Source code for tofu.geom._core

This module is the geometrical part of the ToFu general package
It includes all functions and object classes necessary for tomography
on Tokamaks

# Built-in
import os
import warnings
import copy
import inspect

# Common
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# ToFu-specific
from tofu import __version__ as __version__
import tofu.pathfile as tfpf
import tofu.utils as utils

# test global import else relative
    import tofu.geom._def as _def
    import tofu.geom._GG as _GG
    import tofu.geom._comp as _comp
    import tofu.geom._comp_solidangles as _comp_solidangles
    import tofu.geom._plot as _plot
except Exception:
    from . import _def as _def
    from . import _GG as _GG
    from . import _comp as _comp
    from . import _comp_solidangles
    from . import _plot as _plot

__all__ = [

_arrayorder = "C"
_Clock = False
_Type = "Tor"

# rotate / translate instance

# Parallelization
_RES = 0.005
_DREFLECT = {"specular": 0, "diffusive": 1, "ccube": 2}

# Saving
_COMMENT = '#'

                        Ves class and functions

class Struct(utils.ToFuObject):
    """ A class defining a Linear or Toroidal vaccum vessel (i.e. a 2D polygon
    representing a cross-section and assumed to be linearly or toroidally

    A Ves object is mostly defined by a close 2D polygon, which can be
    understood as a poloidal cross-section in (R,Z) cylindrical coordinates
    if Type='Tor' (toroidal shape) or as a straight cross-section through a
    cylinder in (Y,Z) cartesian coordinates if Type='Lin' (linear shape).
    Attributes such as the surface, the angular volume (if Type='Tor') or the
    center of mass are automatically computed.
    The instance is identified thanks to an attribute Id (which is itself a
    tofu.ID class object) which contains informations on the specific instance
    (name, Type...).

    Id :            str / tfpf.ID
        A name string or a pre-built tfpf.ID class to be used to identify this
        particular instance, if a string is provided, it is fed to tfpf.ID()
    Poly :          np.ndarray
        An array (2,N) or (N,2) defining the contour of the vacuum vessel in a
        cross-section, if not closed, will be closed automatically
    Type :          str
        Flag indicating whether the vessel will be a torus ('Tor') or a linear
        device ('Lin')
    Lim :         list / np.ndarray
        Array or list of len=2 indicating the limits of the linear device
        volume on the x axis
    Sino_RefPt :    None / np.ndarray
        Array specifying a reference point for computing the sinogram (i.e.
        impact parameter), if None automatically set to the (surfacic) center
        of mass of the cross-section
    Sino_NP :       int
        Number of points in [0,2*pi] to be used to plot the vessel sinogram
    Clock :         bool
        Flag indicating whether the input polygon should be made clockwise
        (True) or counter-clockwise (False)
    arrayorder:     str
        Flag indicating whether the attributes of type=np.ndarray (e.g.: Poly)
        should be made C-contiguous ('C') or Fortran-contiguous ('F')
    Exp :           None / str
        Flag indicating which experiment the object corresponds to, allowed
        values are in [None,'AUG','MISTRAL','JET','ITER','TCV','TS','Misc']
    shot :          None / int
        Shot number from which this Ves is usable (in case of change of
    SavePath :      None / str
        If provided, forces the default saving path of the object to the
        provided value

    Ves :        Ves object
        The created Ves object, with all necessary computed attributes and

    # __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    # Fixed (class-wise) dictionary of default properties
    _ddef = {
        "Id": {
            "shot": 0,
            "include": [
        "dgeom": {"Type": "Tor", "Lim": [], "arrayorder": "C"},
        "dsino": {},
        "dphys": {},
        "dreflect": {"Type": "specular"},
        "dmisc": {"color": "k"},
    _dplot = {
        "cross": {
            "Elt": "P",
            "dP": {"color": "k", "lw": 2},
            "dI": {"color": "k", "ls": "--", "marker": "x", "ms": 8, "mew": 2},
            "dBs": {
                "color": "b",
                "ls": "--",
                "marker": "x",
                "ms": 8,
                "mew": 2,
            "dBv": {
                "color": "g",
                "ls": "--",
                "marker": "x",
                "ms": 8,
                "mew": 2,
            "dVect": {"color": "r", "scale": 10},
        "hor": {
            "Elt": "P",
            "dP": {"color": "k", "lw": 2},
            "dI": {"color": "k", "ls": "--"},
            "dBs": {"color": "b", "ls": "--"},
            "dBv": {"color": "g", "ls": "--"},
            "Nstep": 50,
        "3d": {
            "Elt": "P",
            "dP": {
                "color": (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0),
                "rstride": 1,
                "cstride": 1,
                "linewidth": 0.0,
                "antialiased": False,
            "Lim": None,
            "Nstep": 50,
    _DREFLECT_DTYPES = {"specular": 0, "diffusive": 1, "ccube": 2}

    # Does not exist beofre Python 3.6 !!!
    def __init_subclass__(cls, color="k", **kwdargs):
        # Python 2
        super(Struct, cls).__init_subclass__(**kwdargs)
        # Python 3
        # super().__init_subclass__(**kwdargs)
        cls._ddef = copy.deepcopy(Struct._ddef)
        cls._dplot = copy.deepcopy(Struct._dplot)

    def _set_color_ddef(cls, color):
        cls._ddef['dmisc']['color'] = mpl.colors.to_rgba(color)

    def __init__(

        # Create a dplot at instance level
        self._dplot = copy.deepcopy(self.__class__._dplot)

        kwdargs = locals()
        del kwdargs["self"]
        # super()
        super(Struct, self).__init__(**kwdargs)

    def _reset(self):
        # super()
        super(Struct, self)._reset()
        self._dgeom = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dgeom())
        self._dsino = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dsino())
        self._dphys = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dphys())
        self._dreflect = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dreflect())
        self._dmisc = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dmisc())
        # self._dplot = copy.deepcopy(self.__class__._ddef['dplot'])

    def _checkformat_inputs_Id(
        if Id is not None:
            assert isinstance(Id, utils.ID)
            Name, Exp, shot, Type = Id.Name, Id.Exp, Id.shot, Id.Type
        if shot is None:
            shot = cls._ddef["Id"]["shot"]
        if Type is None:
            Type = cls._ddef["dgeom"]["Type"]
        if include is None:
            include = cls._ddef["Id"]["include"]

        dins = {
            "Name": {"var": Name, "cls": str},
            "Exp": {"var": Exp, "cls": str},
            "shot": {"var": shot, "cls": int},
            "Type": {"var": Type, "in": ["Tor", "Lin"]},
            "include": {"var": include, "listof": str},
        dins, err, msg = cls._check_InputsGeneric(dins)
        if err:
            raise Exception(msg)

                "Name": Name,
                "Exp": Exp,
                "shot": shot,
                "Type": Type,
                "include": include,
        return kwdargs

    # Get largs

    def _get_largs_dgeom(sino=True):
        largs = [
        if sino:
            lsino = Struct._get_largs_dsino()
            largs += ["sino_{0}".format(s) for s in lsino]
        return largs

    def _get_largs_dsino():
        largs = ["RefPt", "nP"]
        return largs

    def _get_largs_dphys():
        largs = ["lSymbols"]
        return largs

    def _get_largs_dreflect():
        largs = ["Types", "coefs_reflect"]
        return largs

    def _get_largs_dmisc():
        largs = ["color"]
        return largs

    # Get check and format inputs

    def _checkformat_Lim(Lim, Type="Tor"):
        if Lim is None:
            Lim = np.array([], dtype=float)
            assert hasattr(Lim, "__iter__")
            Lim = np.asarray(Lim, dtype=float)
            assert Lim.ndim in [1, 2]
            if Lim.ndim == 1:
                assert Lim.size in [0, 2]
                if Lim.size == 2:
                    Lim = Lim.reshape((2, 1))
                if Lim.shape[0] != 2:
                    Lim = Lim.T
            if Type == "Lin":
                if not np.all(Lim[0, :] < Lim[1, :]):
                    msg = "All provided Lim must be increasing !"
                    raise Exception(msg)
                Lim = np.arctan2(np.sin(Lim), np.cos(Lim))
            assert np.all(~np.isnan(Lim))
        return Lim

    def _checkformat_posextent(pos, extent, Type="Tor"):
        lC = [pos is None, extent is None]
        if any(lC):
            if not all(lC):
                msg = ""
                raise Exception(msg)
            pos = np.array([], dtype=float)
            extent = np.array([], dtype=float)
            lfloat = [int, float, np.int64, np.float64]
            assert type(pos) in lfloat or hasattr(pos, "__iter__")
            if type(pos) in lfloat:
                pos = np.array([pos], dtype=float)
                pos = np.asarray(pos, dtype=float).ravel()
            if Type == "Tor":
                pos = np.arctan2(np.sin(pos), np.cos(pos))
            assert type(extent) in lfloat or hasattr(extent, "__iter__")
            if type(extent) in lfloat:
                extent = float(extent)
                extent = np.asarray(extent, dtype=float).ravel()
                assert extent.size == pos.size
            if not np.all(extent > 0.0):
                msg = "All provided extent values must be >0 !"
                raise Exception(msg)
            if Type == "Tor":
                if not np.all(extent < 2.0 * np.pi):
                    msg = "Provided extent must be in ]0;2pi[ (radians)!"
                    raise Exception(msg)
            assert np.all(~np.isnan(pos)) and np.all(~np.isnan(extent))
        return pos, extent

    def _get_LimFromPosExtent(pos, extent, Type="Tor"):
        if pos.size > 0:
            Lim = pos[np.newaxis, :] + np.array([[-0.5], [0.5]]) * extent
            if Type == "Tor":
                Lim = np.arctan2(np.sin(Lim), np.cos(Lim))
            Lim = np.asarray([], dtype=float)
        return Lim

    def _get_PosExtentFromLim(Lim, Type="Tor"):
        if Lim.size > 0:
            pos, extent = np.mean(Lim, axis=0), Lim[1, :] - Lim[0, :]
            if Type == "Tor":
                ind = Lim[0, :] > Lim[1, :]
                pos[ind] = pos[ind] + np.pi
                extent[ind] = 2.0 * np.pi + extent[ind]
                pos = np.arctan2(np.sin(pos), np.cos(pos))
                assert np.all(extent > 0.0)
            if np.std(extent) < np.mean(extent) * 1.0e-9:
                extent = np.mean(extent)
            pos = np.array([], dtype=float)
            extent = np.array([], dtype=float)
        return pos, extent

    def _checkformat_inputs_dgeom(
        if arrayorder is None:
            arrayorder = Struct._ddef["dgeom"]["arrayorder"]
        if Type is None:
            Type = Struct._ddef["dgeom"]["Type"]

        dins = {
            "Poly": {
                "var": Poly,
                "iter2array": float,
                "ndim": 2,
                "inshape": 2,
            "Clock": {"var": Clock, "cls": bool},
            "arrayorder": {"var": arrayorder, "in": ["C", "F"]},
            "Type": {"var": Type, "in": ["Tor", "Lin"]},
        dins, err, msg = cls._check_InputsGeneric(dins, tab=0)
        if err:
            raise Exception(msg)
        Poly = dins["Poly"]["var"]
        if Poly.shape[0] != 2:
            Poly = Poly.T

        # --------------------------------------
        # Elimininate any double identical point

        # Treat closed polygons seperately (no warning)
        if np.sum((Poly[:, 0] - Poly[:, -1])**2) < 1.e-12:
            Poly = Poly[:, :-1]

        # Treat other points
        ind = np.sum(np.diff(np.concatenate((Poly, Poly[:, 0:1]), axis=1),
                             axis=1) ** 2, axis=0) < 1.0e-12
        if np.any(ind):
            npts = Poly.shape[1]
            Poly = Poly[:, ~ind]
            msg = (
                "%s instance: double identical points in Poly\n" % cls.__name__
            msg += "  => %s points removed\n" % ind.sum()
            msg += "  => Poly goes from %s to %s points" % (
            ind = np.sum(np.diff(np.concatenate((Poly, Poly[:, 0:1]), axis=1),
                                 axis=1) ** 2, axis=0) < 1.0e-12
            assert not np.any(ind), ind

        lC = [Lim is None, pos is None]
        if not any(lC):
            msg = "Please provide either Lim xor pos/extent pair!\n"
            msg += "Lim should be an array of limits\n"
            msg += (
                "pos should be an array of centers and extent a float / array"
            raise Exception(msg)
        if all(lC):
            pos = np.asarray([], dtype=float)
            extent = np.asarray([], dtype=float)
            # Lim = np.asarray([],dtype=float)
        elif lC[0]:
            pos, extent = cls._checkformat_posextent(pos, extent, Type)
            # Lim = cls._get_LimFromPosExtent(pos, extent, Type)
            Lim = cls._checkformat_Lim(Lim, Type)
            pos, extent = cls._get_PosExtentFromLim(Lim, Type)

        return Poly, pos, extent, Type, arrayorder

    def _checkformat_inputs_dsino(self, RefPt=None, nP=None):
        assert type(nP) is int and nP > 0
        assert RefPt is None or hasattr(RefPt, "__iter__")
        if RefPt is None:
            RefPt = self._dgeom["BaryS"]
        RefPt = np.asarray(RefPt, dtype=float).flatten()
        assert RefPt.size == 2, "RefPt must be of size=2 !"
        return RefPt

    def _checkformat_inputs_dphys(lSymbols=None):
        if lSymbols is not None:
            assert type(lSymbols) in [list, str]
            if type(lSymbols) is list:
                assert all([type(ss) is str for ss in lSymbols])
                lSymbols = [lSymbols]
            lSymbols = np.asarray(lSymbols, dtype=str)
        return lSymbols

    def _checkformat_inputs_dreflect(self, Types=None, coefs_reflect=None):
        if Types is None:
            Types = self._ddef["dreflect"]["Type"]

        assert type(Types) in [str, np.ndarray]
        if type(Types) is str:
            assert Types in self._DREFLECT_DTYPES.keys()
            Types = np.full(
                (self.nseg + 2,), self._DREFLECT_DTYPES[Types], dtype=int
            Types = Types.astype(int).ravel()
            assert Types.shape == (self.nseg + 2,)
            Typesu = np.unique(Types)
            lc = np.array([Typesu == vv
                           for vv in self._DREFLECT_DTYPES.values()])
            assert np.all(np.any(lc, axis=0))

        assert coefs_reflect is None
        return Types, coefs_reflect

    def _checkformat_inputs_dmisc(cls, color=None):
        if color is None:
            color = mpl.colors.to_rgba(cls._ddef["dmisc"]["color"])
        assert mpl.colors.is_color_like(color)
        return tuple(np.array(mpl.colors.to_rgba(color), dtype=float))

    # Get keys of dictionnaries

    def _get_keys_dgeom():
        lk = [
        return lk

    def _get_keys_dsino():
        lk = ["RefPt", "nP", "EnvTheta", "EnvMinMax"]
        return lk

    def _get_keys_dphys():
        lk = ["lSymbols"]
        return lk

    def _get_keys_dreflect():
        lk = ["Types", "coefs_reflect"]
        return lk

    def _get_keys_dmisc():
        lk = ["color"]
        return lk

    # _init

    def _init(
        allkwds = dict(locals(), **kwdargs)
        largs = self._get_largs_dgeom(sino=True)
        kwdgeom = self._extract_kwdargs(allkwds, largs)
        largs = self._get_largs_dphys()
        kwdphys = self._extract_kwdargs(allkwds, largs)
        largs = self._get_largs_dreflect()
        kwdreflect = self._extract_kwdargs(allkwds, largs)
        largs = self._get_largs_dmisc()
        kwdmisc = self._extract_kwdargs(allkwds, largs)
        self._dstrip["strip"] = 0

    # set dictionaries

    def _set_dgeom(
        out = self._checkformat_inputs_dgeom(
        Poly, pos, extent, Type, arrayorder = out
        dgeom = _comp._Struct_set_Poly(
        dgeom["arrayorder"] = arrayorder
        if sino:
            self.set_dsino(sino_RefPt, nP=sino_nP)

    def set_dsino(self, RefPt=None, nP=_def.TorNP):
        RefPt = self._checkformat_inputs_dsino(RefPt=RefPt, nP=nP)
        EnvTheta, EnvMinMax = _GG.Sino_ImpactEnv(
            RefPt, self.Poly_closed, NP=nP, Test=False
        self._dsino = {
            "RefPt": RefPt,
            "nP": nP,
            "EnvTheta": EnvTheta,
            "EnvMinMax": EnvMinMax,

    def set_dphys(self, lSymbols=None):
        lSymbols = self._checkformat_inputs_dphys(lSymbols)
        self._dphys["lSymbols"] = lSymbols

    def set_dreflect(self, Types=None, coefs_reflect=None):
        Types, coefs_reflect = self._checkformat_inputs_dreflect(
            Types=Types, coefs_reflect=coefs_reflect
        self._dreflect["Types"] = Types
        self._dreflect["coefs_reflect"] = coefs_reflect

    def _set_color(self, color=None):
        color = self._checkformat_inputs_dmisc(color=color)
        self._dmisc["color"] = color
        self._dplot["cross"]["dP"]["color"] = color
        self._dplot["hor"]["dP"]["color"] = color
        self._dplot["3d"]["dP"]["color"] = color

    def _set_dmisc(self, color=None):

    # strip dictionaries

    def _strip_dgeom(
        lkeep=["Poly", "pos", "extent", "Clock", "arrayorder",
               "move", "move_param", "move_kwdargs"]
        utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dgeom, lkeep=lkeep)

    def _strip_dsino(self, lkeep=["RefPt", "nP"]):
        utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dsino, lkeep=lkeep)

    def _strip_dphys(self, lkeep=["lSymbols"]):
        utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dphys, lkeep=lkeep)

    def _strip_dreflect(self, lkeep=["Types", "coefs_reflect"]):
        utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dreflect, lkeep=lkeep)

    def _strip_dmisc(self, lkeep=["color"]):
        utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dmisc, lkeep=lkeep)

    # rebuild dictionaries

    def _rebuild_dgeom(
        lkeep=["Poly", "pos", "extent", "Clock", "arrayorder"]
        reset = utils.ToFuObject._test_Rebuild(self._dgeom, lkeep=lkeep)
        if reset:
                self._dgeom, lkeep=lkeep, dname="dgeom"

    def _rebuild_dsino(self, lkeep=["RefPt", "nP"]):
        reset = utils.ToFuObject._test_Rebuild(self._dsino, lkeep=lkeep)
        if reset:
                self._dsino, lkeep=lkeep, dname="dsino"
            self.set_dsino(RefPt=self.dsino["RefPt"], nP=self.dsino["nP"])

    def _rebuild_dphys(self, lkeep=["lSymbols"]):
        reset = utils.ToFuObject._test_Rebuild(self._dphys, lkeep=lkeep)
        if reset:
                self._dphys, lkeep=lkeep, dname="dphys"

    def _rebuild_dreflect(self, lkeep=["Types", "coefs_reflect"]):
        reset = utils.ToFuObject._test_Rebuild(self._dreflect, lkeep=lkeep)
        if reset:
                self._dreflect, lkeep=lkeep, dname="dreflect"

    def _rebuild_dmisc(self, lkeep=["color"]):
        reset = utils.ToFuObject._test_Rebuild(self._dmisc, lkeep=lkeep)
        if reset:
                self._dmisc, lkeep=lkeep, dname="dmisc"

    # _strip and get/from dict

    def _strip_init(cls):
        cls._dstrip["allowed"] = [0, 1, 2]
        nMax = max(cls._dstrip["allowed"])
        doc = """
                 1: Remove dsino expendables
                 2: Remove also dgeom, dphys, dreflect and dmisc expendables"""
        doc = utils.ToFuObjectBase.strip.__doc__.format(doc, nMax)
        cls.strip.__doc__ = doc

    def strip(self, strip=0):
        # super()
        super(Struct, self).strip(strip=strip)

    def _strip(self, strip=0):
        if strip == 0:
        elif strip == 1:

    def _to_dict(self):
        dout = {
            "dgeom": {"dict": self.dgeom, "lexcept": None},
            "dsino": {"dict": self.dsino, "lexcept": None},
            "dphys": {"dict": self.dphys, "lexcept": None},
            "dreflect": {"dict": self.dreflect, "lexcept": None},
            "dmisc": {"dict": self.dmisc, "lexcept": None},
            "dplot": {"dict": self._dplot, "lexcept": None},
        return dout

    def _from_dict(self, fd):
        if "dplot" in fd.keys():

    # Properties

    def Type(self):
        """Return the type of structure """
        return self._Id.Type

    def dgeom(self):
        return self._dgeom

    def Poly(self):
        """Return the polygon defining the structure cross-section"""
        return self._dgeom["Poly"]

    def Poly_closed(self):
        """ Returned the closed polygon """
        return np.hstack((self._dgeom["Poly"], self._dgeom["Poly"][:, 0:1]))

    def nseg(self):
        """ Retunr the number of segmnents constituting the closed polygon """
        return self._dgeom["Poly"].shape[1]

    def pos(self):
        return self._dgeom["pos"]

    def extent(self):
        if hasattr(self._dgeom["extent"], "__iter__"):
            extent = self._dgeom["extent"]
            extent = np.full(self._dgeom["pos"].shape, self._dgeom["extent"])
        return extent

    def noccur(self):
        return self._dgeom["noccur"]

    def Lim(self):
        Lim = self._get_LimFromPosExtent(
            self._dgeom["pos"], self._dgeom["extent"], Type=self.Id.Type
        return Lim.T

    def dsino(self):
        return self._dsino

    def dphys(self):
        return self._dphys

    def dreflect(self):
        return self._dreflect

    def dmisc(self):
        return self._dmisc

    # public methods

    def get_summary(
        sep="  ",
        """ Summary description of the object content """

        # -----------------------
        # Build detailed view
        col0 = [
        ar0 = [
        if self._dgeom["move"] is not None:
            col0 += ['move', 'param']
            ar0 += [self._dgeom["move"],
                    str(round(self._dgeom["move_param"], ndigits=4))]
        cstr = ('('
                + ', '.join(['{:4.2}'.format(cc)
                             for cc in self._dmisc["color"]])
                + ')')

        return self._get_summary(

    # public methods for movement

    def _update_or_copy(self, poly,
                        return_copy=None, name=None):
        if update_extent is None:
            update_extent = _UPDATE_EXTENT
        if return_copy is None:
            return_copy = _RETURN_COPY
        extent = self.extent
        if update_extent is True:
            if extent is not None:
                ratio = np.nanmin(poly[0, :]) / np.nanmin(self.Poly[0, :])
                extent = extent*ratio
        if pos is None:
            pos = self.pos
        if return_copy is True:
            if name is None:
                name = self.Id.Name + 'copy'
            return self.__class__(Poly=poly,
                                  extent=extent, pos=pos,
            self._set_dgeom(poly, pos=pos, extent=extent,

    def translate_in_cross_section(self, distance=None, direction_rz=None,
                                   return_copy=None, name=None):
        """ Translate the structure in the poloidal plane """
        poly = self._translate_pts_poloidal_plane_2D(
            direction_rz=direction_rz, distance=distance)
        return self._update_or_copy(poly, update_extent=update_extent,
                                    return_copy=return_copy, name=name)

    def rotate_in_cross_section(self, angle=None, axis_rz=None,
                                return_copy=None, name=None):
        """ Rotate the structure in the poloidal plane """
        poly = self._rotate_pts_vectors_in_poloidal_plane_2D(
            axis_rz=axis_rz, angle=angle)
        return self._update_or_copy(poly, update_extent=update_extent,
                                    return_copy=return_copy, name=name)

    def rotate_around_torusaxis(self, angle=None,
                                return_copy=None, name=None):
        """ Rotate the structure in the poloidal plane """
        if self.Id.Type != 'Tor':
            msg = "Movement only available for Tor configurations!"
            raise Exception(msg)
        pos = self.pos
        if pos is not None:
            pos = pos + angle
        return self._update_or_copy(self.Poly, pos=pos,
                                    return_copy=return_copy, name=name)

    def set_move(self, move=None, param=None, **kwdargs):
        """ Set the default movement parameters

        A default movement can be set for the instance, it can be any of the
        pre-implemented movement (rotations or translations)
        This default movement is the one that will be called when using

        Specify the type of movement via the name of the method (passed as a
        str to move)

        Specify, for the geometry of the instance at the time of defining this
        default movement, the current value of the associated movement
        parameter (angle / distance). This is used to set an arbitrary
        difference for user who want to use absolute position values
        The desired incremental movement to be performed when calling self.move
        will be deduced by substracting the stored param value to the provided
        param value. Just set the current param value to 0 if you don't care
        about a custom absolute reference.

        kwdargs must be a parameters relevant to the chosen method (axis,

                          axis=([0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.]))
        move, param, kwdargs = self._checkformat_set_move(move, param, kwdargs)
        self._dgeom['move'] = move
        self._dgeom['move_param'] = param
        if isinstance(kwdargs, dict) and len(kwdargs) == 0:
            kwdargs = None
        self._dgeom['move_kwdargs'] = kwdargs

    def move(self, param):
        """ Set new position to desired param according to default movement

        Can only be used if default movement was set before
        See self.set_move()
        param = self._move(param, dictname='_dgeom')
        self._dgeom['move_param'] = param

    # Other public methods

    def set_color(self, col):

    def get_color(self):
        return self._dmisc["color"]

    def isInside(self, pts, In="(X,Y,Z)"):
        """ Return an array of booleans indicating whether each point lies
        inside the Struct volume

        Tests for each point whether it lies inside the Struct object.
        The points coordinates can be provided in 2D or 3D
        You must specify which coordinate system is used with 'In' kwdarg.
        An array of boolean flags is returned.

        pts :   np.ndarray
            (2,N) or (3,N) array, coordinates of the points to be tested
        In :    str
            Flag indicating the coordinate system in which pts are provided
            e.g.: '(X,Y,Z)' or '(R,Z)'

        ind :   np.ndarray
            (N,) array of booleans, True if a point is inside the volume

        if self._dgeom["noccur"] > 0:
            ind = _GG._Ves_isInside(
            ind = _GG._Ves_isInside(
        return ind

    def get_InsideConvexPoly(
        """ Return a polygon that is a smaller and smoothed approximation of
        Ves.Poly, useful for excluding the divertor region in a Tokamak

        For some uses, it can be practical to approximate the polygon defining
        the Ves object (which can be non-convex, like with a divertor), by a
        simpler, sligthly smaller and convex polygon.
        This method provides a fast solution for computing such a proxy.

        RelOff :    float
            Fraction by which an homothetic polygon should be reduced
        ZLim :      None / str / tuple
            Flag indicating what limits shall be put to the height of the
            polygon (used for excluding divertor)
        Spline :    bool
            Flag indiating whether the reduced and truncated polygon shall be
            smoothed by 2D b-spline curves
        Splprms :   list
            List of 3 parameters to be used for the smoothing
            [weights,smoothness,b-spline order], fed to
        NP :        int
            Number of points to be used to define the smoothed polygon
        Plot :      bool
            Flag indicating whether the result shall be plotted for visual
        Test :      bool
            Flag indicating whether the inputs should be tested for conformity

        Poly :      np.ndarray
            (2,N) polygon resulting from homothetic transform, truncating and
            optional smoothingop

        return _comp._Ves_get_InsideConvexPoly(

    def get_sampleEdge(
        """ Sample the polygon edges, with resolution res

        Sample each segment of the 2D polygon
        Sampling can be limited to a domain
        if res is None:
            res = _RES
        return _comp._Ves_get_sampleEdge(

    def get_sampleCross(
        """ Sample, with resolution res, the 2D cross-section

        The sampling domain can be limited by domain or ind

        Depending on the value of mode, the method returns:
            - 'flat': (tuned for integrals computing)
                pts   : (2,npts) array of points coordinates
                dS    : (npts,) array of surfaces
                ind   : (npts,) array of integer indices
                reseff: (2,) array of effective resolution (R and Z)
            - 'imshow' : (tuned for imshow plotting)
                pts : (2,n1,n2) array of points coordinates
                x1  : (n1,) vector of unique x1 coordinates
                x2  : (n2,) vector of unique x2 coordinates
                extent : the extent to be fed to mpl.pyplot.imshow()

        if res is None:
            res = _RES
        args = [
        kwdargs = dict(
            res=res, domain=domain, resMode=resMode, ind=ind,
            margin=1.0e-9, mode=mode
        return _comp._Ves_get_sampleCross(*args, **kwdargs)

    def get_sampleS(
        """ Sample, with resolution res, the surface defined by domain or ind

        An optionnal offset perpendicular to the surface can be used
        (offsetIn>0 => inwards)

        res     :   float / list of 2 floats
            Desired resolution of the surfacic sample
                float   : same resolution for all directions of the sample
                list    : [dl,dXPhi] where:
                    dl      : res. along polygon contours (cross-section)
                    dXPhi   : res. along axis (toroidal/linear direction)
        domain :    None / list of 3 lists of 2 floats
            Limits of the domain in which the sample should be computed
                None : whole surface of the object
                list : [D1, D2, D3], where Di is a len()=2 list
                       (increasing floats, setting limits along coordinate i)
                    [DR, DZ, DPhi]: in toroidal geometry (self.Id.Type=='Tor')
                    [DX, DY, DZ]  : in linear geometry (self.Id.Type=='Lin')
        resMode  :   str
            Flag, specifies if res is absolute or relative to element sizes
                'abs'   :   res is an absolute distance
                'rel'   :   if res=0.1, each polygon segment is divided in 10,
                            as is the toroidal/linear length
        ind     :   None / np.ndarray of int
            If provided, DS is ignored and the sample points corresponding to
            the provided indices are returned
            Example (assuming obj is a Ves object)
                > # We create a 5x5 cm2 sample of the whole surface
                > pts, dS, ind, reseff = obj.get_sample(0.05)
                > # Perform operations, save only the points indices
                > # (save space)
                > ...
                > # Retrieve the points from their indices (requires same res)
                > pts2, dS2, ind2, reseff2 = obj.get_sample(0.05, ind=ind)
                > np.allclose(pts,pts2)
        offsetIn:   float
            Offset distance from the actual surface of the object
            Inwards if positive
            Useful to avoid numerical errors
        returnas:   str
            Flag indicating the coordinate system of returned points
            e.g. : '(X,Y,Z)' or '(R,Z,Phi)'
        Ind     :   None / iterable of ints
            Array of indices of the entities to be considered
            (only when multiple entities, i.e.: self.nLim>1)

        pts     :   np.ndarray / list of np.ndarrays
            Sample points coordinates, as a (3,N) array.
            A list is returned if the object has multiple entities
        dS      :   np.ndarray / list of np.ndarrays
            The surface (in m^2) associated to each point
        ind     :   np.ndarray / list of np.ndarrays
            The index of each point
        reseff  :   np.ndarray / list of np.ndarrays
            Effective resolution in both directions after sample computation
        if Ind is not None:
            assert self.dgeom["Multi"]
        if res is None:
            res = _RES
        kwdargs = dict(
        return _comp._Ves_get_sampleS(self.Poly, **kwdargs)

    def get_sampleV(
        """ Sample, with resolution res, the volume defined by domain or ind

        The 3D volume is sampled in:
            - the whole volume (domain=None and ind=None)
            - a sub-domain defined by bounds on each coordinates (domain)
            - a pre-computed subdomain stored in indices (ind)

        The coordinatesd of the center of each volume elements are returned as
        pts in choosen coordinates (returnas)

        For a torus, the elementary volume is kept constant, meaning that the
        toroidal angular step is decreased as R increases

        res     :   float / list of 3 floats
            Desired resolution of the surfacic sample
                float   : same resolution for all directions of the sample
                list    : [dYR, dZ, dXPhi] where:
                    dYR     : res. along in radial / Y direction
                    dZ      : res. along Z direction
                    dXPhi   : res. along axis (toroidal/linear direction)
        domain :    None / list of 3 lists of 2 floats
            Limits of the domain in which the sample should be computed
                None : whole surface of the object
                list : [D1, D2, D3], where Di is a len()=2 list
                       (increasing floats, setting limits along coordinate i)
                    [DR, DZ, DPhi]: in toroidal geometry (self.Id.Type=='Tor')
                    [DX, DY, DZ]  : in linear geometry (self.Id.Type=='Lin')
        resMode  :   str
            Flag, specifies if res is absolute or relative to element sizes
                'abs'   :   res is an absolute distance
                'rel'   :   if res=0.1, each polygon segment is divided in 10,
                            as is the toroidal/linear length
        ind     :   None / np.ndarray of int
            If provided, DS is ignored and the sample points corresponding to
            the provided indices are returned
            Example (assuming obj is a Ves object)
                > # We create a 5x5 cm2 sample of the whole surface
                > pts, dS, ind, reseff = obj.get_sample(0.05)
                > # Perform operations, save only the points indices
                > # (save space)
                > ...
                > # Retrieve the points from their indices (requires same res)
                > pts2, dS2, ind2, reseff2 = obj.get_sample(0.05, ind=ind)
                > np.allclose(pts,pts2)
        returnas:   str
            Flag indicating the coordinate system of returned points
            e.g. : '(X,Y,Z)' or '(R,Z,Phi)'
        Ind     :   None / iterable of ints
            Array of indices of the entities to be considered
            (only when multiple entities, i.e.: self.nLim>1)

        pts     :   np.ndarray / list of np.ndarrays
            Sample points coordinates, as a (3,N) array.
            A list is returned if the object has multiple entities
        dV      :   np.ndarray / list of np.ndarrays
            The volume (in m^3) associated to each point
        ind     :   np.ndarray / list of np.ndarrays
            The index of each point
        reseff  :   np.ndarray / list of np.ndarrays
            Effective resolution in both directions after sample computation

        args = [
        kwdargs = dict(
        return _comp._Ves_get_sampleV(*args, **kwdargs)

    def _get_phithetaproj(self, refpt=None):
        # Prepare ax
        if refpt is None:
            msg = "Please provide refpt (R,Z)"
            raise Exception(msg)
        refpt = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(refpt))
        assert refpt.shape == (2,)
        return _comp._Struct_get_phithetaproj(
            refpt, self.Poly, self.Lim, self.noccur

    def _get_phithetaproj_dist(
        self, refpt=None, ntheta=None, nphi=None, theta=None, phi=None
        # Prepare ax
        if refpt is None:
            msg = "Please provide refpt (R,Z)"
            raise Exception(msg)
        refpt = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(refpt))
        assert refpt.shape == (2,)

        # Prepare theta and phi
        if theta is None and ntheta is None:
            nphi = _PHITHETAPROJ_NTHETA
        lc = [ntheta is None, theta is None]
        if np.sum(lc) != 1:
            msg = "Please provide either ntheta xor a theta vector !"
            raise Exception(msg)
        if theta is None:
            theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, ntheta, endpoint=True)

        if phi is None and nphi is None:
            nphi = _PHITHETAPROJ_NPHI
        lc = [nphi is None, phi is None]
        if np.sum(lc) != 1:
            msg = "Please provide either nphi xor a phi vector !"
            raise Exception(msg)
        if phi is None:
            phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nphi, endpoint=True)

        # Get limits
        out = _comp._Struct_get_phithetaproj(
            refpt, self.Poly_closed, self.Lim, self.noccur
        nDphi, Dphi, nDtheta, Dtheta = out

        # format inputs
        theta = np.atleast_1d(np.ravel(theta))
        theta = np.arctan2(np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta))
        phi = np.atleast_1d(np.ravel(phi))
        phi = np.arctan2(np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi))
        ntheta, nphi = theta.size, phi.size

        dist = np.full((ntheta, nphi), np.nan)

        # Get dist
        dist_theta, indphi = _comp._get_phithetaproj_dist(
        dist[:, indphi] = dist_theta[:, None]

        return dist, nDphi, Dphi, nDtheta, Dtheta

    def _get_reflections_ufromTypes(u, vperp, Types):
        indspec = Types == 0
        inddiff = Types == 1
        indcorn = Types == 2

        # Get reflected unit vectors
        u2 = np.full(u.shape, np.nan)
        if np.any(np.logical_or(indspec, inddiff)):
            vpar = np.array(
                    vperp[1, :] * u[2, :] - vperp[2, :] * u[1, :],
                    vperp[2, :] * u[0, :] - vperp[0, :] * u[2, :],
                    vperp[0, :] * u[1, :] - vperp[1, :] * u[0, :],
            vpar = np.array(
                    vpar[1, :] * vperp[2, :] - vpar[2, :] * vperp[1, :],
                    vpar[2, :] * vperp[0, :] - vpar[0, :] * vperp[2, :],
                    vpar[0, :] * vperp[1, :] - vpar[1, :] * vperp[0, :],
            vpar = vpar / np.sqrt(np.sum(vpar ** 2, axis=0))[None, :]

            if np.any(indspec):
                # Compute u2 for specular
                sca = np.sum(
                    u[:, indspec] * vperp[:, indspec], axis=0, keepdims=True
                sca2 = np.sum(
                    u[:, indspec] * vpar[:, indspec], axis=0, keepdims=True
                assert np.all(sca <= 0.0) and np.all(sca >= -1.0)
                assert np.all(sca2 >= 0.0) and np.all(sca <= 1.0)
                u2[:, indspec] = (
                    -sca * vperp[:, indspec] + sca2 * vpar[:, indspec]

            if np.any(inddiff):
                # Compute u2 for diffusive
                sca = 2.0 * (np.random.random((1, inddiff.sum())) - 0.5)
                u2[:, inddiff] = (
                    np.sqrt(1.0 - sca**2) * vperp[:, inddiff]
                    + sca * vpar[:, inddiff]

        if np.any(indcorn):
            u2[:, indcorn] = -u[:, indcorn]
        return u2

    def get_reflections(self, indout2, u=None, vperp=None):
        """ Return the reflected unit vectors from input unit vectors and vperp

        The reflected unit vector depends on the incoming LOS (u),
        the local normal unit vector (vperp), and the polygon segment hit
        Future releases: dependence on lambda

        Also return per-LOS reflection Types (0:specular, 1:diffusive, 2:ccube)


        # Get per-LOS reflection Types and associated indices
        Types = self._dreflect["Types"][indout2]
        u2 = None
        if u is not None:
            assert vperp is not None
            u2 = self._get_reflections_ufromTypes(u, vperp, Types)
        return Types, u2

    def plot(
        """ Plot the polygon defining the vessel, in chosen projection

        Generic method for plotting the Ves object
        The projections to be plotted, the elements to plot can be specified
        Dictionaries of properties for each elements can also be specified
        If an ax is not provided a default one is created.

        Lax :       list or plt.Axes
            The axes to be used for plotting
            Provide a list of 2 axes if proj='All'
            If None a new figure with axes is created
        proj :      str
            Flag specifying the kind of projection
                - 'Cross' : cross-section projection
                - 'Hor' : horizontal projection
                - 'All' : both
                - '3d' : a 3d matplotlib plot
        element :   str
            Flag specifying which elements to plot
            Each capital letter corresponds to an element:
                * 'P': polygon
                * 'I': point used as a reference for impact parameters
                * 'Bs': (surfacic) center of mass
                * 'Bv': (volumic) center of mass for Tor type
                * 'V': vector pointing inward perpendicular to each segment
        dP :        dict / None
            Dict of properties for plotting the polygon
            Fed to plt.Axes.plot() or plt.plot_surface() if proj='3d'
        dI :        dict / None
            Dict of properties for plotting point 'I' in Cross-section
        dIHor :     dict / None
            Dict of properties for plotting point 'I' in horizontal projection
        dBs :       dict / None
            Dict of properties for plotting point 'Bs' in Cross-section
        dBsHor :    dict / None
            Dict of properties for plotting point 'Bs' in horizontal projection
        dBv :       dict / None
            Dict of properties for plotting point 'Bv' in Cross-section
        dBvHor :    dict / None
            Dict of properties for plotting point 'Bv' in horizontal projection
        dVect :     dict / None
            Dict of properties for plotting point 'V' in cross-section
        dLeg :      dict / None
            Dict of properties for plotting the legend, fed to plt.legend()
            The legend is not plotted if None
        Lim :       list or tuple
            Array of a lower and upper limit of angle (rad.) or length for
            plotting the '3d' proj
        Nstep :     int
            Number of points for sampling in ignorable coordinate (toroidal
            angle or length)
        draw :      bool
            Flag indicating whether the fig.canvas.draw() shall be called
        a4 :        bool
            Flag indicating whether the figure should be plotted in a4
            dimensions for printing
        Test :      bool
            Flag indicating whether the inputs should be tested for conformity

        La          list / plt.Axes
            Handles of the axes used for plotting (list if several axes where

        kwdargs = locals()
        lout = ["self"]
        for k in lout:
            del kwdargs[k]
        return _plot.Struct_plot(self, **kwdargs)

    def plot_sino(
        """ Plot the sinogram of the vessel polygon, by computing its envelopp
        in a cross-section, can also plot a 3D version of it.

        The envelop of the polygon is computed using self.Sino_RefPt as a
        reference point in projection space,
        and plotted using the provided dictionary of properties.
        Optionaly a small sketch can be included illustrating how the angle
        and the impact parameters are defined (if the axes is not provided).

        proj :      str
            Flag indicating whether to plot a classic sinogram ('Cross') from
            the vessel cross-section (assuming 2D)
            or an extended 3D version '3d' of it with additional angle
        ax   :      None or plt.Axes
            The axes on which the plot should be done, if None a new figure
            and axes is created
        Ang  :      str
            Flag indicating which angle to use for the impact parameter, the
            angle of the line itself (xi) or of its impact parameter (theta)
        AngUnit :   str
            Flag for the angle units to be displayed, 'rad' for radians or
            'deg' for degrees
        Sketch :    bool
            Flag indicating whether a small skecth showing the definitions of
            angles 'theta' and 'xi' should be included or not
        Pdict :     dict
            Dictionary of properties used for plotting the polygon envelopp,
            fed to plt.plot() if proj='Cross' and to plt.plot_surface()
            if proj='3d'
        LegDict :   None or dict
            Dictionary of properties used for plotting the legend, fed to
            plt.legend(), the legend is not plotted if None
        draw :      bool
            Flag indicating whether the fig.canvas.draw() shall be called
        a4 :        bool
            Flag indicating whether the figure should be plotted in a4
            dimensions for printing
        Test :      bool
            Flag indicating whether the inputs shall be tested for conformity

        ax :        plt.Axes
            The axes used to plot

        if Test:
            msg = "The impact parameters must be set ! (self.set_dsino())"
            assert not self.dsino["RefPt"] is None, msg

        # Only plot cross sino, from version 1.4.0
        dP = _def.TorPFilld if dP is None else dP
        ax = _plot.Plot_Impact_PolProjPoly(
        # else:
        # Pdict = _def.TorP3DFilld if Pdict is None else Pdict
        # ax = _plot.Plot_Impact_3DPoly(self, ax=ax, Ang=Ang, AngUnit=AngUnit,
        # Pdict=Pdict, dLeg=LegDict, draw=False,
        # fs=fs, wintit=wintit, Test=Test)
        if draw:
        return ax

    def save_to_txt(
        include=["Mod", "Cls", "Exp", "Name"],
        """ Save the basic geometrical attributes only (polygon and pos/extent)

        The attributes are saved to a txt file with chosen encoding
        Usefu for easily sharing input with non-python users

        BEWARE: doesn't save all attributes !!!
        Only saves the basic geometrical inputs !!!
        Not equivalent to full tofu save (using !!!

        The saving convention is:
            * data is saved on 2 columns
            * The first line gives 2 numbers: nP, no
                - nP = Number of points in the polygon
                (i.e.: the number of following lines describing the polygon)
                - no = Number of occurences (toroidal if in toroidal geometry)
                (i.e.: the nb. of pos/extent lines after the first nP lines)
            * Hence, the data is a 2D array of shape (1 + nP + no, 2)
            * The two columns of the nP lines describing the polygon represent:
                - 1st: R (resp. Y) coordinate of polygon points
                - 2nd: Z (resp. Z) coordinate of polygon points
            * The two columns of the no lines representing the occurences are:
                - 1st: pos, the tor. angle (resp. X) center of occurences
                - 2nd: extent, the tor. angle (resp. X) extension of occurences

        Hence, the polygon and pos/extent of the object can be retrieved with:
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> out = np.loadtxt(filename)
        >>> nP, no = out[0,:]
        >>> poly = out[1:1+nP,:]
        >>> pos, extent = out[1+nP:,0], out[1+nP:,1]

        All parameters apart from path, name and include are fed to

        path:   None / str
            The path where to save the file
            If None -> self.Id.SavePath
        name:   None / str
            The name to use for the saved file
            If None -> self.Id.SaveName(include)
        include:    list
            List of attributes of to be used to built the default saving name
            Fed to tf.utils.ID.generate_SaveName()
            Recommended: ['Mod','Cls','Exp','Name']

        # Check inputs
        if name is None:
            name = self.Id.generate_SaveName(include)
        if path is None:
            path = self.Id.SavePath
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        if fmt is None:
            fmt = 'txt'
        lfmtok = ['txt', 'csv']
        if fmt not in lfmtok:
            msg = ("The only accpedted formats are: {}".format(lfmtok))
            raise Exception(msg)
        pfe = os.path.join(path, '{}.{}'.format(name, fmt))
        if delimiter is None:
            if fmt == 'txt':
                delimiter = ' '
                delimiter = ', '

        nPno = np.r_[self.Poly.shape[1], self.noccur]
        poly = self.Poly.T
        posext = np.vstack((self.pos, self.extent)).T
        out = np.vstack((nPno, poly, posext))

        # default standards
        newline = "\n"
        comments = _COMMENT
        header = " Cls = {}\n Exp = {}\n Name = {}".format(

        kwds = dict(
        if "encoding" in inspect.signature(np.savetxt).parameters:
            kwds["encoding"] = encoding
        np.savetxt(pfe, out, **kwds)
        if verb:
            print("save_to_txt in:\n", pfe)
        if return_pfe:
            return pfe

    def from_txt(
        """ Return the polygon and pos/extent stored in a .txt or .csv file

        The file must have been generated by method save_to_txt() (resp. csv)
        All arguments appart from pfe and returnas are:
            - fed to the relevant tofu.geom.Struct subclass to instanciate it
            - used only if returnas = 'object'

        pfe:    str
            Unique string containing the path and file name to be read
            The file must be formatted as if generated by self.save_to_txt():
                - Must contain a (N,2) array
                - Line 0 must contain 2 integers:
                    - npts : the nb. of points of the polygon
                    - noccur : the nb. of occurences (=0 if axisymmetric)
                - Hence the number of lines hould be N = npts + noccur + 1
                - Lines 1:npts+1 contain the polygon points
                - Lines npts+1: contain positions and extent of each occurence
        returnas:    str
            Flag indicating whether to return:
               - 'dict'  : a dictionnary of np.ndarrays
               - 'object': a tofu.geom.Struct subclass, using the other kwdargs
        warn:       None / bool
            Whether to raise a warning if the formatting of the file is

        obj:    tf.geom.Struct sublass instance  / dict
            Depending on the value of returnas, obj can be:
                - An instance of the relevant tofu.geom.Struct subclass
                - A dict with keys 'poly', 'pos' and 'extent'

        # Check inputs
        if returnas not in [object, 'object', dict, 'dict']:
            msg = ("Arg returnas must be either:"
                   + "\t- 'object': return {} instance\n".format(cls.__name__)
                   + "\t- 'dict' : return a dict with polygon, pos and extent")
            raise Exception(msg)
        if pfe[-4:] not in ['.txt', '.csv']:
            msg = ("Only accepts .txt and .csv files (fed to np.loadtxt) !\n"
                   + "\t file: {}".format(pfe))
            raise Exception(msg)
        if warn is None:
            warn = True

        if delimiter is None:
            if pfe.endswith('.csv'):
                delimiter = ', '
                delimiter = None
        if comments is None:
            comments = _COMMENT

        # Extract polygon from file and check
        oo = np.loadtxt(pfe, delimiter=delimiter, comments=comments)
        if not (oo.ndim == 2 and oo.shape[1] == 2):
            msg = ("The file should contain a (N,2) array !\n"
                   + "  \t file : {}\n".format(pfe)
                   + "\t shape: {0}".format(oo.shape))
            raise Exception(msg)

        c0 = oo[0, 0] == int(oo[0, 0]) and oo[0, 1] == int(oo[0, 1])
        if not c0:
            # assume noccur = 0
            npts, noccur = oo.shape[0], 0
            poly = oo
            c1 = oo.shape == (oo[0, 0] + oo[0, 1] + 1, 2)
            if c1 is True:
                npts, noccur = int(oo[0, 0]), int(oo[0, 1])
                poly = oo[1:1 + npts, :]
                npts, noccur = oo.shape[0], 0
                poly = oo
                if warn is True:
                    sha = (oo[0, 0] + oo[0, 1] + 1, 2)
                    shastr = '({0} + {1} + 1, 2)'.format(oo[0, 0], oo[0, 1])
                    msg = ("The shape of the array is not as expected!\n"
                           + "\tfile: {}\n".format(pfe)
                           + "\tExpected shape: {0} = {1}".format(sha, shastr)
                           + "\tObserved shape: {0}".format(oo.shape))

        if noccur > 0:
            pos, extent = oo[1 + npts:, 0], oo[1 + npts:, 1]
            pos, extent = None, None

        # Try reading Exp and Name if not provided
        lc = [ss for ss, vv in [('Exp', Exp), ('Name', Name)] if vv is None]
        if len(lc) > 0:
            dparam = utils.from_txt_extract_params(pfe, lc)
            if 'Exp' in lc:
                Exp = dparam['Exp']
            if 'Name' in lc:
                Name = dparam['Name']

        # Return
        if returnas in [dict, 'dict']:
            return {'Name': Name, 'Exp': Exp, 'Cls': cls,
                    "poly": poly, "pos": pos, "extent": extent}
            SavePath = os.path.abspath(SavePath)
            obj = cls(
            return obj

    def save_to_imas(
        import tofu.imas2tofu as _tfimas


                      Effective Struct subclasses

class StructIn(Struct):
    _color = "k"
    _InOut = "in"

    def _set_color_ddef(cls, color):
        # super
        color = mpl.colors.to_rgba(color)
        cls._ddef["dmisc"]["color"] = color
        cls._dplot["cross"]["dP"]["color"] = cls._ddef["dmisc"]["color"]
        cls._dplot["hor"]["dP"]["color"] = cls._ddef["dmisc"]["color"]
        cls._dplot["3d"]["dP"]["color"] = cls._ddef["dmisc"]["color"]

    def _checkformat_inputs_dgeom(
        kwdargs = locals()
        # super
        out = Struct._checkformat_inputs_dgeom(**kwdargs)
        Poly, pos, extent, Type, arrayorder = out
        if Type == "Tor":
            msg = "StructIn subclasses cannot have noccur>0 if Type='Tor'!"
            assert pos.size == 0, msg
        return out

class StructOut(Struct):
    _color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
    _InOut = "out"

    def _set_color_ddef(cls, color):
        color = mpl.colors.to_rgba(color)
        cls._ddef["dmisc"]["color"] = color
        cls._dplot["cross"]["dP"] = {"fc": color, "ec": "k", "linewidth": 1}
        cls._dplot["hor"]["dP"] = {"fc": color, "ec": "none"}
        cls._dplot["3d"]["dP"]["color"] = color

    def _set_color(self, color=None):
        color = self._checkformat_inputs_dmisc(color=color)
        self._dmisc["color"] = color
        self._dplot["cross"]["dP"]["fc"] = color
        self._dplot["hor"]["dP"]["fc"] = color
        self._dplot["3d"]["dP"]["color"] = color

    def get_sampleV(self, *args, **kwdargs):
        msg = "StructOut subclasses cannot use get_sampleV()!"
        raise Exception(msg)

[docs]class PlasmaDomain(StructIn): _color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)
[docs]class Ves(StructIn): _color = "k"
[docs]class PFC(StructOut): _color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
[docs]class CoilPF(StructOut): _color = "r" def __init__( self, nturns=None, superconducting=None, active=None, temperature_nominal=None, mag_field_max=None, current_lim_max=None, **kwdargs ): # super() super(CoilPF, self).__init__( nturns=nturns, superconducting=superconducting, active=active, **kwdargs, )
[docs] def _reset(self): # super() super(CoilPF, self)._reset() self._dmag = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dmag()) self._dmag["nI"] = 0
########### # Get largs ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dmag(): largs = ["nturns", "superconducting", "active"] return largs
########### # Get check and format inputs ###########
[docs] @classmethod def _checkformat_inputs_dmag( cls, nturns=None, superconducting=None, temperature_nominal=None, mag_field_max=None, current_lim_max=None, active=None, ): dins = { "nturns": {"var": nturns, "NoneOrFloatPos": None}, "superconducting": {"var": superconducting, "NoneOrCls": bool}, "active": {"var": active, "NoneOrCls": bool}, "temperature_nominal": {"var": temperature_nominal, "NoneOrFloatPos": None}, "mag_field_max": {"var": mag_field_max, "NoneOrFloatPos": None}, "current_lim_max": {"var": current_lim_max, "NoneOrFloatPos": None}, } dins, err, msg = cls._check_InputsGeneric(dins, tab=0) if err: raise Exception(msg) return [dins[dd]['var'] for dd in ['nturns', 'superconducting', 'active']]
########### # Get keys of dictionnaries ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dmag(): lk = ["nturns", "superconducting", "active", "current", "nI"] return lk
########### # _init ###########
[docs] def _init(self, nturns=None, superconducting=None, active=None, **kwdargs): super(CoilPF, self)._init(**kwdargs) self.set_dmag( nturns=nturns, superconducting=superconducting, active=active )
########### # set dictionaries ###########
[docs] def set_dmag(self, superconducting=None, nturns=None, active=None): out = self._checkformat_inputs_dmag( nturns=nturns, active=active, superconducting=superconducting ) self._dmag.update( { "nturns": out[0], "superconducting": out[1], "active": out[2], } )
########### # strip dictionaries ###########
[docs] def _strip_dmag(self, lkeep=["nturns", "superconducting", "active"]): utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dmag, lkeep=lkeep) self._dmag["nI"] = 0
########### # rebuild dictionaries ###########
[docs] def _rebuild_dmag(self, lkeep=["nturns", "superconducting", "active"]): self.set_dmag( nturns=self.nturns, active=self._dmag["active"], superconducting=self._dmag["superconducting"], )
########### # _strip and get/from dict ###########
[docs] @classmethod def _strip_init(cls): cls._dstrip["allowed"] = [0, 1, 2] nMax = max(cls._dstrip["allowed"]) doc = """ 1: Remove dsino and dmag expendables 2: Remove also dgeom, dphys and dmisc expendables""" doc = utils.ToFuObjectBase.strip.__doc__.format(doc, nMax) cls.strip.__doc__ = doc
[docs] def strip(self, strip=0): super(CoilPF, self).strip(strip=strip)
[docs] def _strip(self, strip=0): out = super(CoilPF, self)._strip(strip=strip) if strip == 0: self._rebuild_dmag() else: self._strip_dmag() return out
[docs] def _to_dict(self): dout = super(CoilPF, self)._to_dict() dout.update({"dmag": {"dict": self.dmag, "lexcept": None}}) return dout
[docs] def _from_dict(self, fd): super(CoilPF, self)._from_dict(fd) self._dmag.update(**fd["dmag"])
########### # Properties ########### @property def dmag(self): return self._dmag @property def nturns(self): return self._dmag["nturns"] @property def current(self): return self._dmag["current"] ########### # public methods ###########
[docs] def get_summary( self, sep=" ", line="-", just="l", table_sep=None, verb=True, return_=False, ): """ Summary description of the object content """ # ----------------------- # Build detailed view col0 = [ "class", "Name", "SaveName", "nP", "noccur", "nturns", "active", "superconducting", ] ar0 = [ self._Id.Cls, self._Id.Name, self._Id.SaveName, str(self._dgeom["nP"]), str(self._dgeom["noccur"]), str(self._dmag['nturns']), str(self._dmag['active']), str(self._dmag['superconducting']), ] if self._dgeom["move"] is not None: col0 += ['move', 'param'] ar0 += [self._dgeom["move"], str(round(self._dgeom["move_param"], ndigits=4))] col0.append('color') cstr = ('(' + ', '.join(['{:4.2}'.format(cc) for cc in self._dmisc["color"]]) + ')') ar0.append(cstr) return self._get_summary( [ar0], [col0], sep=sep, line=line, table_sep=table_sep, verb=verb, return_=return_, )
[docs] def set_current(self, current=None): """ Set the current circulating on the coil (A) """ C0 = current is None C1 = type(current) in [int, float, np.int64, np.float64] C2 = type(current) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray] msg = "Arg current must be None, a float or an 1D np.ndarray !" assert C0 or C1 or C2, msg if C1: current = np.array([current], dtype=float) elif C2: current = np.asarray(current, dtype=float).ravel() self._dmag["current"] = current if C0: self._dmag["nI"] = 0 else: self._dmag["nI"] = current.size
[docs]class CoilCS(CoilPF): pass
""" ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Overall Config object ############################################################################### """
[docs]class Config(utils.ToFuObject): # Special dict subclass with attr-like value access # Fixed (class-wise) dictionary of default properties _ddef = {'Id': {'shot': 0, 'Type': 'Tor', 'Exp': 'Dummy', 'include': ['Mod', 'Cls', 'Exp', 'Name', 'shot', 'version']}, 'dStruct': {'order': ['PlasmaDomain', 'Ves', 'PFC', 'CoilPF', 'CoilCS'], 'dextraprop': {'visible': True}}} _lclsstr = ['PlasmaDomain', 'Ves', 'PFC', 'CoilPF', 'CoilCS'] def __init__(self, lStruct=None, Lim=None, dextraprop=None, Id=None, Name=None, Exp=None, shot=None, Type=None, SavePath=os.path.abspath('./'), SavePath_Include=tfpf.defInclude, fromdict=None, sep=None): kwdargs = locals() del kwdargs["self"] super(Config, self).__init__(**kwdargs)
[docs] def _reset(self): super(Config, self)._reset() self._dStruct = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dStruct()) self._dextraprop = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dextraprop()) self._dsino = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dsino())
[docs] @classmethod def _checkformat_inputs_Id( cls, Id=None, Name=None, Type=None, Exp=None, shot=None, include=None, **kwdargs ): if Id is not None: assert isinstance(Id, utils.ID) Name, shot = Id.Name, Id.shot if Type is None: Type = cls._ddef["Id"]["Type"] if Exp is None: Exp = cls._ddef["Id"]["Exp"] if shot is None: shot = cls._ddef["Id"]["shot"] if include is None: include = cls._ddef["Id"]["include"] dins = { "Name": {"var": Name, "cls": str}, "Type": {"var": Type, "in": ["Tor", "Lin"]}, "Exp": {"var": Exp, "cls": str}, "shot": {"var": shot, "cls": int}, "include": {"var": include, "listof": str}, } dins, err, msg = cls._check_InputsGeneric(dins, tab=0) if err: raise Exception(msg) kwdargs.update( { "Name": Name, "Type": Type, "Exp": Exp, "include": include, "shot": shot, } ) return kwdargs
########### # Get largs ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dStruct(): largs = ["lStruct", "Lim"] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dextraprop(): largs = ["dextraprop"] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dsino(): largs = ["RefPt", "nP"] return largs
########### # Get check and format inputs ###########
[docs] def _checkformat_inputs_Struct(self, struct, err=True): msgi = None c0 = issubclass(struct.__class__, Struct) if not c0: msgi = "\n\t- Not a struct subclass: {}".format(type(struct)) else: c1 = struct.Id.Exp == self.Id.Exp c2 = struct.Id.Type == self.Id.Type c3 = struct.Id.Name.isidentifier() c4 = c3 and '_' not in struct.Id.Name if not (c0 and c1 and c2 and c3): c1 = struct.Id.Exp == self.Id.Exp c2 = struct.Id.Type == self.Id.Type c3 = struct.Id.Name.isidentifier() c4 = c3 and '_' not in struct.Id.Name msgi = "\n\t- {0} :".format(struct.Id.SaveName) if not c1: msgi += "\n\tExp: {0}".format(struct.Id.Exp) if not c2: msgi += "\n\tType: {0}".format(struct.Id.Type) if not c3: msgi += "\n\tName: {0}".format(struct.Id.Name) if msgi is not None and err is True: msg = "Non-conform struct:" + msgi raise Exception(msg) return msgi
[docs] @staticmethod def _errmsg_dStruct(lStruct): ls = ["tf.geom.{}".format(ss) for ss in ["PlasmaDomain", "Ves", "PFC", "CoilPF", "CoilCS"]] msg = ("Arg lStruct must be " + "a tofu.geom.Struct subclass or list of such!\n" + "Valid subclasses include:\n\t- " + "\n\t- ".join(ls) + "\nYou provided: {}".format(type(lStruct))) return msg
[docs] def _checkformat_inputs_dStruct(self, lStruct=None, Lim=None): c0 = lStruct is not None c1 = ((isinstance(lStruct, list) or isinstance(lStruct, tuple)) and all([issubclass(ss.__class__, Struct) for ss in lStruct])) c2 = issubclass(lStruct.__class__, Struct) if not (c0 and (c1 or c2)): raise Exception(self._errmsg_dStruct(lStruct)) if c1 and isinstance(lStruct, tuple): lStruct = list(lStruct) elif c2: lStruct = [lStruct] msg = "" for ss in lStruct: msgi = self._checkformat_inputs_Struct(ss, err=False) if msgi is not None: msg += msgi if msg != "": msg = "The following objects have non-confrom Id:" + msg msg += "\n => Expected values are:" msg += "\n Exp: {0}".format(self.Id.Exp) msg += "\n Type: {0}".format(self.Id.Type) msg += "\n Name: a valid identifier, without '_'" msg += " (check str.isidentifier())" raise Exception(msg) if Lim is None: if not self.Id.Type == "Tor": msg = "Issue with tf.geom.Config {0}:".format(self.Id.Name) msg += "\n If input Lim is None, Type should be 'Tor':" msg += "\n Type = {0}".format(self.Id.Type) msg += "\n Lim = {0}".format(str(Lim)) raise Exception(msg) nLim = 0 else: if not self.Id.Type == "Lin": msg = "Issue with tf.geom.Config {0}:".format(self.Id.Name) msg = " If input Lim!=None, Type should be 'Lin':" msg += "\n Type = {0}".format(self.Id.Type) msg += "\n Lim = {0}".format(str(Lim)) raise Exception(msg) Lim = np.asarray(Lim, dtype=float).ravel() assert Lim.size == 2 and Lim[0] < Lim[1] Lim = Lim.reshape((1, 2)) nLim = 1 return lStruct, Lim, nLim
[docs] def _checkformat_inputs_extraval( self, extraval, key="", multi=True, size=None ): lsimple = [bool, float, int, np.int_, np.float_] C0 = type(extraval) in lsimple C1 = isinstance(extraval, np.ndarray) C2 = isinstance(extraval, dict) if multi: assert C0 or C1 or C2, str(type(extraval)) else: assert C0, str(type(extraval)) if multi and C1: size = self._dStruct["nObj"] if size is None else size C = extraval.shape == ((self._dStruct["nObj"],)) if not C: msg = "The value for %s has wrong shape!" % key msg += "\n Expected: ({0},)".format(self._dStruct["nObj"]) msg += "\n Got: {0}".format(str(extraval.shape)) raise Exception(msg) C = np.ndarray elif multi and C2: msg0 = "If an extra attribute is provided as a dict," msg0 += " it should have the same structure as self.dStruct !" lk = sorted(self._dStruct["lCls"]) # removing empty dict first extraval = {k0: v0 for k0, v0 in extraval.items() if len(v0) > 0} c = lk == sorted(extraval.keys()) if not c: msg = "\nThe value for %s has wrong keys !" % key msg += "\n expected : " + str(lk) msg += "\n received : " + str(sorted(extraval.keys())) raise Exception(msg0 + msg) c = [isinstance(extraval[k], dict) for k in lk] if not all(c): msg = ( "\nThe value for %s shall be a dict of nested dict !" % key ) msg += "\n " msg += "\n ".join( [ "{0} : {1}".format(lk[ii], c[ii]) for ii in range(0, len(lk)) ] ) raise Exception(msg0 + msg) c = [ (k, sorted(v.keys()), sorted(self.dStruct["dObj"][k].keys())) for k, v in extraval.items() ] if not all([cc[1] == cc[2] for cc in c]): lc = [ (cc[0], str(cc[1]), str(cc[2])) for cc in c if cc[1] != cc[2] ] msg = "\nThe value for %s has wrong nested dict !" % key msg += "\n - " + "\n - ".join( [" ".join(cc) for cc in lc] ) raise Exception(msg0 + msg) for k in lk: for kk, v in extraval[k].items(): if not type(v) in lsimple: msg = "\n type(%s[%s][%s])" % (key, k, kk) msg += " = %s" % str(type(v)) msg += " should be in %s" % str(lsimple) raise Exception(msg) C = dict elif C0: C = int return C
[docs] def _checkformat_inputs_dextraprop(self, dextraprop=None): if dextraprop is None: dextraprop = self._ddef["dStruct"]["dextraprop"] if dextraprop is None: dextraprop = {} assert isinstance(dextraprop, dict) dC = {} for k in dextraprop.keys(): dC[k] = self._checkformat_inputs_extraval(dextraprop[k], key=k) return dextraprop, dC
[docs] def _checkformat_inputs_dsino(self, RefPt=None, nP=None): assert type(nP) is int and nP > 0 assert hasattr(RefPt, "__iter__") RefPt = np.asarray(RefPt, dtype=float).flatten() assert RefPt.size == 2, "RefPt must be of size=2 !" return RefPt
########### # Get keys of dictionnaries ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dStruct(): lk = ["dObj", "Lim", "nLim", "nObj", "lorder", "lCls"] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dextraprop(): lk = ["lprop"] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dsino(): lk = ["RefPt", "nP"] return lk
########### # _init ###########
[docs] def _init(self, lStruct=None, Lim=None, dextraprop=None, **kwdargs): largs = self._get_largs_dStruct() kwdStruct = self._extract_kwdargs(locals(), largs) largs = self._get_largs_dextraprop() kwdextraprop = self._extract_kwdargs(locals(), largs) self._set_dStruct(**kwdStruct) self._set_dextraprop(**kwdextraprop) self._dynamicattr() self._dstrip["strip"] = 0
########### # set dictionaries ###########
[docs] def _set_dStruct(self, lStruct=None, Lim=None): lStruct, Lim, nLim = self._checkformat_inputs_dStruct( lStruct=lStruct, Lim=Lim ) self._dStruct.update({"Lim": Lim, "nLim": nLim}) self._set_dlObj(lStruct, din=self._dStruct)
[docs] def _set_dextraprop(self, dextraprop=None): dextraprop, dC = self._checkformat_inputs_dextraprop(dextraprop) self._dextraprop["lprop"] = sorted(list(dextraprop.keys())) # Init dict lCls = self._dStruct["lCls"] for pp in dextraprop.keys(): dp = "d" + pp dd = dict.fromkeys(lCls, {}) for k in lCls: dd[k] = dict.fromkeys(self._dStruct["dObj"][k].keys()) self._dextraprop.update({dp: dd}) # Populate for pp in dextraprop.keys(): self._set_extraprop(pp, dextraprop[pp])
[docs] def add_extraprop(self, key, val): assert type(key) is str d, dC = self._checkformat_inputs_dextraprop({key: val}) self._dextraprop["lprop"] = sorted( set(self.dextraprop["lprop"] + [key]) ) # Init dict lCls = self._dStruct["lCls"] dp = "d" + key dd = dict.fromkeys(lCls, {}) for k in lCls: dd[k] = dict.fromkeys(self._dStruct["dObj"][k].keys()) self._dextraprop.update({dp: dd}) # Populate self._set_extraprop(key, val) self._dynamicattr()
[docs] def _set_extraprop(self, pp, val, k0=None, k1=None): assert not (k0 is None and k1 is not None) dp = "d" + pp if k0 is None and k1 is None: C = self._checkformat_inputs_extraval(val, pp) if C is int: for k0 in self._dStruct["dObj"].keys(): for k1 in self._dextraprop[dp][k0].keys(): self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1] = val elif C is np.ndarray: ii = 0 for k in self._dStruct["lorder"]: k0, k1 = k.split("_") self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1] = val[ii] ii += 1 else: for k0 in self._dStruct["dObj"].keys(): if k0 in self._dextraprop[dp].keys(): for k1 in self._dextraprop[dp][k0].keys(): self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1] = val[k0][k1] elif k1 is None: size = len(self._dextraprop[dp][k0].keys()) C = self._checkformat_inputs_extraval(val, pp, size=size) assert C in [int, np.ndarray] if C is int: for k1 in self._dextraprop[dp][k0].keys(): self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1] = val elif C is np.ndarray: ii = 0 for k in self._dStruct["lorder"]: kk, k1 = k.split("_") if k0 == kk: self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1] = val[ii] ii += 1 else: C = self._checkformat_inputs_extraval(val, pp, multi=False) assert C is int self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1] = val
[docs] def _get_extraprop(self, pp, k0=None, k1=None): assert not (k0 is None and k1 is not None) dp = "d" + pp if k0 is None and k1 is None: k0, k1 = self._dStruct["lorder"][0].split('_') val = np.zeros((self._dStruct["nObj"],), dtype=type(self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1])) ii = 0 for k in self._dStruct["lorder"]: k0, k1 = k.split("_") val[ii] = self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1] ii += 1 elif k1 is None: k1 = list(self._dStruct["dObj"][k0].keys())[0] val = np.zeros((len(self._dStruct["dObj"][k0].keys()),), dtype=type(self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1])) ii = 0 for k in self._dStruct["lorder"]: k, k1 = k.split("_") if k0 == k: val[ii] = self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1] ii += 1 else: val = self._dextraprop[dp][k0][k1] return val
[docs] def _set_color(self, k0, val): for k1 in self._dStruct["dObj"][k0].keys(): self._dStruct["dObj"][k0][k1].set_color(val)
[docs] def _dynamicattr(self): # get (key, val) pairs # Purge for k in self._ddef['dStruct']['order']: if hasattr(self, k): delattr(self, k) # exec("del self.{0}".format(k)) # Set for k in self._dStruct["dObj"].keys(): if len(self._dStruct["dObj"][k]) == 0: continue # Find a way to programmatically add dynamic properties to the # instances , like visible # In the meantime use a simple functions lset = ["set_%s" % pp for pp in self._dextraprop["lprop"]] lget = ["get_%s" % pp for pp in self._dextraprop["lprop"]] if not type(list(self._dStruct["dObj"][k].values())[0]) is str: for kk in self._dStruct["dObj"][k].keys(): for pp in self._dextraprop["lprop"]: setattr( self._dStruct["dObj"][k][kk], "set_%s" % pp, lambda val, pk=pp, k0=k, k1=kk: ( self._set_extraprop(pk, val, k0, k1) ), ) setattr( self._dStruct["dObj"][k][kk], "get_%s" % pp, lambda pk=pp, k0=k, k1=kk: self._get_extraprop( pk, k0, k1 ), ) dd = utils.Dictattr( ["set_color"] + lset + lget, self._dStruct["dObj"][k] ) for pp in self._dextraprop["lprop"]: setattr( dd, "set_%s" % pp, lambda val, pk=pp, k0=k: self._set_extraprop( pk, val, k0 ), ) setattr( dd, "get_%s" % pp, lambda pk=pp, k0=k: self._get_extraprop(pk, k0), ) setattr( dd, "set_color", lambda col, k0=k: self._set_color(k0, col) ) setattr(self, k, dd) for pp in self._dextraprop["lprop"]: setattr( self, "set_%s" % pp, lambda val, pk=pp: self._set_extraprop(pk, val), ) setattr(self, "get_%s" % pp, lambda pk=pp: self._get_extraprop(pk))
[docs] def set_dsino(self, RefPt, nP=_def.TorNP): RefPt = self._checkformat_inputs_dsino(RefPt=RefPt, nP=nP) for k in self._dStruct["dObj"].keys(): for kk in self._dStruct["dObj"][k].keys(): self._dStruct["dObj"][k][kk].set_dsino(RefPt=RefPt, nP=nP) self._dsino = {"RefPt": RefPt, "nP": nP}
########### # strip dictionaries ###########
[docs] def _strip_dStruct(self, strip=0, force=False, verb=True): if self._dstrip["strip"] == strip: return if self._dstrip["strip"] > strip: # Reload if necessary if self._dstrip["strip"] == 3: for k in self._dStruct["dObj"].keys(): for kk in self._dStruct["dObj"][k].keys(): pfe = self._dStruct["dObj"][k][kk] try: self._dStruct["dObj"][k][kk] = utils.load( pfe, verb=verb ) except Exception as err: msg = str(err) msg += "\n k = {0}".format(str(k)) msg += "\n kk = {0}".format(str(kk)) msg += "\n type(pfe) = {0}".format( str(type(pfe)) ) msg += "\n self._dstrip['strip'] = {0}".format( self._dstrip["strip"] ) msg += "\n strip = {0}".format(strip) raise Exception(msg) for k in self._dStruct["dObj"].keys(): for kk in self._dStruct["dObj"][k].keys(): self._dStruct["dObj"][k][kk].strip(strip=strip) lkeep = self._get_keys_dStruct() reset = utils.ToFuObject._test_Rebuild(self._dStruct, lkeep=lkeep) if reset: utils.ToFuObject._check_Fields4Rebuild( self._dStruct, lkeep=lkeep, dname="dStruct" ) self._set_dStruct(lStruct=self.lStruct, Lim=self._dStruct["Lim"]) self._dynamicattr() else: if strip in [1, 2]: for k in self._dStruct["lCls"]: for kk, v in self._dStruct["dObj"][k].items(): self._dStruct["dObj"][k][kk].strip(strip=strip) lkeep = self._get_keys_dStruct() elif strip == 3: for k in self._dStruct["lCls"]: for kk, v in self._dStruct["dObj"][k].items(): path, name = v.Id.SavePath, v.Id.SaveName # --- Check ! lf = os.listdir(path) lf = [ ff for ff in lf if all([s in ff for s in [name, ".npz"]]) ] exist = len(lf) == 1 # ---------- pathfile = os.path.join(path, name) + ".npz" if not exist: msg = """BEWARE: You are about to delete the Struct objects Only the path/name to saved objects will be kept But it appears that the following object has no saved file where specified (obj.Id.SavePath) Thus it won't be possible to retrieve it (unless available in the current console:""" msg += "\n - {0}".format(pathfile) if force: warnings.warn(msg) else: raise Exception(msg) self._dStruct["dObj"][k][kk] = pathfile self._dynamicattr() lkeep = self._get_keys_dStruct() utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dStruct, lkeep=lkeep)
[docs] def _strip_dextraprop(self, strip=0): lkeep = list(self._dextraprop.keys()) utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dextraprop, lkeep=lkeep)
[docs] def _strip_dsino(self, lkeep=["RefPt", "nP"]): for k in self._dStruct["dObj"].keys(): for kk in self._dStruct["dObj"][k].keys(): self._dStruct["dObj"][k][kk]._strip_dsino(lkeep=lkeep)
########### # _strip and get/from dict ###########
[docs] @classmethod def _strip_init(cls): cls._dstrip["allowed"] = [0, 1, 2, 3] nMax = max(cls._dstrip["allowed"]) doc = """ 1: apply strip(1) to objects in self.lStruct 2: apply strip(2) to objects in self.lStruct 3: replace objects in self.lStruct by SavePath + SaveName""" doc = utils.ToFuObjectBase.strip.__doc__.format(doc, nMax) cls.strip.__doc__ = doc
[docs] def strip(self, strip=0, force=False, verb=True): # super() super(Config, self).strip(strip=strip, force=force, verb=verb)
[docs] def _strip(self, strip=0, force=False, verb=True): self._strip_dStruct(strip=strip, force=force, verb=verb)
# self._strip_dextraprop() # self._strip_dsino()
[docs] def _to_dict(self): dout = { "dStruct": {"dict": self.dStruct, "lexcept": None}, "dextraprop": {"dict": self._dextraprop, "lexcept": None}, "dsino": {"dict": self.dsino, "lexcept": None}, } return dout
[docs] @classmethod def _checkformat_fromdict_dStruct(cls, dStruct): if dStruct["lorder"] is None: return None for clsn in dStruct["lorder"]: c, n = clsn.split("_") if type(dStruct["dObj"][c][n]) is dict: dStruct["dObj"][c][n] = eval(c).__call__( fromdict=dStruct["dObj"][c][n] ) lC = [ issubclass(dStruct["dObj"][c][n].__class__, Struct), type(dStruct["dObj"][c][n]) is str, ] assert any(lC)
[docs] def _from_dict(self, fd): self._checkformat_fromdict_dStruct(fd["dStruct"]) self._dStruct.update(**fd["dStruct"]) self._dextraprop.update(**fd["dextraprop"]) self._dsino.update(**fd["dsino"]) self._dynamicattr()
########### # SOLEDGE3X ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _from_SOLEDGE_extract_dict(pfe=None): # Check input c0 = (isinstance(pfe, str) and os.path.isfile(pfe) and pfe[-4:] == '.mat') if not c0: msg = ("Arg pfe must be a valid .mat file!\n" + "\t- provided: {}".format(pfe)) raise Exception(msg) pfe = os.path.abspath(pfe) # Open file import as scpio dout = scpio.loadmat(pfe) # Check conformity of content lk = ['Nwalls', 'coord', 'type'] lk0 = [kk for kk, vv in dout.items() if kk == 'walls' and isinstance(vv, np.ndarray)] c0 = (len(lk0) == 1 and len(dout['walls']) == 1 and sorted(dout['walls'][0].dtype.names) == lk and len(dout['walls'][0][0]) == len(lk)) if not c0: msg = ("Non-conform .mat file content from SOLEDGE3X:\n" + "\t- file: {}\n".format(pfe) + "\t- Expected:\n" + "\t\t- a unique matlab structure 'walls' with 3 fields\n" + "\t\t\t- Nwalls: int\n" + "\t\t\t- coord: 1xn struct\n" + "\t\t\t- type: 1xn double\n" + "Provided:\n" + "\t- variables: {}\n".format(lk0) + "\t- 1x{} struct with {} fields".format( len(dout[lk0[0]]), len(dout[lk0[0]][0].dtype))) raise Exception(msg) out = dout['walls'][0][0] # Get inside fields 'type', 'Nwalls', 'coord' di0 = {kk: dout['walls'][0].dtype.names.index(kk) for kk in lk} dout = {'type': out[di0['type']].ravel(), 'Nwalls': out[di0['Nwalls']][0, 0]} out = out[di0['coord']][0] c0 = (sorted(out.dtype.names) == ['Rwall', 'Zwall'] and len(out) == dout['type'].size and all([len(oo) == 2 for oo in out])) if not c0: msg = ("Field {} not conform:\n".format('coord') + "\t- expected: 1x{} struct ".format(dout['type'].size) + "with fields ('Rwall', 'Zwall')\n" + "\t- provided: 1x{} struct ".format(len(out)) + "with fields {}".format(out.dtype.names)) raise Exception(msg) dout['coord'] = [np.array([out[ii][0].ravel(), out[ii][1].ravel()]) for ii in range(dout['type'].size)] return dout
[docs] @classmethod def from_SOLEDGE3X(cls, pfe=None, Name=None, Exp=None): # Check input and extract dict from file dout = cls._from_SOLEDGE_extract_dict(pfe) npoly = len(dout['type']) # Prepare lStruct lcls = [Ves if dout['type'][ii] == 1 else PFC for ii in range(npoly)] lnames = ['Soledge3X{:02.0f}'.format(ii) for ii in range(npoly)] lS = [lcls[ii](Poly=dout['coord'][ii], Type='Tor', Name=lnames[ii], pos=None, Exp=Exp) for ii in range(npoly)] return cls(lStruct=lS, Exp=Exp, Name=Name)
[docs] def _to_SOLEDGE3X_get_data(self, type_extraprop=None, matlab_version=None, matlab_platform=None): head = None # Check inputs if not (matlab_version is None or isinstance(matlab_version, str)): msg = ("Arg matlab_version must be provided as a str!\n" + "\t- example: '5.0'\n" + "\t- provided: {}".format(matlab_version)) raise Exception(msg) # useful ? to be deprecated ? if matlab_platform is None: out = os.popen('which matlab').read() keypath = os.path.join('bin', 'matlab') if keypath in out: path = os.path.join(out[:out.index(keypath)], 'etc') lf = [ff for ff in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ff))] if len(lf) == 1: matlab_platform = lf[0].upper() else: msg = ("Couldn't get matlab_platform from 'which matlab'\n" + " => Please provide the matlab platform\n" + " Should be in {}/../etc".format(out)) warnings.warn(msg) if not (matlab_platform is None or isinstance(matlab_platform, str)): msg = ("Arg matlab_platform must be provided as a str!\n" + "\t- example: 'GLNXA64'\n" + "\t- provided: {}".format(matlab_platform)) raise Exception(msg) if matlab_version is not None and matlab_platform is not None: import datetime as dtm now ='%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') head = ('MATLAB {} MAT-file, '.format(matlab_version) + 'Platform: {}, '.format(matlab_platform) + 'Created on: {}'.format(now)) # Build walls nwall = np.array([[self.nStruct]], dtype=int) # typ (from extraprop if any, else from Ves / Struct) if type_extraprop is not None: typ = np.array([self._get_extraprop(type_extraprop)], dtype=int) else: typ = np.array([[1 if ss._InOut == 'in' else -1 for ss in self.lStruct]], dtype=int) # Get coord coord = np.array([np.array([ (ss.Poly[0:1, :].T, ss.Poly[1:2, :].T) for ss in self.lStruct], dtype=[('Rwall', 'O'), ('Zwall', 'O')])], dtype=[('Rwall', 'O'), ('Zwall', 'O')]) # put together dout = {'walls': np.array([[ (nwall, coord, typ)]], dtype=[('Nwalls', 'O'), ('coord', 'O'), ('type', 'O')])} # Optinally set header and version if head is not None: dout['__header__'] = head.encode() return dout
[docs] def to_SOLEDGE3X(self, name=None, path=None, verb=None, type_extraprop=None, matlab_version=None, matlab_platform=None): # Check inputs if verb is None: verb = True if name is None: name = self.Id.SaveName if not isinstance(name, str): msg = ("Arg name must be a str!\n" + "\t- provided: {}".format(name)) raise Exception(msg) if name[-4:] != '.mat': name = name + '.mat' if path is None: path = os.path.abspath('.') if not os.path.isdir(path): msg = ("Provided path is not a valid dir!\n" + "\t- path: {}".format(path)) raise Exception(msg) path = os.path.abspath(path) pfe = os.path.join(path, name) # Get data in proper shape dout = self._to_SOLEDGE3X_get_data(type_extraprop=type_extraprop, matlab_version=matlab_version, matlab_platform=matlab_platform) # save import as scpio scpio.savemat(pfe, dout) if verb is True: print("Saved in:\n\t{}".format(pfe))
########### # Properties ########### @property def dStruct(self): return self._dStruct @property def nStruct(self): return self._dStruct["nObj"] @property def lStruct(self): """ Return the list of Struct that was used for creation As tofu objects or SavePath+SaveNames (according to strip status) """ lStruct = [] for k in self._dStruct["lorder"]: k0, k1 = k.split("_") lStruct.append(self._dStruct["dObj"][k0][k1]) return lStruct @property def lStructIn(self): """ Return the list of StructIn contained in self.lStruct As tofu objects or SavePath+SaveNames (according to strip status) """ lStruct = [] for k in self._dStruct["lorder"]: k0, k1 = k.split("_") if type(self._dStruct["dObj"][k0][k1]) is str: if any( [ ss in self._dStruct["dObj"][k0][k1] for ss in ["Ves", "PlasmaDomain"] ] ): lStruct.append(self._dStruct["dObj"][k0][k1]) elif issubclass(self._dStruct["dObj"][k0][k1].__class__, StructIn): lStruct.append(self._dStruct["dObj"][k0][k1]) return lStruct @property def Lim(self): return self._dStruct["Lim"] @property def nLim(self): return self._dStruct["nLim"] @property def dextraprop(self): return self._dextraprop @property def dsino(self): return self._dsino ########### # public methods ###########
[docs] def add_Struct( self, struct=None, Cls=None, Name=None, Poly=None, shot=None, Lim=None, Type=None, dextraprop=None, ): """ Add a Struct instance to the config An already existing Struct subclass instance can be added Or it will be created from the (Cls,Name,Poly,Lim) keyword args """ # Check inputs C0a = struct is None C1a = all([ss is None for ss in [Cls, Name, Poly, Lim, Type]]) if not np.sum([C0a, C1a]) == 1: msg = "Provide either:" msg += "\n - struct: a Struct subclass instance" msg += "\n - the keyword args to create one" msg += "\n (Cls,Name,Poly,Lim,Type)\n" msg += "\n You provded:" msg += "\n - struct: {0}, {1}".format(str(struct), type(struct)) raise Exception(msg) # Create struct if not provided if C0a: if not (type(Cls) is str or issubclass(Cls, Struct)): msg = "Cls must be either:" msg += "\n - a Struct subclass" msg += "\n - the str Name of it (e.g.: 'PFC','CoilPF',...)" raise Exception(msg) if type(Cls) is str: Cls = eval("%s" % Cls) # Preformat Lim and Type if Lim is None: Lim = self.Lim if Type is None: Type = self.Id.Type # Create instance struct = Cls( Poly=Poly, Name=Name, Lim=Lim, Type=Type, shot=shot, Exp=self.Id.Exp, ) C0b = issubclass(struct.__class__, Struct) assert C0b, "struct must be a Struct subclass instance !" # Prepare dextraprop dextra = self.dextraprop lk = sorted([k[1:] for k in dextra.keys() if k != "lprop"]) if dextraprop is None: if dextra not in [None, {}]: msg = ( "The current Config instance has the following extraprop:" ) msg += "\n - " + "\n - ".join(lk) msg += "\n => Please specify a dextraprop for struct !" msg += "\n (using the same keys !)" raise Exception(msg) else: assert isinstance(dextraprop, dict) assert all([k in lk for k in dextraprop.keys()]) assert all([k in dextraprop.keys() for k in lk]) dx = {} for k in lk: dk = "d" + k dx[k] = {} for k0 in dextra[dk].keys(): dx[k][k0] = {} for k1 in dextra[dk][k0].keys(): dx[k][k0][k1] = dextra[dk][k0][k1] if struct.Id.Cls not in dx[k].keys(): dx[k][struct.Id.Cls] = {struct.Id.Name: dextraprop[k]} else: dx[k][struct.Id.Cls][struct.Id.Name] = dextraprop[k] # Set self.lStruct lS = self.lStruct + [struct] self._init(lStruct=lS, Lim=self.Lim, dextraprop=dx)
[docs] def remove_Struct(self, Cls=None, Name=None): # Check inputs assert type(Cls) is str assert type(Name) is str C0 = Cls in self._dStruct["lCls"] if not C0: msg = "The Cls must be a class existing in self.dStruct['lCls']:" msg += "\n [{0}]".format(", ".join(self._dStruct["lCls"])) raise Exception(msg) C0 = Name in self._dStruct["dObj"][Cls].keys() if not C0: ln = self.dStruct["dObj"][Cls].keys() msg = "The Name must match an instance in" msg += " self.dStruct['dObj'][{0}].keys():".format(Cls) msg += "\n [{0}]".format(", ".join(ln)) raise Exception(msg) # Create list lS = self.lStruct if not Cls + "_" + Name in self._dStruct["lorder"]: msg = "The desired instance is not in self.dStruct['lorder'] !" lord = ", ".join(self.dStruct["lorder"]) msg += "\n lorder = [{0}]".format(lord) msg += "\n Cls_Name = {0}".format(Cls + "_" + Name) raise Exception(msg) ind = self._dStruct["lorder"].index(Cls + "_" + Name) del lS[ind] # Important : also remove from dict ! (no reset() !) del self._dStruct["dObj"][Cls][Name] # Prepare dextraprop dextra = self.dextraprop dx = {} for k in dextra.keys(): if k == "lprop": continue dx[k[1:]] = {} for cc in dextra[k].keys(): dx[k[1:]][cc] = dict(dextra[k][cc]) del dx[k[1:]][Cls][Name] # remove Cls if empty if len(dx[k[1:]][Cls]) == 0: del dx[k[1:]][Cls] # remove empty parts if len(dx[k[1:]]) == 0: del dx[k[1:]] self._init(lStruct=lS, Lim=self.Lim, dextraprop=dx)
[docs] def get_color(self): """ Return the array of rgba colors (same order as lStruct) """ col = np.full((self._dStruct["nObj"], 4), np.nan) ii = 0 for k in self._dStruct["lorder"]: k0, k1 = k.split("_") col[ii, :] = self._dStruct["dObj"][k0][k1].get_color() ii += 1 return col
[docs] def set_colors_random(self, ii = 0 ncol = len(cmap.colors) for k in self._dStruct["lorder"]: k0, k1 = k.split("_") if self._dStruct["dObj"][k0][k1]._InOut == "in": col = "k" elif "lh" in k1.lower(): col = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) elif "ic" in k1.lower(): col = (1.0, 0.5, 0.5) elif "div" in k1.lower(): col = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) elif "bump" in k1.lower(): col = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0) else: col = cmap.colors[ii % ncol] ii += 1 self._dStruct["dObj"][k0][k1].set_color(col)
[docs] def get_summary( self, sep=" ", line="-", just="l", table_sep=None, verb=True, return_=False, ): """ Summary description of the object content """ # ----------------------- # Build overview col0 = ["tot. Struct", "tot. occur", "tot. points"] noccur = np.sum([max(1, ss._dgeom["noccur"]) for ss in self.lStruct]) npts = np.sum([ss._dgeom["nP"] for ss in self.lStruct]) ar0 = [(self.nStruct, noccur, npts)] # ----------------------- # Build detailed view col1 = [ "class", "Name", "SaveName", "nP", "noccur", "move", "color", ] + self._dextraprop["lprop"] d = self._dStruct["dObj"] ar1 = [] for k in self._ddef["dStruct"]["order"]: if k not in d.keys(): continue otemp = self._dStruct["dObj"][k] for kk in d[k].keys(): lu = [ k, otemp[kk]._Id._dall["Name"], otemp[kk]._Id._dall["SaveName"], str(otemp[kk]._dgeom["nP"]), str(otemp[kk]._dgeom["noccur"]), str(otemp[kk]._dgeom["move"]), ('(' + ', '.join(['{:4.2}'.format(cc) for cc in otemp[kk]._dmisc["color"]]) + ')'), ] for pp in self._dextraprop["lprop"]: lu.append(self._dextraprop["d" + pp][k][kk]) ar1.append(lu) return self._get_summary( [ar0, ar1], [col0, col1], sep=sep, line=line, table_sep=table_sep, verb=verb, return_=return_, )
[docs] def get_reflections(self, indout, u=None, vperp=None): # Get global Types array lS = self.lStruct # Version only usable when indout returns npts+1 and npts+2 instead of # -1 and -2 # ls = [ss._dreflect['Types'].size for ss in lS] # Types = np.empty((len(lS), np.max(ls)), dtype=int) # for ii,ss in enumerate(lS): # Types[ii,:ls[ii]] = ss._dreflect['Types'] # # Deduce Types # Types = Types[indout[0,:], indout[2,:]] iu = np.unique(indout[0, :]) Types = np.empty((indout.shape[1],), dtype=int) for ii in iu: ind = indout[0, :] == ii Types[ind] = lS[ii]._dreflect["Types"][indout[2, ind]] # Deduce u2 u2 = None if u is not None: assert vperp is not None u2 = Struct._get_reflections_ufromTypes(u, vperp, Types) return Types, u2
[docs] def _get_phithetaproj_dist( self, refpt=None, ntheta=None, nphi=None, theta=None, phi=None ): # Prepare repf if refpt is None: refpt = self.dsino["RefPt"] if refpt is None: msg = "Please provide refpt (R,Z)" raise Exception(msg) refpt = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(refpt)) assert refpt.shape == (2,) # Prepare theta and phi if theta is None and ntheta is None: ntheta = _PHITHETAPROJ_NTHETA lc = [ntheta is None, theta is None] if np.sum(lc) != 1: msg = "Please provide either ntheta xor a theta vector !" raise Exception(msg) if theta is None: theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, ntheta, endpoint=True) if phi is None and nphi is None: nphi = _PHITHETAPROJ_NPHI lc = [nphi is None, phi is None] if np.sum(lc) != 1: msg = "Please provide either nphi xor a phi vector !" raise Exception(msg) if phi is None: phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nphi, endpoint=True) # format inputs theta = np.atleast_1d(np.ravel(theta)) theta = np.arctan2(np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)) phi = np.atleast_1d(np.ravel(phi)) phi = np.arctan2(np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi)) ntheta, nphi = theta.size, phi.size # Get limits lS = self.lStruct dist = np.full((ntheta, nphi), np.inf) indStruct = np.zeros((ntheta, nphi), dtype=int) for ii in range(0, self.nStruct): out = _comp._Struct_get_phithetaproj( refpt, lS[ii].Poly_closed, lS[ii].Lim, lS[ii].noccur ) nDphi, Dphi, nDtheta, Dtheta = out # Get dist dist_theta, indphi = _comp._get_phithetaproj_dist( lS[ii].Poly_closed, refpt, Dtheta, nDtheta, Dphi, nDphi, theta, phi, ntheta, nphi, lS[ii].noccur, ) ind = np.zeros((ntheta, nphi), dtype=bool) indok = ~np.isnan(dist_theta) ind[indok, :] = indphi[None, :] ind[ind] = ( dist_theta[indok, None] < dist[indok, :][:, indphi] ).ravel() dist[ind] = (np.broadcast_to(dist_theta, (nphi, ntheta)).T)[ind] indStruct[ind] = ii dist[np.isinf(dist)] = np.nan return dist, indStruct
[docs] def plot_phithetaproj_dist(self, refpt=None, ntheta=None, nphi=None, theta=None, phi=None, cmap=None, invertx=None, ax=None, fs=None, tit=None, wintit=None, draw=None): dist, indStruct = self._get_phithetaproj_dist(refpt=refpt, ntheta=ntheta, nphi=nphi, theta=theta, phi=phi) return _plot.Config_phithetaproj_dist(self, refpt, dist, indStruct, cmap=cmap, ax=ax, fs=fs, tit=tit, wintit=wintit, invertx=invertx, draw=draw)
[docs] def isInside(self, pts, In="(X,Y,Z)", log="any"): """ Return a 2D array of bool Equivalent to applying isInside to each Struct Check self.lStruct[0].isInside? for details Arg log determines how Struct with multiple Limits are treated - 'all' : True only if pts belong to all elements - 'any' : True if pts belong to any element """ msg = "Arg pts must be a 1D or 2D np.ndarray !" assert isinstance(pts, np.ndarray) and pts.ndim in [1, 2], msg msg = "Arg log must be in ['any','all']" assert log in ["any", "all"], msg if pts.ndim == 1: msg = "Arg pts must contain the coordinates of a point !" assert pts.size in [2, 3], msg pts = pts.reshape((pts.size, 1)).astype(float) else: msg = "Arg pts must contain the coordinates of points !" assert pts.shape[0] in [2, 3], pts nP = pts.shape[1] ind = np.zeros((self._dStruct["nObj"], nP), dtype=bool) lStruct = self.lStruct for ii in range(0, self._dStruct["nObj"]): if lStruct[ii].noccur > 0: indi = _GG._Ves_isInside( np.ascontiguousarray(pts), np.ascontiguousarray(lStruct[ii].Poly), ves_lims=np.ascontiguousarray(lStruct[ii].Lim), nlim=lStruct[ii].noccur, ves_type=lStruct[ii].Id.Type, in_format=In, test=True, ) else: indi = _GG._Ves_isInside( np.ascontiguousarray(pts), np.ascontiguousarray(lStruct[ii].Poly), ves_lims=None, nlim=0, ves_type=lStruct[ii].Id.Type, in_format=In, test=True, ) if lStruct[ii].noccur > 1: if log == "any": indi = np.any(indi, axis=0) else: indi = np.all(indi, axis=0) ind[ii, :] = indi return ind
[docs] def fdistfromwall(self, r, z, phi): """ Return a callable (function) for detecting trajectory collisions with wall The function is continuous wrt time and space It takes into account all Struct in Config, including non-axisymmetric ones It is desined for iterative root-finding algorithms and is thus called for a unique position """ # LM: ... function NOT finished (TBF) # LM: ... since we are in devel this is too dangerous to keep # LM: ... commenting and raising warning # isin = [ss._InOut == "in" for ss in self.lStruct] # inside = self.isInside(np.r_[r, z, phi], In="(R,Z,Phi)", log="any") # distRZ, indStruct = self._get_phithetaproj_dist( # refpt=np.r_[r, z], ntheta=ntheta, nphi=nphi, theta=theta, phi=phi # ) # lSlim = [ss for ss in self.lStruct if ss.noccur > 0] # distPhi = r * np.min([np.min(np.abs(phi - ss.Lim)) for ss in lSlim]) # if inside: # return min(distRZ, distPhi) # else: # return -min(distRZ, distPhi) warnings.warn("FUNCTION NOT DEFINED") return
# Method handling reflections
[docs] def _reflect_Types(self, indout=None, Type=None, nRays=None): """ Return an array indicating the Type of reflection for each LOS Return a (nRays,) np.ndarray of int indices, each index corresponds to: - 0: specular reflections - 1: diffusive reflections - 2: ccube reflections (corner cube) If indout is provided, the Types are computed according to the information stored in each corresponding Struct If Type is provided, the Type is forced (user-defined) for all LOS """ if Type is not None: assert Type in ["specular", "diffusive", "ccube"] Types = np.full((nRays,), _DREFLECT[Type], dtype=int) else: Types = self.get_reflections(indout)[0] return Types
[docs] def _reflect_geom(self, u=None, vperp=None, indout=None, Type=None): assert u.shape == vperp.shape and u.shape[0] == 3 if indout is not None: assert indout.shape == (3, u.shape[1]) # Get Types of relection for each Ray Types = self._reflect_Types(indout=indout, Type=Type, nRays=u.shape[1]) # Deduce u2 u2 = Struct._get_reflections_ufromTypes(u, vperp, Types) return u2, Types
[docs] def plot( self, lax=None, proj=None, element="P", dLeg=_def.TorLegd, indices=False, Lim=None, Nstep=None, draw=True, fs=None, wintit=None, tit=None, Test=True, ): assert tit in [None, False] or isinstance(tit, str) vis = self.get_visible() lStruct, lS = self.lStruct, [] for ii in range(0, self._dStruct["nObj"]): if vis[ii]: lS.append(lStruct[ii]) if tit is None: tit = self.Id.Name lax = _plot.Struct_plot( lS, lax=lax, proj=proj, element=element, Lim=Lim, Nstep=Nstep, dLeg=dLeg, draw=draw, fs=fs, indices=indices, wintit=wintit, tit=tit, Test=Test, ) return lax
[docs] def plot_sino( self, ax=None, dP=None, Ang=_def.LOSImpAng, AngUnit=_def.LOSImpAngUnit, Sketch=True, dLeg=_def.TorLegd, draw=True, fs=None, wintit=None, tit=None, Test=True, ): msg = "Set the sino params before plotting !" msg += "\n => run self.set_sino(...)" assert self.dsino["RefPt"] is not None, msg assert tit in [None, False] or isinstance(tit, str) # Check uniformity of sinogram parameters for ss in self.lStruct: msg = "{0} {1} has different".format(ss.Id.Cls, ss.Id.Name) msgf = "\n => run self.set_sino(...)" msg0 = msg + " sino RefPt" + msgf assert np.allclose(self.dsino["RefPt"], ss.dsino["RefPt"]), msg0 msg1 = msg + " sino nP" + msgf assert self.dsino["nP"] == ss.dsino["nP"], msg1 if tit is None: tit = self.Id.Name vis = self.get_visible() lS = self.lStruct lS = [lS[ii] for ii in range(0, self._dStruct["nObj"]) if vis[ii]] ax = _plot.Plot_Impact_PolProjPoly( lS, ax=ax, Ang=Ang, AngUnit=AngUnit, Sketch=Sketch, dP=dP, dLeg=dLeg, draw=draw, fs=fs, tit=tit, wintit=wintit, Test=Test, ) return ax
[docs] @classmethod def from_svg( cls, pfe, res=None, point_ref1=None, point_ref2=None, length_ref=None, r0=None, z0=None, scale=None, Exp=None, Name=None, shot=None, Type=None, SavePath=os.path.abspath("./"), verb=None, returnas=None, ): """ Build a config from a svg file (Inkscape) The svg shall have only: - closed polygons (possibly inc. Bezier curves) - an optional unique 2-points straight line (non-closed) used for auto-scaling If Beziers curves are included, they will be discretized according to resolution parameter res (absolute maximum tolerated distance between points) All closed polygons will be interpreted as: - a Ves instance if it has no fill color - a PFC instance if it has a fill color The names are derived from Inkscape objects id The coordinates are extracted from the svg They can be rescaled either: - automatically: scaling computed from the unique straight line and from the corresponding 2 points real-life coordinates provided by the user as 2 iterables (list, arrays or tuples) of len() = 2 (point_ref1 and point_ref2) Alternatively a single point (point_ref1) and the length_ref of the line can be provided - forcefully: the origin (r0, z0) and a common scaling factor (scale) are provided by the user The result Config instance must have a Name and be associated to an experiment (Exp). """ # Check inputs if returnas is None: returnas = object if returnas not in [object, dict]: msg = ( "Arg returnas must be either:" + "\t- 'object': return Config instance\n" + "\t- 'dict' : return a dict with polygon, cls, color" ) raise Exception(msg) # Extract polygon from file and check dpath = _comp.get_paths_from_svg( pfe=pfe, res=res, point_ref1=point_ref1, point_ref2=point_ref2, length_ref=length_ref, r0=r0, z0=z0, scale=scale, verb=verb, ) if len(dpath) == 0: msg = "No Struct found in {}".format(pfe) raise Exception(msg) if returnas is dict: return dpath else: derr = {} lstruct = [] for k0, v0 in dpath.items(): clss = Ves if v0['cls'] == 'Ves' else PFC try: lstruct.append( clss( Name=k0, Poly=v0['poly'], color=v0['color'], Exp=Exp, ) ) except Exception as err: derr[k0] = str(err) if len(derr) > 0: lerr = [ '\n\t- {}: {}'.format(k0, v0) for k0, v0 in derr.items() ] msg = ( "\nThe following Struct could not be created:\n" + '\n'.join(lerr) ) warnings.warn(msg) SavePath = os.path.abspath(SavePath) return cls( Name=Name, Exp=Exp, shot=shot, Type=Type, lStruct=lstruct, SavePath=SavePath, )
[docs] def save_to_imas( self, shot=None, run=None, refshot=None, refrun=None, user=None, database=None, version=None, occ=None, dryrun=False, verb=True, description_2d=None, ): import tofu.imas2tofu as _tfimas _tfimas._save_to_imas( self, tfversion=__version__, shot=shot, run=run, refshot=refshot, refrun=refrun, user=user, database=database, version=version, occ=occ, dryrun=dryrun, verb=verb, description_2d=description_2d, )
[docs] def get_kwdargs_LOS_isVis(self): lS = self.lStruct # -- Getting "vessels" or IN structures ------------------------------- lSIn = [ss for ss in lS if ss._InOut == "in"] if len(lSIn) == 0: msg = "self.config must have at least a StructIn subclass !" assert len(lSIn) > 0, msg elif len(lSIn) > 1: S = lSIn[np.argmin([ss.dgeom["Surf"] for ss in lSIn])] else: S = lSIn[0] # ... and its poly, limts, type, etc. VPoly = S.Poly_closed VVIn = S.dgeom["VIn"] if np.size(np.shape(S.Lim)) > 1: Lim = np.asarray([S.Lim[0][0], S.Lim[0][1]]) else: Lim = S.Lim VType = self.Id.Type # -- Getting OUT structures ------------------------------------------- lS = [ss for ss in lS if ss._InOut == "out"] if len(lS) == 0: lSLim, lSnLim = None, None num_lim_structs, num_tot_structs = 0, 0 lSPolyx, lSPolyy = None, None lSVInx, lSVIny = None, None lsnvert = None else: # Lims lSLim = [ss.Lim for ss in lS] lSnLim = np.array([ss.noccur for ss in lS]) # Nb of structures and of structures inc. Lims (toroidal occurence) num_lim_structs = len(lS) num_tot_structs = int(np.sum([max(1, ss.noccur) for ss in lS])) # build concatenated C-contiguous arrays of x and y coordinates lSPolyx = np.concatenate([ss.Poly_closed[0, :] for ss in lS]) lSPolyy = np.concatenate([ss.Poly_closed[1, :] for ss in lS]) lSVInx = np.concatenate([ss.dgeom['VIn'][0, :] for ss in lS]) lSVIny = np.concatenate([ss.dgeom['VIn'][1, :] for ss in lS]) # lsnvert = cumulated number of points in the poly of each Struct lsnvert = np.cumsum([ ss.Poly_closed[0].size for ss in lS], dtype=int, ) # Now setting keyword arguments: dkwd = dict( ves_poly=VPoly, ves_norm=VVIn, ves_lims=Lim, nstruct_tot=num_tot_structs, nstruct_lim=num_lim_structs, lstruct_polyx=lSPolyx, lstruct_polyy=lSPolyy, lstruct_lims=lSLim, lstruct_nlim=lSnLim, lstruct_normx=lSVInx, lstruct_normy=lSVIny, lnvert=lsnvert, ves_type=VType, rmin=-1, forbid=True, eps_uz=1.0e-6, eps_vz=1.0e-9, eps_a=1.0e-9, eps_b=1.0e-9, eps_plane=1.0e-9, test=True, ) return dkwd
[docs] def calc_solidangle_particle( self, pts=None, part_traj=None, part_radius=None, approx=None, aniso=None, block=None, ): """ Compute the solid angle subtended by a particle along a trajectory The particle has radius r, and trajectory (array of points) traj It is observed from pts (array of points) Takes into account blocking of the field of view by structural elements traj and pts are (3, N) and (3, M) arrays of cartesian coordinates approx = True => use approximation aniso = True => return also unit vector of emission block = True consider LOS collisions (with Ves, Struct...) if block: config used for LOS collisions Parameters ---------- traj: np.ndarray Array of (3, N) pts coordinates (X, Y, Z) representing the particle positions pts: np.ndarray Array of (3, M) pts coordinates (X, Y, Z) representing points from which the particle is observed rad: float / np.ndarray Unique of multiple values for the radius of the spherical particle if multiple, rad is a np.ndarray of shape (N,) approx: None / bool Flag indicating whether to compute the solid angle using a 1st-order series development (in which case the solid angle becomes proportional to the radius of the particle, see Notes_Upgrades/) aniso: None / bool Flag indicating whether to consider anisotropic emissivity, meaning the routine must also compute and return the unit vector directing the flux from each pts to each position on the trajectory block: None / bool Flag indicating whether to check for vignetting by structural elements provided by config Return: ------- sang: np.ndarray (N, M) Array of floats, solid angles """ return _comp_solidangles.calc_solidangle_particle( pts=pts, part_traj=part_traj, part_radius=part_radius, config=self, approx=approx, aniso=aniso, block=block, )
[docs] def calc_solidangle_particle_integrated( self, part_traj=None, part_radius=None, approx=None, block=None, resolution=None, DR=None, DZ=None, DPhi=None, plot=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, scale=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, returnax=None, ): """ Compute the integrated solid angle map subtended by particles Integrates the solid angle toroidally on a volume sampling of Config The particle has radius r, and trajectory (array of points) traj It is observed from pts (array of points) Takes into account blocking of the field of view by structural elements traj and pts are (3, N) and (3, M) arrays of cartesian coordinates approx = True => use approximation block = True consider LOS collisions (with Ves, Struct...) if block: config used for LOS collisions Parameters ---------- traj: np.ndarray Array of (3, N) pts coordinates (X, Y, Z) representing the particle positions pts: np.ndarray Array of (3, M) pts coordinates (X, Y, Z) representing points from which the particle is observed rad: float / np.ndarray Unique of multiple values for the radius of the spherical particle if multiple, rad is a np.ndarray of shape (N,) approx: None / bool Flag indicating whether to compute the solid angle using a 1st-order series development (in which case the solid angle becomes proportional to the radius of the particle, see Notes_Upgrades/) block: None / bool Flag indicating whether to check for vignetting by structural elements provided by config Return: ------- sang: np.ndarray (N, M) Array of floats, solid angles """ if plot is None: plot = True if returnax is None: returnax = True # ------------------- # Compute ( ptsRZ, sang, indices, reseff, ) = _comp_solidangles.calc_solidangle_particle_integ( part_traj=part_traj, part_radius=part_radius, config=self, resolution=resolution, DR=DR, DZ=DZ, DPhi=DPhi, block=block, approx=approx, ) if plot is False: return ptsRZ, sang, indices, reseff # ------------------- # plot dax = _plot.Config_plot_solidangle_map_particle( config=self, part_traj=part_traj, part_radius=part_radius, ptsRZ=ptsRZ, sang=sang, indices=indices, reseff=reseff, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, scale=scale, fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, ) if returnax is True: return ptsRZ, sang, indices, reseff, dax else: return ptsRZ, sang, indices, reseff
""" ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Rays-derived classes and functions ############################################################################### """
[docs]class Rays(utils.ToFuObject): """ Parent class of rays (ray-tracing), LOS, CamLOS1D and CamLOS2D Focused on optimizing the computation time for many rays. Each ray is defined by a starting point (D) and a unit vector(u). If a vessel (Ves) and structural elements (LStruct) are provided, the intersection points are automatically computed. Methods for plootting, computing synthetic signal are provided. Parameters ---------- Id : str / :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` A name string or a :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` to identify this instance, if a string is provided, it is fed to :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` Du : iterable Iterable of len=2, containing 2 np.ndarrays represnting, for N rays: - Ds: a (3,N) array of the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of starting points - us: a (3,N) array of the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of the unit vectors Ves : None / :class:`~tofu.geom.Ves` A :class:`~tofu.geom.Ves` instance to be associated to the rays LStruct: None / :class:`~tofu.geom.Struct` / list A :class:`~tofu.geom.Struct` instance or list of such, for obstructions Sino_RefPt : None / np.ndarray Iterable of len=2 with the coordinates of the sinogram reference point - (R,Z) coordinates if the vessel is of Type 'Tor' - (Y,Z) coordinates if the vessel is of Type 'Lin' Exp : None / str Experiment to which the LOS belongs: - if both Exp and Ves are provided: Exp==Ves.Id.Exp - if Ves is provided but not Exp: Ves.Id.Exp is used Diag : None / str Diagnostic to which the LOS belongs shot : None / int Shot number from which this LOS is valid SavePath : None / str If provided, default saving path of the object """ # Fixed (class-wise) dictionary of default properties _ddef = { "Id": { "shot": 0, "include": [ "Mod", "Cls", "Exp", "Diag", "Name", "shot", "version", ], }, "dgeom": {"Type": "Tor", "Lim": [], "arrayorder": "C"}, "dsino": {}, "dmisc": {"color": "k"}, } _dplot = { "cross": { "Elt": "P", "dP": {"color": "k", "lw": 2}, "dI": {"color": "k", "ls": "--", "m": "x", "ms": 8, "mew": 2}, "dBs": {"color": "b", "ls": "--", "m": "x", "ms": 8, "mew": 2}, "dBv": {"color": "g", "ls": "--", "m": "x", "ms": 8, "mew": 2}, "dVect": {"color": "r", "scale": 10}, }, "hor": { "Elt": "P", "dP": {"color": "k", "lw": 2}, "dI": {"color": "k", "ls": "--"}, "dBs": {"color": "b", "ls": "--"}, "dBv": {"color": "g", "ls": "--"}, "Nstep": 50, }, "3d": { "Elt": "P", "dP": { "color": (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0), "rstride": 1, "cstride": 1, "linewidth": 0.0, "antialiased": False, }, "Lim": None, "Nstep": 50, }, } _dcases = { "A": {"type": tuple, "lk": []}, "B": {"type": dict, "lk": ["D", "u"]}, "C": {"type": dict, "lk": ["D", "pinhole"]}, "D": {"type": dict, "lk": ["pinhole", "F", "nIn", "e1", "x1"]}, "E": {"type": dict, "lk": ["pinhole", "F", "nIn", "e1", "l1", "n1"]}, "F": {"type": dict, "lk": ["pinhole", "F", "angles", "x1"]}, "G": {"type": dict, "lk": ["pinhole", "F", "angles", "l1", "n1"]}, } _method = "optimized" # Does not exist beofre Python 3.6 !!! def __init_subclass__(cls, color="k", **kwdargs): # Python 2 super(Rays, cls).__init_subclass__(**kwdargs) # Python 3 # super().__init_subclass__(**kwdargs) cls._ddef = copy.deepcopy(Rays._ddef) cls._dplot = copy.deepcopy(Rays._dplot) cls._set_color_ddef(color) if cls._is2D(): cls._dcases["D"]["lk"] += ["e2", "x2"] cls._dcases["E"]["lk"] += ["e2", "l2", "n2"] cls._dcases["F"]["lk"] += ["x2"] cls._dcases["G"]["lk"] += ["l2", "n2"]
[docs] @classmethod def _set_color_ddef(cls, color): cls._ddef['dmisc']['color'] = mpl.colors.to_rgba(color)
def __init__(self, dgeom=None, lOptics=None, Etendues=None, Surfaces=None, config=None, dchans=None, dX12='geom', Id=None, Name=None, Exp=None, shot=None, Diag=None, sino_RefPt=None, fromdict=None, sep=None, method='optimized', SavePath=os.path.abspath('./'), color=None): # Create a dplot at instance level self._dplot = copy.deepcopy(self.__class__._dplot) # Extra-early fix for Exp # Workflow to be cleaned up later ? if Exp is None and config is not None: Exp = config.Id.Exp kwdargs = locals() del kwdargs["self"] # super() super(Rays, self).__init__(**kwdargs)
[docs] def _reset(self): # super() super(Rays, self)._reset() self._dgeom = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dgeom()) if self._is2D(): self._dX12 = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dX12()) self._dOptics = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dOptics()) self._dconfig = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dconfig()) self._dsino = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dsino()) self._dchans = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dchans()) self._dmisc = dict.fromkeys(self._get_keys_dmisc())
# self._dplot = copy.deepcopy(self.__class__._ddef['dplot'])
[docs] @classmethod def _checkformat_inputs_Id( cls, Id=None, Name=None, Exp=None, shot=None, Diag=None, include=None, **kwdargs ): if Id is not None: assert isinstance(Id, utils.ID) Name, Exp, shot, Diag = Id.Name, Id.Exp, Id.shot, Id.Diag if shot is None: shot = cls._ddef["Id"]["shot"] if include is None: include = cls._ddef["Id"]["include"] dins = { "Name": {"var": Name, "cls": str}, "Exp": {"var": Exp, "cls": str}, "Diag": {"var": Diag, "cls": str}, "shot": {"var": shot, "cls": int}, "include": {"var": include, "listof": str}, } dins, err, msg = cls._check_InputsGeneric(dins, tab=0) if err: raise Exception(msg) kwdargs.update( { "Name": Name, "Exp": Exp, "shot": shot, "Diag": Diag, "include": include, } ) return kwdargs
########### # Get largs ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dgeom(sino=True): largs = ["dgeom", "Etendues", "Surfaces"] if sino: lsino = Rays._get_largs_dsino() largs += ["sino_{0}".format(s) for s in lsino] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dX12(): largs = ["dX12"] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dOptics(): largs = ["lOptics"] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dconfig(): largs = ["config"] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dsino(): largs = ["RefPt"] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dchans(): largs = ["dchans"] return largs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_largs_dmisc(): largs = ["color"] return largs
########### # Get check and format inputs ###########
[docs] def _checkformat_inputs_dES(self, val=None): if val is not None: C0 = type(val) in [int, float, np.int64, np.float64] C1 = hasattr(val, "__iter__") assert C0 or C1 if C0: val = np.asarray([val], dtype=float) else: val = np.asarray(val, dtype=float).ravel() assert val.size == self._dgeom["nRays"] return val
[docs] def _checkformat_inputs_dgeom(self, dgeom=None): assert dgeom is not None assert isinstance(dgeom, tuple) or isinstance(dgeom, dict) lC = [k for k in self._dcases.keys() if (isinstance(dgeom, self._dcases[k]['type']) and all([kk in dgeom.keys() # noqa for kk in self._dcases[k]['lk']]))] if not len(lC) == 1: lstr = [v['lk'] for v in self._dcases.values()] msg = "Arg dgeom must be either:\n" msg += " - dict with keys:\n" msg += "\n - " + "\n - ".join(lstr) msg += " - tuple of len()==2 containing (D,u)" raise Exception(msg) case = lC[0] def _checkformat_Du(arr, name): arr = np.asarray(arr, dtype=float) msg = "Arg %s must be an iterable convertible into either:" % name msg += "\n - a 1D np.ndarray of size=3" msg += "\n - a 2D np.ndarray of shape (3,N)" assert arr.ndim in [1, 2], msg if arr.ndim == 1: assert arr.size == 3, msg arr = arr.reshape((3, 1)) else: assert 3 in arr.shape, msg if arr.shape[0] != 3: arr = arr.T arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr) return arr if case in ["A", "B"]: D = dgeom[0] if case == "A" else dgeom["D"] u = dgeom[1] if case == "A" else dgeom["u"] D = _checkformat_Du(D, "D") u = _checkformat_Du(u, "u") # Normalize u u = u / np.sqrt(np.sum(u ** 2, axis=0))[np.newaxis, :] nD, nu = D.shape[1], u.shape[1] C0 = nD == 1 and nu > 1 C1 = nD > 1 and nu == 1 C2 = nD == nu msg = "The number of rays is ambiguous from D and u shapes !" assert C0 or C1 or C2, msg nRays = max(nD, nu) dgeom = {"D": D, "u": u, "isImage": False} elif case == 'C': D = _checkformat_Du(dgeom['D'], 'D') dins = {'pinhole': {'var': dgeom['pinhole'], 'vectnd': 3}} dins, err, msg = self._check_InputsGeneric(dins) if err: raise Exception(msg) pinhole = dins["pinhole"]["var"] dgeom = {"D": D, "pinhole": pinhole, "isImage": False} nRays = D.shape[1] else: dins = { "pinhole": {"var": dgeom["pinhole"], "vectnd": 3}, "F": {"var": dgeom["F"], "int2float": None}, } if case in ["D", "E"]: dins["nIn"] = {"var": dgeom["nIn"], "unitvectnd": 3} dins["e1"] = {"var": dgeom["e1"], "unitvectnd": 3} if "e2" in dgeom.keys(): dins["e2"] = {"var": dgeom["e2"], "unitvectnd": 3} else: dins["angles"] = {"var": dgeom["angles"], "vectnd": 3} if case in ["D", "F"]: dins["x1"] = {"var": dgeom["x1"], "vectnd": None} if "x2": dins["x2"] = {"var": dgeom["x2"], "vectnd": None} else: dins["l1"] = {"var": dgeom["l1"], "int2float": None} dins["n1"] = {"var": dgeom["n1"], "float2int": None} if "l2" in dgeom.keys(): dins["l2"] = {"var": dgeom["l2"], "int2float": None} dins["n2"] = {"var": dgeom["n2"], "float2int": None} dins, err, msg = self._check_InputsGeneric(dins) if err: raise Exception(msg) dgeom = {"dX12": {}} for k in dins.keys(): if k == "pinhole": dgeom[k] = dins[k]["var"] else: dgeom["dX12"][k] = dins[k]["var"] if case in ["E", "G"]: x1 = dgeom["dX12"]["l1"] * np.linspace( -0.5, 0.5, dgeom["dX12"]["n1"], end_point=True ) dgeom["dX12"]["x1"] = x1 if self._is2D(): x2 = dgeom["dX12"]["l2"] * np.linspace( -0.5, 0.5, dgeom["dX12"]["n2"], end_point=True ) dgeom["dX12"]["x2"] = x2 if self._is2D(): nRays = dgeom["dX12"]["n1"] * dgeom["dX12"]["n2"] ind1, ind2, indr = self._get_ind12r_n12( n1=dgeom["dX12"]["n1"], n2=dgeom["dX12"]["n2"] ) dgeom["dX12"]["ind1"] = ind1 dgeom["dX12"]["ind2"] = ind2 dgeom["dX12"]["indr"] = indr dgeom["isImage"] = True else: nRays = dgeom["dX12"]["n1"] dgeom["isImage"] = False dgeom.update({"case": case, "nRays": nRays}) return dgeom
[docs] def _checkformat_dX12(self, dX12=None): lc = [ dX12 is None, dX12 == "geom" or dX12 == {"from": "geom"}, isinstance(dX12, dict), ] if not np.sum(lc) == 1: msg = "dX12 must be either:\n" msg += " - None\n" msg += " - 'geom' : will be derived from the 3D geometry\n" msg += " - dict : containing {'x1' : array of coords.,\n" msg += " 'x2' : array of coords.,\n" msg += " 'ind1': array of int indices,\n" msg += " 'ind2': array of int indices}" raise Exception(msg) if lc[1]: ls = self._get_keys_dX12() c0 = isinstance(self._dgeom["dX12"], dict) c1 = c0 and all([ss in self._dgeom["dX12"].keys() for ss in ls]) c2 = c1 and all([self._dgeom["dX12"][ss] is not None for ss in ls]) if not c2: msg = "dX12 is not provided as input (dX12 = None)\n" msg += " => self._dgeom['dX12'] (computed) used as fallback\n" msg += " - It should have non-None keys: %s\n" % str( list(ls) ) msg += " - it is:\n%s" % str(self._dgeom["dX12"]) raise Exception(msg) dX12 = {"from": "geom"} if lc[2]: ls = ["x1", "x2", "ind1", "ind2"] assert all([ss in dX12.keys() for ss in ls]) x1 = np.asarray(dX12["x1"]).ravel() x2 = np.asarray(dX12["x2"]).ravel() n1, n2 = x1.size, x2.size ind1, ind2, indr = self._get_ind12r_n12( ind1=dX12["ind1"], ind2=dX12["ind2"], n1=n1, n2=n2 ) dX12 = { "x1": x1, "x2": x2, "n1": n1, "n2": n2, "ind1": ind1, "ind2": ind2, "indr": indr, "from": "self", } return dX12
[docs] @staticmethod def _checkformat_dOptics(lOptics=None): if lOptics is None: lOptics = [] assert type(lOptics) is list lcls = ["Apert3D", "Cryst2D"] nOptics = len(lOptics) for ii in range(0, nOptics): assert lOptics[ii].__class__.__name__ in lcls return lOptics
[docs] @staticmethod def _checkformat_inputs_dconfig(config=None): # Check config has proper class if not isinstance(config, Config): msg = ("Arg config must be a Config instance!\n" + "\t- expected: {}".format(str(Config)) + "\t- provided: {}".format(str(config.__class__))) raise Exception(msg) # Check all structures lS = config.lStruct lC = [hasattr(ss, "_InOut") and ss._InOut in ["in", "out"] for ss in lS] if not all(lC): msg = "All Struct in config must have self._InOut in ['in','out']" raise Exception(msg) # Check there is at least one struct which is a subclass of StructIn lSIn = [ss for ss in lS if ss._InOut == "in"] if len(lSIn) == 0: lclsnames = ['{}; {}'.format(ss.Id.Name, ss.Id.Cls, ss._InOut) for ss in lS] msg = ("Config {} is missing a StructIn!\n".format(config.Id.Name) + "\t- " + "\n\t- ".join(lclsnames)) raise Exception(msg) # Add 'compute' parameter if not present if "compute" not in config._dextraprop["lprop"]: config = config.copy() config.add_extraprop("compute", True) return config
[docs] def _checkformat_inputs_dsino(self, RefPt=None): assert RefPt is None or hasattr(RefPt, "__iter__") if RefPt is not None: RefPt = np.asarray(RefPt, dtype=float).flatten() assert RefPt.size == 2, "RefPt must be of size=2 !" return RefPt
[docs] def _checkformat_inputs_dchans(self, dchans=None): assert dchans is None or isinstance(dchans, dict) if dchans is None: dchans = {} for k in dchans.keys(): arr = np.asarray(dchans[k]).ravel() assert arr.size == self._dgeom["nRays"] dchans[k] = arr return dchans
[docs] @classmethod def _checkformat_inputs_dmisc(cls, color=None): if color is None: color = mpl.colors.to_rgba(cls._ddef["dmisc"]["color"]) assert mpl.colors.is_color_like(color) return tuple(mpl.colors.to_rgba(color))
########### # Get keys of dictionnaries ###########
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dgeom(): lk = [ "D", "u", "pinhole", "nRays", "kIn", "kOut", "PkIn", "PkOut", "vperp", "indout", "indStruct", "kRMin", "PRMin", "RMin", "isImage", "Etendues", "Surfaces", "dX12", "dreflect", "move", "move_param", "move_kwdargs", ] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dX12(): lk = ["x1", "x2", "n1", "n2", "ind1", "ind2", "indr"] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dOptics(): lk = ["lorder", "lCls", "nObj", "dObj"] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dsino(): lk = ["RefPt", "k", "pts", "theta", "p", "phi"] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dconfig(): lk = ["config"] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dchans(): lk = [] return lk
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_keys_dmisc(): lk = ["color"] return lk
########### # _init ###########
[docs] def _init( self, dgeom=None, config=None, Etendues=None, Surfaces=None, sino_RefPt=None, dchans=None, method="optimized", **kwargs ): if method is not None: self._method = method kwdargs = locals() kwdargs.update(**kwargs) largs = self._get_largs_dgeom(sino=True) kwdgeom = self._extract_kwdargs(kwdargs, largs) largs = self._get_largs_dconfig() kwdconfig = self._extract_kwdargs(kwdargs, largs) largs = self._get_largs_dchans() kwdchans = self._extract_kwdargs(kwdargs, largs) largs = self._get_largs_dOptics() kwdOptics = self._extract_kwdargs(kwdargs, largs) largs = self._get_largs_dmisc() kwdmisc = self._extract_kwdargs(kwdargs, largs) self.set_dconfig(calcdgeom=False, **kwdconfig) self._set_dgeom(sino=True, **kwdgeom) if self._is2D(): kwdX12 = self._extract_kwdargs(kwdargs, self._get_largs_dX12()) self.set_dX12(**kwdX12) self._set_dOptics(**kwdOptics) self.set_dchans(**kwdchans) self._set_dmisc(**kwdmisc) self._dstrip["strip"] = 0
########### # set dictionaries ###########
[docs] def set_dconfig(self, config=None, calcdgeom=True): config = self._checkformat_inputs_dconfig(config) self._dconfig["Config"] = config.copy() if calcdgeom: self.compute_dgeom()
[docs] def _update_dgeom_from_TransRotFoc(self, val, key="x"): # To be finished for 1.4.1 raise Exception("Not coded yet !")
# assert False, "Not implemented yet, for future versions" # if key in ['x','y','z']: # if key == 'x': # trans = np.r_[val,0.,0.] # elif key == 'y': # trans = np.r_[0.,val,0.] # else: # trans = np.r_[0.,0.,val] # if self._dgeom['pinhole'] is not None: # self._dgeom['pinhole'] += trans # self._dgeom['D'] += trans[:,np.newaxis] # if key in ['nIn','e1','e2']: # if key == 'nIn': # e1 = (np.cos(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['e1'] # + np.sin(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['e2']) # e2 = (np.cos(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['e2'] # - np.sin(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['e1']) # self._dgeom['dX12']['e1'] = e1 # self._dgeom['dX12']['e2'] = e2 # elif key == 'e1': # nIn = (np.cos(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['nIn'] # + np.sin(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['e2']) # e2 = (np.cos(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['e2'] # - np.sin(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['nIn']) # self._dgeom['dX12']['nIn'] = nIn # self._dgeom['dX12']['e2'] = e2 # else: # nIn = (np.cos(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['nIn'] # + np.sin(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['e1']) # e1 = (np.cos(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['e1'] # - np.sin(val)*self._dgeom['dX12']['nIn']) # self._dgeom['dX12']['nIn'] = nIn # self._dgeom['dX12']['e1'] = e1 # if key == 'F': # self._dgeom['F'] += val
[docs] @classmethod def _get_x12_fromflat(cls, X12): x1, x2 = np.unique(X12[0, :]), np.unique(X12[1, :]) n1, n2 = x1.size, x2.size if n1 * n2 != X12.shape[1]: tol = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(X12[:, :2], axis=1)) / 100.0 tolmag = int(np.log10(tol)) - 1 x1 = np.unique(np.round(X12[0, :], -tolmag)) x2 = np.unique(np.round(X12[1, :], -tolmag)) ind1 = np.digitize(X12[0, :], 0.5 * (x1[1:] + x1[:-1])) ind2 = np.digitize(X12[1, :], 0.5 * (x2[1:] + x2[:-1])) ind1u, ind2u = np.unique(ind1), np.unique(ind2) x1 = np.unique([np.mean(X12[0, ind1 == ii]) for ii in ind1u]) x2 = np.unique([np.mean(X12[1, ind2 == ii]) for ii in ind2u]) n1, n2 = x1.size, x2.size if n1 * n2 != X12.shape[1]: msg = "The provided X12 array does not seem to correspond to" msg += "a n1 x n2 2D matrix, even within tolerance\n" msg += " n1*n2 = %s x %s = %s\n" % ( str(n1), str(n2), str(n1 * n2), ) msg += " X12.shape = %s" % str(X12.shape) raise Exception(msg) ind1 = np.digitize(X12[0, :], 0.5 * (x1[1:] + x1[:-1])) ind2 = np.digitize(X12[1, :], 0.5 * (x2[1:] + x2[:-1])) ind1, ind2, indr = cls._get_ind12r_n12( ind1=ind1, ind2=ind2, n1=n1, n2=n2 ) return x1, x2, n1, n2, ind1, ind2, indr
[docs] def _complete_dX12(self, dgeom): # Test if unique starting point if dgeom["case"] in ["A", "B", "C"]: # Test if pinhole if dgeom['D'].shape[1] == 1 and dgeom['nRays'] > 1: dgeom['pinhole'] = dgeom['D'].ravel() elif dgeom['case'] in ['A', 'B']: u = dgeom['u'][:, 0:1] sca2 = np.sum(dgeom['u'][:, 1:]*u, axis=0)**2 if np.all(sca2 < 1.0 - 1.e-9): DDb = dgeom['D'][:, 1:]-dgeom['D'][:, 0:1] k = np.sum(DDb*(u - np.sqrt(sca2)*dgeom['u'][:, 1:]), axis=0) k = k / (1.0-sca2) if k[0] > 0 and np.allclose(k, k[0], atol=1.e-3, rtol=1.e-6): pinhole = dgeom['D'][:, 0] + k[0]*u[:, 0] dgeom['pinhole'] = pinhole if np.any(np.isnan(dgeom['D'])): msg = ("Some LOS have nan as starting point !\n" + "The geometry may not be provided !") raise Exception(msg) # Test if all D are on a common plane or line va = dgeom["D"] - dgeom["D"][:, 0:1] # critetrion of unique D crit = np.sqrt(np.sum(va ** 2, axis=0)) if np.sum(crit) < 1.0e-9: if self._is2D(): msg = "2D camera but dgeom cannot be obtained !\n" msg += " crit = %s\n" % str(crit) msg += " dgeom = %s" % str(dgeom) raise Exception(msg) return dgeom # To avoid ||v0|| = 0 if crit[1] > 1.0e-12: # Take first one by default to ensure square grid for CamLOS2D ind0 = 1 else: ind0 = np.nanargmax(crit) v0 = va[:, ind0] v0 = v0 / np.linalg.norm(v0) indok = np.nonzero(crit > 1.0e-12)[0] van = np.full(va.shape, np.nan) van[:, indok] = va[:, indok] / crit[None, indok] vect2 = ( (van[1, :] * v0[2] - van[2, :] * v0[1]) ** 2 + (van[2, :] * v0[0] - van[0, :] * v0[2]) ** 2 + (van[0, :] * v0[1] - van[1, :] * v0[0]) ** 2 ) # Don't forget that vect2[0] is nan if np.all(vect2[indok] < 1.0e-9): # All D are aligned e1 = v0 x1 = np.sum(va * e1[:, np.newaxis], axis=0) if dgeom["pinhole"] is not None: kref = -np.sum((dgeom["D"][:, 0] - dgeom["pinhole"]) * e1) x1 = x1 - kref # l1 = np.nanmax(x1) - np.nanmin(x1) if dgeom["dX12"] is None: dgeom["dX12"] = {} dgeom["dX12"].update({"e1": e1, "x1": x1, "n1": x1.size}) elif self._is2D(): ind = np.nanargmax(vect2) v1 = van[:, ind] nn = np.cross(v0, v1) nn = nn / np.linalg.norm(nn) scaabs = np.abs(np.sum(nn[:, np.newaxis] * va, axis=0)) if np.all(scaabs < 1.0e-9): # All D are in a common plane, but not aligned # check nIn orientation sca = np.sum(self.u * nn[:, np.newaxis], axis=0) lc = [np.all(sca >= 0.0), np.all(sca <= 0.0)] assert any(lc) nIn = nn if lc[0] else -nn e1 = v0 e2 = v1 if np.sum(np.cross(e1, nIn) * e2) < 0.0: e2 = -e2 if np.abs(e1[2]) > np.abs(e2[2]): # Try to set e2 closer to ez if possible e1, e2 = -e2, e1 if dgeom["dX12"] is None: dgeom["dX12"] = {} dgeom["dX12"].update({"nIn": nIn, "e1": e1, "e2": e2}) # Test binning if dgeom["pinhole"] is not None: k1ref = -np.sum( (dgeom["D"][:, 0] - dgeom["pinhole"]) * e1 ) k2ref = -np.sum( (dgeom["D"][:, 0] - dgeom["pinhole"]) * e2 ) else: k1ref, k2ref = 0.0, 0.0 x12 = np.array( [ np.sum(va * e1[:, np.newaxis], axis=0) - k1ref, np.sum(va * e2[:, np.newaxis], axis=0) - k2ref, ] ) try: out_loc = self._get_x12_fromflat(x12) x1, x2, n1, n2, ind1, ind2, indr = out_loc dgeom["dX12"].update( { "x1": x1, "x2": x2, "n1": n1, "n2": n2, "ind1": ind1, "ind2": ind2, "indr": indr, } ) dgeom["isImage"] = True except Exception as err: msg = str(err) msg += "\n nIn = %s" % str(nIn) msg += "\n e1 = %s" % str(e1) msg += "\n e2 = %s" % str(e2) msg += "\n k1ref, k2ref = %s, %s" % ( str(k1ref), str(k2ref), ) msg += "\n va = %s" % str(va) msg += "\n x12 = %s" % str(x12) warnings.warn(msg) else: if dgeom["case"] in ["F", "G"]: # Get unit vectors from angles msg = "Not implemented yet, angles will be available for 1.4.1" raise Exception(msg) # Get D and x12 from x1, x2 x12 = np.array( [ dgeom["dX12"]["x1"][dgeom["dX12"]["ind1"]], dgeom["dX12"]["x2"][dgeom["dX12"]["ind2"]], ] ) D = dgeom["pinhole"] - dgeom["F"] * dgeom["dX12"]["nIn"] D = ( D[:, np.newaxis] + x12[0, :] * dgeom["dX12"]["e1"] + x12[1, :] * dgeom["dX12"]["e2"] ) dgeom["D"] = D return dgeom
[docs] def _prepare_inputs_kInOut(self, D=None, u=None, indStruct=None): # Prepare input: D, u if D is None: D = np.ascontiguousarray(self.D) else: D = np.ascontiguousarray(D) if u is None: u = np.ascontiguousarray(self.u) else: u = np.ascontiguousarray(u) assert D.shape == u.shape # Get reference: lS if indStruct is None: indIn, indOut = self.get_indStruct_computeInOut(unique_In=True) indStruct = np.r_[indIn, indOut] else: indIn = [ ii for ii in indStruct if self.config.lStruct[ii]._InOut == "in" ] if len(indIn) > 1: ind = np.argmin([ self.config.lStruct[ii].dgeom['Surf'] for ii in indIn ]) indStruct = [ii for ii in indStruct if ii not in indIn or ii == ind] indIn = [indIn[ind]] indOut = [ ii for ii in indStruct if self.config.lStruct[ii]._InOut == "out" ] if len(indIn) == 0: msg = "self.config must have at least a StructIn subclass !" raise Exception(msg) S = self.config.lStruct[indIn[0]] VPoly = S.Poly_closed VVIn = S.dgeom["VIn"] largs = [D, u, VPoly, VVIn] lS = [self.config.lStruct[ii] for ii in indOut] if self._method == "ref": Lim = S.Lim nLim = S.noccur VType = self.config.Id.Type lSPoly, lSVIn, lSLim, lSnLim = [], [], [], [] for ss in lS: lSPoly.append(ss.Poly_closed) lSVIn.append(ss.dgeom["VIn"]) lSLim.append(ss.Lim) lSnLim.append(ss.noccur) dkwd = dict( Lim=Lim, nLim=nLim, LSPoly=lSPoly, LSLim=lSLim, lSnLim=lSnLim, LSVIn=lSVIn, VType=VType, RMin=None, Forbid=True, EpsUz=1.0e-6, EpsVz=1.0e-9, EpsA=1.0e-9, EpsB=1.0e-9, EpsPlane=1.0e-9, Test=True, ) elif self._method == "optimized": if np.size(np.shape(S.Lim)) > 1: Lim = np.asarray([S.Lim[0][0], S.Lim[0][1]]) else: Lim = S.Lim nLim = S.noccur VType = self.config.Id.Type lSPolyx, lSVInx = [], [] lSPolyy, lSVIny = [], [] lSLim, lSnLim = [], [] lsnvert = [] num_tot_structs = 0 num_lim_structs = 0 for ss in lS: lp = ss.Poly_closed[0] [lSPolyx.append(item) for item in lp] lp = ss.Poly_closed[1] [lSPolyy.append(item) for item in lp] lp = ss.dgeom["VIn"][0] [lSVInx.append(item) for item in lp] lp = ss.dgeom["VIn"][1] [lSVIny.append(item) for item in lp] lSLim.append(ss.Lim) lSnLim.append(ss.noccur) if len(lsnvert) == 0: lsnvert.append(len(ss.Poly_closed[0])) else: lsnvert.append( len(ss.Poly_closed[0]) + lsnvert[num_lim_structs - 1] ) num_lim_structs += 1 if ss.Lim is None or len(ss.Lim) == 0: num_tot_structs += 1 else: num_tot_structs += len(ss.Lim) lsnvert = np.asarray(lsnvert, dtype=int) lSPolyx = np.asarray(lSPolyx) lSPolyy = np.asarray(lSPolyy) lSVInx = np.asarray(lSVInx) lSVIny = np.asarray(lSVIny) dkwd = dict(ves_lims=Lim, nstruct_tot=num_tot_structs, nstruct_lim=num_lim_structs, lstruct_polyx=lSPolyx, lstruct_polyy=lSPolyy, lstruct_lims=lSLim, lstruct_nlim=np.asarray(lSnLim, dtype=int), lstruct_normx=lSVInx, lstruct_normy=lSVIny, lnvert=lsnvert, ves_type=VType, rmin=-1, forbid=True, eps_uz=1.e-6, eps_vz=1.e-9, eps_a=1.e-9, eps_b=1.e-9, eps_plane=1.e-9, test=True) return indStruct, largs, dkwd
[docs] def _compute_kInOut(self, largs=None, dkwd=None, indStruct=None): # Prepare inputs if largs is None: indStruct, largs, dkwd = self._prepare_inputs_kInOut( indStruct=indStruct ) else: assert dkwd is not None assert indStruct is not None if self._method == "ref": # call the dedicated function out = _GG.SLOW_LOS_Calc_PInOut_VesStruct(*largs, **dkwd) # Currently computes and returns too many things PIn, POut, kIn, kOut, VperpIn, vperp, IIn, indout = out elif self._method == "optimized": # call the dedicated function out = _GG.LOS_Calc_PInOut_VesStruct(*largs, **dkwd) # Currently computes and returns too many things kIn, kOut, vperp, indout = out else: pass # Make sure indices refer to lStruct indout[0, :] = indStruct[indout[0, :]] return kIn, kOut, vperp, indout, indStruct
[docs] def compute_dgeom(self, extra=True, show_debug_plot=True): """ Compute dictionnary of geometrical attributes (dgeom) Parameters ---------- show_debug_plot: bool In case some lines of sight have no visibility inside the tokamak, they will be considered invalid. tofu will issue a warning with their indices and if show_debug_plot is True, try to plot a 3d figure to help understand why these los have no visibility """ # Can only be computed if config if provided if self._dconfig["Config"] is None: msg = "Attribute dgeom cannot be computed without a config!" warnings.warn(msg) return # dX12 if self._dgeom["nRays"] > 1: self._dgeom = self._complete_dX12(self._dgeom) # Perform computation of kIn and kOut kIn, kOut, vperp, indout, indStruct = self._compute_kInOut() # Check for LOS that have no visibility inside the plasma domain (nan) ind = np.isnan(kIn) kIn[ind] = 0.0 ind = np.isnan(kOut) | np.isinf(kOut) if np.any(ind): msg = ("Some LOS have no visibility inside the plasma domain!\n" + "Nb. of LOS concerned: {} / {}\n".format(ind.sum(), kOut.size) + "Indices of LOS ok:\n" + repr((~ind).nonzero()[0]) + "\nIndices of LOS with no visibility:\n" + repr(ind.nonzero()[0])) if show_debug_plot is True: PIn = self.D[:, ind] + kIn[None, ind] * self.u[:, ind] POut = self.D[:, ind] + kOut[None, ind] * self.u[:, ind] msg2 = ("\n\tD = {}\n".format(self.D[:, ind]) + "\tu = {}\n".format(self.u[:, ind]) + "\tPIn = {}\n".format(PIn) + "\tPOut = {}".format(POut)) warnings.warn(msg2) # plot 3d debug figure # _plot._LOS_calc_InOutPolProj_Debug( # self.config, # self.D[:, ind], # self.u[:, ind], # PIn, # POut, # nptstot=kOut.size, # Lim=[np.pi / 4.0, 2.0 * np.pi / 4], # Nstep=50, # ) kOut[ind] = np.nan raise Exception(msg) # Handle particular cases with kIn > kOut ind = np.zeros(kIn.shape, dtype=bool) ind[~np.isnan(kOut)] = True ind[ind] = kIn[ind] > kOut[ind] kIn[ind] = 0.0 # Update dgeom dd = { "kIn": kIn, "kOut": kOut, "vperp": vperp, "indout": indout, "indStruct": indStruct, } self._dgeom.update(dd) # Run extra computations if extra: self._compute_dgeom_kRMin() self._compute_dgeom_extra1()
[docs] def _compute_dgeom_kRMin(self): # Get RMin if Type is Tor if self.config.Id.Type == "Tor": kRMin = np.atleast_1d( _comp.LOS_PRMin( self.D, self.u, kOut=self.kOut, Eps=1.0e-12, squeeze=True ) ) else: kRMin = None self._dgeom.update({"kRMin": kRMin})
[docs] def _compute_dgeom_extra1(self): if self._dgeom["kRMin"] is not None: PRMin = self.D + self._dgeom["kRMin"][None, :] * self.u RMin = np.hypot(PRMin[0, :], PRMin[1, :]) else: PRMin, RMin = None, None PkIn = self.D + self._dgeom["kIn"][np.newaxis, :] * self.u PkOut = self.D + self._dgeom["kOut"][np.newaxis, :] * self.u dd = {"PkIn": PkIn, "PkOut": PkOut, "PRMin": PRMin, "RMin": RMin} self._dgeom.update(dd)
[docs] def _compute_dgeom_extra2D(self): if "2d" not in self.Id.Cls.lower(): return D, u = self.D, self.u C = np.nanmean(D, axis=1) CD0 = D[:, :-1] - C[:, np.newaxis] CD1 = D[:, 1:] - C[:, np.newaxis] cross = np.array( [ CD1[1, 1:] * CD0[2, :-1] - CD1[2, 1:] * CD0[1, :-1], CD1[2, 1:] * CD0[0, :-1] - CD1[0, 1:] * CD0[2, :-1], CD1[0, 1:] * CD0[1, :-1] - CD1[1, 1:] * CD0[0, :-1], ] ) crossn2 = np.sum(cross ** 2, axis=0) if np.all(np.abs(crossn2) < 1.0e-12): msg = "Is %s really a 2D camera ? (LOS aligned?)" % self.Id.Name warnings.warn(msg) cross = cross[:, np.nanargmax(crossn2)] cross = cross / np.linalg.norm(cross) nIn = cross if np.sum(cross * np.nanmean(u, axis=1)) > 0.0 else -cross # Find most relevant e1 (for pixels alignment), without a priori info D0D = D - D[:, 0][:, np.newaxis] dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(D0D ** 2, axis=0)) dd = np.min(dist[1:]) e1 = (D[:, 1] - D[:, 0]) / np.linalg.norm(D[:, 1] - D[:, 0]) crossbis = np.sqrt( (D0D[1, :] * e1[2] - D0D[2, :] * e1[1]) ** 2 + (D0D[2, :] * e1[0] - D0D[0, :] * e1[2]) ** 2 + (D0D[0, :] * e1[1] - D0D[1, :] * e1[0]) ** 2 ) D0D = D0D[:, crossbis < dd / 3.0] sca = np.sum(D0D * e1[:, np.newaxis], axis=0) e1 = D0D[:, np.argmax(np.abs(sca))] try: import tofu.geom.utils as geom_utils except Exception: from . import utils as geom_utils nIn, e1, e2 = geom_utils.get_nIne1e2(C, nIn=nIn, e1=e1) if np.abs(np.abs(nIn[2]) - 1.0) > 1.0e-12: if np.abs(e1[2]) > np.abs(e2[2]): e1, e2 = e2, e1 e2 = e2 if e2[2] > 0.0 else -e2 self._dgeom.update({"C": C, "nIn": nIn, "e1": e1, "e2": e2})
[docs] def set_Etendues(self, val): val = self._checkformat_inputs_dES(val) self._dgeom["Etendues"] = val
[docs] def set_Surfaces(self, val): val = self._checkformat_inputs_dES(val) self._dgeom["Surfaces"] = val
[docs] def _set_dgeom( self, dgeom=None, Etendues=None, Surfaces=None, sino_RefPt=None, extra=True, sino=True, ): dgeom = self._checkformat_inputs_dgeom(dgeom=dgeom) self._dgeom.update(dgeom) self.compute_dgeom(extra=extra) self.set_Etendues(Etendues) self.set_Surfaces(Surfaces) if sino: self.set_dsino(sino_RefPt)
[docs] def set_dX12(self, dX12=None): dX12 = self._checkformat_dX12(dX12) self._dX12.update(dX12)
[docs] def _compute_dsino_extra(self): if self._dsino["k"] is not None: pts = self.D + self._dsino["k"][np.newaxis, :] * self.u R = np.hypot(pts[0, :], pts[1, :]) DR = R - self._dsino["RefPt"][0] DZ = pts[2, :] - self._dsino["RefPt"][1] p = np.hypot(DR, DZ) theta = np.arctan2(DZ, DR) ind = theta < 0 p[ind] = -p[ind] theta[ind] = -theta[ind] phipts = np.arctan2(pts[1, :], pts[0, :]) etheta = np.array( [ np.cos(phipts) * np.cos(theta), np.sin(phipts) * np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), ] ) phi = np.arccos(np.abs(np.sum(etheta * self.u, axis=0))) dd = {"pts": pts, "p": p, "theta": theta, "phi": phi} self._dsino.update(dd)
[docs] def set_dsino(self, RefPt=None, extra=True): RefPt = self._checkformat_inputs_dsino(RefPt=RefPt) self._dsino.update({"RefPt": RefPt}) VType = self.config.Id.Type if RefPt is not None: self._dconfig["Config"].set_dsino(RefPt=RefPt) kOut = np.copy(self._dgeom["kOut"]) kOut[np.isnan(kOut)] = np.inf try: out = _GG.LOS_sino( self.D, self.u, RefPt, kOut, Mode="LOS", VType=VType ) Pt, k, r, Theta, p, theta, Phi = out self._dsino.update({"k": k}) except Exception as err: msg = str(err) msg += "\nError while computing sinogram !" raise Exception(msg) if extra: self._compute_dsino_extra()
[docs] def _set_dOptics(self, lOptics=None): lOptics = self._checkformat_dOptics(lOptics=lOptics) self._set_dlObj(lOptics, din=self._dOptics)
[docs] def set_dchans(self, dchans=None): dchans = self._checkformat_inputs_dchans(dchans) self._dchans = dchans
[docs] def _set_color(self, color=None): color = self._checkformat_inputs_dmisc(color=color) self._dmisc["color"] = color self._dplot["cross"]["dP"]["color"] = color self._dplot["hor"]["dP"]["color"] = color self._dplot["3d"]["dP"]["color"] = color
[docs] def _set_dmisc(self, color=None): self._set_color(color)
########### # Reflections ###########
[docs] def get_reflections_as_cam(self, Type=None, Name=None, nb=None): """ Return a camera made of reflected LOS Reflected LOS can be of 3 types: - 'speculiar': standard mirror-like reflection - 'diffusive': random reflection - 'ccube': corner-cube reflection (ray goes back its way) As opposed to self.add_reflections(), the reflected rays are return as an independent camera (CamLOS1D) """ # Check inputs if nb is None: nb = 1 nb = int(nb) assert nb > 0 if Name is None: Name = self.Id.Name + "_Reflect%s" % str(Type) clas = Rays if self.__class__.__name__ == Rays else CamLOS1D # Run first iteration Types = np.full((nb, self.nRays), 0, dtype=int) Ds = self.D + (self._dgeom["kOut"][None, :] - 1.0e-12) * self.u us, Types[0, :] = self.config._reflect_geom( u=self.u, vperp=self._dgeom["vperp"], indout=self._dgeom["indout"], Type=Type, ) lcam = [ clas( dgeom=(Ds, us), config=self.config, Exp=self.Id.Exp, Diag=self.Id.Diag, Name=Name, shot=self.Id.shot, ) ] if nb == 1: return lcam[0], Types[0, :] indStruct, largs, dkwd = self._prepare_inputs_kInOut( D=Ds, u=us, indStruct=self._dgeom["indStruct"] ) outi = self._compute_kInOut( largs=largs, dkwd=dkwd, indStruct=indStruct ) kouts, vperps, indouts = outi[1:-1] # Run other iterations for ii in range(1, nb): Ds = Ds + (kouts[None, :] - 1.0e-12) * us us, Types[ii, :] = self.config._reflect_geom( u=us, vperp=vperps, indout=indouts, Type=Type ) outi = self._compute_kInOut( largs=[Ds, us, largs[2], largs[3]], dkwd=dkwd, indStruct=indStruct, ) kouts, vperps, indouts = outi[1:-1] lcam.append( clas( dgeom=(Ds, us), config=self.config, Exp=self.Id.Exp, Diag=self.Id.Diag, Name=Name, shot=self.Id.shot, ) ) return lcam, Types
[docs] def add_reflections(self, Type=None, nb=None): """ Add relfected LOS to the camera Reflected LOS can be of 3 types: - 'speculiar': standard mirror-like reflection - 'diffusive': random reflection - 'ccube': corner-cube reflection (ray goes back its way) As opposed to self.get_reflections_as_cam(), the reflected rays are stored in the camera object """ # Check inputs if nb is None: nb = 1 nb = int(nb) assert nb > 0 # Prepare output nRays = self.nRays Types = np.full((nRays, nb), 0, dtype=int) Ds = np.full((3, nRays, nb), np.nan, dtype=float) us = np.full((3, nRays, nb), np.nan, dtype=float) kouts = np.full((nRays, nb), np.nan, dtype=float) indouts = np.full((3, nRays, nb), 0, dtype=int) vperps = np.full((3, nRays, nb), np.nan, dtype=float) # Run first iteration Ds[:, :, 0] = ( self.D + (self._dgeom["kOut"][None, :] - 1.0e-12) * self.u ) us[:, :, 0], Types[:, 0] = self.config._reflect_geom( u=self.u, vperp=self._dgeom["vperp"], indout=self._dgeom["indout"], Type=Type, ) indStruct, largs, dkwd = self._prepare_inputs_kInOut( D=Ds[:, :, 0], u=us[:, :, 0], indStruct=self._dgeom["indStruct"] ) outi = self._compute_kInOut( largs=largs, dkwd=dkwd, indStruct=indStruct ) kouts[:, 0], vperps[:, :, 0], indouts[:, :, 0] = outi[1:-1] # Run other iterations for ii in range(1, nb): Dsi = ( Ds[:, :, ii - 1] + (kouts[None, :, ii - 1] - 1.0e-12) * us[:, :, ii - 1] ) usi, Types[:, ii] = self.config._reflect_geom( u=us[:, :, ii - 1], vperp=vperps[:, :, ii - 1], indout=indouts[:, :, ii - 1], Type=Type, ) outi = self._compute_kInOut( largs=[Dsi, usi, largs[2], largs[3]], dkwd=dkwd, indStruct=indStruct, ) kouts[:, ii], vperps[:, :, ii], indouts[:, :, ii] = outi[1:-1] Ds[:, :, ii], us[:, :, ii] = Dsi, usi self._dgeom["dreflect"] = { "nb": nb, "Type": Type, "Types": Types, "Ds": Ds, "us": us, "kouts": kouts, "indouts": indouts, }
########### # strip dictionaries ###########
[docs] def _strip_dgeom(self, strip=0): if self._dstrip["strip"] == strip: return if strip < self._dstrip["strip"]: # Reload if self._dstrip["strip"] == 1: self._compute_dgeom_extra1() elif self._dstrip["strip"] >= 2 and strip == 1: self._compute_dgeom_kRMin() elif self._dstrip["strip"] >= 2 and strip == 0: self._compute_dgeom_kRMin() self._compute_dgeom_extra1() else: # strip if strip == 1: lkeep = [ "D", "u", "pinhole", "nRays", "kIn", "kOut", "vperp", "indout", "indStruct", "kRMin", "Etendues", "Surfaces", "isImage", "dX12", "dreflect", "move", "move_param", "move_kwdargs", ] utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dgeom, lkeep=lkeep) elif self._dstrip["strip"] <= 1 and strip >= 2: lkeep = [ "D", "u", "pinhole", "nRays", "kIn", "kOut", "vperp", "indout", "indStruct", "Etendues", "Surfaces", "isImage", "dX12", "dreflect", "move", "move_param", "move_kwdargs", ] utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dgeom, lkeep=lkeep)
[docs] def _strip_dconfig(self, strip=0, force=False, verb=True): if self._dstrip["strip"] == strip: return if strip < self._dstrip["strip"]: if self._dstrip["strip"] == 4: pfe = self._dconfig["Config"] try: self._dconfig["Config"] = utils.load(pfe, verb=verb) except Exception as err: msg = str(err) msg += "\n type(pfe) = {0}".format(str(type(pfe))) msg += "\n self._dstrip['strip'] = {0}".format( self._dstrip["strip"] ) msg += "\n strip = {0}".format(strip) raise Exception(msg) self._dconfig["Config"].strip(strip, verb=verb) else: if strip == 4: path, name = self.config.Id.SavePath, self.config.Id.SaveName # --- Check ! lf = os.listdir(path) lf = [ ff for ff in lf if all([s in ff for s in [name, ".npz"]]) ] exist = len(lf) == 1 # ---------- pathfile = os.path.join(path, name) + ".npz" if not exist: msg = """BEWARE: You are about to delete the Config object Only the path/name to saved a object will be kept But it appears that the following object has no saved file where specified (obj.Id.SavePath) Thus it won't be possible to retrieve it (unless available in the current console:""" msg += "\n - {0}".format(pathfile) if force: warnings.warn(msg) else: raise Exception(msg) self._dconfig["Config"] = pathfile else: self._dconfig["Config"].strip(strip, verb=verb)
[docs] def _strip_dsino(self, strip=0): if self._dstrip["strip"] == strip: return if strip < self._dstrip["strip"]: if strip <= 1 and self._dsino["k"] is not None: self._compute_dsino_extra() else: if self._dstrip["strip"] <= 1: utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dsino, lkeep=["RefPt", "k"])
[docs] def _strip_dmisc(self, lkeep=["color"]): utils.ToFuObject._strip_dict(self._dmisc, lkeep=lkeep)
########### # _strip and get/from dict ###########
[docs] @classmethod def _strip_init(cls): cls._dstrip["allowed"] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] nMax = max(cls._dstrip["allowed"]) doc = """ 1: dgeom w/o pts + config.strip(1) 2: dgeom w/o pts + config.strip(2) + dsino empty 3: dgeom w/o pts + config.strip(3) + dsino empty 4: dgeom w/o pts + config=pathfile + dsino empty """ doc = utils.ToFuObjectBase.strip.__doc__.format(doc, nMax) cls.strip.__doc__ = doc
[docs] def strip(self, strip=0, verb=True): # super() super(Rays, self).strip(strip=strip, verb=verb)
[docs] def _strip(self, strip=0, verb=True): self._strip_dconfig(strip=strip, verb=verb) self._strip_dgeom(strip=strip) self._strip_dsino(strip=strip)
[docs] def _to_dict(self): dout = { "dconfig": {"dict": self._dconfig, "lexcept": None}, "dgeom": {"dict": self.dgeom, "lexcept": None}, "dchans": {"dict": self.dchans, "lexcept": None}, "dsino": {"dict": self.dsino, "lexcept": None}, } if self._is2D(): dout["dX12"] = {"dict": self._dX12, "lexcept": None} return dout
[docs] @classmethod def _checkformat_fromdict_dconfig(cls, dconfig): if dconfig["Config"] is None: return None if type(dconfig["Config"]) is dict: dconfig["Config"] = Config(fromdict=dconfig["Config"]) lC = [ isinstance(dconfig["Config"], Config), type(dconfig["Config"]) is str, ] assert any(lC)
[docs] def _from_dict(self, fd): self._checkformat_fromdict_dconfig(fd["dconfig"]) self._dconfig.update(**fd["dconfig"]) self._dgeom.update(**fd["dgeom"]) self._dsino.update(**fd["dsino"]) if "dchans" in fd.keys(): self._dchans.update(**fd["dchans"]) if self._is2D(): self._dX12.update(**fd["dX12"])
########### # properties ########### @property def dgeom(self): return self._dgeom @property def dchans(self): return self._dchans @property def dsino(self): return self._dsino @property def lOptics(self): return [self._dOptics['dobj'][k0][k1] for (k0, k1) in map(lambda x: str.split(x, '_'), self._dOptics['lorder'])] @property def isPinhole(self): c0 = "pinhole" in self._dgeom.keys() return c0 and self._dgeom["pinhole"] is not None @property def isInPoloidalPlane(self): phiD = np.arctan2(self.D[1, :], self.D[0, :]) if self.nRays > 1 and not np.allclose(phiD[0], phiD[1:]): return False phiD = phiD[0] ephi = np.array([-np.sin(phiD), np.cos(phiD), 0.])[:, None] return np.allclose(np.sum(self.u*ephi, axis=0), 0.) @property def nRays(self): return self._dgeom["nRays"] @property def D(self): if self._dgeom["D"].shape[1] < self._dgeom["nRays"]: D = np.tile(self._dgeom["D"], self._dgeom["nRays"]) else: D = self._dgeom["D"] return D @property def u(self): if self._dgeom['u'] is not None \ and self._dgeom['u'].shape[1] == self._dgeom['nRays']: u = self._dgeom['u'] elif self.isPinhole: u = self._dgeom['pinhole'][:, None] - self._dgeom['D'] u = u / np.sqrt(np.sum(u**2, axis=0))[None, :] elif self._dgeom['u'].shape[1] < self._dgeom['nRays']: u = np.tile(self._dgeom['u'], self._dgeom['nRays']) return u @property def pinhole(self): if self._dgeom["pinhole"] is None: msg = "This is not a pinhole camera => pinhole is None" warnings.warn(msg) return self._dgeom["pinhole"] @property def config(self): return self._dconfig["Config"] @property def Etendues(self): if self._dgeom["Etendues"] is None: E = None elif self._dgeom["Etendues"].size == self._dgeom["nRays"]: E = self._dgeom["Etendues"] elif self._dgeom["Etendues"].size == 1: E = np.repeat(self._dgeom["Etendues"], self._dgeom["nRays"]) else: msg = "Stored Etendues is not conform !" raise Exception(msg) return E @property def Surfaces(self): if self._dgeom["Surfaces"] is None: S = None elif self._dgeom["Surfaces"].size == self._dgeom["nRays"]: S = self._dgeom["Surfaces"] elif self._dgeom["Surfaces"].size == 1: S = np.repeat(self._dgeom["Surfaces"], self._dgeom["nRays"]) else: msg = "Stored Surfaces not conform !" raise Exception(msg) return S @property def kIn(self): return self._dgeom["kIn"] @property def kOut(self): return self._dgeom["kOut"] @property def kMin(self): if self.isPinhole: kMin = self._dgeom["pinhole"][:, np.newaxis] - self._dgeom["D"] kMin = np.sqrt(np.sum(kMin ** 2, axis=0)) else: kMin = 0.0 return kMin
[docs] @classmethod def _is2D(cls): c0 = "2d" in cls.__name__.lower() return c0
[docs] @classmethod def _isLOS(cls): c0 = "los" in cls.__name__.lower() return c0
########### # Movement methods ###########
[docs] def _update_or_copy(self, D, u, pinhole=None, return_copy=None, name=None, diag=None, dchans=None): if return_copy is None: return_copy = _RETURN_COPY if self.isPinhole is True: dgeom = {'pinhole': pinhole, 'D': D} else: dgeom = (D, u) if return_copy is True: if name is None: name = self.Id.Name + 'copy' if diag is None: diag = self.Id.Diag if dchans is None: dchans = self.dchans return self.__class__(dgeom=dgeom, lOptics=self.lOptics, Etendues=self.Etendues, Surfaces=self.Surfaces, config=self.config, sino_RefPt=self._dsino['RefPt'], color=self._dmisc['color'], dchans=dchans, Exp=self.Id.Exp, Diag=diag, Name=name, shot=self.Id.shot, SavePath=self.Id.SavePath) else: dgeom0 = ((self.D, self.pinhole) if self.isPinhole is True else (self.D, self.u)) try: self._set_dgeom(dgeom=dgeom, Etendues=self.Etendues, Surfaces=self.Surfaces, sino_RefPt=self._dsino['RefPt'], extra=True, sino=True) except Exception as err: # Make sure instance does not move self._set_dgeom(dgeom=dgeom0, Etendues=self.Etendues, Surfaces=self.Surfaces, sino_RefPt=self._dsino['RefPt'], extra=True, sino=True) msg = (str(err) + "\nAn exception occured during updating\n" + " => instance unmoved") raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def _rotate_DPinholeu(self, func, **kwdargs): pinhole, u = None, None if self.isPinhole is True: D = np.concatenate((self.D, self._dgeom['pinhole'][:, None]), axis=1) D = func(pts=D, **kwdargs) D, pinhole = D[:, :-1], D[:, -1] elif 'rotate' in func.__name__: D, u = func(pts=self.D, vect=self.u, **kwdargs) else: D = func(pts=self.D, **kwdargs) u = self.u return D, pinhole, u
[docs] def translate_in_cross_section(self, distance=None, direction_rz=None, phi=None, return_copy=None, diag=None, name=None, dchans=None): """ Translate the instance in the cross-section """ if phi is None: if self.isInPoloidalPlane: phi = np.arctan2(*self.D[1::-1, 0]) elif self.isPinhole: phi = np.arctan2(*self._dgeom['pinhole'][1::-1]) else: msg = ("Instance not associated to a specific poloidal plane\n" + "\tPlease specify which poloidal plane (phi) to use") raise Exception(msg) D, pinhole, u = self._rotate_DPinholeu( self._translate_pts_poloidal_plane, phi=phi, direction_rz=direction_rz, distance=distance) return self._update_or_copy(D, u, pinhole, return_copy=return_copy, diag=diag, name=name, dchans=dchans)
[docs] def translate_3d(self, distance=None, direction=None, return_copy=None, diag=None, name=None, dchans=None): """ Translate the instance in provided direction """ D, pinhole, u = self._rotate_DPinholeu( self._translate_pts_3d, direction=direction, distance=distance) return self._update_or_copy(D, u, pinhole, return_copy=return_copy, diag=diag, name=name, dchans=dchans)
[docs] def rotate_in_cross_section(self, angle=None, axis_rz=None, phi=None, return_copy=None, diag=None, name=None, dchans=None): """ Rotate the instance in the cross-section """ if phi is None: if self.isInPoloidalPlane: phi = np.arctan2(*self.D[1::-1, 0]) elif self.isPinhole: phi = np.arctan2(*self._dgeom['pinhole'][1::-1]) else: msg = ("Camera not associated to a specific poloidal plane\n" + "\tPlease specify which poloidal plane (phi) to use") raise Exception(msg) D, pinhole, u = self._rotate_DPinholeu( self._rotate_pts_vectors_in_poloidal_plane, axis_rz=axis_rz, angle=angle, phi=phi) return self._update_or_copy(D, u, pinhole, return_copy=return_copy, diag=diag, name=name, dchans=dchans)
[docs] def rotate_around_torusaxis(self, angle=None, return_copy=None, diag=None, name=None, dchans=None): """ Rotate the instance around the torus axis """ if self.config is not None and self.config.Id.Type != 'Tor': msg = "Movement only available for Tor configurations!" raise Exception(msg) D, pinhole, u = self._rotate_DPinholeu( self._rotate_pts_vectors_around_torusaxis, angle=angle) return self._update_or_copy(D, u, pinhole, return_copy=return_copy, diag=diag, name=name, dchans=dchans)
[docs] def rotate_around_3daxis(self, angle=None, axis=None, return_copy=None, diag=None, name=None, dchans=None): """ Rotate the instance around the provided 3d axis """ D, pinhole, u = self._rotate_DPinholeu( self._rotate_pts_vectors_around_3daxis, axis=axis, angle=angle) return self._update_or_copy(D, u, pinhole, return_copy=return_copy, diag=diag, name=name, dchans=dchans)
[docs] def set_move(self, move=None, param=None, **kwdargs): """ Set the default movement parameters A default movement can be set for the instance, it can be any of the pre-implemented movement (rotations or translations) This default movement is the one that will be called when using self.move() Specify the type of movement via the name of the method (passed as a str to move) Specify, for the geometry of the instance at the time of defining this default movement, the current value of the associated movement parameter (angle / distance). This is used to set an arbitrary difference for user who want to use absolute position values The desired incremental movement to be performed when calling self.move will be deduced by substracting the stored param value to the provided param value. Just set the current param value to 0 if you don't care about a custom absolute reference. kwdargs must be a parameters relevant to the chosen method (axis, direction...) e.g.: self.set_move(move='rotate_around_3daxis', param=0., axis=([0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.])) self.set_move(move='translate_3d', param=0., direction=[0.,1.,0.]) """ move, param, kwdargs = self._checkformat_set_move(move, param, kwdargs) self._dgeom['move'] = move self._dgeom['move_param'] = param if isinstance(kwdargs, dict) and len(kwdargs) == 0: kwdargs = None self._dgeom['move_kwdargs'] = kwdargs
[docs] def move(self, param): """ Set new position to desired param according to default movement Can only be used if default movement was set before See self.set_move() """ param = self._move(param, dictname='_dgeom') self._dgeom['move_param'] = param
########### # public methods ###########
[docs] def get_indStruct_computeInOut(self, unique_In=None): """ The indices of structures with compute = True The indidces refer to self.config.lStruct - The first array corresponds to Struct of type In - The second array corresponds to Struct of type Out """ if unique_In is None: unique_In = False compute = self.config.get_compute() indIn = np.array([ ii for ii, ss in enumerate(self.config.lStruct) if compute[ii] and ss._InOut == "in" ], dtype=int) if unique_In is True and indIn.size > 1: iind = np.argmin([ self.config.lStruct[ii].dgeom['Surf'] for ii in indIn ]) indIn = np.r_[indIn[iind]] indOut = np.array([ ii for ii, ss in enumerate(self.config.lStruct) if compute[ii] and ss._InOut == "out" ], dtype=int) return indIn, indOut
[docs] def _check_indch(self, ind, out=int): if ind is not None: ind = np.asarray(ind) assert ind.ndim == 1 assert ind.dtype in [np.int64, np.bool_, int] if ind.dtype == np.bool_: assert ind.size == self.nRays if out is int: indch = ind.nonzero()[0] else: indch = ind else: assert np.max(ind) < self.nRays if out is bool: indch = np.zeros((self.nRays,), dtype=bool) indch[ind] = True else: indch = ind else: if out is int: indch = np.arange(0, self.nRays) elif out is bool: indch = np.ones((self.nRays,), dtype=bool) return indch
[docs] def select(self, key=None, val=None, touch=None, log="any", out=int): """ Return the indices of the rays matching selection criteria The criterion can be of two types: - a key found in self.dchans, with a matching value - a touch tuple (indicating which element in self.config is touched by the desired rays) Parameters ---------- key : None / str A key to be found in self.dchans val : int / str / float / list of such The value to be matched If a list of values is provided, the behaviour depends on log log : str A flag indicating which behaviour to use when val is a list - any : Returns indices of rays matching any value in val - all : Returns indices of rays matching all values in val - not : Returns indices of rays matching None of the val touch: None / str / int / tuple Used if key is None Tuple that can be of len()=1, 2 or 3 Tuple indicating you want the rays that are touching some specific elements of self.config: - touch[0] : str / int or list of such str : a 'Cls_Name' string indicating the element int : the index of the element in self.config.lStruct - touch[1] : int / list of int Indices of the desired segments on the polygon (i.e.: of the cross-section polygon of the above element) - touch[2] : int / list of int Indices, if relevant, of the toroidal / linear unit Only relevant when the element has noccur>1 In this case only log='not' has an effect out : str Flag indicating whether to return: - bool : a (nRays,) boolean array of indices - int : a (N,) array of int indices (N=number of matching rays) Returns ------- ind : np.ndarray The array of matching rays """ assert out in [int, bool] assert log in ["any", "all", "not"] C = [key is None, touch is None] assert np.sum(C) >= 1 if np.sum(C) == 2: ind = np.ones((self.nRays,), dtype=bool) else: if key is not None: assert type(key) is str and key in self._dchans.keys() ltypes = [str, int, float, np.int64, np.float64] C0 = type(val) in ltypes C1 = type(val) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray] assert C0 or C1 if C0: val = [val] else: assert all([type(vv) in ltypes for vv in val]) ind = np.vstack([self._dchans[key] == ii for ii in val]) if log == "any": ind = np.any(ind, axis=0) elif log == "all": ind = np.all(ind, axis=0) else: ind = ~np.any(ind, axis=0) elif touch is not None: lint = [int, np.int64] larr = [list, tuple, np.ndarray] touch = [touch] if not type(touch) is list else touch assert len(touch) in [1, 2, 3] def _check_touch(tt): cS = type(tt) is str and len(tt.split("_")) == 2 c0 = type(tt) in lint c1 = type(tt) in larr and len(tt) >= 0 c1 = c1 and all([type(t) in lint for t in tt]) return cS, c0, c1 for ii in range(0, 3 - len(touch)): touch.append([]) ntouch = len(touch) assert ntouch == 3 for ii in range(0, ntouch): cS, c0, c1 = _check_touch(touch[ii]) if not (cS or c0 or c1): msg = "Provided touch is not valid:\n" % touch msg += " - Provided: %s\n" % str(touch) msg += "Please provide either:\n" msg += " - str in the form 'Cls_Name'\n" msg += " - int (index)\n" msg += " - array of int indices" raise Exception(msg) if cS: k0, k1 = touch[ii].split("_") lS = self.config.lStruct ind = [ jj for jj, ss in enumerate(lS) if ss.Id.Cls == k0 and ss.Id.Name == k1 ] assert len(ind) == 1 touch[ii] = [ind[0]] elif c0: touch[ii] = [touch[ii]] # Common part ind = np.zeros((ntouch, self.nRays), dtype=bool) for i in range(0, ntouch): if len(touch[i]) == 0: ind[i, :] = True else: for n in range(0, len(touch[i])): ind[i, :] = np.logical_or( ind[i, :], self._dgeom["indout"][i, :] == touch[i][n], ) ind = np.all(ind, axis=0) if log == "not": ind[:] = ~ind if out is int: ind = ind.nonzero()[0] return ind
[docs] def get_subset(self, indch=None, Name=None): """ Return an instance which is a sub-set of the camera The subset is the same camera but with only the LOS selected by indch It can be assigned a new Name (str), or the same one (True) """ if indch is None: return self else: indch = self._check_indch(indch) dd = self.to_dict() sep = [kk for kk in dd.keys() if all([ss in kk for ss in ['dId', 'dall', 'Name']])][0] sep = sep[3] # Name assert Name in [None, True] or type(Name) is str if Name is True: pass elif type(Name) is str: dd[sep.join(['dId', 'dall', 'Name'])] = Name elif Name is None: dd[sep.join(['dId', 'dall', 'Name'])] += "-subset" # Resize all np.ndarrays for kk in dd.keys(): vv = dd[kk] c0 = isinstance(vv, np.ndarray) and self.nRays in vv.shape if c0: if vv.ndim == 1: dd[kk] = vv[indch] elif vv.ndim == 2 and vv.shape[1] == self.nRays: dd[kk] = vv[:, indch] dd[sep.join(['dgeom', 'nRays'])] = ( dd[sep.join(['dgeom', 'D'])].shape[1]) # Recreate from dict obj = self.__class__(fromdict=dd) return obj
[docs] def _get_plotL( self, reflections=True, Lplot=None, proj=None, ind=None, return_pts=False, multi=False, ): """ Get the (R,Z) coordinates of the cross-section projections """ # Check inputs if Lplot is None: Lplot = 'tot' if proj is None: proj = 'All' # Compute ind = self._check_indch(ind) if ind.size > 0: us = self.u[:, ind] kOuts = np.atleast_1d(self.kOut[ind])[:, None] if Lplot.lower() == "tot": Ds = self.D[:, ind] else: Ds = self.D[:, ind] + self.kIn[None, ind] * us kOuts = kOuts - np.atleast_1d(self.kIn[ind])[:, None] if ind.size == 1: Ds, us = Ds[:, None], us[:, None] Ds, us = Ds[:, :, None], us[:, :, None] # kRMin = None # Add reflections ? c0 = ( reflections and self._dgeom.get("dreflect") is not None and self._dgeom["dreflect"].get("us") is not None ) if c0: Dsadd = self._dgeom["dreflect"]["Ds"][:, ind, :] usadd = self._dgeom["dreflect"]["us"][:, ind, :] kOutsadd = self._dgeom["dreflect"]["kouts"][ind, :] if ind.size == 1: Dsadd, usadd = Dsadd[:, None, :], usadd[:, None, :] kOutsadd = kOutsadd[None, :] Ds = np.concatenate((Ds, Dsadd), axis=-1) us = np.concatenate((us, usadd), axis=-1) kOuts = np.concatenate((kOuts, kOutsadd), axis=-1) # if self.config.Id.Type == "Tor": # kRMin = _comp.LOS_PRMin( # Ds, us, kOut=kOuts, Eps=1.0e-12, squeeze=False # ) # elif self.config.Id.Type == "Tor": # kRMin = self._dgeom["kRMin"][ind][:, None] out = _comp.LOS_CrossProj( self.config.Id.Type, Ds, us, kOuts, proj=proj, return_pts=return_pts, multi=multi, ) else: out = None return out
[docs] def get_sample( self, res=None, resMode="abs", DL=None, method="sum", ind=None, pts=False, compact=True, num_threads=_NUM_THREADS, Test=True, ): """ Return a linear sampling of the LOS The LOS is sampled into a series a points and segments lengths The resolution (segments length) is <= res The sampling can be done according to different methods It is possible to sample only a subset of the LOS Parameters ---------- res: float Desired resolution resMode: str Flag indicating res should be understood as: - 'abs': an absolute distance in meters - 'rel': a relative distance (fraction of the LOS length) DL: None / iterable The fraction [L1;L2] of the LOS that should be sampled, where L1 and L2 are distances from the starting point of the LOS (LOS.D) DL can be an iterable of len()==2 (identical to all los), or a (2,nlos) array method: str Flag indicating which to use for sampling: - 'sum': the LOS is sampled into N segments of equal length, where N is the smallest int such that: * segment length <= resolution(res,resMode) The points returned are the center of each segment - 'simps': the LOS is sampled into N segments of equal length, where N is the smallest int such that: * segment length <= resolution(res,resMode) * N is even The points returned are the egdes of each segment - 'romb': the LOS is sampled into N segments of equal length, where N is the smallest int such that: * segment length <= resolution(res,resMode) * N = 2^k + 1 The points returned are the egdes of each segment ind: None / iterable of int indices of the LOS to be sampled pts: bool Flag indicating whether to return only the abscissa parameter k (False) or the 3D pts coordinates (True) compact: bool Flag incating whether to retrun the sampled pts of all los in a single concatenated array (True) or splitted into a list of nlos arrays) Returns ------- k: np.ndarray if pts == False: A (npts,) array of the abscissa parameters (i.e.: points distances from the LOS starting points) In order to get the 3D cartesian coordinates of pts do: if pts == True: A (3,npts) array of the sampled points 3D cartesian coordinates reseff: np.ndarray A (nlos,) array of the effective resolution (<= res input), as an absolute distance ind: np.ndarray A (nlos-1,) array of integere indices (where to split k to separate the points of each los). e.g.: lk = np.split(k,ind) """ if res is None: res = _RES ind = self._check_indch(ind) # preload k kIn = self.kIn kOut = self.kOut # Preformat DL if DL is None: DL = np.array([kIn[ind], kOut[ind]]) elif np.asarray(DL).size == 2: DL = np.tile(np.asarray(DL).ravel(), (len(ind), 1)).T DL = np.ascontiguousarray(DL).astype(float) assert type(DL) is np.ndarray and DL.ndim == 2 assert DL.shape == (2, len(ind)), "Arg DL has wrong shape !" # Check consistency of limits ii = DL[0, :] < kIn[ind] DL[0, ii] = kIn[ind][ii] ii[:] = DL[0, :] >= kOut[ind] DL[0, ii] = kOut[ind][ii] ii[:] = DL[1, :] > kOut[ind] DL[1, ii] = kOut[ind][ii] ii[:] = DL[1, :] <= kIn[ind] DL[1, ii] = kIn[ind][ii] # Preformat Ds, us Ds, us = self.D[:, ind], self.u[:, ind] if len(ind) == 1: Ds, us = Ds.reshape((3, 1)), us.reshape((3, 1)) Ds, us = np.ascontiguousarray(Ds), np.ascontiguousarray(us) # Launch # NB : find a way to exclude cases with DL[0,:]>=DL[1,:] !! # Todo : reverse in _GG : make compact default for faster computation ! nlos = Ds.shape[1] k, reseff, lind = _GG.LOS_get_sample( nlos, res, DL, dmethod=resMode, method=method, num_threads=num_threads, Test=Test, ) if pts: nbrep = np.r_[lind[0], np.diff(lind), k.size - lind[-1]] k = np.repeat(Ds, nbrep, axis=1) + k[None, :] * np.repeat( us, nbrep, axis=1 ) if not compact: k = np.split(k, lind, axis=-1) return k, reseff, lind
[docs] def _kInOut_Isoflux_inputs(self, lPoly, lVIn=None): if self._method == "ref": D, u = np.ascontiguousarray(self.D), np.ascontiguousarray(self.u) Lim = self.config.Lim nLim = self.config.nLim Type = self.config.Id.Type largs = [D, u, lPoly[0], lVIn[0]] dkwd = dict(Lim=Lim, nLim=nLim, VType=Type) elif self._method == "optimized": D = np.ascontiguousarray(self.D) u = np.ascontiguousarray(self.u) if np.size(self.config.Lim) == 0 or self.config.Lim is None: Lim = np.array([]) else: Lim = np.asarray(self.config.Lim) if np.size(np.shape(Lim)) > 1: # in case self.config.Lim = [[L0, L1]] Lim = np.asarray([Lim[0][0], Lim[0][1]]) nLim = self.config.nLim Type = self.config.Id.Type largs = [D, u, lPoly[0], lVIn[0]] dkwd = dict(ves_lims=Lim, ves_type=Type) else: # To be adjusted later pass return largs, dkwd
[docs] def _kInOut_Isoflux_inputs_usr(self, lPoly, lVIn=None): c0 = type(lPoly) in [np.ndarray, list, tuple] # Check lPoly if c0 and type(lPoly) is np.ndarray: c0 = c0 and lPoly.ndim in [2, 3] if c0 and lPoly.ndim == 2: c0 = c0 and lPoly.shape[0] == 2 if c0: lPoly = [np.ascontiguousarray(lPoly)] elif c0: c0 = c0 and lPoly.shape[1] == 2 if c0: lPoly = np.ascontiguousarray(lPoly) elif c0: lPoly = [np.ascontiguousarray(pp) for pp in lPoly] c0 = all([pp.ndim == 2 and pp.shape[0] == 2 for pp in lPoly]) if not c0: msg = "Arg lPoly must be either:\n" msg += " - a (2,N) np.ndarray (signle polygon of N points)\n" msg += " - a list of M polygons, each a (2,Ni) np.ndarray\n" msg += " - where Ni is the number of pts of each polygon\n" msg += " - a (M,2,N) np.ndarray where:\n" msg += " - M is the number of polygons\n" msg += " - N is the (common) number of points per polygon\n" raise Exception(msg) nPoly = len(lPoly) # Check anti-clockwise and closed if type(lPoly) is list: for ii in range(nPoly): # Check closed and anti-clockwise if not np.allclose(lPoly[ii][:, 0], lPoly[ii][:, -1]): lPoly[ii] = np.concatenate( (lPoly[ii], lPoly[ii][:, 0:1]), axis=-1 ) try: if _GG.Poly_isClockwise(lPoly[ii]): lPoly[ii] = lPoly[ii][:, ::-1] except Exception as excp: print("For structure ", ii, " : ", excp) else: # Check closed and anti-clockwise d = np.sum((lPoly[:, :, 0]-lPoly[:, :, -1])**2, axis=1) if np.allclose(d, 0.): pass elif np.all(d > 0.): lPoly = np.concatenate((lPoly, lPoly[:, :, 0:1]), axis=-1) else: msg = "All poly in lPoly should be closed or all non-closed!" raise Exception(msg) for ii in range(nPoly): try: if _GG.Poly_isClockwise(lPoly[ii]): lPoly[ii] = lPoly[ii][:, ::-1] except Exception as excp: print("For structure ", ii, " : ", excp) # Check lVIn if lVIn is None: lVIn = [] for pp in lPoly: vIn = np.diff(pp, axis=1) vIn = vIn/(np.sqrt(np.sum(vIn**2, axis=0))[None, :]) vIn = np.ascontiguousarray([-vIn[1, :], vIn[0, :]]) lVIn.append(vIn) else: c0 = type(lVIn) in [np.ndarray, list, tuple] if c0 and type(lVIn) is np.ndarray and lVIn.ndim == 2: c0 = c0 and lVIn.shape == (2, lPoly[0].shape[1]-1) if c0: lVIn = [np.ascontiguousarray(lVIn)] elif c0 and type(lVIn) is np.ndarray: c0 = c0 and lVIn.shape == (nPoly, 2, lPoly.shape[-1]-1) if c0: lVIn = np.ascontiguousarray(lVIn) elif c0: c0 = c0 and len(lVIn) == nPoly if c0: c0 = c0 and all([vv.shape == (2, pp.shape[1]-1) for vv, pp in zip(lVIn, lPoly)]) if c0: lVIn = [np.ascontiguousarray(vv) for vv in lVIn] # Check normalization and direction for ii in range(0, nPoly): lVIn[ii] = (lVIn[ii] / np.sqrt(np.sum(lVIn[ii]**2, axis=0))[None, :]) vect = np.diff(lPoly[ii], axis=1) vect = vect / np.sqrt(np.sum(vect**2, axis=0))[None, :] det = vect[0, :]*lVIn[ii][1, :] - vect[1, :]*lVIn[ii][0, :] if not np.allclose(np.abs(det), 1.): msg = "Each lVIn must be perp. to each lPoly segment !" raise Exception(msg) ind = np.abs(det+1) < 1.e-12 lVIn[ii][:, ind] = -lVIn[ii][:, ind] return nPoly, lPoly, lVIn
[docs] def calc_kInkOut_Isoflux(self, lPoly, lVIn=None, Lim=None, kInOut=True): """ Calculate the intersection points of each ray with each isoflux The isofluxes are provided as a list of 2D closed polygons The intersections are the inward and outward intersections They are retruned as two np.ndarrays: kIn and kOut Each array contains the length parameter along the ray for each isoflux Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ # Preformat input nPoly, lPoly, lVIn = self._kInOut_Isoflux_inputs_usr(lPoly, lVIn=lVIn) # Prepare output kIn = np.full((nPoly, self.nRays), np.nan) kOut = np.full((nPoly, self.nRays), np.nan) # Compute intersections assert(self._method in ['ref', 'optimized']) if self._method == 'ref': for ii in range(0, nPoly): largs, dkwd = self._kInOut_Isoflux_inputs([lPoly[ii]], lVIn=[lVIn[ii]]) out = _GG.SLOW_LOS_Calc_PInOut_VesStruct(*largs, **dkwd) # PIn, POut, kin, kout, VperpIn, vperp, IIn, indout = out[] kIn[ii, :], kOut[ii, :] = out[2], out[3] elif self._method == "optimized": for ii in range(0, nPoly): largs, dkwd = self._kInOut_Isoflux_inputs([lPoly[ii]], lVIn=[lVIn[ii]]) out = _GG.LOS_Calc_PInOut_VesStruct(*largs, **dkwd)[:2] kIn[ii, :], kOut[ii, :] = out if kInOut: indok = ~np.isnan(kIn) ind = np.zeros((nPoly, self.nRays), dtype=bool) kInref = np.tile(self.kIn, (nPoly, 1)) kOutref = np.tile(self.kOut, (nPoly, 1)) ind[indok] = (kIn[indok] < kInref[indok]) ind[indok] = ind[indok] | (kIn[indok] > kOutref[indok]) kIn[ind] = np.nan ind[:] = False indok[:] = ~np.isnan(kOut) ind[indok] = (kOut[indok] < kInref[indok]) | ( kOut[indok] > kOutref[indok] ) kOut[ind] = np.nan return kIn, kOut
[docs] def calc_length_in_isoflux(self, lPoly, lVIn=None, Lim=None, kInOut=True): """ Return the length of each LOS inside each isoflux Uses self.calc_kInkOut_Isoflux() to compute the linear abscissa (k) of the entry points (kIn) and exit points (kOut) for each LOS The isofluxes must be provided as a list of polygons The length is returned as a (nPoly, nLOS) 2d array """ kIn, kOut = self.calc_kInkOut_Isoflux(lPoly, lVIn=lVIn, Lim=Lim, kInOut=kInOut) return kOut-kIn
[docs] def calc_min_geom_radius(self, axis): """ Return the minimum geom. radius of each LOS, from an arbitrary axis The axis mut be provided as a (R,Z) iterable Uses self.set_dsino() Return: ------- p: np.ndarray (nLOS,) array of minimal radius (or impact parameter) theta: np.ndarray (nLOS,) array of associated theta with respect to axis pts: np.ndarray (3,nLOS) array of (X,Y,Z) coordinates of associated points on LOS """ self.set_dsino(RefPt=axis, extra=True) p, theta, pts = self.dsino['p'], self.dsino['theta'], self.dsino['pts'] return p, theta, pts
[docs] def calc_min_rho_from_Plasma2D(self, plasma, t=None, log='min', res=None, resMode='abs', method='sum', quant=None, ref1d=None, ref2d=None, interp_t=None, interp_space=None, fill_value=np.nan, pts=False, Test=True): """ Return the min/max value of scalar field quant for each LOS Typically used to get the minimal normalized minor radius But can be used for any quantity available in plasma if: - it is a 2d profile - it is a 1d profile that can be interpolated on a 2d mesh Currently sample each LOS with desired resolution and returns the absolute min/max interpolated value (and associated point) See self.get_sample() for details on sampling arguments: - res, resMode, method See Plasma2D.interp_pts2profile() for details on interpolation args: - t, quant, q2dref, q1dref, interp_t, interp_space, fill_value Returns: -------- val: np.ndarray (nt, nLOS) array of min/max values pts: np.ndarray (nt, nLOS, 3) array of (X,Y,Z) coordinates of associated points Only returned if pts = True t: np.ndarray (nt,) array of time steps at which the interpolations were made """ assert log in ['min', 'max'] assert isinstance(pts, bool) # Sample LOS ptsi, reseff, lind = self.get_sample(res=res, resMode=resMode, DL=None, method=method, ind=None, pts=True, compact=True, Test=True) # Interpolate values val, t = plasma.interp_pts2profile( pts=ptsi, t=t, quant=quant, ref1d=ref1d, ref2d=ref2d, interp_t=interp_t, interp_space=interp_space, fill_value=fill_value) # Separate val per LOS and compute min / max func = np.nanmin if log == 'min' else np.nanmax if pts: funcarg = np.nanargmin if log == 'min' else np.nanargmax if pts: nt = t.size pts = np.full((3, self.nRays, nt), np.nan) vals = np.full((nt, self.nRays), np.nan) # indt = np.arange(0, nt) lind = np.r_[0, lind, ptsi.shape[1]] for ii in range(self.nRays): indok = ~np.all(np.isnan(val[:, lind[ii]:lind[ii+1]]), axis=1) if np.any(indok): vals[indok, ii] = func(val[indok, lind[ii]:lind[ii+1]], axis=1) ind = funcarg(val[indok, lind[ii]:lind[ii+1]], axis=1) pts[:, ii, indok] = ptsi[:, lind[ii]:lind[ii+1]][:, ind] pts = pts.T else: pts = None vals = np.column_stack([func(vv, axis=1) for vv in np.split(val, lind, axis=-1)]) return vals, pts, t
[docs] def get_inspector(self, ff): out = inspect.signature(ff) pars = out.parameters.values() na = np.sum([(pp.kind == pp.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD and pp.default is pp.empty) for pp in pars]) kw = [ for pp in pars if (pp.kind == pp.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD and pp.default is not pp.empty)] return na, kw
[docs] def check_ff(self, ff, t=None, ani=None): # Initialization of function wrapper wrapped_ff = ff # Define unique error message giving all info in a concise way # Optionnally add error-specific line afterwards msg = ("User-defined emissivity function ff must:\n" + "\t- be a callable (function)\n" + "\t- take only one positional arg " + "and at least one keyword arg:\n" + "\t\t - ff(pts, t=None), where:\n" + "\t\t\t - pts is a (3, npts) of (x, y, z) coordinates\n" + "\t\t\t - t can be None / scalar / iterable of len(t) = nt\n" + "\t- Always return a 2d (nt, npts) np.ndarray, where:\n" + "\t\t - nt = len(t) if t is an iterable\n" + "\t\t - nt = 1 if t is None or scalar\n" + "\t\t - npts is the number of pts (pts.shape[1])\n\n" + "\t- Optionally, ff can take an extra keyword arg:\n" + "\t\t - ff(pts, vect=None, t=None), where:\n" + "\t\t\t - vect is a (3, npts) np.ndarray\n" + "\t\t\t - vect contains the (x, y, z) coordinates " + "of the units vectors of the photon emission directions" + "for each pts. Present only for anisotropic emissivity, " + "unless specifically indicated otherwise " + "(with ani=False in LOS_calc_signal).\n" + "\t\t\tDoes not affect the outpout shape (still (nt, npts))") # .. Checking basic definition of function .......................... if not hasattr(ff, '__call__'): msg += "\n\n => ff must be a callable (function)!" raise Exception(msg) npos_args, kw = self.get_inspector(ff) if npos_args != 1: msg += "\n\n => ff must take only 1 positional arg: ff(pts)!" raise Exception(msg) if 't' not in kw: msg += "\n\n => ff must have kwarg 't=None' for time vector!" raise Exception(msg) # .. Checking time vector ......................................... ltypeok = [int, float, np.int64, np.float64] is_t_type_valid = (type(t) in ltypeok or hasattr(t, '__iter__')) if not (t is None or is_t_type_valid): msg += "\n\n => t must be None, scalar or iterable !" raise Exception(msg) nt = len(t) if hasattr(t, '__iter__') else 1 # .. Test anisotropic case ....................................... if ani is None: is_ani = ('vect' in kw) else: assert isinstance(ani, bool) is_ani = ani # .. Testing outputs ............................................... test_pts = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]) npts = test_pts.shape[1] if is_ani: vect = np.ones(test_pts.shape) try: out = ff(test_pts, vect=vect, t=t) except Exception: msg += "\n\n => ff must take ff(pts, vect=vect, t=t) !" raise Exception(msg) else: try: out = ff(test_pts, t=t) except Exception: msg += "\n\n => ff must take a ff(pts, t=t) !" raise Exception(msg) if not (isinstance(out, np.ndarray) and (out.shape == (nt, npts) or out.shape == (npts,))): msg += "\n\n => wrong output (always 2d np.ndarray) !" raise Exception(msg) if nt == 1 and out.shape == (npts,): def wrapped_ff(*args, **kwargs): res_ff = ff(*args, **kwargs) return np.reshape(res_ff, (1, -1)) return is_ani, wrapped_ff
[docs] def _calc_signal_preformat(self, ind=None, DL=None, t=None, out=object, Brightness=True): msg = "Arg out must be in [object,np.ndarray]" assert out in [object, np.ndarray], msg assert type(Brightness) is bool, "Arg Brightness must be a bool !" if Brightness is False and self.Etendues is None: msg = "Etendue must be set if Brightness is False !" raise Exception(msg) # Preformat ind ind = self._check_indch(ind) # Preformat DL kIn, kOut = self.kIn, self.kOut if DL is None: DL = np.array([kIn[ind], kOut[ind]]) elif np.asarray(DL).size == 2: DL = np.tile(np.asarray(DL).ravel()[:, np.newaxis], len(ind)) DL = np.ascontiguousarray(DL).astype(float) assert type(DL) is np.ndarray and DL.ndim == 2 assert DL.shape == (2, len(ind)), "Arg DL has wrong shape !" # check limits ii = DL[0, :] < kIn[ind] DL[0, ii] = kIn[ind][ii] ii[:] = DL[0, :] >= kOut[ind] DL[0, ii] = kOut[ind][ii] ii[:] = DL[1, :] > kOut[ind] DL[1, ii] = kOut[ind][ii] ii[:] = DL[1, :] <= kIn[ind] DL[1, ii] = kIn[ind][ii] # Preformat Ds, us and Etendue Ds, us = self.D[:, ind], self.u[:, ind] E = None if Brightness is False: E = self.Etendues if E.size == self.nRays: E = E[ind] # Preformat signal if len(ind) == 1: Ds, us = Ds.reshape((3, 1)), us.reshape((3, 1)) indok = ~( np.any(np.isnan(DL), axis=0) | np.any(np.isinf(DL), axis=0) | ((DL[1, :] - DL[0, :]) <= 0.0) ) if np.any(indok): Ds, us, DL = Ds[:, indok], us[:, indok], DL[:, indok] if indok.sum() == 1: Ds, us = Ds.reshape((3, 1)), us.reshape((3, 1)) DL = DL.reshape((2, 1)) Ds, us = np.ascontiguousarray(Ds), np.ascontiguousarray(us) DL = np.ascontiguousarray(DL) else: Ds, us, DL = None, None, None return indok, Ds, us, DL, E
[docs] def _calc_signal_postformat( self, sig, Brightness=True, dataname=None, t=None, E=None, units=None, plot=True, out=object, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, invert=True, draw=True, connect=True, ): if Brightness is False: if dataname is None: dataname = r"LOS-integral x Etendue" if E is None or np.all(np.isnan(E)): msg = "Cannot use etendue, it was not set properly !" raise Exception(msg) if t is None or len(t) == 1 or E.size == 1: sig = sig * E else: sig = sig * E[np.newaxis, :] if units is None: units = r"origin x $m^$" else: if dataname is None: dataname = r"LOS-integral" if units is None: units = r"origin x m" if plot or out in [object, "object"]: kwdargs = dict( data=sig, t=t, lCam=self, Name=self.Id.Name, dlabels={"data": {"units": units, "name": dataname}}, Exp=self.Id.Exp, Diag=self.Id.Diag, ) import as tfd if self._is2D(): osig = tfd.DataCam2D(**kwdargs) else: osig = tfd.DataCam1D(**kwdargs) if plot: _ = osig.plot( fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, invert=invert, draw=draw, connect=connect, ) if out in [object, "object"]: return osig, units else: return sig, units
[docs] def calc_signal( self, func, t=None, ani=None, fkwdargs={}, Brightness=True, res=None, DL=None, resMode="abs", method="sum", minimize="calls", num_threads=16, reflections=True, coefs=None, coefs_reflect=None, ind=None, returnas=object, plot=True, dataname=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, invert=True, units=None, draw=True, connect=True, newcalc=True, ): """ Return the line-integrated emissivity Beware, by default, Brightness=True and it is only a line-integral ! Indeed, to get the received power, you need an estimate of the Etendue (previously set using self.set_Etendues()) and use Brightness=False. Hence, if Brightness=True and if the emissivity is provided in W/m3 (resp. W/m3/sr), => the method returns W/m2 (resp. W/m2/sr) The line is sampled using :meth:`~tofu.geom.LOS.get_sample`, Except func, arguments common to :meth:`~tofu.geom.LOS.get_sample` Parameters ---------- func : callable The user-provided emissivity function Shall take at least: func(pts, t=None, vect=None) where: - pts : (3,N) np.ndarray, (X,Y,Z) coordinates of points - t : None / (nt,) np.ndarray, time vector - vect: None / (3,N) np.ndarray, unit direction vectors (X,Y,Z) Should return at least: - val : (N,) np.ndarray, local emissivity values method : string, the integral can be computed using 3 different methods - 'sum': A numpy.sum() on the local values (x segments) DEFAULT - 'simps': using :meth:`scipy.integrate.simps` - 'romb': using :meth:`scipy.integrate.romb` minimize : string, method to minimize for computation optimization - "calls": minimal number of calls to `func` (default) - "memory": slowest method, to use only if "out of memory" error - "hybrid": mix of before-mentioned methods. Returns ------- sig : np.ndarray The computed signal, a 1d or 2d array depending on whether a time vector was provided. units: str Units of the result """ # Format input indok, Ds, us, DL, E = self._calc_signal_preformat( ind=ind, DL=DL, out=returnas, Brightness=Brightness ) if Ds is None: return None if res is None: res = _RES # Launch # NB : find a way to exclude cases with DL[0,:]>=DL[1,:] !! # Exclude Rays not seeing the plasma if newcalc: ani, func = self.check_ff(func, t=t, ani=ani) s = _GG.LOS_calc_signal( func, Ds, us, res, DL, dmethod=resMode, method=method, ani=ani, t=t, fkwdargs=fkwdargs, minimize=minimize, num_threads=num_threads, Test=True, ) c0 = ( reflections and self._dgeom["dreflect"] is not None and self._dgeom["dreflect"].get("nb", 0) > 0 ) if c0: if coefs_reflect is None: coefs_reflect = 1.0 for ii in range(self._dgeom["dreflect"]["nb"]): Dsi = np.ascontiguousarray( self._dgeom["dreflect"]["Ds"][:, :, ii] ) usi = np.ascontiguousarray( self._dgeom["dreflect"]["us"][:, :, ii] ) s += coefs_reflect * _GG.LOS_calc_signal( func, Dsi, usi, res, DL, dmethod=resMode, method=method, ani=ani, t=t, fkwdargs=fkwdargs, minimize=minimize, num_threads=num_threads, Test=True, ) # Integrate # Creating the arrays with null everywhere.......... if s.ndim == 2: sig = np.full((s.shape[0], self.nRays), np.nan) else: sig = np.full((1, self.nRays), np.nan) if t is None or len(t) == 1: sig[0, indok] = s else: sig[:, indok] = s else: # Get ptsRZ along LOS // Which to choose ??? pts, reseff, indpts = self.get_sample( res, resMode=resMode, DL=DL, method=method, ind=ind, compact=True, pts=True, ) if ani: nbrep = np.r_[ indpts[0], np.diff(indpts), pts.shape[1] - indpts[-1] ] vect = np.repeat(self.u, nbrep, axis=1) else: vect = None # Get quantity values at ptsRZ # This is the slowest step (~3.8 s with res=0.02 # and interferometer) val = func(pts, t=t, vect=vect) # Integrate sig = np.add.reduceat(val, np.r_[0, indpts], axis=-1)*reseff[None, :] # Apply user-provided coefs if coefs is not None: if hasattr(coefs, '__iter__'): coefs = np.atleast_1d(coefs).ravel() assert coefs.shape == (sig.shape[-1],) if sig.ndim == 2: coefs = coefs[None, :] sig *= coefs # Format output return self._calc_signal_postformat( sig, Brightness=Brightness, dataname=dataname, t=t, E=E, units=units, plot=plot, out=returnas, fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, invert=invert, draw=draw, connect=connect, )
[docs] def calc_signal_from_Plasma2D( self, plasma2d, t=None, newcalc=True, quant=None, ref1d=None, ref2d=None, q2dR=None, q2dPhi=None, q2dZ=None, Type=None, Brightness=True, interp_t="nearest", interp_space=None, fill_value=None, res=None, DL=None, resMode="abs", method="sum", minimize="calls", num_threads=16, reflections=True, coefs=None, coefs_reflect=None, ind=None, returnas=object, plot=True, dataname=None, fs=None, dmargin=None, wintit=None, invert=True, units=None, draw=True, connect=True, ): # Format input indok, Ds, us, DL, E = self._calc_signal_preformat( ind=ind, out=returnas, t=t, Brightness=Brightness ) if Ds is None: return None if res is None: res = _RES if newcalc: # Get time vector lc = [t is None, type(t) is str, type(t) is np.ndarray] assert any(lc) if lc[0]: out = plasma2d._checkformat_qr12RPZ( quant=quant, ref1d=ref1d, ref2d=ref2d, q2dR=q2dR, q2dPhi=q2dPhi, q2dZ=q2dZ, ) t = plasma2d._get_tcom(*out[:4])[0] elif lc[1]: t = plasma2d._ddata[t]['data'] else: t = np.atleast_1d(t).ravel() if fill_value is None: fill_value = 0.0 func = plasma2d.get_finterp2d( quant=quant, ref1d=ref1d, ref2d=ref2d, q2dR=q2dR, q2dPhi=q2dPhi, q2dZ=q2dZ, interp_t=interp_t, interp_space=interp_space, fill_value=fill_value, Type=Type, ) def funcbis(*args, **kwdargs): return func(*args, **kwdargs)[0] if DL is None: # set to [kIn,kOut] DL = None ani = quant is None if num_threads is None: num_threads = _NUM_THREADS if np.all(indok): D, u = self.D, self.u else: D = np.ascontiguousarray(self.D[:, indok]) u = np.ascontiguousarray(self.u[:, indok]) sig = _GG.LOS_calc_signal( funcbis, D, u, res, DL, dmethod=resMode, method=method, ani=ani, t=t, fkwdargs={}, minimize=minimize, Test=True, num_threads=num_threads, ) c0 = ( reflections and self._dgeom["dreflect"] is not None and self._dgeom["dreflect"].get("nb", 0) > 0 ) if c0: if coefs_reflect is None: coefs_reflect = 1.0 for ii in range(self._dgeom["dreflect"]["nb"]): Dsi = np.ascontiguousarray( self._dgeom["dreflect"]["Ds"][:, :, ii] ) usi = np.ascontiguousarray( self._dgeom["dreflect"]["us"][:, :, ii] ) sig += coefs_reflect * _GG.LOS_calc_signal( funcbis, Dsi, usi, res, DL, dmethod=resMode, method=method, ani=ani, t=t, fkwdargs={}, minimize=minimize, num_threads=num_threads, Test=True, ) else: # Get ptsRZ along LOS // Which to choose ??? pts, reseff, indpts = self.get_sample( res, resMode=resMode, DL=DL, method=method, ind=ind, compact=True, pts=True, ) if q2dR is None: vect = None else: nbrep = np.r_[ indpts[0], np.diff(indpts), pts.shape[1] - indpts[-1] ] vect = -np.repeat(self.u, nbrep, axis=1) if fill_value is None: fill_value = 0. # Get quantity values at ptsRZ # This is the slowest step (~3.8 s with res=0.02 # and interferometer) val, t = plasma2d.interp_pts2profile( pts=pts, vect=vect, t=t, quant=quant, ref1d=ref1d, ref2d=ref2d, q2dR=q2dR, q2dPhi=q2dPhi, q2dZ=q2dZ, interp_t=interp_t, Type=Type, interp_space=interp_space, fill_value=fill_value, ) # Integrate using ufunc reduceat for speed # (cf. sig = np.add.reduceat(val, np.r_[0, indpts], axis=-1)*reseff[None, :] # Apply user-provided coefs if coefs is not None: if hasattr(coefs, '__iter__'): coefs = np.atleast_1d(coefs).ravel() assert coefs.shape == (sig.shape[-1],) if sig.ndim == 2: coefs = coefs[None, :] sig *= coefs # Format output # this is the secod slowest step (~0.75 s) out = self._calc_signal_postformat( sig, Brightness=Brightness, dataname=dataname, t=t, E=E, units=units, plot=plot, out=returnas, fs=fs, dmargin=dmargin, wintit=wintit, invert=invert, draw=draw, connect=connect, ) return out
[docs] def plot( self, lax=None, proj="all", reflections=True, Lplot=_def.LOSLplot, element="L", element_config="P", Leg="", dL=None, dPtD=_def.LOSMd, dPtI=_def.LOSMd, dPtO=_def.LOSMd, dPtR=_def.LOSMd, dPtP=_def.LOSMd, dLeg=_def.TorLegd, multi=False, ind=None, fs=None, tit=None, wintit=None, draw=True, Test=True, ): """ Plot the Rays / LOS, in the chosen projection(s) Optionnally also plot associated :class:`~tofu.geom.Ves` and Struct The plot can also include: - special points - the unit directing vector Parameters ---------- lax : list / plt.Axes The axes for plotting (list of 2 axes if Proj='All') If None a new figure with new axes is created proj : str Flag specifying the kind of projection: - 'Cross' : cross-section - 'Hor' : horizontal - 'All' : both cross-section and horizontal (on 2 axes) - '3d' : a (matplotlib) 3d plot projections:bool Flag indicating whether to plot also the reflected rays Assuming some reflected rays are present (self.add_reflections()) element : str Flag specifying which elements to plot Each capital letter corresponds to an element: * 'L': LOS * 'D': Starting point of the LOS * 'I': Input point (i.e.: where the LOS enters the Vessel) * 'O': Output point (i.e.: where the LOS exits the Vessel) * 'R': Point of minimal major radius R (only if Ves.Type='Tor') * 'P': Point of used for impact parameter (i.e.: with minimal distance to reference point Sino_RefPt) Lplot : str Flag specifying the length to plot: - 'Tot': total length, from starting point (D) to output point - 'In' : only the in-vessel fraction (from input to output) element_config : str Fed to self.config.plot() Leg : str Legend, if Leg='' the LOS name is used dL : dict / None Dictionary of properties for plotting the lines Fed to plt.Axes.plot(), set to default if None dPtD : dict Dictionary of properties for plotting point 'D' dPtI : dict Dictionary of properties for plotting point 'I' dPtO : dict Dictionary of properties for plotting point 'O' dPtR : dict Dictionary of properties for plotting point 'R' dPtP : dict Dictionary of properties for plotting point 'P' dLeg : dict or None Dictionary of properties for plotting the legend Fed to plt.legend(), the legend is not plotted if None draw : bool Flag indicating whether fig.canvas.draw() shall be called a4 : bool Flag indicating whether to plot the figure in a4 dimensions Test : bool a4 : bool Flag indicating whether to plot the figure in a4 dimensions Test : bool a4 : bool Flag indicating whether to plot the figure in a4 dimensions Test : bool a4 : bool Flag indicating whether to plot the figure in a4 dimensions Test : bool Test : bool Flag indicating whether the inputs should be tested for conformity Returns ------- La : list / plt.Axes Handles of the axes used for plotting (list if Proj='All') """ return _plot.Rays_plot( self, Lax=lax, Proj=proj, reflections=reflections, Lplot=Lplot, element=element, element_config=element_config, Leg=Leg, dL=dL, dPtD=dPtD, dPtI=dPtI, dPtO=dPtO, dPtR=dPtR, dPtP=dPtP, dLeg=dLeg, multi=multi, ind=ind, fs=fs, tit=tit, wintit=wintit, draw=draw, Test=Test, )
[docs] def plot_sino( self, ax=None, element=_def.LOSImpElt, Sketch=True, Ang=_def.LOSImpAng, AngUnit=_def.LOSImpAngUnit, Leg=None, dL=_def.LOSMImpd, dVes=_def.TorPFilld, dLeg=_def.TorLegd, ind=None, multi=False, fs=None, tit=None, wintit=None, draw=True, Test=True, ): """ Plot the LOS in projection space (sinogram) Plot the Rays in projection space (cf. sinograms) as points. Can also optionnally plot the associated :class:`~tofu.geom.Ves` Can plot the conventional projection-space (in 2D in a cross-section), or a 3D extrapolation of it, where the third coordinate is provided by the angle that the LOS makes with the cross-section plane (useful in case of multiple LOS with a partially tangential view) Parameters ---------- Proj : str Flag indicating whether to plot: - 'Cross': a classic sinogram (vessel cross-section) - '3d': an extended 3D version ('3d'), with an additional angle ax : None / plt.Axes The axes on which to plot, if None a new figure is created Elt : str Flag indicating which elements to plot (one per capital letter): * 'L': LOS * 'V': Vessel Ang : str Flag indicating which angle to use for the impact parameter: - 'xi': the angle of the line itself - 'theta': its impact parameter (theta) AngUnit : str Flag for the angle units to be displayed: - 'rad': for radians - 'deg': for degrees Sketch : bool Flag indicating whether to plot a skecth with angles definitions dL : dict Dictionary of properties for plotting the Rays points dV : dict Dictionary of properties for plotting the vessel envelopp dLeg : None / dict Dictionary of properties for plotting the legend The legend is not plotted if None draw : bool Flag indicating whether to draw the figure a4 : bool Flag indicating whether the figure should be a4 Test : bool Flag indicating whether the inputs shall be tested for conformity Returns ------- ax : plt.Axes The axes used to plot """ if self._dsino["RefPt"] is None: msg = "The sinogram ref. point is not set !" msg += "\n => run self.set_dsino()" raise Exception(msg) return _plot.GLOS_plot_Sino( self, Proj="Cross", ax=ax, Elt=element, Leg=Leg, Sketch=Sketch, Ang=Ang, AngUnit=AngUnit, dL=dL, dVes=dVes, dLeg=dLeg, ind=ind, fs=fs, tit=tit, wintit=wintit, draw=draw, Test=Test, )
[docs] def get_touch_dict(self, ind=None, out=bool): """ Get a dictionnary of Cls_Name struct with indices of Rays touching Only includes Struct object with compute = True (as returned by self.lStruct__computeInOut_computeInOut) Also return the associated colors If in is not None, the indices for each Struct are split between: - indok : rays touching Struct and in ind - indout: rays touching Struct but not in ind """ if self.config is None: msg = "Config must be set in order to get touch dict !" raise Exception(msg) dElt = {} lS = self.config.lStruct ind = self._check_indch(ind, out=bool) for ii in np.r_[self.get_indStruct_computeInOut(unique_In=True)]: kn = "{}_{}".format(lS[ii].__class__.__name__, lS[ii].Id.Name) indtouch =, out=bool) if np.any(indtouch): indok = indtouch & ind indout = indtouch & ~ind if np.any(indok) or np.any(indout): if out == int: indok = indok.nonzero()[0] indout = indout.nonzero()[0] dElt[kn] = { "indok": indok, "indout": indout, "col": lS[ii].get_color(), } return dElt
[docs] def get_touch_colors( self, ind=None, dElt=None, cbck=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), rgba=True, ): """ Get array of colors per LOS (color set by the touched Struct) """ if dElt is None: dElt = self.get_touch_dict(ind=None, out=bool) else: assert type(dElt) is dict assert all( [type(k) is str and type(v) is dict for k, v in dElt.items()] ) if rgba: colors = np.tile(mpl.colors.to_rgba(cbck), (self.nRays, 1)).T for k, v in dElt.items(): colors[:, v["indok"]] = np.r_[mpl.colors.to_rgba(v["col"])][ :, None ] else: colors = np.tile(mpl.colors.to_rgb(cbck), (self.nRays, 1)).T for k, v in dElt.items(): colors[:, v["indok"]] = np.r_[mpl.colors.to_rgb(v["col"])][ :, None ] return colors
[docs] def plot_touch( self, key=None, quant="lengths", Lplot=None, invert=None, ind=None, Bck=True, fs=None, wintit=None, tit=None, connect=True, draw=True, ): """ Interactive plot of the camera and the structures it touches The camera LOS are plotted in poloidal and horizontal projections The associated Config is also plotted The plot shows which strutural element is touched by each LOS In addition, an extra quantity can be mapped to alpha (transparency) Parameters ---------- key: None / str Only relevant if self.dchans was defined key is then a key to sekf.dchans quant: None / str Flag indicating which extra quantity is used to map alpha: - 'lengths' (default): the length of each LOS - 'angles' : the angle of incidence of each LOS (with respect to the normal of the surface touched, useful for assessing reflection probabilities) - 'indices': the index of each LOS (useful for checking numbering) - 'Etendues': the etendue associated to each LOS (user-provided) - 'Surfaces': the surfaces associated to each LOS (user-provided) Lplot: None / str Flag indicating whether to plot: - 'tot': the full length of the LOS - 'in': only the part that is inside the vessel invert: None / bool Flag indicating whether to plot 2D camera images inverted (pinhole) ind: None / np.ndarray Array of bool indices used to select only a subset of the LOS Bck: None / bool Flag indicating whether to plot the background LOS fs: None / tuple figure size in inches wintit: None / str Title for the window tit: None / str Title for the figure connect: None / bool Flag indicating to connect interactive actuators draw: None / bool Flag indicating whether to draw the figure """ out = _plot.Rays_plot_touch( self, key=key, Bck=Bck, quant=quant, ind=ind, Lplot=Lplot, invert=invert, connect=connect, fs=fs, wintit=wintit, tit=tit, draw=draw, ) return out
######################################## # CamLOS subclasses ######################################## sig = inspect.signature(Rays) params = sig.parameters
[docs]class CamLOS1D(Rays):
[docs] def get_summary( self, sep=" ", line="-", just="l", table_sep=None, verb=True, return_=False, ): # Prepare kout = self._dgeom["kOut"] indout = self._dgeom["indout"] lS = self._dconfig["Config"].lStruct angles = np.arccos(-np.sum(self.u*self.dgeom['vperp'], axis=0)) # ar0 col0 = ["nb. los", "av. length", "min length", "max length", "nb. touch", "av. angle", "min angle", "max angle"] ar0 = [ self.nRays, "{:.3f}".format(np.nanmean(kout)), "{:.3f}".format(np.nanmin(kout)), "{:.3f}".format(np.nanmax(kout)), np.unique(indout[0, :]).size, "{:.2f}".format(np.nanmean(angles)), "{:.2f}".format(np.nanmin(angles)), "{:.2f}".format(np.nanmax(angles)), ] if self._dgeom['move'] is not None: col0 += ['move', 'param'] ar0 += [self._dgeom['move'], str(round(self._dgeom['move_param'], ndigits=4))] # ar1 col1 = ["los index", "length", "touch", "angle (rad)"] ar1 = [ np.arange(0, self.nRays), np.around(kout, decimals=3).astype("U"), ["%s_%s" % (lS[ii].Id.Cls, lS[ii].Id.Name) for ii in indout[0, :]], np.around(angles, decimals=2).astype('U') ] for k, v in self._dchans.items(): col1.append(k) if v.ndim == 1: ar1.append(v) else: ar1.append([str(vv) for vv in v]) # call base method return self._get_summary( [ar0, ar1], [col0, col1], sep=sep, line=line, table_sep=table_sep, verb=verb, return_=return_, )
def __add__(self, other): if not other.__class__.__name__ == self.__class__.__name__: msg = "Operator defined only for same-class operations !" raise Exception(msg) lc = [self.Id.Exp == other.Id.Exp, self.Id.Diag == other.Id.Diag] if not all(lc): msg = ( "Operation only valid if objects have identical (Diag, Exp) !" ) raise Exception(msg) if not self.config == other.config: msg = "Operation only valid if objects have identical config !" raise Exception(msg) Name = "%s+%s" % (self.Id.Name, other.Id.Name) D = np.concatenate((self.D, other.D), axis=1) u = np.concatenate((self.u, other.u), axis=1) return self.__class__( dgeom=(D, u), config=self.config, Name=Name, Diag=self.Id.Diag, Exp=self.Id.Exp, ) def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other)
[docs] def save_to_imas( self, ids=None, shot=None, run=None, refshot=None, refrun=None, user=None, database=None, version=None, occ=None, dryrun=False, deep=True, restore_size=True, verb=True, config_description_2d=None, config_occ=None, ): import tofu.imas2tofu as _tfimas _tfimas._save_to_imas( self, tfversion=__version__, shot=shot, run=run, refshot=refshot, refrun=refrun, user=user, database=database, version=version, occ=occ, dryrun=dryrun, verb=verb, ids=ids, deep=deep, restore_size=restore_size, config_description_2d=config_description_2d, config_occ=config_occ, )
lp = [p for p in params.values() if != "dX12"] CamLOS1D.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=lp)
[docs]class CamLOS2D(Rays):
[docs] def get_summary( self, sep=" ", line="-", just="l", table_sep=None, verb=True, return_=False, ): # Prepare kout = self._dgeom["kOut"] indout = self._dgeom["indout"] # lS = self._dconfig["Config"].lStruct angles = np.arccos(-np.sum(self.u*self.dgeom['vperp'], axis=0)) # ar0 col0 = ["nb. los", "av. length", "min length", "max length", "nb. touch", "av. angle", "min angle", "max angle"] ar0 = [ self.nRays, "{:.3f}".format(np.nanmean(kout)), "{:.3f}".format(np.nanmin(kout)), "{:.3f}".format(np.nanmax(kout)), np.unique(indout[0, :]).size, "{:.2f}".format(np.nanmean(angles)), "{:.2f}".format(np.nanmin(angles)), "{:.2f}".format(np.nanmax(angles)), ] if self._dgeom['move'] is not None: col0 += ['move', 'param'] ar0 += [self._dgeom['move'], str(round(self._dgeom['move_param'], ndigits=4))] # call base method return self._get_summary( [ar0], [col0], sep=sep, line=line, table_sep=table_sep, verb=verb, return_=return_, )
[docs] def _isImage(self): return self._dgeom["isImage"]
@property def dX12(self): if self._dX12 is not None and self._dX12["from"] == "geom": dX12 = self._dgeom["dX12"] else: dX12 = self._dX12 return dX12
[docs] def get_X12plot(self, plot="imshow"): if plot == "imshow": x1, x2 = self.dX12["x1"], self.dX12["x2"] x1min, Dx1min = x1[0], 0.5 * (x1[1] - x1[0]) x1max, Dx1max = x1[-1], 0.5 * (x1[-1] - x1[-2]) x2min, Dx2min = x2[0], 0.5 * (x2[1] - x2[0]) x2max, Dx2max = x2[-1], 0.5 * (x2[-1] - x2[-2]) extent = ( x1min - Dx1min, x1max + Dx1max, x2min - Dx2min, x2max + Dx2max, ) indr = self.dX12["indr"] return x1, x2, indr, extent
""" def set_e12(self, e1=None, e2=None): assert e1 is None or (hasattr(e1,'__iter__') and len(e1)==3) assert e2 is None or (hasattr(e2,'__iter__') and len(e2)==3) if e1 is None: e1 = self._dgeom['e1'] else: e1 = np.asarray(e1).astype(float).ravel() e1 = e1 / np.linalg.norm(e1) if e2 is None: e2 = self._dgeom['e2'] else: e2 = np.asarray(e1).astype(float).ravel() e2 = e2 / np.linalg.norm(e2) assert np.abs(np.sum(e1*self._dgeom['nIn']))<1.e-12 assert np.abs(np.sum(e2*self._dgeom['nIn']))<1.e-12 assert np.abs(np.sum(e1*e2))<1.e-12 self._dgeom['e1'] = e1 self._dgeom['e2'] = e2 def get_ind_flatimg(self, direction='flat2img'): assert direction in ['flat2img','img2flat'] assert self._dgeom['ddetails'] is not None assert all([ss in self._dgeom['ddetails'].keys() for ss in ['x12','x1','x2']]) x1b = 0.5*(self._dgeom['ddetails']['x1'][1:] + self._dgeom['ddetails']['x1'][:-1]) x2b = 0.5*(self._dgeom['ddetails']['x2'][1:] + self._dgeom['ddetails']['x2'][:-1]) ind = np.array([np.digitize(self._dgeom['ddetails']['x12'][0,:], x1b), np.digitize(self._dgeom['ddetails']['x12'][0,:], x2b)]) if direction == 'flat2img': indr = np.zeros((self._dgeom['ddetails']['x1'].size, self._dgeom['ddetails']['x2'].size),dtype=int) indr[ind[0,:],ind[1,:]] = np.arange(0,self._dgeom['nRays']) ind = indr return ind def get_X12(self, out='imshow'): if out == 'imshow': x1, x2 = self._dgeom['x1'], self._dgeom['x2'] dx1, dx2 = 0.5*(x1[1]-x1[0]), 0.5*(x2[1]-x2[0]) extent = (x1[0]-dx1, x1[-1]+dx1, x2[0]-dx2, x2[-1]+dx2) return x1, x2, extent # TBF if self._X12 is None: Ds = self.D C = np.mean(Ds,axis=1) X12 = Ds-C[:,np.newaxis] X12 = np.array([np.sum(X12*self._dgeom['e1'][:,np.newaxis],axis=0), np.sum(X12*self._dgeom['e2'][:,np.newaxis],axis=0)]) else: X12 = self._X12 if X12 is None or out.lower()=='1d': DX12 = None else: x1u, x2u, ind, DX12 = utils.get_X12fromflat(X12) if out.lower()=='2d': X12 = [x1u, x2u, ind] return X12, DX12 """
lp = [p for p in params.values()] CamLOS2D.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=lp) """ Return the indices or instances of all LOS matching criteria The selection can be done according to 2 different mechanisms Mechanism (1): provide the value (Val) a criterion (Crit) should match The criteria are typically attributes of :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` (i.e.: name, or user-defined attributes like the camera head...) Mechanism (2): (used if Val=None) Provide a str expression (or a list of such) to be fed to eval() Used to check on quantitative criteria. - PreExp: placed before the criterion value (e.g.: 'not ' or '<=') - PostExp: placed after the criterion value - you can use both Other parameters are used to specify logical operators for the selection (match any or all the criterion...) and the type of output. Parameters ---------- Crit : str Flag indicating which criterion to use for discrimination Can be set to: - any attribute of :class:`~tofu.pathfile.ID` A str (or list of such) expression to be fed to eval() Placed after the criterion value Used for selection mechanism (2) Log : str Flag indicating whether the criterion shall match: - 'all': all provided values - 'any': at least one of them InOut : str Flag indicating whether the returned indices are: - 'In': the ones matching the criterion - 'Out': the ones not matching it Out : type / str Flag indicating in which form to return the result: - int: as an array of integer indices - bool: as an array of boolean indices - 'Name': as a list of names - 'LOS': as a list of :class:`~tofu.geom.LOS` instances Returns ------- ind : list / np.ndarray The computed output, of nature defined by parameter Out Examples -------- >>> import tofu.geom as tfg >>> VPoly, VLim = [[0.,1.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.,1.]], [-1.,1.] >>> V = tfg.Ves('ves', VPoly, Lim=VLim, Type='Lin', Exp='Misc', shot=0) >>> Du1 = ([0.,-0.1,-0.1],[0.,1.,1.]) >>> Du2 = ([0.,-0.1,-0.1],[0.,0.5,1.]) >>> Du3 = ([0.,-0.1,-0.1],[0.,1.,0.5]) >>> l1 = tfg.LOS('l1', Du1, Ves=V, Exp='Misc', Diag='A', shot=0) >>> l2 = tfg.LOS('l2', Du2, Ves=V, Exp='Misc', Diag='A', shot=1) >>> l3 = tfg.LOS('l3', Du3, Ves=V, Exp='Misc', Diag='B', shot=1) >>> gl = tfg.GLOS('gl', [l1,l2,l3]) >>> Arg1 = dict(Val=['l1','l3'],Log='any',Out='LOS') >>> Arg2 = dict(Val=['l1','l3'],Log='any',InOut='Out',Out=int) >>> Arg3 = dict(Crit='Diag', Val='A', Out='Name') >>> Arg4 = dict(Crit='shot', PostExp='>=1') >>>**Arg1) [l1,l3] >>>**Arg2) array([1]) >>>**Arg3) ['l1','l2'] >>>**Arg4) array([False, True, True], dtype=bool) """