=ntheta, npsi=npsi, include_summit=include_summit, config=config, det=det, returnas='pts', return_xixj=True, grid=grid, )[1:] elif lc[1]: c0 = ( isinstance(pts, np.ndarray) and pts.ndim == 2 and pts.shape[0] == 3 ) if not c0: msg = ("Arg pts must be a (3, npts) np.array!") raise Exception(msg) # pts.shape = (nlamb, npts, ndtheta) dtheta, psi, phi, bragg, _, _ = self.calc_raytracing_from_lambpts( pts=pts, lamb=lamb, ) pts_summit, pts2, xi, xj = self.get_rays_from_cryst( phi=phi+np.pi, lamb=None, bragg=bragg, n=n, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, ntheta=ntheta, npsi=npsi, include_summit=include_summit, config=config, det=det, returnas='pts', return_xixj=True, grid=grid, ) pts1 = np.repeat( np.repeat( np.repeat( pts[:, None, :], dtheta.shape[0], axis=1, )[..., None], dtheta.shape[2], axis=-1, )[..., None], 2, axis=-1, ) else: pts_summit, pts1, pts2, xi, xj = None, None, None, None, None return _plot_optics.CrystalBragg_plot( cryst=self, dcryst=dcryst, det=det, ddet=ddet, dax=dax, proj=proj, res=res, element=element, color=color, pts_summit=pts_summit, pts1=pts1, pts2=pts2, xi=xi, xj=xj, rays_color=rays_color, rays_npts=rays_npts, dleg=dleg, draw=draw, fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, wintit=wintit, tit=tit, )
# ----------------- # methods for generic first-approx # -----------------
[docs] def get_phi_from_magaxis_summit(self, r, z, lamb=None, bragg=None, n=None): # Check / format input r = np.atleast_1d(r) z = np.atleast_1d(z) assert r.shape == z.shape bragg = self._checkformat_bragglamb(bragg=bragg, lamb=lamb, n=n) # Compute phi return phi
[docs] def get_bragg_from_lamb(self, lamb=None, n=None): """ Braggs' law: n*lamb = 2dsin(bragg) """ if self._dmat['d'] is None: msg = "Interplane distance d no set !\n" msg += " => self.set_dmat({'d':...})" raise Exception(msg) if lamb is None: lamb = self._dbragg['lambref'] return _comp_optics.get_bragg_from_lamb( np.atleast_1d(lamb), self._dmat['d'], n=n, )
[docs] def get_lamb_from_bragg(self, bragg=None, n=None): """ Braggs' law: n*lamb = 2dsin(bragg) """ if self._dmat['d'] is None: msg = "Interplane distance d no set !\n" msg += " => self.set_dmat({'d':...})" raise Exception(msg) if bragg is None: bragg = self._dbragg['braggref'] return _comp_optics.get_lamb_from_bragg(np.atleast_1d(bragg), self._dmat['d'], n=n)
[docs] def update_non_parallelism(self, alpha=None, beta=None): """ Compute new values of unit vectors nout, e1 and e2 into dmat basis, due to non parallelism Update new values into dmat dict """ if alpha is None: alpha = 0 if beta is None: beta = 0 (self._dmat['nin'], self._dmat['nout'], self._dmat['e1'], self._dmat['e2']) = _comp_optics.get_vectors_from_angles( alpha, beta, self._dgeom['nout'], self._dgeom['e1'], self._dgeom['e2'], ) self._dmat['alpha'], self._dmat['beta'] = alpha, beta
[docs] def calc_meridional_sagital_focus( self, rcurve=None, bragg=None, alpha=None, use_non_parallelism=None, verb=None, ): """ Compute sagittal and meridional focuses distances. Optionnal result according to non-parallelism, using first the update_non_parallelism method. parameters ---------- rcurve: float in dgeom dict., curvature radius of the crystal. bragg: float in dbragg dict., reference bragg angle of the crystal. alpha: float in dmat dict., amplitude of the non-parallelism as an a angle defined by user, in radian. use_non_parallelism: str Need to be True to use new alpha angle Return ------ merid_ref: float Distance crystal-meridional focus (m), for a perfect crystal sagit_ref: float Distance crystal-sagital focus (m), for a perfect crystal merid_unp: float Distance crystal-meridional focus (m), using non_parallelism sagit_unp: float Distance crystal-sagital focus (m), using non_parallelism """ # Check inputs if rcurve is None: rcurve = self._dgeom['rcurve'] if bragg is None: bragg = self._dbragg['braggref'] if use_non_parallelism is True: alpha = self._dmat['alpha'] if use_non_parallelism is False: alpha = 0.0 # Compute return _comp_optics.calc_meridional_sagital_focus( rcurve=rcurve, bragg=bragg, alpha=alpha, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, verb=verb, )
[docs] def get_rowland_dist_from_lambbragg(self, bragg=None, lamb=None, n=None): """ Return the array of dist from cryst summit to pts on rowland """ bragg = self._checkformat_bragglamb(bragg=bragg, lamb=lamb, n=n) if np.all(np.isnan(bragg)): msg = ("There is no available bragg angle!\n" + " => Check the vlue of self.dmat['d'] vs lamb") raise Exception(msg) return _comp_optics.get_rowland_dist_from_bragg( bragg=bragg, rcurve=self._dgeom['rcurve'], )
[docs] def get_detector_approx( self, bragg=None, lamb=None, rcurve=None, n=None, ddist=None, di=None, dj=None, dtheta=None, dpsi=None, tilt=None, lamb0=None, lamb1=None, dist01=None, use_non_parallelism=None, tangent_to_rowland=None, plot=False, ): """ Return approximate ideal detector geometry Assumes infinitesimal and ideal crystal Returns a dict containing the position and orientation of a detector if it was placed ideally on the rowland circle, centered on the desired bragg angle (in rad) or wavelength (in m) The detector can be tangential to the Rowland circle or perpendicular to the line between the crystal and the detector Assumes detector center matching lamb (m) / bragg (rad) The detector can be translated towards / away from the crystal to make sure the distance between 2 spectral lines (lamb0 and lamb1) on the detector's plane matches a desired distance (dist01, in m) Finally, a desired offset (translation) can be added via (ddist, di, dj), in m Similarly, an extra rotation can be added via (dtheta, dpsi, tilt) Detector is described by center position and (nout, ei, ej) unit vectors By convention, nout = np.cross(ei, ej) Vectors (ei, ej) define an orthogonal frame in the detector's plane All coordinates are 3d (X, Y, Z in the tokamak's frame) Return: ------- det: dict dict of detector geometrical characteristics: 'cent': np.ndarray (3,) array of (x, y, z) coordinates of detector center 'nout': np.ndarray (3,) array of (x, y, z) coordinates of unit vector perpendicular to detector' surface oriented towards crystal 'ei': np.ndarray (3,) array of (x, y, z) coordinates of unit vector defining first coordinate in detector's plane 'ej': np.ndarray (3,) array of (x, y, z) coordinates of unit vector defining second coordinate in detector's plane 'outline': np.darray (2, N) array to build detector's contour where the last point is identical to the first. (for example for WEST X2D spectrometer: x*np.r_[-1,-1,1,1,-1], y*np.r_[-1,1,1,-1,-1]) """ # --------------------- # Check / format inputs if rcurve is None: rcurve = self._dgeom['rcurve'] bragg = self._checkformat_bragglamb(bragg=bragg, lamb=lamb, n=n) if np.all(np.isnan(bragg)): msg = ("There is no available bragg angle!\n" + " => Check the vlue of self.dmat['d'] vs lamb") raise Exception(msg) lc = [lamb0 is not None, lamb1 is not None, dist01 is not None] if any(lc) and not all(lc): msg = ( "Arg lamb0, lamb1 and dist01 must be provided together:\n" + "\t- lamb0: line0 wavelength ({})\n".format(lamb0) + "\t- lamb1: line1 wavelength ({})\n".format(lamb1) + "\t- dist01: distance (m) on detector between lines " + "({})".format(dist01) ) raise Exception(msg) bragg01 = None if all(lc): bragg01 = self._checkformat_bragglamb( lamb=np.r_[lamb0, lamb1], n=n, ) # split into 2 different condition because of dmat lc = [rcurve is None, self._dgeom['summit'] is None] if any(lc): msg = ( "Some missing fields in dgeom for computation:" + "\n\t-" + "\n\t-".join(['rcurve'] + 'summit') ) raise Exception(msg) nout, e1, e2, use_non_parallelism = self.get_unit_vectors( use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ) lc = [cc is None for cc in [nout, e1, e2]] if any(lc): msg = ( """ Field 'nout', 'e1', 'e2' missing! """ ) raise Exception(msg) # Compute crystal-centered parameters in (nout, e1, e2) (det_dist, n_crystdet_rel, det_nout_rel, det_ei_rel) = _comp_optics.get_approx_detector_rel( rcurve, bragg, bragg01=bragg01, dist01=dist01, tangent_to_rowland=tangent_to_rowland) # Deduce absolute position in (x, y, z) det_cent, det_nout, det_ei, det_ej = _comp_optics.get_det_abs_from_rel( det_dist, n_crystdet_rel, det_nout_rel, det_ei_rel, self._dgeom['summit'], nout, e1, e2, ddist=ddist, di=di, dj=dj, dtheta=dtheta, dpsi=dpsi, tilt=tilt) if plot: dax = self.plot() p0 = np.repeat(det_cent[:,None], 3, axis=1) vv = np.vstack((det_nout, det_ei, det_ej)).T dax['cross'].plot(np.hypot(det_cent[0], det_cent[1]), det_cent[2], 'xb') dax['hor'].plot(det_cent[0], det_cent[1], 'xb') dax['cross'].quiver(np.hypot(p0[0, :], p0[1, :]), p0[2, :], np.hypot(vv[0, :], vv[1, :]), vv[2, :], units='xy', color='b') dax['hor'].quiver(p0[0, :], p0[1, :], vv[0, :], vv[1, :], units='xy', color='b') return {'cent': det_cent, 'nout': det_nout, 'ei': det_ei, 'ej': det_ej}
[docs] def _checkformat_det(self, det=None): lc = [det is None, det is False, isinstance(det, dict)] msg = ("det must be:\n" + "\t- False: not det provided\n" + "\t- None: use default approx det from:\n" + "\t self.get_detector_approx()\n" + "\t- dict: a dictionary of 3d (x,y,z) coordinates of a point" + " (local frame center) and 3 unit vectors forming a direct " + "orthonormal basis attached to the detector's frame\n" + "\t\t\t\t- 'cent': detector center\n" + "\t\t\t\t- 'nout': unit vector perpendicular to surface, " + "in direction of the crystal\n" + "\t\t\t\t- 'ei': unit vector, first coordinate on surface\n" + "\t\t\t\t- 'ej': unit vector, second coordinate on surfacei\n" + " You provided: {}".format(det)) if not any(lc): raise Exception(msg) if lc[0]: det = self.get_detector_approx(lamb=self._dbragg['lambref']) elif lc[2]: lk = ['cent', 'nout', 'ei', 'ej'] c0 = (isinstance(det, dict) and all([(kk in det.keys() and hasattr(det[kk], '__iter__') and np.atleast_1d(det[kk]).size == 3 and not np.any(np.isnan(det[kk]))) for kk in lk])) if not c0: raise Exception(msg) for k0 in lk: det[k0] = np.atleast_1d(det[k0]).ravel() return det
[docs] def get_local_noute1e2( self, dtheta=None, psi=None, ntheta=None, npsi=None, use_non_parallelism=None, include_summit=None, ): """ Return (nout, e1, e2) associated to pts on the crystal's surface All points on the spherical crystal's surface are identified by (dtheta, psi) coordinates, where: - theta = np.pi/2 + dtheta (dtheta=0 default) for the center (for the diffracted beam), from frame's basis vector ez - psi = 0 for the center, positive in direction of e1 They are the spherical coordinates from a sphere centered on the crystal's center of curvature. Return the pts themselves and the 3 perpendicular unit vectors (nout, e1, e2), where nout is towards the outside of the sphere and nout = np.cross(e1, e2) Return: ------- summit: np.ndarray (3,) array of (x, y, z) coordinates of the points on the surface nout: np.ndarray (3,) array of (x, y, z) coordinates of outward unit vector e1: np.ndarray (3,) array of (x, y, z) coordinates of first unit vector e2: np.ndarray (3,) array of (x, y, z) coordinates of second unit vector """ # Get local basis at crystal summit nout, e1, e2, use_non_parallelism = self.get_unit_vectors( use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ) nin = -nout # Get vectors at any points from psi & dtheta vout, ve1, ve2 = _comp_optics.CrystBragg_get_noute1e2_from_psitheta( nout, e1, e2, psi=psi, dtheta=dtheta, e1e2=True, sameshape=False, extenthalf_psi=self._dgeom['extenthalf'][0], extenthalf_dtheta=self._dgeom['extenthalf'][1], ntheta=ntheta, npsi=npsi, include_summit=include_summit, ) vin = -vout # cent no longer dgeom['center'] because no longer a fixed point cent = self._dgeom['summit'] + self._dgeom['rcurve']*nin if vout.ndim == 2: cent = cent[:, None] elif vout.ndim == 3: cent = cent[:, None, None] elif vout.ndim == 4: cent = cent[:, None, None, None] elif vout.ndim == 5: cent = cent[:, None, None, None, None] else: msg = "nout.ndim > 5!" raise Exception(msg) # Redefining summit according to nout at each point at crystal summ = cent + self._dgeom['rcurve']*vout return summ, vout, ve1, ve2
[docs] def calc_xixj_from_braggphi( self, phi=None, bragg=None, lamb=None, n=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, det=None, use_non_parallelism=None, strict=None, return_strict=None, data=None, plot=True, dax=None, ): """ Assuming crystal's summit as frame origin According to [1], this assumes a local frame centered on the crystal These calculations are independent from the tokamak's frame: The origin of the local frame is the crystal's summit The (O, ez) axis is the crystal's normal The crystal is tangent to (O, ex, ey) [1] tofu/Notes_Upgrades/SpectroX2D/SpectroX2D_EllipsesOnPlane.pdf Parameters: ----------- Z: float Detector's plane intersection with (O, ez) axis n: np.ndarray (3,) array containing local (x,y,z) coordinates of the plane's normal vector """ if return_strict is None: return_strict = False # Check / format inputs bragg = self._checkformat_bragglamb(bragg=bragg, lamb=lamb, n=n) phi = np.atleast_1d(phi) # Check / get det det = self._checkformat_det(det) # Get local summit nout, e1, e2 if non-centered if dtheta is None: dtheta = 0. if psi is None: psi = 0. # Probably to update with use_non_parallelism? # Get back summit & vectors at any point at the crystal surface, # according to parallelism properties summit, nout, e1, e2 = self.get_local_noute1e2( dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ntheta=None, npsi=None, include_summit=False, ) # Compute xi, xj, strict = _comp_optics.calc_xixj_from_braggphi( det_cent=det['cent'], det_nout=det['nout'], det_ei=det['ei'], det_ej=det['ej'], det_outline=det.get('outline'), summit=summit, nout=nout, e1=e1, e2=e2, bragg=bragg, phi=phi, strict=strict, ) if plot: dax = _plot_optics.CrystalBragg_plot_approx_detector_params( bragg, xi, xj, data, dax, ) if return_strict is True: return xi, xj, strict else: return xi, xj
[docs] def plot_line_on_det_tracing( self, lamb=None, n=None, nphi=None, det=None, johann=None, use_non_parallelism=None, lpsi=None, ldtheta=None, strict=None, ax=None, dleg=None, rocking=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, tit=None, ): """ Visualize the de-focusing by ray-tracing of chosen lamb Possibility to plot few wavelength' arcs on the same plot. Args: - lamb: array of min size 1, in 1e-10 [m] - det: dict - xi_bounds: np.min & np.max of _XI - xj_bounds: np.min & np.max of _XJ (from "inputs_temp/" l.649) - johann: True or False """ # Check / format inputs if lamb is None: lamb = self._dbragg['lambref'] lamb = np.atleast_1d(lamb).ravel() nlamb = lamb.size if johann is None: johann = lpsi is not None or ldtheta is not None if rocking is None: rocking = False if det is None or det.get('outline') is None: msg = ("Please provide det as a dict with 'outline'!") raise Exception(msg) # Get local basis nout, e1, e2, use_non_parallelism = self.get_unit_vectors( use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ) nin = -nout # Compute lamb / phi _, phi = self.get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( xi=det['outline'][0, :], xj=det['outline'][1, :], det=det, dtheta=0, psi=0, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, n=n, grid=True, return_lamb=False, ) phimin, phimax = np.nanmin(phi), np.nanmax(phi) phimin, phimax = phimin-(phimax-phimin)/10, phimax+(phimax-phimin)/10 # Get reference ray-tracing bragg = self._checkformat_bragglamb(lamb=lamb, n=n) if nphi is None: nphi = 100 phi = np.linspace(phimin, phimax, nphi) xi = np.full((nlamb, nphi), np.nan) xj = np.full((nlamb, nphi), np.nan) for ll in range(nlamb): xi[ll, :], xj[ll, :] = self.calc_xixj_from_braggphi( bragg=np.full(phi.shape, bragg[ll]), phi=phi, dtheta=0., psi=0., n=n, det=det, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, strict=strict, plot=False, ) # Get johann-error raytracing (multiple positions on crystal) xi_er, xj_er = None, None if johann and not rocking: if lpsi is None: lpsi = np.linspace(-1., 1., 15) if ldtheta is None: ldtheta = np.linspace(-1., 1., 15) lpsi, ldtheta = np.meshgrid(lpsi, ldtheta) lpsi = lpsi.ravel() ldtheta = ldtheta.ravel() lpsi = self._dgeom['extenthalf'][0]*np.r_[lpsi] ldtheta = self._dgeom['extenthalf'][1]*np.r_[ldtheta] npsi = lpsi.size assert npsi == ldtheta.size xi_er = np.full((nlamb, npsi*nphi), np.nan) xj_er = np.full((nlamb, npsi*nphi), np.nan) for l in range(nlamb): for ii in range(npsi): i0 = np.arange(ii*nphi, (ii+1)*nphi) xi_er[l, i0], xj_er[l, i0] = self.calc_xixj_from_braggphi( phi=phi, bragg=bragg[l], lamb=None, n=n, dtheta=ldtheta[ii], psi=lpsi[ii], det=det, plot=False, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, strict=strict, ) # Get rocking curve error if rocking: pass # Plot return _plot_optics.CrystalBragg_plot_line_tracing_on_det( lamb, xi, xj, xi_er, xj_er, det=det, ax=ax, dleg=dleg, johann=johann, rocking=rocking, fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, tit=tit)
[docs] def calc_johannerror( self, xi=None, xj=None, err=None, det=None, n=None, lpsi=None, ldtheta=None, lambda_interval_min=None, lambda_interval_max=None, use_non_parallelism=None, plot=True, fs=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, tit=None, wintit=None, ): """ Plot the johann error The johann error is the error (scattering) induced by defocalization due to finite crystal dimensions There is a johann error on wavelength (lamb => loss of spectral resolution) and on directionality (phi) If provided, lpsi and ldtheta are taken as normalized variations with respect to the crystal summit and to its extenthalf. Typical values are: - lpsi = [-1, 1, 1, -1] - ldtheta = [-1, -1, 1, 1] They must have the same len() First affecting a reference lambda according to: - pixel's position - crystal's summit Then, computing error on bragg and phi angles on each pixels by computing lambda and phi from the crystal's outline Provide lambda_interval_min/max to ensure the given wavelength interval is detected over the whole surface area. A True/False boolean is then returned. """ # Check xi, xj once before to avoid doing it twice if err is None: err = 'abs' if lambda_interval_min is None: lambda_interval_min = 3.93e-10 if lambda_interval_max is None: lambda_interval_max = 4.00e-10 xi, xj, (xii, xjj) = _comp_optics._checkformat_xixj(xi, xj) # Check / format inputs bragg, phi, lamb = self.get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( xi=xii, xj=xjj, det=det, dtheta=0, psi=0, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, n=n, grid=True, return_lamb=True, ) # Only one summit was selected bragg, phi, lamb = bragg[..., 0], phi[..., 0], lamb[..., 0] # Check lambda interval into lamb array c0 = ( np.min(lamb) < lambda_interval_min and np.max(lamb) > lambda_interval_max ) if c0: test_lambda_interv = True else: test_lambda_interv = False # Get err from multiple ldtheta, lpsi if lpsi is None: lpsi = np.r_[-1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 0., -1, -1] lpsi = self._dgeom['extenthalf'][0]*np.r_[lpsi] if ldtheta is None: ldtheta = np.r_[-1., -1., -1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 0.] ldtheta = self._dgeom['extenthalf'][1]*np.r_[ldtheta] npsi = lpsi.size assert npsi == ldtheta.size ( braggerr, phierr, lamberr, ) = self.get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( xi=xii, xj=xjj, det=det, dtheta=ldtheta, psi=lpsi, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, n=n, grid=True, return_lamb=True, ) err_lamb = np.nanmax(np.abs(lamb[..., None] - lamberr), axis=-1) err_phi = np.nanmax(np.abs(phi[..., None] - phierr), axis=-1) # absolute vs relative error if 'rel' in err: if err == 'rel': err_lamb = 100.*err_lamb / (np.nanmax(lamb) - np.nanmin(lamb)) err_phi = 100.*err_phi / (np.nanmax(phi) - np.nanmin(phi)) elif err == 'rel2': err_lamb = 100.*err_lamb / np.mean(lamb) err_phi = 100.*err_phi / np.mean(phi) err_lamb_units = '%' err_phi_units = '%' else: err_lamb_units = 'm' err_phi_units = 'rad' if plot is True: ax = _plot_optics.CrystalBragg_plot_johannerror( xi, xj, lamb, phi, err_lamb, err_phi, err_lamb_units=err_lamb_units, err_phi_units=err_phi_units, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, fs=fs, tit=tit, wintit=wintit, ) return ( err_lamb, err_phi, err_lamb_units, err_phi_units, test_lambda_interv, )
[docs] def plot_focal_error_summed( self, dist_min=None, dist_max=None, di_min=None, di_max=None, ndist=None, ndi=None, lamb=None, bragg=None, xi=None, xj=None, err=None, use_non_parallelism=None, tangent_to_rowland=None, n=None, plot=None, pts=None, det_ref=None, plot_dets=None, nsort=None, dcryst=None, lambda_interval_min=None, lambda_interval_max=None, contour=None, fs=None, ax=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, return_ax=None, ): """ Using the calc_johannerror method, computing the sum of the focalization error over the whole detector for different positions characterized by the translations ddist and di in the equatorial plane (dist_min, dist_max, ndist) (di_min, di_max, ndi). Parameters: ----------- - lamb/bragg : float Automatically set to crystal's references - xi, xj : np.ndarray pixelization of the detector (from "inputs_temp/" l.649) - alpha, beta : float Values of Non Parallelism references angles - use_non_parallelism : str - tangent_to_rowland : str - plot_dets : str Possibility to plot the nsort- detectors with the lowest summed focalization error, next to the Best Approximate Real detector dict(np.load('det37_CTVD_incC4_New.npz', allow_pickle=True)) - nsort : float Number of best detector's position to plot - lambda_interv_min/max : float To ensure the given wavelength interval is detected over the whole surface area. A True/False boolean is then returned. """ # Check / format inputs if dist_min is None: dist_min = -0.15 if dist_max is None: dist_max = 0.15 if di_min is None: di_min = -0.40 if di_max is None: di_max = 0.40 if ndist is None: ndist = 21 if ndi is None: ndi = 21 if err is None: err = 'rel' if plot is None: plot = True if plot_dets is None: plot_dets = det_ref is not None if nsort is None: nsort = 5 if return_ax is None: return_ax = True if lambda_interval_min is None: lambda_interval_min = 3.93e-10 if lambda_interval_max is None: lambda_interval_max = 4.00e-10 l0 = [dist_min, dist_max, ndist, di_min, di_max, ndi] c0 = any([l00 is not None for l00 in l0]) if not c0: msg = ( "Please give the ranges of ddist and di translations\n" "\t to compute the different detector's position\n" "\t Provided:\n" "\t\t- dist_min, dist_max, ndist: ({}, {}, {})\n".format( dist_min, dist_max, ndist, ) + "\t\t- di_min, di_max, ndi: ({}, {}, {})\n".format( di_min, di_max, ndi, ) ) raise Exception(msg) # ------------ # Compute local coordinates of det_ref ( ddist0, di0, dj0, dtheta0, dpsi0, tilt0, ) = self._get_local_coordinates_of_det( bragg=bragg, lamb=lamb, det_ref=det_ref, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ) # angle between nout vectors from get_det_approx() & ## get_det_approx(tangent=False) det1 = self.get_detector_approx( lamb=lamb, bragg=bragg, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, tangent_to_rowland=True, ) det2 = self.get_detector_approx( lamb=lamb, bragg=bragg, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, tangent_to_rowland=False, ) cos_angle_nout = np.sum( det1['nout'] * det2['nout'] ) / ( np.linalg.norm(det1['nout'] * np.linalg.norm(det2['nout'])) ) angle_nout = np.arccos(cos_angle_nout) # Compute ddist = np.linspace(dist_min, dist_max, int(ndist)) di = np.linspace(di_min, di_max, int(ndi)) error_lambda = np.full((di.size, ddist.size), np.nan) test_lamb_interv = np.zeros((di.size, ddist.size), dtype='bool') end = '\r' for ii in range(ddist.size): for jj in range(di.size): # print progression if ii == ndist-1 and jj == ndi-1: end = '\n' msg = ( "Computing mean focal error for det " f"({ii+1}, {jj+1})/({ndist}, {ndi})" ).ljust(60) print(msg, end=end, flush=True) # Get det dpsi0bis = float(dpsi0) if tangent_to_rowland: dpsi0bis = dpsi0 - angle_nout det = self.get_detector_approx( ddist=ddist[ii], di=di[jj], dj=dj0, dtheta=dtheta0, dpsi=dpsi0bis, tilt=tilt0, lamb=lamb, bragg=bragg, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, tangent_to_rowland=False, ) # Integrate error ( error_lambda_temp, test_lamb_interv[jj, ii], ) = self.calc_johannerror( xi=xi, xj=xj, det=det, err=err, lambda_interval_min=lambda_interval_min, lambda_interval_max=lambda_interval_max, plot=False, )[::4] error_lambda[jj, ii] = np.nanmean(error_lambda_temp) if 'rel' in err: units = '%' else: units = 'm' if plot: ax = _plot_optics.CrystalBragg_plot_focal_error_summed( cryst=self, dcryst=dcryst, lamb=lamb, bragg=bragg, error_lambda=error_lambda, ddist=ddist, di=di, ddist0=ddist0, di0=di0, dj0=dj0, dtheta0=dtheta0, dpsi0=dpsi0, tilt0=tilt0, angle_nout=angle_nout, det_ref=det_ref, units=units, plot_dets=plot_dets, nsort=nsort, tangent_to_rowland=tangent_to_rowland, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, pts=pts, test_lamb_interv=test_lamb_interv, contour=contour, fs=fs, ax=ax, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ) if return_ax: return error_lambda, ddist, di, test_lamb_interv, ax else: return error_lambda, ddist, di, test_lamb_interv
[docs] def _get_local_coordinates_of_det( self, bragg=None, lamb=None, det_ref=None, use_non_parallelism=None, ): """ Computation of translation (ddist, di, dj) and angular (dtheta, dpsi, tilt) properties of an arbitrary detector choosen by the user. """ # ------------ # check inputs if det_ref is None: msg = ( "You need to provide your arbitrary detector\n" + "\t in order to compute its spatial properties !\n" + "\t You provided: {}".format(det) ) raise Exception(msg) # Checkformat det det_ref = self._checkformat_det(det=det_ref) # ------------ # get approx detect det_approx = self.get_detector_approx( bragg=bragg, lamb=lamb, tangent_to_rowland=False, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, ) # ------------ # get vector delta between centers delta = det_ref['cent'] - det_approx['cent'] ddist = np.sum(delta * (-det_approx['nout'])) di = np.sum(delta * det_approx['ei']) dj = np.sum(delta * det_approx['ej']) # --------------- # get angles from unit vectors dtheta, dpsi, tilt = None, None, None # use formulas in _comp_optics.get_det_abs_from_rel() sindtheta = np.sum(det_approx['ej'] * det_ref['nout']) costheta_cospsi = np.sum(det_approx['nout'] * det_ref['nout']) costheta_sinpsi = np.sum(det_approx['ei'] * det_ref['nout']) costheta = np.sqrt(costheta_cospsi**2 + costheta_sinpsi**2) dtheta = np.arctan2(sindtheta, costheta) dpsi = np.arctan2( costheta_sinpsi / costheta, costheta_cospsi / costheta, ) # --------- # tilt det_ei2 = ( np.cos(dpsi)*det_approx['ei'] - np.sin(dpsi)*det_approx['nout'] ) det_ej2 = np.cross(det_ref['nout'], det_ei2) costilt = np.sum(det_ref['ei']*det_ei2) sintilt = np.sum(det_ref['ei']*det_ej2) tilt = np.arctan2(sintilt, costilt) return ddist, di, dj, dtheta, dpsi, tilt
[docs] def get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( self, pts=None, xi=None, xj=None, det=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, ntheta=None, npsi=None, n=None, use_non_parallelism=None, grid=None, return_lamb=None, ): """ Return the lamb, bragg and phi for provided pts and dtheta/psi if grid = True: compute all pts / dtheta/psi comnbinations => return (npts, ndtheta) arrays else: each pts is associated to a single dtheta/psi => assumes npts == ndtheta == npsi => return (npts,) arrays """ # Check / Format inputs if return_lamb is None: return_lamb = True det = self._checkformat_det(det) # Get local basis summ, vout, ve1, ve2 = self.get_local_noute1e2( dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, ntheta=ntheta, npsi=npsi, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, include_summit=True, ) # Derive bragg, phi bragg, phi = _comp_optics.calc_braggphi_from_xixjpts( pts=pts, xi=xi, xj=xj, det=det, summit=summ, nin=-vout, e1=ve1, e2=ve2, grid=grid, ) # Derive lamb if return_lamb is True: lamb = self.get_lamb_from_bragg(bragg=bragg, n=n) return bragg, phi, lamb else: return bragg, phi
[docs] def get_lamb_avail_from_pts( self, pts=None, n=None, ndtheta=None, npsi=None, det=None, nlamb=None, klamb=None, use_non_parallelism=None, strict=None, return_xixj=None, ): """ Return the wavelength accessible from plasma points on the crystal For a given plasma point, only a certain lambda interval can be bragg-diffracted on the crystal (due to bragg's law and the crystal's dimensions) Beware, for a given pts and lamb, there can be up to 2 sets of solutions All non-valid solutions are set to nans, such that most of the time there is only one For a set of given: - pts (3, npts) array, (x, y, z) coordinates Using: - nlamb: sampling of the lamb interval (default: 100) - ndtheta: sampling of the lamb interval (default: 20) - npsi: sampling of the lamb interval (default: 'envelop') - det: (optional) a detector dict, for xi and xj Returns: - lamb: (npts, nlamb) array of sampled valid wavelength interval - phi: (npts, nlamb, ndtheta, npsi, 2) array of phi - dtheta: (npts, nlamb, ndtheta, npsi, 2) array of dtheta - psi: (npts, nlamb, ndtheta, npsi, 2) array of psi And optionally (return_xixj=True and det provided as dict): - xi: (npts, nlamb, ndtheta, npsi, 2) array of xi - xj: (npts, nlamb, ndtheta, npsi, 2) array of xj The result is computed with or w/o taking into account non-parallelism """ # Check / format if ndtheta is None: ndtheta = 20 if nlamb is None: nlamb = 100 assert nlamb >= 2, "nlamb must be >= 2" if return_xixj is None: return_xixj = det is not None # Get lamb min / max bragg, phi, lamb = self.get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( pts=pts, dtheta='envelop', psi='envelop', ntheta=None, npsi=None, n=n, grid=True, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, return_lamb=True, ) lambmin = np.nanmin(lamb, axis=1) lambmax = np.nanmax(lamb, axis=1) if klamb is None: klamb = np.linspace(0, 1, nlamb) elif not (isinstance(klamb, np.ndarray) and klamb.ndim == 1): msg = "Please provide klamb as a 1d vector!" raise Exception(msg) nlamb = klamb.size lamb = lambmin[:, None] + (lambmax-lambmin)[:, None]*klamb bragg = self._checkformat_bragglamb(lamb=lamb, n=n) # Compute dtheta / psi for each pts and lamb npts = lamb.shape[0] dtheta = np.full((npts, nlamb, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) psi = np.full((npts, nlamb, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) phi = np.full((npts, nlamb, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) for ii in range(nlamb): ( dtheta[:, ii, :, :], psi[:, ii, :, :], phi[:, ii, :, :], ) = self._calc_dthetapsiphi_from_lambpts( pts=pts, bragg=bragg[:, ii], lamb=None, n=n, ndtheta=ndtheta, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, grid=False, )[:3] if return_xixj is True and det is not None: xi, xj, strict = self.calc_xixj_from_braggphi( phi=phi+np.pi, bragg=bragg[..., None, None], n=n, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, det=det, data=None, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, strict=strict, return_strict=True, plot=False, dax=None, ) if strict is True and np.any(np.isnan(xi)): indnan = np.isnan(xi) phi[indnan] = np.nan dtheta[indnan] = np.nan psi[indnan] = np.nan lamb[np.all(np.all(indnan, axis=-1), axis=-1)] = np.nan return lamb, phi, dtheta, psi, xi, xj else: return lamb, phi, dtheta, psi
[docs] def _calc_dthetapsiphi_from_lambpts( self, pts=None, bragg=None, lamb=None, n=None, ndtheta=None, use_non_parallelism=None, grid=None, ): # Check / Format inputs pts = _comp_optics._checkformat_pts(pts) npts = pts.shape[1] bragg = self._checkformat_bragglamb(bragg=bragg, lamb=lamb, n=n) # get nout, e1, e2 nout, e1, e2, use_non_parallelism = self.get_unit_vectors( use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism ) # Compute dtheta, psi, indnan (nlamb, npts, ndtheta) # In general there are 2 solutions! (only close to rowland in practice) dtheta, psi, indok, grid = _comp_optics.calc_dthetapsiphi_from_lambpts( pts, bragg, summit=self._dgeom['summit'], # To be updated (non-paralellism)? rcurve=self._dgeom['rcurve'], nout=nout, e1=e1, e2=e2, extenthalf=self._dgeom['extenthalf'], ndtheta=ndtheta, grid=grid, ) # reshape bragg for matching dtheta.shape if grid is True: bragg = np.repeat( np.repeat( np.repeat(bragg[:, None], npts, axis=-1)[..., None], dtheta.shape[2], axis=-1, )[..., None], 2, axis=-1, ) pts = pts[:, None, :, None, None] else: bragg = np.repeat( np.repeat(bragg[:, None], dtheta.shape[1], axis=1)[..., None], 2, axis=-1, ) pts = pts[..., None, None] bragg[~indok] = np.nan # Get corresponding phi and re-check bragg, for safety bragg2, phi = self.get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( pts=pts, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, grid=False, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, return_lamb=False, ) c0 = ( bragg2.shape == bragg.shape and np.allclose(bragg, bragg2, equal_nan=True) ) if not c0: try: plt.figure() plt.plot(bragg, bragg2, '.') except Exception as err: pass msg = ( "Inconsistency detected in bragg angle computations:\n" + "\t- from the points and lamb\n" + "\t- from the points and (dtheta, psi)\n" + "\nContext:\n" + "\t- use_non_parallelism: {}\n".format(use_non_parallelism) + "\t- bragg.shape = {}\n".format(bragg.shape) + "\t- bragg2.shape = {}\n".format(bragg2.shape) ) raise Exception(msg) return dtheta, psi, phi, bragg
[docs] def calc_raytracing_from_lambpts( self, lamb=None, bragg=None, pts=None, xi_bounds=None, xj_bounds=None, nphi=None, det=None, n=None, ndtheta=None, johann=False, lpsi=None, ldtheta=None, rocking=False, strict=None, plot=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, tit=None, proj=None, legend=None, draw=None, returnas=None, ): """ Visualize the de-focusing by ray-tracing of chosen lamb If plot, 3 different plots can be produced: - det: plots the intersection of rays with detector plane - '2d': plots the geometry of the rays in 2d cross and hor - '3d': plots the geometry of the rays in 3d Specify the plotting option by setting plot to any of these (or a list) """ # Check / format inputs if returnas is None: returnas = 'data' if plot is None or plot is True: plot = ['det', '3d'] if isinstance(plot, str): plot = plot.split('+') assert all([ss in ['det', '2d', '3d'] for ss in plot]) assert returnas in ['data', 'ax'] pts = _comp_optics._checkformat_pts(pts) npts = pts.shape[1] # Get dtheta, psi and phi from pts/lamb dtheta, psi, phi, bragg = self._calc_dthetapsiphi_from_lambpts( pts=pts, lamb=lamb, bragg=bragg, n=n, ndtheta=ndtheta, ) ndtheta = dtheta.shape[-1] # assert dtheta.shape == (nlamb, npts, ndtheta) # Check / get det det = self._checkformat_det(det) # Compute xi, xj of reflexion (phi -> phi + np.pi) xi, xj = self.calc_xixj_from_braggphi( bragg=bragg, phi=phi+np.pi, n=n, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, det=det, strict=strict, plot=False, ) # Plot to be checked plot = False if plot is not False: ptscryst, ptsdet = None, None if '2d' in plot or '3d' in plot: ptscryst = self.get_local_noute1e2(dtheta, psi)[0] ptsdet = (det['cent'][:, None, None, None] + xi[None, ...]*det['ei'][:, None, None, None] + xj[None, ...]*det['ej'][:, None, None, None]) ax = _plot_optics.CrystalBragg_plot_raytracing_from_lambpts( xi=xi, xj=xj, lamb=lamb, xi_bounds=xi_bounds, xj_bounds=xj_bounds, pts=pts, ptscryst=ptscryst, ptsdet=ptsdet, det_cent=det['cent'], det_nout=det['nout'], det_ei=det['ei'], det_ej=det['ej'], cryst=self, proj=plot, fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, tit=tit, legend=legend, draw=draw) if returnas == 'ax': return ax return dtheta, psi, phi, bragg, xi, xj
[docs] def _calc_spect1d_from_data2d(self, data, lamb, phi, nlambfit=None, nphifit=None, nxi=None, nxj=None, spect1d=None, mask=None, vertsum1d=None): if nlambfit is None: nlambfit = nxi if nphifit is None: nphifit = nxj return _comp_optics._calc_spect1d_from_data2d( data, lamb, phi, nlambfit=nlambfit, nphifit=nphifit, spect1d=spect1d, mask=mask, vertsum1d=vertsum1d, )
[docs] def plot_data_vs_lambphi( self, xi=None, xj=None, data=None, mask=None, det=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, n=None, nlambfit=None, nphifit=None, magaxis=None, npaxis=None, dlines=None, spect1d='mean', lambmin=None, lambmax=None, xjcut=None, dxj=None, plot=True, fs=None, tit=None, wintit=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, returnas=None, ): # Check / format inputs assert data is not None if returnas is None: returnas = 'spect' lreturn = ['ax', 'spect'] if returnas not in lreturn: msg = ("Arg returnas must be in {}\n:".format(lreturn) + "\t- 'spect': return a 1d vertically averaged spectrum\n" + "\t- 'ax' : return a list of axes instances") raise Exception(msg) xi, xj, (xii, xjj) = _comp_optics._checkformat_xixj(xi, xj) nxi = xi.size if xi is not None else np.unique(xii).size nxj = xj.size if xj is not None else np.unique(xjj).size # Compute lamb / phi bragg, phi, lamb = self.get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( xi=xii, xj=xjj, det=det, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, n=n, grid=True, return_lamb=True, ) # Compute lambfit / phifit and spectrum1d (spect1d, lambfit, phifit, vertsum1d, phiminmax) = self._calc_spect1d_from_data2d( data, lamb, phi, nlambfit=nlambfit, nphifit=nphifit, nxi=nxi, nxj=nxj, spect1d=spect1d, mask=mask, vertsum1d=True ) # Get phiref from mag axis lambax, phiax = None, None if magaxis is not None: if npaxis is None: npaxis = 1000 thetacryst = np.arctan2(self._dgeom['summit'][1], self._dgeom['summit'][0]) thetaax = thetacryst + np.pi/2*np.linspace(-1, 1, npaxis) pts = np.array([magaxis[0]*np.cos(thetaax), magaxis[0]*np.sin(thetaax), np.full((npaxis,), magaxis[1])]) braggax, phiax = self.calc_braggphi_from_pts(pts) lambax = self.get_lamb_from_bragg(braggax) phiax = np.arctan2(np.sin(phiax-np.pi), np.cos(phiax-np.pi)) ind = ((lambax >= lambfit[0]) & (lambax <= lambfit[-1]) & (phiax >= phifit[0]) & (phiax <= phifit[-1])) lambax, phiax = lambax[ind], phiax[ind] ind = np.argsort(lambax) lambax, phiax = lambax[ind], phiax[ind] # Get lamb / phi for xj lambcut, phicut, spectcut = None, None, None if xjcut is not None: if dxj is None: dxj = 0.002 xjcut = np.sort(np.atleast_1d(xjcut).ravel()) xicutf = np.tile(xi, (xjcut.size, 1)) xjcutf = np.repeat(xjcut[:, None], nxi, axis=1) ( braggcut, phicut, lambcut, ) = self.get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( xi=xicutf, xj=xjcutf, det=det, dtheta=0, psi=0, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, n=1, grid=True, return_lamb=True, ) indxj = [(np.abs(xj-xjc) <= dxj).nonzero()[0] for xjc in xjcut] spectcut = np.array([np.nanmean(data[ixj, :], axis=0) for ixj in indxj]) # plot ax = None if plot: ax = _plot_optics.CrystalBragg_plot_data_vs_lambphi( xi, xj, bragg, lamb, phi, data, lambfit=lambfit, phifit=phifit, spect1d=spect1d, vertsum1d=vertsum1d, lambax=lambax, phiax=phiax, lambmin=lambmin, lambmax=lambmax, phiminmax=phiminmax, xjcut=xjcut, lambcut=lambcut, phicut=phicut, spectcut=spectcut, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, dlines=dlines, tit=tit, wintit=wintit, fs=fs) if returnas == 'spect': return spect1d, lambfit elif returnas == 'ax': return ax
[docs] @staticmethod def fit1d_dinput( dlines=None, dconstraints=None, dprepare=None, data=None, lamb=None, mask=None, domain=None, pos=None, subset=None, same_spectrum=None, same_spectrum_dlamb=None, focus=None, valid_fraction=None, valid_nsigma=None, focus_half_width=None, valid_return_fract=None, ): """ Return a formatted dict of lines and constraints To be fed to _fit12d.multigausfit1d_from_dlines() Provides a user-friendly way of defining constraints """ import tofu.spectro._fit12d as _fit12d return _fit12d.fit1d_dinput( dlines=dlines, dconstraints=dconstraints, dprepare=dprepare, data=data, lamb=lamb, mask=mask, domain=domain, pos=pos, subset=subset, same_spectrum=same_spectrum, same_spectrum_dlamb=same_spectrum_dlamb, focus=focus, valid_fraction=valid_fraction, valid_nsigma=valid_nsigma, focus_half_width=focus_half_width, valid_return_fract=valid_return_fract)
[docs] def fit1d( self, # Input data kwdargs data=None, lamb=None, dinput=None, dprepare=None, dlines=None, dconstraints=None, mask=None, domain=None, subset=None, pos=None, same_spectrum=None, same_spectrum_dlamb=None, focus=None, valid_fraction=None, valid_nsigma=None, focus_half_width=None, # Optimization kwdargs dx0=None, dscales=None, x0_scale=None, bounds_scale=None, method=None, tr_solver=None, tr_options=None, max_nfev=None, xtol=None, ftol=None, gtol=None, loss=None, verbose=None, chain=None, jac=None, showonly=None, # Results extraction kwdargs amp=None, coefs=None, ratio=None, Ti=None, width=None, vi=None, shift=None, pts_lamb_total=None, pts_lamb_detail=None, # Saving and plotting kwdargs save=None, name=None, path=None, plot=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, tit=None, wintit=None, returnas=None, ): # ---------------------- # Get dinput for 1d fitting from dlines, dconstraints, dprepare... if dinput is None: dinput = self.fit1d_dinput( dlines=dlines, dconstraints=dconstraints, dprepare=dprepare, data=data, lamb=lamb, mask=mask, domain=domain, pos=pos, subset=subset, focus=focus, valid_fraction=valid_fraction, valid_nsigma=valid_nsigma, focus_half_width=focus_half_width, same_spectrum=same_spectrum, same_spectrum_dlamb=same_spectrum_dlamb) # ---------------------- # return import tofu.spectro._fit12d as _fit12d return _fit12d.fit1d( # Input data kwdargs data=data, lamb=lamb, dinput=dinput, dprepare=dprepare, dlines=dlines, dconstraints=dconstraints, mask=mask, domain=domain, subset=subset, pos=pos, # Optimization kwdargs method=method, tr_solver=tr_solver, tr_options=tr_options, xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol, gtol=gtol, max_nfev=max_nfev, loss=loss, chain=chain, dx0=dx0, x0_scale=x0_scale, bounds_scale=bounds_scale, jac=jac, verbose=verbose, save=save, name=name, path=path, amp=amp, coefs=coefs, ratio=ratio, Ti=Ti, width=width, vi=vi, shift=shift, pts_lamb_total=pts_lamb_total, pts_lamb_detail=pts_lamb_detail, plot=plot, fs=fs, wintit=wintit, tit=tit)
[docs] @staticmethod def fit1d_extract( dfit1d=None, amp=None, coefs=None, ratio=None, Ti=None, width=None, vi=None, shift=None, pts_lamb_total=None, pts_lamb_detail=None, ): import tofu.spectro._fit12d as _fit12d return _fit12d.fit1d_extract( dfit1d=dfit, amp=amp, coefs=coefs, ratio=ratio, Ti=Ti, width=width, vi=vi, shift=shift, pts_lamb_total=pts_lamb_total, pts_lamb_detail=pts_lamb_detail)
[docs] def fit1d_from2d(self): """ Useful for optimizing detector or crystal position Given a set of 2d images on a detector Transform the 2d (xi, xj) image into (lamb, phi) Slice nphi 1d spectra Fit them using a dict of reference lines (dlines) Optionally provide constraints for the fitting Return the vertical profiles of the wavelength shitf of each line To be used as input for an cost function and optimization 1d fitting is used instead of 2d because: - faster (for optimization) - does not require a choice of nbsplines - easier to understand and decide for user """ # Check / format inputs if lphi is None: msg = ("Arg lphi must be provided !") raise Exception(msg) # ---------------------- # Prepare input data # (geometrical transform, domain, binning, subset, noise...) if dprepare is None: dprepare = self.fit2d_prepare( data=data, xi=xi, xj=xj, n=n, det=det, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, mask=mask, domain=domain, pos=pos, binning=binning, nbsplines=False, subset=False, lphi=lphi, lphi_tol=lphi_tol) # ---------------------- # Get dinput for 2d fitting from dlines, and dconstraints if dinput is None: dinput = self.fit2d_dinput( dlines=dlines, dconstraints=dconstraints, deg=deg, knots=knots, nbsplines=nbsplines, domain=dprepare['domain'], dataphi1d=dprepare['dataphi1d'], phi1d=dprepare['phi1d']) # ---------------------- # fit out = self.fit1d( xi=None, xj=None, data=None, mask=None, det=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, n=None, nlambfit=None, nphifit=None, lambmin=None, lambmax=None, dlines=None, spect1d=None, dconstraints=None, dx0=None, same_spectrum=None, dlamb=None, double=None, dscales=None, x0_scale=None, bounds_scale=None, method=None, max_nfev=None, xtol=None, ftol=None, gtol=None, loss=None, verbose=0, chain=None, jac=None, showonly=None, plot=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, tit=None, wintit=None, returnas=None, ) pass
[docs] def fit2d_dinput( self, dlines=None, dconstraints=None, dprepare=None, data=None, xi=None, xj=None, n=None, det=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, mask=None, domain=None, pos=None, binning=None, subset=None, # lphi=None, lphi_tol=None, deg=None, knots=None, nbsplines=None, focus=None, valid_fraction=None, valid_nsigma=None, focus_half_width=None, valid_return_fract=None, ): """ Return a formatted dict of lines and constraints To be fed to _fit12d.multigausfit1d_from_dlines() Provides a user-friendly way of defining constraints """ import tofu.spectro._fit12d as _fit12d if dprepare is None: # ---------------------- # Geometrical transform xi, xj, (xii, xjj) = _comp_optics._checkformat_xixj(xi, xj) nxi = xi.size if xi is not None else np.unique(xii).size nxj = xj.size if xj is not None else np.unique(xjj).size # Compute lamb / phi bragg, phi, lamb = self.get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( xi=xii, xj=xjj, det=det, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, n=n, grid=True, return_lamb=True, ) # ---------------------- # Prepare input data (domain, binning, subset, noise...) dprepare = _fit12d.multigausfit2d_from_dlines_prepare( data, lamb, phi, mask=mask, domain=domain, pos=pos, binning=binning, nbsplines=nbsplines, subset=subset, nxi=nxi, nxj=nxj, ) # , lphi=lphi, lphi_tol=lphi_tol) return _fit12d.fit2d_dinput( dlines=dlines, dconstraints=dconstraints, dprepare=dprepare, deg=deg, knots=knots, nbsplines=nbsplines, focus=focus, valid_fraction=valid_fraction, valid_nsigma=valid_nsigma, focus_half_width=focus_half_width, valid_return_fract=valid_return_fract)
[docs] def fit2d( self, # Input data kwdargs data=None, xi=None, xj=None, det=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, n=None, dinput=None, dprepare=None, dlines=None, dconstraints=None, mask=None, domain=None, subset=None, pos=None, binning=None, focus=None, valid_fraction=None, valid_nsigma=None, focus_half_width=None, deg=None, knots=None, nbsplines=None, # Optimization kwdargs dx0=None, dscales=None, x0_scale=None, bounds_scale=None, method=None, tr_solver=None, tr_options=None, max_nfev=None, xtol=None, ftol=None, gtol=None, loss=None, verbose=None, chain=None, jac=None, showonly=None, predeclare=None, debug=None, # Results extraction kwdargs amp=None, coefs=None, ratio=None, Ti=None, width=None, vi=None, shift=None, pts_lamb_total=None, pts_lamb_detail=None, # Saving and plotting kwdargs save=None, name=None, path=None, plot=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, tit=None, wintit=None, returnas=None, ): # npts=None, dax=None, # spect1d=None, nlambfit=None, # plotmode=None, angunits=None, indspect=None, # cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ Perform 2d fitting of a 2d spectrometre image Fit the spectrum by a sum of gaussians Modulate each gaussian parameters by bsplines in the spatial direction data must be provided in shape (nt, nxi, nxj), where: - nt is the number of time steps - nxi is the nb. of pixels in the horizontal / spectral direction - nxj is the nb. of pixels in the vertical / spacial direction """ # ---------------------- # Geometrical transform in dprepare if dinput is None: dinput = self.fit2d_dinput( dlines=dlines, dconstraints=dconstraints, dprepare=dprepare, data=data, xi=xi, xj=xj, n=n, det=det, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, mask=mask, domain=domain, pos=pos, binning=binning, subset=subset, deg=deg, knots=knots, nbsplines=nbsplines, focus=focus, valid_fraction=valid_fraction, valid_nsigma=valid_nsigma, focus_half_width=focus_half_width) # ---------------------- # return import tofu.spectro._fit12d as _fit12d return _fit12d.fit2d( dinput=dinput, dprepare=dprepare, dlines=dlines, dconstraints=dconstraints, lamb=lamb, phi=phi, data=data, mask=mask, nxi=dinput['dprepare']['nxi'], nxj=dinput['dprepare']['nxj'], domain=domain, pos=pos, binning=binning, subset=subset, deg=deg, knots=knots, nbsplines=nbsplines, method=method, tr_solver=tr_solver, tr_options=tr_options, xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol, gtol=gtol, max_nfev=max_nfev, loss=loss, chain=chain, dx0=dx0, x0_scale=x0_scale, bounds_scale=bounds_scale, jac=jac, verbose=verbose, save=save, name=name, path=path, plot=plot)
[docs] @staticmethod def fit2d_extract(dfit2d=None, amp=None, Ti=None, vi=None, pts_phi=None, npts_phi=None, pts_lamb_phi_total=None, pts_lamb_phi_detail=None): import tofu.spectro._fit12d as _fit12d return _fit12d.fit2d_extract_data( dfit2d=dfit2d, amp=amp, Ti=Ti, vi=vi, pts_phi=pts_phi, npts_phi=npts_phi, pts_lamb_phi_total=pts_lamb_phi_total, pts_lamb_phi_detail=pts_lamb_phi_detail)
[docs] def fit2d_plot(self, dfit2d=None, ratio=None, dax=None, plotmode=None, angunits=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, dmargin=None, tit=None, wintit=None, fs=None): dout = self.fit2d_extract( dfit2d, amp=amp, Ti=Ti, vi=vi, pts_lamb_phi_total=pts_lamb_phi_total, pts_lamb_phi_detail=pts_lamb_phi_detail) return _plot_optics.CrystalBragg_plot_data_fit2d( dfit2d=dfit2d, dout=dout, ratio=ratio, dax=dax, plotmode=plotmode, angunits=angunits, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, dmargin=dmargin, tit=tit, wintit=wintit, fs=fs)
[docs] def noise_analysis( self, data=None, xi=None, xj=None, n=None, det=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, mask=None, valid_fraction=None, nxerrbin=None, margin=None, domain=None, nlamb=None, deg=None, knots=None, nbsplines=None, loss=None, max_nfev=None, xtol=None, ftol=None, gtol=None, method=None, tr_solver=None, tr_options=None, verbose=None, plot=None, ms=None, dcolor=None, dax=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, tit=None, sublab=None, save_fig=None, name_fig=None, path_fig=None, fmt=None, return_dax=None, ): # ---------------------- # Geometrical transform bragg, phi, lamb = self.get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( xi=xi, xj=xj, det=det, dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, n=n, grid=True, return_lamb=True, ) import tofu.spectro._fit12d as _fit12d return _fit12d.noise_analysis_2d( data, lamb, phi, mask=mask, valid_fraction=valid_fraction, margin=margin, nxerrbin=nxerrbin, nlamb=nlamb, deg=deg, knots=knots, nbsplines=nbsplines, loss=loss, max_nfev=max_nfev, xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol, gtol=gtol, method=method, tr_solver=tr_solver, tr_options=tr_options, verbose=verbose, plot=plot, ms=ms, dcolor=dcolor, dax=dax, fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, tit=tit, sublab=sublab, save_fig=save_fig, name_fig=name_fig, path_fig=path_fig, fmt=fmt, return_dax=return_dax)
[docs] @staticmethod def noise_analysis_plot( dnoise=None, margin=None, valid_fraction=None, ms=None, dcolor=None, dax=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, tit=None, sublab=None, save=None, name=None, path=None, fmt=None, ): import tofu.spectro._plot as _plot_spectro return _plot_spectro.plot_noise_analysis( dnoise=dnoise, margin=margin, valid_fraction=valid_fraction, ms=ms, dcolor=dcolor, dax=dax, fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, tit=tit, sublab=sublab, save=save, name=name, path=path, fmt=fmt)
[docs] def noise_analysis_scannbs( self, data=None, xi=None, xj=None, n=None, det=None, dtheta=None, psi=None, mask=None, nxerrbin=None, domain=None, nlamb=None, deg=None, knots=None, nbsplines=None, lnbsplines=None, loss=None, max_nfev=None, xtol=None, ftol=None, gtol=None, method=None, tr_solver=None, tr_options=None, verbose=None, plot=None, ms=None, dax=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, tit=None, sublab=None, save_fig=None, name_fig=None, path_fig=None, fmt=None, return_dax=None, ): # ---------------------- # Geometrical transform bragg, phi, lamb = self.get_lambbraggphi_from_ptsxixj_dthetapsi( xi=xi, xj=xj, det=det, dtheta=0, psi=0, use_non_parallelism=use_non_parallelism, n=n, grid=True, return_lamb=True, ) import tofu.spectro._fit12d as _fit12d return _fit12d.noise_analysis_2d_scannbs( data, lamb, phi, mask=mask, nxerrbin=nxerrbin, nlamb=nlamb, deg=deg, knots=knots, nbsplines=nbsplines, lnbsplines=lnbsplines, loss=loss, max_nfev=max_nfev, xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol, gtol=gtol, method=method, tr_solver=tr_solver, tr_options=tr_options, verbose=verbose, plot=plot, ms=ms, dax=dax, fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, tit=tit, sublab=sublab, save_fig=save_fig, name_fig=name_fig, path_fig=path_fig, fmt=fmt, return_dax=return_dax)
[docs] @staticmethod def noise_analysis_scannbs_plot( dnoise_scan=None, ms=None, dax=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, tit=None, sublab=None, save=None, name=None, path=None, fmt=None, ): import tofu.spectro._plot as _plot_spectro return _plot_spectro.plot_noise_analysis_scannbs( dnoise=dnoise_scan, ms=ms, dax=dax, fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, tit=tit, sublab=sublab, save=save, name=name, path=path, fmt=fmt)