Source code for tofu.dust._core

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# ToFu-specific
import tofu.geom as tfg
    import tofu.dust._comp as _comp
    import tofu.dust._plot as _plot
except Exception:
    from . import _comp as _comp
    from . import _plot as _plot

[docs]class Dust(object): """ A generic Dust class to handle dust trajectories, radiative power balance... """ def __init__(self, Id=None, dmat=None, traj=None, VType='Tor', Ves=None, LStruct=None, res=None): # Initialize fields self._Id = None self._dmat = None self._traj = None self._geom = None self._res = None self._emiss = None self._direct = None if Id is not None: self._set_Id(Id) if dmat is not None: self.set_material_properties(dmat) if traj is not None: self.set_traj(traj) if Ves is not None: self.set_geom(Ves=Ves, LStruct=LStruct, res=res) @property def dmat(self): return self._dmat @property def traj(self): return self._traj @property def Ves(self): if self._geom is None: out = None else: out = self._geom['Ves'] return out @property def LStruct(self): if self._geom is None: out = None else: out = self._geom['LStruct'] return out @property def res(self): return self._res @property def emiss(self): return self._emiss @property def direct(self): return self._direct
[docs] def set_material_properties(self, dmat=None): assert dmat is None or type(dmat) is dict self._dmat = dmat
[docs] def set_traj(self, traj=None): C0 = traj is None C1 = type(traj) is dict C2 = hasattr(traj,'__iter__') assert C0 or C1 or C2 if C1: assert 'pts' in traj.keys() traj['pts'] = _check_trajpts(traj['pts']) if 't' in traj.keys(): traj['t'] = _check_trajt(traj['t'],traj['pts'].shape[0]) if C2: pts = _check_trajpts(traj) traj = {'pts':pts} traj['npts'] = traj['pts'].shape[0] self._traj = traj
[docs] def set_geom(self, Ves=None, LStruct=None, res=None): msg = "Arg Ves must be a tf.geom.Ves" assert Ves is None or isinstance(Ves,tfg.Ves), msg C0 = LStruct is None C1 = isinstance(LStruct,tfg.Struct) C2 = (type(LStruct) is list and all([isinstance(ss,tfg.Struct) for ss in LStruct])) msg = "" assert C0 or C1 or C2, msg assert Ves is not None or LStruct is None, "Ves must be provided !" LStruct = [LStruct] if isinstance(LStruct, tfg.Struct) else LStruct self._geom = {'Ves':Ves, 'LStruct':LStruct} self._sampleV = None if res is not None: self.set_sampleV(res)
[docs] def set_sampleV(self, res=None): #assert self._res = res
[docs] def set_emiss(self, emiss=None, t=None, Ani=None, axisym=True): ani = tfg._GG.check_ff(emiss, t=t, Ani=Ani, Vuniq=False) self._emiss = {'ff':emiss, 't':t, 'ani':ani, 'axisym':axisym}
[docs] def set_directproblem(self, pts=None, r=None, t=None): C0 = type(pts) is np.ndarray C1 = C0 and pts.ndim==2 and pts.shape[0]==3 C2 = C0 and pts.shape==(3,) msg = "pts must be a (3,) or (3,N) np.ndarray (X,Y,Z coordinates of N points)" assert C1 or C2, msg if C2: pts = pts.reshape((3,1)) nt = pts.shape[1] C0 = type(r) in [int, float, np.int64, np.float64] C1 = type(r) is np.ndarray and r.ndim==1 C2 = C1 and r.size>1 msg = "r must be a float or a 1D np.ndarray" assert C0 or C1, msg if C0: r = np.array([r],dtype=float) if r.size==1: r = np.tile(r,nt) assert r.size==nt, "r must be a (nt,) np.ndarray !" C0 = t is None or type(t) is np.ndarray and t.shape==(nt,) msg = "t must be None or a (N,) np.ndarray" assert C0, msg if t is None: t = np.arange(0,nt) self._direct = {'pts':pts, 'r':r, 't':t}
""" def calc_directproblem(self): msg = "set the direct problem before !" assert is not None, msg if self.emiss is None: msg = "emiss not set => only the solid angle will be computed !" warnings.warn(msg) out = _comp. lpolyCross, lpolyHor, gridCross, gridHor = out[:4] saCross, saHor, volIn, saIn = out[4:] else: #out = lpolyCross, lpolyHor, gridCross, gridHor = out[:4] saCross, saHor, volIn, saIn = out[4:8] contribCross, contribHor, powIn = out[8:] self._direct_sol = {'lpolyCross':lpolyCross, 'lpolyHor':lpolyHor, 'gridCross'} """
[docs] def plot(self): dax, KH = _plot.plot(self) return dax, KH
[docs]def _check_trajpts(pts): pts = np.asarray(pts).astype(float) assert pts.ndim in [1,2] if pts.ndim==1: assert pts.size==3 pts = pts.reshape((1,3)) assert 3 in pts.shape if not pts.shape[1]==3: pts = pts.T return pts
[docs]def _check_trajt(t, npts): t = np.asarray(t).astype(float) assert t.ndim==1 assert t.size==npts return t