Source code for tofu.geom._comp_solidangles

# Built-in
# import warnings

# Common
import numpy as np
# import scipy.interpolate as scpinterp
# import scipy.integrate as scpintg
# from inspect import signature as insp

# local
from . import _GG

_APPROX = True
_ANISO = False
_BLOCK = True
_LTYPES = [int, float, np.int_, np.float_]

#                       Check inputs

[docs]def _check_calc_solidangle_particle( traj=None, pts=None, rad=None, config=None, approx=None, aniso=None, block=None, ): # Check booleans if approx is None: approx = _APPROX if aniso is None: aniso = _ANISO lbool = [('approx', approx), ('aniso', aniso)] for kk, vv in lbool: if not isinstance(vv, bool): msg = ("Arg {} must be a bool\n".format(kk) + "\t- provided: {}".format(vv)) raise Exception(msg) # Check config c0 = [config is None, config.__class__.__name__ == "Config"] if not any(c0): msg = ("Arg config must be either Noen or a tf.geom.Config instance!\n" + "\t- provided: {}".format(config)) raise Exception(msg) # Double-check block vs config if block is None: if config is None: block = False else: block = _BLOCK if not isinstance(block, bool): msg = ("Arg {} must be a bool\n".format('block') + "\t- provided: {}".format(block)) raise Exception(msg) if config is None and block is True: msg = ("Arg block cannot be True of config is not provided!") raise Exception(msg) # arrays try: traj = np.ascontiguousarray(traj, dtype=float) rad = np.r_[rad].astype(float).ravel() # Check pts, traj and r are array of good shape c0 = traj.ndim in [1, 2] and 3 in traj.shape if pts is not False: pts = np.ascontiguousarray(pts, dtype=float) c0 = c0 and pts.ndim in [1, 2] and 3 in pts.shape assert c0 if traj.ndim == 1: traj = traj.reshape((3, 1)) if traj.shape[0] != 3: traj = traj.T traj = np.ascontiguousarray(traj) if pts is not False: if pts.ndim == 1: pts = pts.reshape((3, 1)) if pts.shape[0] != 3: pts = pts.T pts = np.ascontiguousarray(pts) except Exception: msg = ( "Args traj and pts must be convertible to np.ndarrays of shape" + "\n\t- traj: (N,), (3, N) or (N, 3)" + "\n\t- pts: (M,), (3, M) or (M, 3)" + "\n\n You provided:\n" + "\n\t- traj: {}".format(traj) + "\n\t- pts: {}".format(pts) + "\n\t- rad: {}".format(rad) ) raise Exception(msg) # check rad vs traj ntraj = traj.shape[1] nrad = rad.size nmax = max(nrad, ntraj) if not (nrad in [1, nmax] and ntraj in [1, nmax]): msg = ("rad must be an array with shape (1,) or (N,)\n" + " provided: {}".format(rad)) raise Exception(msg) if nrad < nmax: rad = np.full((nmax,), rad[0]) if ntraj < nmax: traj = np.repeat(traj, nmax, axis=1) return traj, pts, rad, config, approx, aniso, block
############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Solid Angle particle ###############################################################################
[docs]def calc_solidangle_particle( pts=None, part_traj=None, part_radius=None, config=None, approx=None, aniso=None, block=None, ): """ Compute the solid angle subtended by a particle along a trajectory The particle has radius r, and trajectory (array of points) traj It is observed from pts (array of points) traj and pts are (3, N) and (3, M) arrays of cartesian coordinates approx = True => use approximation aniso = True => return also unit vector of emission block = True consider LOS collisions (with Ves, Struct...) if block: config used for LOS collisions Parameters ---------- pts: np.ndarray Array of (3, M) pts coordinates (X, Y, Z) representing the points from which the particle is observed part_traj: np.ndarray Array of (3, N) pts coordinates (X, Y, Z) representing the particle positions part_radius: float / np.ndarray Unique of multiple values for the radius of the spherical particle if multiple, rad is a np.ndarray of shape (N,) config: None / tf.geom.Config if block = True, solid angles are non-zero only if the field of view is not blocked bya structural element in teh chamber approx: None / bool Flag indicating whether to compute the solid angle using an 1st-order series development (in whichcase the solid angle becomes proportional to the radius of the particle, see Notes_Upgrades/) aniso: None / bool Flag indicating whether to consider anisotropic emissivity, meaning the routine must also compute and return the unit vector directing the flux from each pts to each position on the trajectory of the particle block: None / bool Flag indicating whether to check for vignetting by structural elements provided by config Return: ------- sang: np.ndarray (N, M) Array of floats, solid angles """ ################ # Prepare inputs ( part_traj, pts, part_radius, config, approx, aniso, block ) = _check_calc_solidangle_particle( traj=part_traj, pts=pts, rad=part_radius, config=config, approx=approx, aniso=aniso, block=block, ) ################ # Main computation # traj2pts vector, with length (3d array (3, N, M)) vect = - pts[:, :, None] + part_traj[:, None, :] len_v = np.ascontiguousarray(np.sqrt(np.sum(vect**2, axis=0))) # If aniso or block, normalize if aniso or block: vect = vect / len_v[None, :, :] # Solid angle r_d = part_radius[None, :] / len_v where_zero = len_v <= part_radius[None, :] r_d[where_zero] = 0. # temporary value if approx: sang = np.pi * (r_d**2 + r_d**4 / 4. + r_d**6 / 8. + r_d**8 * 5 / 64) else: sang = 2.*np.pi * (1 - np.sqrt(1. - r_d ** 2)) # when particle in mesh point, distance len_v = 0 thus sang neglected sang[where_zero] = 0. # block if block: kwdargs = config.get_kwdargs_LOS_isVis() indvis = _GG.LOS_areVis_PtsFromPts_VesStruct( pts, part_traj, dist=len_v, **kwdargs ) iout = indvis == 0 sang[iout] = 0. vect[:, iout] = np.nan ################ # Return if aniso: return sang, vect return sang
[docs]def calc_solidangle_particle_integ( part_traj=None, part_radius=None, config=None, approx=True, block=True, resolution=None, DR=None, DZ=None, DPhi=None, ): # step0: if block : generate kwdargs from config # step 1: sample cross-section # step 2: loop on R of pts of cross-section (parallelize ?) # => fix nb. of phi for the rest of the loop # loop of Z # step 3: loop phi # Check visibility (if block = True) for each phi (LOS collision) # If visible => compute solid angle # integrate (sum * res) on each phi the solid angle # Return sang as (N,nR,nZ) array # ---------------- # check resolution if resolution is None: resolution = 0.1 if type(resolution) in _LTYPES: resolution = [resolution, resolution, resolution] c0 = ( isinstance(resolution, list) and all([type(ss) in _LTYPES for ss in resolution]) ) if not c0: msg = ( "Arg resolution must be a list of 3 floats [r, z, rphi]\n" "Each representing the spatial sampling step in a direction\n" "If a single float is provided, the same is used for all" ) raise Exception(msg) resolution = [float(rr) for rr in resolution] # ------------------ # Check DR, DZ, DPhi dD = {'DR': DR, 'DZ': DZ, 'DPhi': DPhi} dfail = {} for k0, v0 in dD.items(): c0 = ( v0 is None or ( isinstance(v0, list) and len(v0) == 2 and all([v1 is None or type(v1) in _LTYPES for v1 in v0]) ) ) if not c0: dfail[k0] = str(v0) if len(dfail) > 0: lstr = [f'\t- {k0}: {v0}' for k0, v0 in dfail.items()] msg = ( "The following arguments are invalid:\n" "Expected None or a list of len(2) of None or floats!\n" + "\n".join(lstr) ) raise Exception(msg) # ------------------ # check other inputs ( part_traj, _, part_radius, config, approx, _, block ) = _check_calc_solidangle_particle( traj=part_traj, pts=False, rad=part_radius, config=config, approx=approx, aniso=False, block=block, ) # ------------------ # Define the volume to be sampled: smallest vessel # Get kwdargs for LOS blocking kwdargs = config.get_kwdargs_LOS_isVis() # derive limits for sampling limits_r = np.r_[ np.min(kwdargs['ves_poly'][0, :]), np.max(kwdargs['ves_poly'][0, :]), ] limits_z = np.r_[ np.min(kwdargs['ves_poly'][1, :]), np.max(kwdargs['ves_poly'][1, :]), ] return _GG.compute_solid_angle_map( part_traj, part_radius, resolution[0], resolution[1], resolution[2], limits_r, limits_z, DR=DR, DZ=DZ, DPhi=DPhi, block=block, approx=approx, limit_vpoly=kwdargs['ves_poly'], **kwdargs, )