Source code for tofu.geom._comp_optics

import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as scpinterp
import scipy.stats as scpstats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

_LTYPES = [int, float, np.int_, np.float_]

# ###############################################
#           utility
# ###############################################

[docs]def _check_bool(var, vardef=None, varname=None): if var is None: var = vardef if not isinstance(var, bool): msg = ( "Arg {} must be a bool\n".format(varname) + " You provided: {}".format(type(var)) ) raise Exception(msg) return var
[docs]def _are_broadcastable(**kwdargs): # Check if broadcastable lv = list(kwdargs.values()) c0 = ( all([isinstance(vv, np.ndarray) for vv in lv]) and all([ all([ (m == n) or (m == 1) or (n == 1) for m, n in zip(vv.shape[::-1], lv[0].shape[::-1]) ]) for vv in lv ]) ) # raise Exception if strict if not c0: msg = ( "All args must be broadcastable with each other!\n" + "You provided:\n" + "\n".join([ '\t- {}.shape = {}'.format(k0, v0.shape) for k0, v0 in kwdargs.items() ]) ) raise Exception(msg)
# ############################################### # ############################################### # CrystalBragg # ############################################### # ###############################################
[docs]def _checkformat_xixj(xi, xj): if xi is None or xj is None: msg = ( "Arg xi and xj must be provided!\n" "Provided:\n" f"\t- xi: {xi}\n" f"\t- xj: {xj}\n" ) raise Exception(msg) xi = np.atleast_1d(xi) xj = np.atleast_1d(xj) if xi.shape == xj.shape: return xi, xj, (xi, xj) else: return xi, xj, np.meshgrid( xi, xj, copy=True, sparse=False, indexing='ij', )
# ############################################### # sampling # ###############################################
[docs]def _check_dthetapsi( dtheta=None, psi=None, extenthalf_psi=None, extenthalf_dtheta=None, ntheta=None, npsi=None, include_summit=None, ): # Check inputs if dtheta is None: dtheta = 0. if psi is None: psi = 0. # if envelop => get all points around cryst + summit if any([isinstance(vv, str) and vv == 'envelop' for vv in [dtheta, psi]]): psi, dtheta = CrystBragg_sample_outline_sphrect( extenthalf_psi, extenthalf_dtheta, npsi=npsi, ntheta=ntheta, include_summit=include_summit, ) c0 = all([ type(vv) in _LTYPES or isinstance(vv, np.ndarray) for vv in [dtheta, psi] ]) dtheta = np.atleast_1d(dtheta) psi = np.atleast_1d(psi) if psi.shape != dtheta.shape: msg = ( "dtheta and psi should have the same shape\n" + "\t- dtheta.shape = {}\n".format(dtheta.shape) + "\t- psi.shape = {}".format(psi.shape) ) raise Exception(msg) return dtheta, psi
[docs]def CrystBragg_sample_outline_sphrect( extent_psi, extent_dtheta, npsi=None, ntheta=None, include_summit=None, ): # check inputs if include_summit is None: include_summit = True if ntheta is None: ntheta = 5 if npsi is None: npsi = 3 # compute psi = extent_psi*np.linspace(-1, 1., npsi) dtheta = extent_dtheta*np.linspace(-1, 1., ntheta) psimin = np.full((ntheta,), psi[0]) psimax = np.full((ntheta,), psi[-1]) dthetamin = np.full((npsi,), dtheta[0]) dthetamax = np.full((npsi,), dtheta[-1]) psi = np.concatenate((psi, psimax, psi[::-1], psimin)) dtheta = np.concatenate((dthetamin, dtheta, dthetamax, dtheta[::-1])) if include_summit is True: psi = np.r_[psi, 0.] dtheta = np.r_[dtheta, 0.] return psi, dtheta
[docs]def CrystBragg_get_noute1e2_from_psitheta( nout, e1, e2, psi=None, dtheta=None, e1e2=None, sameshape=None, extenthalf_psi=None, extenthalf_dtheta=None, ntheta=None, npsi=None, include_summit=None, ): # check inputs if e1e2 is None: e1e2 = True if sameshape is None: sameshape = psi.shape == nout.shape[1:] if sameshape: assert psi.shape == nout.shape[1:] dtheta, psi = _check_dthetapsi( dtheta=dtheta, psi=psi, extenthalf_psi=extenthalf_psi, extenthalf_dtheta=extenthalf_dtheta, ntheta=ntheta, npsi=npsi, include_summit=include_summit, ) # Prepare if sameshape is False: assert psi.ndim in [1, 2, 3, 4] if psi.ndim == 1: nout = nout[:, None] e1, e2 = e1[:, None], e2[:, None] elif psi.ndim == 2: nout = nout[:, None, None] e1, e2 = e1[:, None, None], e2[:, None, None] elif psi.ndim == 3: nout = nout[:, None, None, None] e1, e2 = e1[:, None, None, None], e2[:, None, None, None] else: nout = nout[:, None, None, None, None] e1 = e1[:, None, None, None, None] e2 = e2[:, None, None, None, None] # Not necessary for broadcasting (last dims first) theta = dtheta # + np.pi/2. # psi = psi[None, ...] # Compute # vout = ( # (np.cos(psi)*nout + np.sin(psi)*e1)*np.sin(theta) + np.cos(theta)*e2 # ) vout = ( (np.cos(psi)*nout + np.sin(psi)*e1)*np.cos(theta) + np.sin(theta)*e2 ) if e1e2: ve1 = -np.sin(psi)*nout + np.cos(psi)*e1 ve2 = np.array([vout[1, ...]*ve1[2, ...] - vout[2, ...]*ve1[1, ...], vout[2, ...]*ve1[0, ...] - vout[0, ...]*ve1[2, ...], vout[0, ...]*ve1[1, ...] - vout[1, ...]*ve1[0, ...]]) return vout, ve1, ve2 else: return vout
[docs]def CrystBragg_sample_outline_plot_sphrect( center, nout, e1, e2, rcurve, extenthalf, res=None, ): """ Get the set of points in (x, y, z) coordinates sampling the crystal outline """ # check inputs if res is None: res = np.min(extenthalf)/5. # compute npsi = 2*int(np.ceil(extenthalf[0] / res)) + 1 ntheta = 2*int(np.ceil(extenthalf[1] / res)) + 1 psi, dtheta = CrystBragg_sample_outline_sphrect( extenthalf[0], extenthalf[1], npsi=npsi, ntheta=ntheta, include_summit=False, ) vout = CrystBragg_get_noute1e2_from_psitheta( nout, e1, e2, psi, dtheta, e1e2=False, sameshape=False, ) return center[:, None] + rcurve*vout
# ############################################### # lamb <=> bragg # ###############################################
[docs]def get_bragg_from_lamb(lamb, d, n=None): """ n*lamb = 2d*sin(bragg) The angle bragg is defined as the angle of incidence of the emissed photon vector and the crystal mesh, and not the crystal dioptre. For record, both are parallel and coplanar when is defined parallelism into the crystal. """ if n is None: n = 1 bragg = np.full(lamb.shape, np.nan) sin = n*lamb/(2.*d) indok = np.abs(sin) <= 1. bragg[indok] = np.arcsin(sin[indok]) return bragg
[docs]def get_lamb_from_bragg(bragg, d, n=None): """ n*lamb = 2d*sin(bragg) The angle bragg is defined as the angle of incidence of the emissed photon vector and the crystal mesh, and not the crystal dioptre. For record, both are parallel and coplanar when is defined parallelism into the crystal. """ if n is None: n = 1 return 2*d*np.sin(bragg) / n
# ############################################### # vectors <=> angles # ###############################################
[docs]def get_vectors_from_angles(alpha, beta, nout, e1, e2): """Return new unit vectors according to alpha and beta entries from user caused by the non parallelism assumed on the crystal. """ e1_bis = ( np.cos(alpha)*(np.cos(beta)*e1 + np.sin(beta)*e2) - np.sin(alpha)*nout ) e2_bis = np.cos(beta)*e2-np.sin(beta)*e1 nout_bis = ( np.cos(alpha)*nout + np.sin(alpha)*(np.cos(beta)*e1 + np.sin(beta)*e2) ) nin_bis = -nout_bis return nin_bis, nout_bis, e1_bis, e2_bis
# ############################################### # Approximate solution # ###############################################
[docs]def get_rowland_dist_from_bragg(bragg=None, rcurve=None): return rcurve*np.sin(bragg)
[docs]def get_approx_detector_rel(rcurve, bragg, braggref=None, xiref=None, bragg01=None, dist01=None, tangent_to_rowland=None): """ Return the approximative detector position on the Rowland circle relatively to the Bragg crystal. Possibility to define tangential position of the detector to the Rowland circle or not. On WEST, the maximum non-parallelism between two halves can be up to few arcmin so here, doesn't need to define the precise location of the detector The bragg angle is provided and naturally defined as the angle between the emissed photon vector and the crystal mesh. So, if non parallelism approuved, bragg is relative to the vector basis dmat(nout,e1,e2). The position of the detector, relatively to the crystal, will be so in another Rowland circle with its center shifted from the original one. """ if tangent_to_rowland is None: tangent_to_rowland = True # distance crystal - det_center # bragg between incident vector and mesh det_dist = rcurve*np.sin(bragg) # det_nout and det_e1 in (nout, e1, e2) (det_e2 = e2) n_crystdet_rel = np.r_[-np.sin(bragg), np.cos(bragg), 0.] if tangent_to_rowland is True: bragg2 = 2.*bragg det_nout_rel = np.r_[-np.cos(bragg2), -np.sin(bragg2), 0.] det_ei_rel = np.r_[np.sin(bragg2), -np.cos(bragg2), 0.] else: det_nout_rel = -n_crystdet_rel det_ei_rel = np.r_[np.cos(bragg), np.sin(bragg), 0] # update with bragg01 and dist01 if bragg01 is not None: ang = np.diff(np.sort(bragg01)) # h = l1 tan(theta1) = l2 tan(theta2) # l = l2 (tan(theta1) + tan(theta2)) / tan(theta1) # l = l2 / cos(theta2) # l = l tan(theta1) / (cos(theta2) * (tan(theta1) + tan(theta2))) theta2 = bragg if tangent_to_rowland is True else np.pi/2 theta1 = np.abs(bragg-bragg01[0]) tan1 = np.tan(theta1) d0 = det_dist * tan1 / (np.cos(theta2) * (tan1+np.tan(theta2))) theta1 = np.abs(bragg-bragg01[1]) tan1 = np.tan(theta1) d1 = det_dist * tan1 / (np.cos(theta2) * (tan1+np.tan(theta2))) if >= 0: d01 = np.abs(d0 - d1) else: d01 = d0 + d1 det_dist = det_dist * dist01 / d01 return det_dist, n_crystdet_rel, det_nout_rel, det_ei_rel
[docs]def get_det_abs_from_rel(det_dist, n_crystdet_rel, det_nout_rel, det_ei_rel, summit, nout, e1, e2, ddist=None, di=None, dj=None, dtheta=None, dpsi=None, tilt=None): """ Return the absolute detector position, according to tokamak's frame, on the Rowland circle from its relative position to the Bragg crystal. If non parallelism approuved, bragg is relative to the vector basis dmat(nout,e1,e2). The position of the detector, relatively to the crystal, will be so in another Rowland circle with its center shifted from the original one. """ # Reference on detector det_nout = (det_nout_rel[0]*nout + det_nout_rel[1]*e1 + det_nout_rel[2]*e2) det_ei = (det_ei_rel[0]*nout + det_ei_rel[1]*e1 + det_ei_rel[2]*e2) det_ej = np.cross(det_nout, det_ei) # Apply translation of center (ddist, di, dj) if ddist is None: ddist = 0. if di is None: di = 0. if dj is None: dj = 0. det_dist += ddist n_crystdet = (n_crystdet_rel[0]*nout + n_crystdet_rel[1]*e1 + n_crystdet_rel[2]*e2) det_cent = summit + det_dist*n_crystdet + di*det_ei + dj*det_ej # Apply angles on unit vectors with respect to themselves if dtheta is None: dtheta = 0. if dpsi is None: dpsi = 0. if tilt is None: tilt = 0. # dtheta and dpsi det_nout2 = ( (np.cos(dpsi)*det_nout + np.sin(dpsi)*det_ei)*np.cos(dtheta) + np.sin(dtheta)*det_ej ) det_ei2 = (np.cos(dpsi)*det_ei - np.sin(dpsi)*det_nout) det_ej2 = np.cross(det_nout2, det_ei2) # tilt det_ei3 = np.cos(tilt)*det_ei2 + np.sin(tilt)*det_ej2 det_ej3 = np.cross(det_nout2, det_ei3) return det_cent, det_nout2, det_ei3, det_ej3
# ############################################### # Sagital / meridional focus # ###############################################
[docs]def calc_meridional_sagital_focus( rcurve=None, bragg=None, alpha=None, use_non_parallelism=None, verb=None, ): # Check input if rcurve is None or bragg is None: msg = ( "Args rcurve and bragg must be provided!" ) raise Exception(msg) verb = _check_bool(verb, vardef=True, varname='verb') use_non_parallelism = _check_bool( use_non_parallelism, vardef=_USE_NON_PARALLELISM, varname='use_non_parallelism', ) # Compute s_merid_ref = rcurve*np.sin(bragg) s_sagit_ref = -s_merid_ref/np.cos(2.*bragg) s_merid_unp = rcurve*(np.sin(bragg) + np.cos(bragg)*np.sin(alpha)) s_sagit_unp = -s_merid_unp/(1-2.*np.sin(bragg+alpha)**2.) # verb if verb is True: mr = round(s_merid_ref, ndigits=3) sr = round(s_sagit_ref, ndigits=3) msg = ( "Assuming a perfect crystal:\n" f"\t- meridonal focus at {mr} m\n" f"\t- sagittal focus at {sr} m\n" ) if use_non_parallelism is True: delta_merid = abs(s_merid_unp - s_merid_ref) delta_sagit = abs(s_sagit_unp - s_sagit_ref) mnp = round(s_merid_unp, ndigits=3) snp = round(s_sagit_unp, ndigits=3) mca = round(delta_merid, ndigits=3) sca = round(delta_sagit, ndigits=3) mcr = round(100. * delta_merid / s_merid_ref, ndigits=3) scr = round(100. * delta_sagit / s_sagit_ref, ndigits=3) msg += ( f"\nConsidering non-parallelism (alpha = {alpha} rad):\n" f"\t- meridonal focus at {mnp} m (delta = {mca} m / {mcr} %)\n" f"\t- sagital focus at {snp} m (delta = {sca} m / {scr} %)" ) print(msg) return s_merid_ref, s_sagit_ref, s_merid_unp, s_sagit_unp
# ############################################### # Coordinates transforms # ###############################################
[docs]def _checkformat_pts(pts=None): pts = np.atleast_1d(pts) if pts.ndim == 1: pts = pts.reshape((3, 1)) if pts.shape[0] != 3 or pts.ndim < 2: msg = "pts must be a (3, ...) array of (X, Y, Z) coordinates!" raise Exception(msg) return pts
[docs]def checkformat_vectang(Z, nn, frame_cent, frame_ang): # Check / format inputs nn = np.atleast_1d(nn).ravel() assert nn.size == 3 nn = nn / np.linalg.norm(nn) Z = float(Z) frame_cent = np.atleast_1d(frame_cent).ravel() assert frame_cent.size == 2 frame_ang = float(frame_ang) return Z, nn, frame_cent, frame_ang
[docs]def get_e1e2_detectorplane(nn, nIn): e1 = np.cross(nn, nIn) e1n = np.linalg.norm(e1) if e1n < 1.e-10: e1 = np.array([nIn[2], -nIn[1], 0.]) e1n = np.linalg.norm(e1) e1 = e1 / e1n e2 = np.cross(nn, e1) e2 = e2 / np.linalg.norm(e2) return e1, e2
# To be made cleaner vs option 0/ 1 => grid = True, False
[docs]def calc_xixj_from_braggphi( det_cent=None, det_nout=None, det_ei=None, det_ej=None, det_outline=None, summit=None, nout=None, e1=None, e2=None, bragg=None, phi=None, option=None, strict=None, ): """ Several options for shapes de_cent, det_nout, det_ei and det_ej are always of shape (3,) option: 0: (summit, e1, e2).shape = (3,) (bragg, phi).shape = (nbragg,) => (xi, xj).shape = (nbragg,) 1: (summit, e1, e2).shape = (3, nlamb, npts, nbragg) (bragg, phi).shape = (nlamb, npts, nbragg) => (xi, xj).shape = (nlamb, npts, nbragg) """ # check inputs if strict is None: strict = True # Check option gdet = [det_cent, det_nout, det_ei, det_ej] g0 = [summit, nout, e1, e2] g1 = [bragg, phi] # check nbroadcastable _are_broadcastable(bragg=bragg, phi=phi) assert all([gg.shape == (3,) for gg in gdet]), "gdet no broadcast!" assert all([gg.shape == g0[0].shape for gg in g0]), "g0 no broadcast!" lc = [ g0[0].size == 3 and g1[0].ndim == 1, g0[0].ndim in [4, 5] and g0[0].shape[0] == 3 and phi.shape == g0[0].shape[1:], ] if np.sum(lc) == 0: lstr = [ '\t- {}: {}'.format(kk, vv.shape) for kk, vv in [ ('summit', summit), ('nout', nout), ('e1', e1), ('e2', e2), ('bragg', bragg), ('phi', phi), ] ] msg = ( "Please provide either:\n" + "\t- option 0:\n" + "\t\t- (summit, nout, e1, e2).shape[0] = 3\n" + "\t\t- (bragg, phi).ndim = 1\n" + "\t- option 1:\n" + "\t\t- (summit, nout, e1, e2).ndim in [4, 5]\n" + "\t\t- (bragg, phi).shape[0] = 3\n\n" + "You provided:\n" + "\n".join(lstr) ) raise Exception(msg) elif all(lc): msg = ("Multiple options!") raise Exception(msg) if option is None: option = lc.index(True) assert (lc[0] and option == 0) or (lc[1] and option == 1) if option == 0: summit = summit.ravel() nout, e1, e2 = nout.ravel(), e1.ravel(), e2.ravel() det_cent = det_cent[:, None] det_nout = det_nout[:, None] det_ei, det_ej = det_ei[:, None], det_ej[:, None] summit, nout = summit[:, None], nout[:, None], e1, e2 = e1[:, None], e2[:, None] else: det_cent = det_cent[:, None, None, None] det_nout = det_nout[:, None, None, None] det_ei = det_ei[:, None, None, None] det_ej = det_ej[:, None, None, None] if g0[0].ndim == 5: det_cent = det_cent[..., None] det_nout = det_nout[..., None] det_ei = det_ei[..., None] det_ej = det_ej[..., None] # Not necessary for broadcasting (last dims first) # bragg = bragg[None, ...] # phi = phi[None, ...] # Compute vect = ( -np.sin(bragg)*nout + np.cos(bragg)*(np.cos(phi)*e1 + np.sin(phi)*e2) ) k = np.sum( (det_cent-summit)*det_nout, axis=0 ) / np.sum(vect*det_nout, axis=0) pts = summit + k[None, ...]*vect xi = np.sum((pts - det_cent)*det_ei, axis=0) xj = np.sum((pts - det_cent)*det_ej, axis=0) # Optional: eliminate points outside the det outline if det_outline is not None and strict is True: ind = ( (xi < np.min(det_outline[0, :])) | (xi > np.max(det_outline[0, :])) | (xj < np.min(det_outline[1, :])) | (xj > np.max(det_outline[1, :])) ) xi[ind] = np.nan xj[ind] = np.nan return xi, xj, strict
[docs]def _calc_braggphi_from_pts_summits( pts=None, summits=None, vin=None, ve1=None, ve2=None, ): # check inputs _are_broadcastable(pts=pts, summits=summits, vin=vin, ve1=ve1, ve2=ve2) if pts.ndim != summits.ndim: msg = "Differents dimensions!" raise Exception(msg) # compute vect = pts - summits vect = vect / np.sqrt(np.sum(vect**2, axis=0))[None, ...] bragg = np.arcsin(np.sum(vect*vin, axis=0)) if np.any(bragg < 0.): msg = ( "There seems to be negative bragg angles!\n" + " => double-check inputs!" ) raise Exception(msg) phi = np.arctan2(np.sum(vect*ve2, axis=0), np.sum(vect*ve1, axis=0)) return bragg, phi
[docs]def calc_braggphi_from_xixjpts( pts=None, xi=None, xj=None, det=None, summit=None, nin=None, e1=None, e2=None, grid=None, ): """ Return bragg phi for pts or (xj, xi) seen from (summit, nin, e1, e2) Either provide: pts => (3, npts) xi, xj => pts with shape (3, nxi, nxj) summit, nin, e1, e2 must have the same shape (3, nsumm) bragg.shape = (nsum, ) if grid is True: all pts evaluated for all summ/nin return (nsumm, npts) or (nsum, nxi, nxj) arrays else: each pts has a unique corresponding summ/nin (except possibly ndtheta) return (npts,) or (nxi, nxj) arrays or (npts, ndtheta) or (nxi, nxj, ndtheta) arrays """ # -------------- # Check format if grid is None: grid = True # Either pts or (xi, xj) lc = [pts is not None, all([xx is not None for xx in [xi, xj]])] if np.sum(lc) != 1: msg = "Provide either pts xor (xi, xj)!" raise Exception(msg) if lc[0]: # pts pts = _checkformat_pts(pts) elif lc[1]: # xi, xj => compute pts using det c0 = ( isinstance(det, dict) and all([ ss in det.keys() and len(det[ss]) == 3 for ss in ['cent', 'ei', 'ej'] ]) ) if not c0: msg = ( "Arg det must be provided as a dict if xi, xj are provided!\n" + "Provided: {}".format(det) ) raise Exception(msg) # pts from xi, xj xi, xj, (xii, xjj) = _checkformat_xixj(xi, xj) if xii.shape != xjj.shape: msg = "xi and xj must have the same shape!" raise Exception(msg) assert xii.ndim in [1, 2] if xii.ndim == 1: pts = (det['cent'][:, None] + xii[None, :]*det['ei'][:, None] + xjj[None, :]*det['ej'][:, None]) else: pts = (det['cent'][:, None, None] + xii[None, ...]*det['ei'][:, None, None] + xjj[None, ...]*det['ej'][:, None, None]) c0 = summit.shape == nin.shape == e1.shape == e2.shape if not c0: msg = "(summit, nin, e1, e2) must all have the same shape" raise Exception(msg) c0 = ( ( grid is True and pts.ndim in [1, 2, 3] and summit.ndim in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ) or ( grid is False and pts.ndim == summit.ndim ) ) if not c0: msg = ( "Args pts and summit/nin/e1/e2 must be such that:\n" + "\t- grid = True:\n" + "\t\tpts.ndim in [1, 2, 3] and pts.shape[0] == 3\n" + "\t\tsummit.ndim in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n" + "\t- grid = False:\n" + "\t\tpts can be directly broadcasted to summit (and same dim)\n" + " You provided:\n" + "\t- grid: {}\n".format(grid) + "\t- pts.shape = {}\n".format(pts.shape) + "\t- summit.shape = {}".format(summit.shape) ) raise Exception(msg) # -------------- # Prepare # This part should be re-checked for all combinations! if grid is False: return _calc_braggphi_from_pts_summits( pts=pts, summits=summit, vin=nin, ve1=e1, ve2=e2, ) else: # Typical dim # (3, npts, nlamb, ndtheta, 2) # (3, nxi, nxj, nlamb, ndtheta, 2) ptsdim = pts.ndim sumdim = summit.ndim if ptsdim == 2: if sumdim == 1: summit = summit[:, None] nin = nin[:, None] e1, e2 = e1[:, None], e2[:, None] else: summit = summit[:, None, ...] nin = nin[:, None, ...] e1, e2 = e1[:, None, ...], e2[:, None, ...] else: if sumdim == 1: summit = summit[:, None, None] nin = nin[:, None, None] e1, e2 = e1[:, None, None], e2[:, None, None] else: summit = summit[:, None, None, ...] nin = nin[:, None, None, ...] e1, e2 = e1[:, None, None, ...], e2[:, None, None, ...] if sumdim in [1, 2]: pts = pts[..., None] elif sumdim == 3: pts = pts[..., None, None] elif sumdim == 4: pts = pts[..., None, None, None] # -------------- # Compute # Everything has shape (3, nxi0, nxi1, npts0, npts1) => sum on axis=0 # or is broadcastable return _calc_braggphi_from_pts_summits( pts=pts, summits=summit, vin=nin, ve1=e1, ve2=e2, )
# ############################################### # 2D spectra to 1D # ###############################################
[docs]def get_lambphifit(lamb, phi, nxi, nxj): lambD = np.nanmax(lamb)-np.nanmin(lamb) lambfit = np.nanmin(lamb) + lambD*np.linspace(0, 1, nxi) phiD = np.nanmax(phi) - np.nanmin(phi) phifit = np.nanmin(phi) + phiD*np.linspace(0, 1, nxj) return lambfit, phifit
[docs]def _calc_spect1d_from_data2d(ldata, lamb, phi, nlambfit=None, nphifit=None, spect1d=None, mask=None, vertsum1d=None): # Check / format inputs if spect1d is None: spect1d = 'mean' if isinstance(ldata, np.ndarray): ldata = [ldata] lc = [isinstance(spect1d, tuple) and len(spect1d) == 2, (isinstance(spect1d, list) and all([isinstance(ss, tuple) and len(ss) == 2 for ss in spect1d])), spect1d in ['mean', 'cent']] if lc[0]: spect1d = [spect1d] elif lc[1]: pass elif lc[2]: if spect1d == 'cent': spect1d = [(0., 0.2)] nspect = 1 else: msg = ("spect1d must be either:\n" + "\t- 'mean': the avearge spectrum\n" + "\t- 'cent': the central spectrum +/- 20%\n" + "\t- (target, tol); a tuple of 2 floats:\n" + "\t\ttarget: the central value of the window in [-1,1]\n" + "\t\ttol: the window tolerance (width) in [0,1]\n" + "\t- list of (target, tol)") raise Exception(msg) if not isinstance(nlambfit, int) or not isinstance(nphifit, int): msg = ("nlambfit and nphifit must be int!\n" + "\t- nlambfit provided: {}\n".format(nlambfit) + "\t- nphifit provided : {}\n".format(nphifit)) raise Exception(msg) if vertsum1d is None: vertsum1d = True # Compute lambfit / phifit and spectrum1d if mask is not None: for ii in range(len(ldata)): ldata[ii][~mask] = np.nan lambfit, phifit = get_lambphifit(lamb, phi, nlambfit, nphifit) lambfitbins = 0.5*(lambfit[1:] + lambfit[:-1]) ind = np.digitize(lamb, lambfitbins) # Get phi window if spect1d == 'mean': phiminmax = np.r_[phifit.min(), phifit.max()][None, :] spect1d_out = [np.array([np.nanmean(dd[ind == jj]) for jj in np.unique(ind)])[None, :] for dd in ldata] else: nspect = len(spect1d) dphi = np.nanmax(phifit) - np.nanmin(phifit) spect1d_out = [np.full((nspect, lambfit.size), np.nan) for dd in ldata] phiminmax = np.full((nspect, 2), np.nan) for ii in range(nspect): phicent = np.nanmean(phifit) + spect1d[ii][0]*dphi/2. indphi = np.abs(phi - phicent) < spect1d[ii][1]*dphi for jj in np.unique(ind): indj = indphi & (ind == jj) if np.any(indj): for ij in range(len(ldata)): spect1d_out[ij][ii, jj] = np.nanmean(ldata[ij][indj]) phiminmax[ii, :] = (np.nanmin(phi[indphi]), np.nanmax(phi[indphi])) if vertsum1d is True: phifitbins = 0.5*(phifit[1:] + phifit[:-1]) ind = np.digitize(phi, phifitbins) vertsum1d = [np.array([np.nanmean(dd[ind == ii]) for ii in np.unique(ind)]) for dd in ldata] if len(ldata) == 1: spect1d_out = spect1d_out[0] if vertsum1d is not False: vertsum1d = vertsum1d[0] return spect1d_out, lambfit, phifit, vertsum1d, phiminmax
# ############################################### # From plasma pts # ###############################################
[docs]def calc_dthetapsiphi_from_lambpts( pts, bragg, summit=None, rcurve=None, nout=None, e1=None, e2=None, extenthalf=None, ndtheta=None, grid=None, ): """ Return (dtheta, psi) of pts on crystal where bragg diffraction happens For given pts and lamb/bragg For each pts/lamb, there may be up to 2 arcs on the crystal Only returns valid solution (inside extenthalf), with nan elsewhere psi and dtheta returned as (nlamb, npts, 2, ndtheta) arrays Here nout, e1, e2 are at the unique crystal summit! """ # Check input if ndtheta is None: ndtheta = 10 npts = pts.shape[1] nlamb = bragg.size if grid is None: grid = True if grid is False: if nlamb != npts: msg = "If grid = False, lamb.shape should be (pts.shape[1],)" raise Exception(msg) # Prepare output if grid is True: scaPCem = np.full((nlamb, npts, 2), np.nan) dtheta = np.full((nlamb, npts, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) psi = np.full((nlamb, npts, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) num = np.full((nlamb, npts, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) angextra = np.full((nlamb, npts, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) dtheta_u = np.full((nlamb, npts, ndtheta), np.nan) psi_u = np.full((nlamb, npts, ndtheta), np.nan) sol1 = np.full((nlamb, npts), np.nan) sol2 = np.full((nlamb, npts), np.nan) else: scaPCem = np.full((npts, 2), np.nan) dtheta = np.full((npts, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) psi = np.full((npts, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) num = np.full((npts, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) angextra = np.full((npts, ndtheta, 2), np.nan) dtheta_u = np.full((npts, ndtheta), np.nan) psi_u = np.full((npts, ndtheta), np.nan) sol1 = np.full((npts,), np.nan) sol2 = np.full((npts,), np.nan) # Get to scalar product scaPCem # Already ok for non-parallelism (via nout) center = summit - rcurve*nout PC = center[:, None] - pts PCnorm2 = np.sum(PC**2, axis=0) cos2 = np.cos(bragg)**2 # PM.CM = Rsca + R**2 (ok) # PMCM = PMnR*sin (ok) # PMn2 = PCn2*sin2 + 2Rsin2*sca + R2sin2 # # sca**2 + 2Rcos2*sca + R2cos2 - PCnsin2 = 0 if grid is True: deltaon4 = np.sin(bragg)[:, None]**2*( PCnorm2[None, :] - rcurve**2*cos2[:, None] ) else: deltaon4 = np.sin(bragg)**2 * (PCnorm2 - rcurve**2*cos2) # Get two relevant solutions ind = deltaon4 >= 0. if grid is True: cos2 = np.repeat(cos2[:, None], npts, axis=1)[ind] PCnorm = np.tile(np.sqrt(PCnorm2), (nlamb, 1))[ind] else: cos2 = cos2[ind] PCnorm = np.sqrt(PCnorm2)[ind] sol1 = -rcurve*cos2 - np.sqrt(deltaon4[ind]) sol2 = -rcurve*cos2 + np.sqrt(deltaon4[ind]) # Only keep solution going outward sphere # scaPMem = scaPCem + rcurve >= 0 ind1 = (sol1 >= -rcurve) ind2 = (sol2 >= -rcurve) sol1 = sol1[ind1] sol2 = sol2[ind2] if grid is True: indn = ind.nonzero() ind1 = [indn[0][ind1], indn[1][ind1]] ind2 = [indn[0][ind2], indn[1][ind2]] scaPCem[ind1[0], ind1[1], 0] = sol1 scaPCem[ind2[0], ind2[1], 1] = sol2 else: indn = ind.nonzero()[0] scaPCem[indn[ind1], 0] = sol1 scaPCem[indn[ind2], 1] = sol2 ind = ~np.isnan(scaPCem) # Get equation on PCem # CM = rcurve * (sin(dtheta)e2 + cos(dtheta)(cos(psi)nout + sin(psi)e1)) # PC.eM = scaPCem, thus introducing Z = PC.e2, Y = PC.e1, X = PC.nout # Xcos(dtheta)cos(psi) + Ycos(dtheta)sin(psi) + Zsin(dtheta) = scaPCem # dtheta is specified, psi is deduced X = np.sum(PC*nout[:, None], axis=0) Y = np.sum(PC*e1[:, None], axis=0) Z = np.sum(PC*e2[:, None], axis=0) if grid is True: scaPCem = np.repeat(scaPCem[:, :, None, :], ndtheta, axis=2) else: scaPCem = np.repeat(scaPCem[:, None, :], ndtheta, axis=1) # broadcast and specify dtheta ind = ~np.isnan(scaPCem) if grid is True: XYnorm = np.repeat( np.repeat( np.repeat( np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)[None, :], nlamb, axis=0, )[..., None], ndtheta, axis=-1, )[..., None], 2, axis=-1, )[ind] Z = np.repeat( np.repeat( np.repeat(Z[None, :], nlamb, axis=0)[..., None], ndtheta, axis=-1, )[..., None], 2, axis=-1, )[ind] # Define angextra to get # sin(psi + angextra) = (scaPCem - Z*sin(theta)) / (XYnorm*cos(theta)) angextra[ind] = np.repeat( np.repeat( np.repeat(np.arctan2(X, Y)[None, :], nlamb, axis=0)[..., None], ndtheta, axis=-1)[..., None], 2, axis=-1)[ind] dtheta[ind] = np.repeat( np.repeat( np.repeat( extenthalf[1]*np.linspace(-1, 1, ndtheta)[:, None], 2, axis=1)[None, ...], npts, axis=0)[None, ...], nlamb, axis=0)[ind] else: XYnorm = np.repeat( np.repeat(np.sqrt(X**2+Y**2)[:, None], ndtheta, axis=1)[..., None], 2, axis=-1, )[ind] Z = np.repeat( np.repeat(Z[:, None], ndtheta, axis=1)[..., None], 2, axis=-1, )[ind] angextra[ind] = np.repeat( np.repeat(np.arctan2(X, Y)[:, None], ndtheta, axis=-1)[..., None], 2, axis=-1, )[ind] dtheta[ind] = np.repeat( np.repeat( extenthalf[1]*np.linspace(-1, 1, ndtheta)[:, None], 2, axis=1, )[None, ...], npts, axis=0, )[ind] num[ind] = ( (scaPCem[ind] - Z*np.sin(dtheta[ind])) / (XYnorm*np.cos(dtheta[ind])) ) ind[ind] = np.abs(num[ind]) <= 1. psi[ind] = np.arcsin(num[ind]) - angextra[ind] ind[ind] = np.abs(psi[ind]) <= extenthalf[0] psi[~ind] = np.nan dtheta[~ind] = np.nan if np.any(np.sum(ind, axis=-1) == 2): msg = ( "\nDouble solutions found for {} / {} points!".format( np.sum(np.sum(ind, axis=-1) == 2),[:-1]), ) ) warnings.warn(msg) return dtheta, psi, ind, grid