Source code for tofu.geom._comp

This module is the computational part of the geometrical module of ToFu

# Built-in
import os
import warnings
from xml.dom import minidom

# Common
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as scpinterp
import scipy.integrate as scpintg
from inspect import signature as insp

# ToFu-specific
    import tofu.geom._def as _def
    import tofu.geom._GG as _GG
except Exception:
    from . import _def as _def
    from . import _GG as _GG

_LTYPES = [int, float, np.int_, np.float_]
_RES = 0.1

#                            Default parameters

    'edge': 0.02,
    'cross': 0.1,
    'surface': 0.1,
    'volume': 0.1,
    'edge': 'abs',
    'cross': 'abs',
    'surface': 'abs',
    'volume': 'abs',

[docs]def _check_float(var=None, varname=None, vardef=None): if var is None: var = vardef if not type(var) in _LTYPES: msg = ( "Arg {} must be a float!\n".format(varname) + "Provided: {}".format(type(var)) ) raise Exception(msg) return var
############################################################################### # Ves functions ############################################################################### # ============================================================================== # Interfacing functions # ==============================================================================
[docs]def _get_pts_from_path_svg( path_str=None, res=None, ): # Check inputs res = _check_float(var=res, varname='res', vardef=_RES) # try loading try: from svg.path import parse_path except Exception as err: msg = ( str(err) + "\n\nYou do not seem to have svg.path installed\n" + "It is an optional dependency only used for this method\n" + "To use from_svg(), please install svg.path using:\n" + "\tpip install svg.path" ) raise Exception(msg) lpath = parse_path(path_str) lpath._calc_lengths() fract = lpath._fractions pos = [] for ii, pat in enumerate(lpath): if pat.__class__.__name__ == 'Line': pos.append(np.r_[fract[ii]]) elif pat.__class__.__name__ == 'Move': pos.append(np.r_[fract[ii]]) elif pat.__class__.__name__ == 'Close': pos.append(np.r_[fract[ii]]) else: npts = int(np.ceil(pat.length() / res)) pos.append( np.linspace(fract[ii], fract[ii+1], npts, endpoint=False) ) pos = np.unique(np.concatenate(pos)) ind1 = np.abs(pos-1.) < 1e-14 if np.sum(ind1) == 1: pos[ind1] = 1. elif np.sum(ind1) > 1: msg = "Several 1!" raise Exception(msg) pts = np.array([lpath.point(po) for po in pos]) pts = np.array([pts.real, pts.imag]) # Check for reference line isref = False if 'z' not in path_str.lower(): if pts.shape[1] == 2: isref = True else: msg = ( "Non-conform path ({}) identified!\n" + "All path must be either:\n" + "\t- closed\n" + "\t- or a unique straight line with 2 points\n" ) raise Exception(msg) return pts, isref
[docs]def get_paths_from_svg( pfe=None, res=None, r0=None, z0=None, point_ref1=None, point_ref2=None, length_ref=None, scale=None, verb=None, ): # check input c0 = isinstance(pfe, str) and os.path.isfile(pfe) and pfe.endswith('.svg') if not c0: msg = ( "Arg pfe should be a path to a valid .svg file!\n" + "Provided:\n\t{}".format(pfe) ) raise Exception(msg) pfe = os.path.abspath(pfe) # r0, z0, scale z0 = _check_float(var=z0, varname='z0', vardef=0.) r0 = _check_float(var=r0, varname='r0', vardef=0.) scale = _check_float(var=scale, varname='scale', vardef=1.) # verb if verb is None: verb = True if not isinstance(verb, bool): msg = ( "Arg verb must be a bool!\n" + "Provided:\n\t{}".format(verb) ) raise Exception(msg) # Predefine useful var doc = minidom.parse(pfe) # Try extract raw data try: dpath = { path.getAttribute('id').replace('\n', '').replace('""', ''): { 'poly': path.getAttribute('d'), 'color': path.getAttribute('style') } for path in doc.getElementsByTagName('path') } except Exception as err: msg = ( "Could not extract path coordinates from {}".format(pfe) ) raise Exception(msg) # Derive usable data kstr = 'fill:' lk = list(dpath.keys()) ref = None for ii, k0 in enumerate(lk): v0 = dpath[k0] poly, isref = _get_pts_from_path_svg(v0['poly'], res=res) if isref is True: ref = poly del dpath[k0] continue dpath[k0]['poly'] = poly # class and color color = v0['color'][v0['color'].index(kstr) + len(kstr):].split(';')[0] if color == 'none': dpath[k0]['cls'] = 'Ves' color = None else: dpath[k0]['cls'] = 'PFC' dpath[k0]['color'] = color # Check for negative r lkneg = [k0 for k0, v0 in dpath.items() if np.any(v0['poly'][0, :] <= 0.)] if len(lkneg) > 0.: lstr = ['\t- {}'.format(k0) for k0 in lkneg] msg = ( "With the chosen r0 ({}) some structure have negative r values\n" + "This is impossible in a toroidal coordinate system\n" + " => the following structures are removed:\n" + "\n".join(lstr) ) if len(lkneg) == len(dpath): raise Exception(msg) else: warnings.warn(msg) dpath = {k0: dpath[k0] for k0 in dpath.keys() if k0 not in lkneg} # Set origin and rescale if ref is not None: lc = [ point_ref1 is not None and point_ref2 is not None, point_ref1 is not None and length_ref is not None, ] if not any(lc): msg = ( "Arg reference line for scaling has been detected!\n" + "But it cannot be used without providing:\n" + "\t- point_ref1 + point_ref2: iterables of len() = 2\n" + "\t- point_Ref1 + length_ref: iterable len() = 2 + scalar\n" ) warnings.warn(msg) else: unit = np.diff(ref, axis=1) unit = unit / np.linalg.norm(unit) unit = np.array([[unit[0, 0]], [-unit[1, 0]]]) if not lc[0]: point_ref2 = np.array(point_ref1)[:, None] + length_ref*unit # if horizontal (resp. vertical line) => coef = inf # => assume equal scale for r and z instead to avoid inf eps = 1.e-8 if np.abs(unit[0, 0]) > eps: r_coef = ( (point_ref2[0]-point_ref1[0]) / (ref[0, 1] - ref[0, 0]) ) if np.abs(unit[1, 0]) > eps: z_coef = ( (point_ref2[1]-point_ref1[1]) / (ref[1, 1] - ref[1, 0]) ) if np.abs(unit[0, 0]) < eps: # vertical line => assume rscale = zscale r_coef = -z_coef if np.abs(unit[1, 0]) < eps: # horizontal line => assume rscale = zscale z_coef = -r_coef r_offset = point_ref1[0] - r_coef*ref[0, 0] z_offset = point_ref1[1] - z_coef*ref[1, 0] for k0 in dpath.keys(): dpath[k0]['poly'] = np.array([ r_coef*dpath[k0]['poly'][0, :] + r_offset, z_coef*dpath[k0]['poly'][1, :] + z_offset, ]) else: for k0 in dpath.keys(): dpath[k0]['poly'] = np.array([ scale*(dpath[k0]['poly'][0, :] - r0), scale*(-dpath[k0]['poly'][1, :] - z0), ]) # verb if verb is True: lVes = sorted([k0 for k0, v0 in dpath.items() if v0['cls'] == 'Ves']) lPFC = sorted([k0 for k0, v0 in dpath.items() if v0['cls'] == 'PFC']) lobj = [ '\t- {}: {} ({} pts, {})'.format( dpath[k0]['cls'], k0, dpath[k0]['poly'].shape[1], dpath[k0]['color'], ) for k0 in lVes + lPFC ] msg = ( "The following structures were loaded:\n".format(pfe) + "\n".join(lobj) + "\nfrom {}".format(pfe) ) print(msg) return dpath
# ============================================================================== # = Ves sub-functions # ==============================================================================
[docs]def _Struct_set_Poly( Poly, pos=None, extent=None, arrayorder="C", Type="Tor", Clock=False ): """ Compute geometrical attributes of a Struct object """ # Make Poly closed, counter-clockwise, with '(cc,N)' layout and arrayorder try: Poly = _GG.format_poly(Poly, order="C", Clock=False, close=True, Test=True) except Exception as excp: print(excp) assert Poly.shape[0] == 2, "Arg Poly must be a 2D polygon !" fPfmt = np.ascontiguousarray if arrayorder == "C" else np.asfortranarray # Get all remarkable points and moments NP = Poly.shape[1] - 1 P1Max = Poly[:, np.argmax(Poly[0, :])] P1Min = Poly[:, np.argmin(Poly[0, :])] P2Max = Poly[:, np.argmax(Poly[1, :])] P2Min = Poly[:, np.argmin(Poly[1, :])] BaryP = np.sum(Poly[:, :-1], axis=1, keepdims=False) / (Poly.shape[1] - 1) BaryL = np.array( [(P1Max[0] + P1Min[0]) / 2.0, (P2Max[1] + P2Min[1]) / 2.0] ) BaryS, Surf = _GG.poly_area_and_barycenter(Poly, NP) # Get lim-related indicators noccur = int(pos.size) Multi = noccur > 1 # Get Tor-related quantities if Type.lower() == "lin": Vol, BaryV = None, None else: Vol, BaryV = _GG.Poly_VolAngTor(Poly) if Vol <= 0.0: msg = ("Pb. with volume computation for Struct of type 'Tor' !\n" + "\t- Vol = {}\n".format(Vol) + "\t- Poly = {}\n\n".format(str(Poly)) + " => Probably corrupted polygon\n" + " => Please check polygon is not self-intersecting") raise Exception(msg) # Compute the non-normalized vector of each side of the Poly Vect = np.diff(Poly, n=1, axis=1) Vect = fPfmt(Vect) # Compute the normalised vectors directed inwards Vin = np.array([Vect[1, :], -Vect[0, :]]) Vin = -Vin # Poly is Counter Clock-wise as defined above Vin = Vin / np.hypot(Vin[0, :], Vin[1, :])[np.newaxis, :] Vin = fPfmt(Vin) poly = _GG.format_poly( Poly, order=arrayorder, Clock=Clock, close=False, Test=True, ) # Get bounding circle circC = BaryS r = np.sqrt(np.sum((poly - circC[:, np.newaxis]) ** 2, axis=0)) circr = np.max(r) dout = { "Poly": poly, "pos": pos, "extent": extent, "noccur": noccur, "Multi": Multi, "nP": NP, "P1Max": P1Max, "P1Min": P1Min, "P2Max": P2Max, "P2Min": P2Min, "BaryP": BaryP, "BaryL": BaryL, "BaryS": BaryS, "BaryV": BaryV, "Surf": Surf, "VolAng": Vol, "Vect": Vect, "VIn": Vin, "circ-C": circC, "circ-r": circr, "Clock": Clock, } return dout
[docs]def _Ves_get_InsideConvexPoly( Poly, P2Min, P2Max, BaryS, RelOff=_def.TorRelOff, ZLim="Def", Spline=True, Splprms=_def.TorSplprms, NP=_def.TorInsideNP, Plot=False, Test=True, ): if Test: assert type(RelOff) is float, "Arg RelOff must be a float" assert ( ZLim is None or ZLim == "Def" or type(ZLim) in [tuple, list] ), "Arg ZLim must be a tuple (ZlimMin, ZLimMax)" assert type(Spline) is bool, "Arg Spline must be a bool !" if ZLim is not None: if ZLim == "Def": ZLim = ( P2Min[1] + 0.1 * (P2Max[1] - P2Min[1]), P2Max[1] - 0.05 * (P2Max[1] - P2Min[1]), ) indZLim = (Poly[1, :] < ZLim[0]) | (Poly[1, :] > ZLim[1]) if Poly.shape[1] - indZLim.sum() < 10: msg = "Poly seems to be Convex and simple enough !" msg += "\n Poly.shape[1] - indZLim.sum() < 10" warnings.warn(msg) return Poly Poly = np.delete(Poly, indZLim.nonzero()[0], axis=1) if np.all(Poly[:, 0] == Poly[:, -1]): Poly = Poly[:, :-1] Np = Poly.shape[1] if Spline: BarySbis = np.tile(BaryS, (Np, 1)).T Ptemp = (1.0 - RelOff) * (Poly - BarySbis) # Poly = BarySbis + Ptemp Ang = np.arctan2(Ptemp[1, :], Ptemp[0, :]) Ang, ind = np.unique(Ang, return_index=True) Ptemp = Ptemp[:, ind] # spline parameters ww = Splprms[0] * np.ones((Np + 1,)) ss = Splprms[1] * (Np + 1) # smoothness parameter kk = Splprms[2] # spline order nest = int( (Np + 1) / 2.0 ) # estimate of number of knots needed (-1 = maximal) # Find the knot points # TODO @DV : we can probably get rid of this # tckp,uu = scpinterp.splprep([np.append(Ptemp[0,:],Ptemp[0,0]), # np.append(Ptemp[1,:],Ptemp[1,0]),np.append(Ang,Ang[0]+2.*np.pi)], # w=ww, s=ss, k=kk, nest=nest) tckp, uu = scpinterp.splprep( [ np.append(Ptemp[0, :], Ptemp[0, 0]), np.append(Ptemp[1, :], Ptemp[1, 0]), ], u=np.append(Ang, Ang[0] + 2.0 * np.pi), w=ww, s=ss, k=kk, nest=nest, full_output=0, ) xnew, ynew = scpinterp.splev(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, NP), tckp) Poly = np.array([xnew + BaryS[0], ynew + BaryS[1]]) Poly = np.concatenate((Poly, Poly[:, 0:1]), axis=1) if Plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f = plt.figure(facecolor="w", figsize=(8, 10)) ax = f.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) ax.plot(Poly[0, :], Poly[1, :], "-k", Poly[0, :], Poly[1, :], "-r") ax.set_aspect(aspect="equal", adjustable="datalim"), ax.set_xlabel( r"R (m)" ), ax.set_ylabel(r"Z (m)") f.canvas.draw() return Poly
# ============================================================================== # = Ves sampling functions # ==============================================================================
[docs]def _Ves_get_sample_checkinputs( res=None, domain=None, resMode=None, ind=None, which='volume' ): """ Check inputs for all sampling routines """ # res dres = {'edge': 1, 'cross': 2, 'surface': 2, 'volume': 3} if res is None: res = _SAMPLE_RES[which] ltypes = [int, float, np.int_, np.float_] c0 = (type(res) in ltypes or (hasattr(res, "__iter__") and len(res) == dres[which] and all([type(ds) in ltypes for ds in res]))) if not c0: msg = ("Arg res must be either:\n" + "\t- float: unique resolution for all directions\n" + "\t- iterable of {} floats\n".format(dres[which]) + " You provided:\n{}".format(res)) raise Exception(msg) if type(res) in ltypes: if which != 'edge': res = [float(res) for ii in range(dres[which])] else: if which == 'edge': msg = ("For edge, res cannot be an iterable!\n" + "\t- res: {}".format(res)) raise Exception(msg) res = [float(res[ii]) for ii in range(dres[which])] # domain (i.e.: sub-domain to be sampled, defined by its limits) ddomain = {'edge': 2, 'cross': 2, 'surface': 3, 'volume': 3} if domain is None: domain = [None for ii in range(ddomain[which])] c0 = (hasattr(domain, "__iter__") and len(domain) == ddomain[which] and all([dd is None or (hasattr(dd, "__iter__") and len(dd) == 2 and all([ss is None or type(ss) in ltypes for ss in dd])) for dd in domain])) if not c0: msg = ("Arg domain must be a len()={} iterable".format(ddomain[which]) + " where each element can be:\n" + "\t- an iterable 2 floats: [lower, upper] bounds\n" + "\t- None: no bounds\n" + " You provided:\n{}".format(domain)) raise Exception(msg) for ii in range(len(domain)): if domain[ii] is not None: domain[ii] = [float(domain[ii][0]) if domain[ii][0] is not None else None, float(domain[ii][1]) if domain[ii][1] is not None else None] # resMode if resMode is None: resMode = _SAMPLE_RESMODE[which] c0 = isinstance(resMode, str) and resMode.lower() in ["abs", "rel"] if not c0: msg = ("Arg resMode must be in ['abs','rel']!\n" + " You provided:\n{}".format(resMode)) raise Exception(msg) resMode = resMode.lower() # ind (indices of points to be recovered) c0 = (ind is None or (isinstance(ind, np.ndarray) and ind.ndim == 1 and ind.dtype == np.int_ and np.all(ind >= 0)) or (which == 'surface' and isinstance(ind, list) and all([isinstance(indi, np.ndarray) and indi.ndim == 1 and indi.dtype == np.int_ and np.all(indi >= 0) for indi in ind]))) if not c0: msg = ("Arg ind must be either:\n" + "\t- None: domain is used instead\n" + "\t- 1d np.ndarray of positive int: indices\n") if which == 'surface': msg += "\t- list of 1d np.ndarray of positive indices\n" msg += " You provided:\n{}".format(ind) raise Exception(msg) return res, domain, resMode, ind
[docs]def _Ves_get_sampleEdge( VPoly, res=None, domain=None, resMode=None, offsetIn=0.0, VIn=None, margin=1.0e-9 ): # ------------- # Check inputs # standard res, domain, resMode, ind = _Ves_get_sample_checkinputs( res=res, domain=domain, resMode=resMode, ind=None, which='edge', ) # specific ltypes = [int, float, np.int_, np.float_] assert type(offsetIn) in ltypes # ------------- # Compute Pts, reseff, ind, N, Rref, VPolybis = _GG.discretize_vpoly( VPoly, float(res), mode=resMode, D1=domain[0], D2=domain[1], margin=margin, DIn=float(offsetIn), VIn=VIn, ) return Pts, reseff, ind
[docs]def _Ves_get_sampleCross( VPoly, Min1, Max1, Min2, Max2, res=None, domain=None, resMode=None, ind=None, margin=1.0e-9, mode="flat", ): # ------------- # Check inputs # standard res, domain, resMode, ind = _Ves_get_sample_checkinputs( res=res, domain=domain, resMode=resMode, ind=ind, which='cross', ) # specific assert mode in ["flat", "imshow"] # ------------- # Compute MinMax1 = np.array([Min1, Max1]) MinMax2 = np.array([Min2, Max2]) if ind is None: if mode == "flat": Pts, dS, ind, d1r, d2r = _GG.discretize_segment2d( MinMax1, MinMax2, res[0], res[1], D1=domain[0], D2=domain[1], mode=resMode, VPoly=VPoly, margin=margin, ) out = (Pts, dS, ind, (d1r, d2r)) else: x1, d1r, ind1, N1 = _GG._Ves_mesh_dlfromL_cython( MinMax1, res[0], domain[0], Lim=True, dLMode=resMode, margin=margin ) x2, d2r, ind2, N2 = _GG._Ves_mesh_dlfromL_cython( MinMax2, res[1], domain[1], Lim=True, dLMode=resMode, margin=margin ) xx1, xx2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x2) pts = np.squeeze([xx1, xx2]) extent = ( x1[0] - d1r / 2.0, x1[-1] + d1r / 2.0, x2[0] - d2r / 2.0, x2[-1] + d2r / 2.0, ) out = (pts, x1, x2, extent) else: assert mode == "flat" c0 = type(ind) is np.ndarray and ind.ndim == 1 c0 = c0 and ind.dtype in ["int32", "int64"] and np.all(ind >= 0) assert c0, "Arg ind must be a np.ndarray of int !" Pts, dS, d1r, d2r = _GG._Ves_meshCross_FromInd( MinMax1, MinMax2, res[0], res[1], ind, dSMode=resMode, margin=margin, ) out = (Pts, dS, ind, (d1r, d2r)) return out
[docs]def _Ves_get_sampleS( VPoly, res=None, domain=None, resMode="abs", ind=None, offsetIn=0.0, VIn=None, VType="Tor", VLim=None, nVLim=None, returnas="(X,Y,Z)", margin=1.0e-9, Multi=False, Ind=None, ): """ Sample the surface """ # ------------- # Check inputs # standard res, domain, resMode, ind = _Ves_get_sample_checkinputs( res=res, domain=domain, resMode=resMode, ind=ind, which='surface', ) # nVLim and VLim if not (type(nVLim) in [int, np.int_] and nVLim >= 0): msg = ("Arg nVLim must be a positive int\\n" + " You provided:\n{} ({})".format(nVLim, type(nVLim))) raise Exception(msg) VLim = None if (VLim is None or nVLim == 0) else np.array(VLim) if not isinstance(Multi, bool): msg = ("Arg Multi must be a bool!\n" + " You provided:\n{}".format(Multi)) raise Exception(msg) # Check if Multi if nVLim > 1: assert VLim is not None, "For multiple Struct, Lim cannot be None !" assert all([hasattr(ll, "__iter__") and len(ll) == 2 for ll in VLim]) if Ind is None: Ind = np.arange(0, nVLim) else: Ind = [Ind] if not hasattr(Ind, "__iter__") else Ind Ind = np.asarray(Ind).astype(int) if ind is not None: if isinstance(ind, np.ndarray): ind = [ind for ii in range(len(Ind))] elif not (isinstance(ind, list) and len(ind) == len(Ind)): msg = ("Arg ind must be a list of same len() as Ind!\n" + "\t- provided: {}".format(ind)) raise Exception(msg) else: VLim = [None] if VLim is None else [VLim.ravel()] if ind is not None: if not isinstance(ind, np.ndarray): msg = ("ind must be a np.ndarray if nVLim == 1\n" + "\t- provided: {}".format(ind)) raise Exception(msg) Ind = [0] if ind is None: pts, dS, ind, reseff = ( [0 for ii in Ind], [0 for ii in Ind], [0 for ii in Ind], [[0, 0] for ii in Ind], ) if VType.lower() == "tor": for ii in range(0, len(Ind)): if VLim[Ind[ii]] is None: (pts[ii], dS[ii], ind[ii], NL, reseff[ii][0], Rref, reseff[ii][1], nRPhi0, VPbis) = _GG._Ves_Smesh_Tor_SubFromD_cython( res[0], res[1], VPoly, DR=domain[0], DZ=domain[1], DPhi=domain[2], DIn=offsetIn, VIn=VIn, PhiMinMax=None, Out=returnas, margin=margin, ) else: (pts[ii], dS[ii], ind[ii], NL, reseff[ii][0], Rref, dR0r, dZ0r, reseff[ii][1], VPbis) = _GG._Ves_Smesh_TorStruct_SubFromD_cython( VLim[Ind[ii]], res[0], res[1], VPoly, DR=domain[0], DZ=domain[1], DPhi=domain[2], DIn=offsetIn, VIn=VIn, Out=returnas, margin=margin, ) reseff[ii] += [dR0r, dZ0r] else: for ii in range(0, len(Ind)): (pts[ii], dS[ii], ind[ii], NL, reseff[ii][0], Rref, reseff[ii][1], dY0r, dZ0r, VPbis) = _GG._Ves_Smesh_Lin_SubFromD_cython( VLim[Ind[ii]], res[0], res[1], VPoly, DX=domain[0], DY=domain[1], DZ=domain[2], DIn=offsetIn, VIn=VIn, margin=margin, ) reseff[ii] += [dY0r, dZ0r] else: ind = ind if Multi else [ind] pts, dS, reseff = ( [np.ones((3, 0)) for ii in Ind], [0 for ii in Ind], [[0, 0] for ii in Ind], ) if VType.lower() == "tor": for ii in range(0, len(Ind)): if ind[Ind[ii]].size > 0: if VLim[Ind[ii]] is None: out_loc = _GG._Ves_Smesh_Tor_SubFromInd_cython( res[0], res[1], VPoly, ind[Ind[ii]], DIn=offsetIn, VIn=VIn, PhiMinMax=None, Out=returnas, margin=margin, ) pts[ii], dS[ii], NL, reseff[ii][0], Rref = out_loc[:5] reseff[ii][1], nRPhi0, VPbis = out_loc[5:] else: out_loc = _GG._Ves_Smesh_TorStruct_SubFromInd_cython( VLim[Ind[ii]], res[0], res[1], VPoly, ind[Ind[ii]], DIn=offsetIn, VIn=VIn, Out=returnas, margin=margin, ) pts[ii], dS[ii], NL, reseff[ii][0], Rref = out_loc[:5] dR0r, dZ0r, reseff[ii][1], VPbis = out_loc[5:] reseff[ii] += [dR0r, dZ0r] else: for ii in range(0, len(Ind)): if ind[Ind[ii]].size > 0: out_loc = _GG._Ves_Smesh_Lin_SubFromInd_cython( VLim[Ind[ii]], res[0], res[1], VPoly, ind[Ind[ii]], DIn=offsetIn, VIn=VIn, margin=margin, ) pts[ii], dS[ii], NL, reseff[ii][0], Rref = out_loc[:5] reseff[ii][1], dY0r, dZ0r, VPbis = out_loc[5:] reseff[ii] += [dY0r, dZ0r] if len(VLim) == 1: pts, dS, ind, reseff = pts[0], dS[0], ind[0], reseff[0] return pts, dS, ind, reseff
[docs]def _Ves_get_sampleV( VPoly, Min1, Max1, Min2, Max2, res=None, domain=None, resMode=None, ind=None, VType="Tor", VLim=None, returnas="(X,Y,Z)", margin=1.0e-9, algo="new", num_threads=48, ): """ Sample the volume """ # ------------- # Check inputs res, domain, resMode, ind = _Ves_get_sample_checkinputs( res=res, domain=domain, resMode=resMode, ind=ind, which='volume', ) # ------------ # Computation MinMax1 = np.array([Min1, Max1]) MinMax2 = np.array([Min2, Max2]) VLim = None if VType.lower() == "tor" else np.array(VLim).ravel() reseff = [None, None, None] if ind is None: if VType.lower() == "tor": if algo.lower() == "new": (pts, dV, ind, reseff[0], reseff[1], reseff[2], sz_r, sz_z, ) = _GG._Ves_Vmesh_Tor_SubFromD_cython( res[0], res[1], res[2], MinMax1, MinMax2, DR=domain[0], DZ=domain[1], DPhi=domain[2], limit_vpoly=VPoly, out_format=returnas, margin=margin, num_threads=num_threads, ) else: (pts, dV, ind, reseff[0], reseff[1], reseff[2]) = _GG._Ves_Vmesh_Tor_SubFromD_cython_old( res[0], res[1], res[2], MinMax1, MinMax2, DR=domain[0], DZ=domain[1], DPhi=domain[2], VPoly=VPoly, Out=returnas, margin=margin, ) else: (pts, dV, ind, reseff[0], reseff[1], reseff[2]) = _GG._Ves_Vmesh_Lin_SubFromD_cython( res[0], res[1], res[2], VLim, MinMax1, MinMax2, DX=domain[0], DY=domain[1], DZ=domain[2], limit_vpoly=VPoly, margin=margin, ) else: if VType.lower() == "tor": if algo.lower() == "new": (pts, dV, reseff[0], reseff[1], reseff[2]) = _GG._Ves_Vmesh_Tor_SubFromInd_cython( res[0], res[1], res[2], MinMax1, MinMax2, ind, Out=returnas, margin=margin, num_threads=num_threads, ) else: (pts, dV, reseff[0], reseff[1], reseff[2]) = _GG._Ves_Vmesh_Tor_SubFromInd_cython_old( res[0], res[1], res[2], MinMax1, MinMax2, ind, Out=returnas, margin=margin, ) else: (pts, dV, reseff[0], reseff[1], reseff[2]) = _GG._Ves_Vmesh_Lin_SubFromInd_cython( res[0], res[1], res[2], VLim, MinMax1, MinMax2, ind, margin=margin ) return pts, dV, ind, reseff
# ============================================================================== # = phi / theta projections for magfieldlines # ==============================================================================
[docs]def _Struct_get_phithetaproj(ax=None, poly_closed=None, lim=None, noccur=0): # phi = toroidal angle if noccur == 0: Dphi = np.array([[-np.pi, np.pi]]) nphi = np.r_[1] else: assert lim.ndim == 2, str(lim) nphi = np.ones((noccur,), dtype=int) ind = (lim[:, 0] > lim[:, 1]).nonzero()[0] Dphi = np.concatenate((lim, np.full((noccur, 2), np.nan)), axis=1) if ind.size > 0: for ii in ind: Dphi[ii, :] = [lim[ii, 0], np.pi, -np.pi, lim[ii, 1]] nphi[ii] = 2 # theta = poloidal angle Dtheta = np.arctan2(poly_closed[1, :] - ax[1], poly_closed[0, :] - ax[0]) Dtheta = np.r_[np.min(Dtheta), np.max(Dtheta)] if Dtheta[0] > Dtheta[1]: ntheta = 2 Dtheta = [Dtheta[0], np.pi, -np.pi, Dtheta[1]] else: ntheta = 1 return nphi, Dphi, ntheta, Dtheta
[docs]def _get_phithetaproj_dist( poly_closed, ax, Dtheta, nDtheta, Dphi, nDphi, theta, phi, ntheta, nphi, noccur, ): if nDtheta == 1: ind = (theta >= Dtheta[0]) & (theta <= Dtheta[1]) else: ind = (theta >= Dtheta[0]) | (theta <= Dtheta[1]) disttheta = np.full((theta.size,), np.nan) # phi within Dphi if noccur > 0: indphi = np.zeros((nphi,), dtype=bool) for ii in range(0, noccur): for jj in range(0, nDphi[ii]): indphi |= (phi >= Dphi[ii, jj]) & (phi <= Dphi[ii, jj + 1]) if not np.any(indphi): return disttheta, indphi else: indphi = np.ones((nphi,), dtype=bool) # No theta within Dtheta if not np.any(ind): return disttheta, indphi # Check for non-parallel AB / u pairs u = np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)]) AB = np.diff(poly_closed, axis=1) detABu = AB[0, :, None] * u[1, None, :] - AB[1, :, None] * u[0, None, :] inddet = ind[None, :] & (np.abs(detABu) > 1.0e-9) if not np.any(inddet): return disttheta, indphi nseg = poly_closed.shape[1] - 1 k = np.full((nseg, ntheta), np.nan) OA = poly_closed[:, :-1] - ax[:, None] detOAu = (OA[0, :, None] * u[1, None, :] - OA[1, :, None] * u[0, None, :])[ inddet ] ss = -detOAu / detABu[inddet] inds = (ss >= 0.0) & (ss < 1.0) inddet[inddet] = inds if not np.any(inds): return disttheta, indphi scaOAu = (OA[0, :, None] * u[0, None, :] + OA[1, :, None] * u[1, None, :])[ inddet ] scaABu = (AB[0, :, None] * u[0, None, :] + AB[1, :, None] * u[1, None, :])[ inddet ] k[inddet] = scaOAu + ss[inds] * scaABu indk = k[inddet] > 0.0 inddet[inddet] = indk if not np.any(indk): return disttheta, indphi k[~inddet] = np.nan indok = np.any(inddet, axis=0) disttheta[indok] = np.nanmin(k[:, indok], axis=0) return disttheta, indphi
# ============================================================================== # = LOS functions # ==============================================================================
[docs]def LOS_PRMin(Ds, us, kOut=None, Eps=1.0e-12, squeeze=True, Test=True): """ Compute the point on the LOS where the major radius is minimum """ if Test: assert Ds.ndim in [1, 2, 3] and 3 in Ds.shape and Ds.shape == us.shape if kOut is not None: kOut = np.atleast_1d(kOut) assert kOut.size == Ds.size / 3 if Ds.ndim == 1: Ds, us = Ds[:, None, None], us[:, None, None] elif Ds.ndim == 2: Ds, us = Ds[:, :, None], us[:, :, None] if kOut is not None: if kOut.ndim == 1: kOut = kOut[:, None] _, nlos, nref = Ds.shape kRMin = np.full((nlos, nref), np.nan) uparN = np.sqrt(us[0, :, :] ** 2 + us[1, :, :] ** 2) # Case with u vertical ind = uparN > Eps kRMin[~ind] = 0.0 # Else kRMin[ind] = ( -(us[0, ind] * Ds[0, ind] + us[1, ind] * Ds[1, ind]) / uparN[ind] ** 2 ) # Check kRMin[kRMin <= 0.0] = 0.0 if kOut is not None: kRMin[kRMin > kOut] = kOut[kRMin > kOut] # squeeze if squeeze: if nref == 1 and nlos == 11: kRMin = kRMin[0, 0] elif nref == 1: kRMin = kRMin[:, 0] elif nlos == 1: kRMin = kRMin[0, :] return kRMin
[docs]def LOS_CrossProj( VType, Ds, us, kOuts, proj="All", multi=False, num_threads=16, return_pts=False, Test=True, ): """ Compute the parameters to plot the poloidal projection of the LOS """ assert type(VType) is str and VType.lower() in ["tor", "lin"] dproj = { "cross": ("R", "Z"), "hor": ("x,y"), "all": ("R", "Z", "x", "y"), "3d": ("x", "y", "z"), } assert type(proj) in [str, tuple] if type(proj) is tuple: assert all([type(pp) is str for pp in proj]) lcoords = proj else: proj = proj.lower() assert proj in dproj.keys() lcoords = dproj[proj] if return_pts: assert proj in ["cross", "hor", "3d"] lc = [Ds.ndim == 3, Ds.shape == us.shape] if not all(lc): msg = "Ds and us must have the same shape and dim in [2,3]:\n" msg += " - provided Ds.shape: %s\n" % str(Ds.shape) msg += " - provided us.shape: %s" % str(us.shape) raise Exception(msg) lc = [kOuts.size == Ds.size / 3, kOuts.shape == Ds.shape[1:]] if not all(lc): msg = "kOuts must have the same shape and ndim = Ds.ndim-1:\n" msg += " - Ds.shape : %s\n" % str(Ds.shape) msg += " - kOutss.shape: %s" % str(kOuts.shape) raise Exception(msg) # Prepare inputs _, nlos, nseg = Ds.shape # Detailed sampling for 'tor' and ('cross' or 'all') R, Z = None, None if "R" in lcoords or "Z" in lcoords: angcross = np.arccos( np.sqrt(us[0, ...] ** 2 + us[1, ...] ** 2) / np.sqrt(np.sum(us ** 2, axis=0)) ) resnk = np.ceil(25.0 * (1 - (angcross / (np.pi / 4) - 1) ** 2) + 5) resnk = 1.0 / resnk.ravel() # Use optimized get sample DL = np.vstack((np.zeros((nlos * nseg,), dtype=float), kOuts.ravel())) k, reseff, lind = _GG.LOS_get_sample( nlos * nseg, resnk, DL, dmethod="rel", method="simps", num_threads=num_threads, Test=Test, ) assert lind.size == nseg * nlos - 1 ind = lind[nseg - 1 :: nseg] # noqa nbrep = np.r_[lind[0], np.diff(lind), k.size - lind[-1]] pts = np.repeat(Ds.reshape((3, nlos * nseg)), nbrep, axis=1) + k[ None, : ] * np.repeat(us.reshape((3, nlos * nseg)), nbrep, axis=1) if return_pts: pts = np.array([np.hypot(pts[0, :], pts[1, :]), pts[2, :]]) if multi: pts = np.split(pts, ind, axis=1) else: pts = np.insert(pts, ind, np.nan, axis=1) else: if multi: if "R" in lcoords: R = np.split(np.hypot(pts[0, :], pts[1, :]), ind) if "Z" in lcoords: Z = np.split(pts[2, :], ind) else: if "R" in lcoords: R = np.insert(np.hypot(pts[0, :], pts[1, :]), ind, np.nan) if "Z" in lcoords: Z = np.insert(pts[2, :], ind, np.nan) # Normal sampling => pts # unnecessary only if 'tor' and 'cross' x, y, z = None, None, None if "x" in lcoords or "y" in lcoords or "z" in lcoords: pts = np.concatenate( (Ds, Ds[:, :, -1:] + kOuts[None, :, -1:] * us[:, :, -1:]), axis=-1 ) if multi: ind = np.arange(1, nlos) * (nseg + 1) pts = pts.reshape((3, nlos * (nseg + 1))) else: nancoords = np.full((3, nlos, 1), np.nan) pts = np.concatenate((pts, nancoords), axis=-1) pts = pts.reshape((3, nlos * (nseg + 2))) if return_pts: assert proj in ["hor", "3d"] if multi: if proj == "hor": pts = np.split(pts[:2, :], ind, axis=1) else: pts = np.split(pts, ind, axis=1) elif proj == "hor": pts = pts[:2, :] else: if multi: if "x" in lcoords: x = np.split(pts[0, :], ind) if "y" in lcoords: y = np.split(pts[1, :], ind) if "z" in lcoords: z = np.split(pts[2, :], ind) else: if "x" in lcoords: x = pts[0, :] if "y" in lcoords: y = pts[1, :] if "z" in lcoords: z = pts[2, :] if return_pts: return pts else: return R, Z, x, y, z
# ============================================================================== # = Meshing & signal # ==============================================================================
[docs]def LOS_get_sample(D, u, dL, DL=None, dLMode="abs", method="sum", Test=True): """ Return the sampled line, with the specified method 'linspace': return the N+1 edges, including the first and last point 'sum' : return the N middle of the segments 'simps': return the N+1 egdes, where N has to be even (scipy.simpson requires an even number of intervals) 'romb' : return the N+1 edges, where N+1 = 2**k+1 (fed to scipy.romb for integration) """ if Test: assert all( [type(dd) is np.ndarray and dd.shape == (3,) for dd in [D, u]] ) assert not hasattr(dL, "__iter__") assert DL is None or all( [ hasattr(DL, "__iter__"), len(DL) == 2, all([not hasattr(dd, "__iter__") for dd in DL]), ] ) assert dLMode in ["abs", "rel"] assert type(method) is str and method in [ "linspace", "sum", "simps", "romb", ] # Compute the min number of intervals to satisfy the specified resolution N = ( int(np.ceil((DL[1] - DL[0]) / dL)) if dLMode == "abs" else int(np.ceil(1.0 / dL)) ) # Modify N according to the desired method if method == "simps": N = N if N % 2 == 0 else N + 1 elif method == "romb": N = 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log(N) / np.log(2.0))) # Derive k and dLr if method == "sum": dLr = (DL[1] - DL[0]) / N k = DL[0] + (0.5 + np.arange(0, N)) * dLr else: k, dLr = np.linspace( DL[0], DL[1], N + 1, endpoint=True, retstep=True, dtype=float ) Pts = D[:, np.newaxis] + k[np.newaxis, :] * u[:, np.newaxis] return Pts, k, dLr
[docs]def LOS_calc_signal( ff, D, u, dL, DL=None, dLMode="abs", method="romb", Test=True ): assert hasattr(ff, "__call__"), ( "Arg ff must be a callable (function) taking at least 1 positional ", "Pts (a (3,N) np.ndarray of cartesian (X,Y,Z) coordinates) !", ) assert not method == "linspace" Pts, k, dLr = LOS_get_sample( D, u, dL, DL=DL, dLMode=dLMode, method=method, Test=Test ) out = insp(ff) N = np.sum( [ ( pp.kind == pp.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD and pp.default is pp.empty ) for pp in out.parameters.values() ] ) if N == 1: Vals = ff(Pts) elif N == 2: Vals = ff(Pts, np.tile(-u, (Pts.shape[1], 1)).T) else: raise ValueError( "The function (ff) assessing the emissivity locally " + "must take a single positional argument: Pts a (3,N)" + " np.ndarray of (X,Y,Z) cartesian coordinates !" ) Vals[np.isnan(Vals)] = 0.0 if method == "sum": Int = np.sum(Vals) * dLr elif method == "simps": Int = scpintg.simps(Vals, x=None, dx=dLr) elif method == "romb": Int = scpintg.romb(Vals, dx=dLr, show=False) return Int